riQK KIOsT THURMilT, DKCHMUKR 2, 1030. SPECIAL PRICES AT K. K. K. STORE THIS WEEK 20't reduction on all men's suits and overcoats, full dress suits not included. reduction on all shoes and rubber footwear. reduction on all hats and caps. reduction on all sweaters reduction on all pants', overalls not included. reduction on all dress shirts. 20ri 20' J 20; 20 207c THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 20',J reduction on all leather vests, leather coats. TAKE ADVANTAGE Do your Christmas shopping here the men's Christmas store. Let us help you make your selections on good sen sible gifts for men. K. K. K. STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS Personal Mention o o Tho slippery sidewalks, a result of tho sleet storm last night, wero tho cause o( sereral early pedes trians falling this morning. No In Juries were reported, however, and It Is assumed that aside from the humiliation suBored by the Tlctlms they are nono tho worse for their tumbles. James Dodcnhelmcr, well known contractor and builder, has just completed, a fino new garago at Pel ican Cltr for tho use of E. H. I'lko and H. W. Rrldgford.. both In the employe of the Pelican" Day Lumber company. C W. Miller and daughter, Doro thy, were In town this morning from Pine nidge, where they are now sinking their home. Miss Dorothy la stenographer In the lumber office at that place. . Rolland Watt was a passenger on the morning train bound for San Francisco on a business trip. Gertrndq Ttsik la city visitor this week from her home at Modoc Point. ..She. la a guest at the White . JPjcJIcan hotel. . f Q. 'Htuce .Kittle, a lumber man from Ohio, and J. M. White of the Weed Lumber, company, are In Kla math Falls this week on business and looklng"'over the lumber situa tion. ' C. R. Jordan, a cattleman from Medford, Is In tho city today on bus iness and Is making tho White Pel ican hotel bis headquarters. Harry Thrasher left yesterday for Oakland, California, whero ho will join his wife and family for a two weeks' vacation. After which time they will all return to their homo here. Irving Kcstcrson and Ray Chase are In town from Iran today, at' tending to business. C W. Tllton Is hero from Chlto- quln, where ho Is Interested In tho lumber business. W. L. Cornwall, a prominent stockman of the Holllster country, Is In Klamath Falls for a few days Mrs. George Thrasher returneU home last night after an extended visit of nearly three months In Utah, California and Oregon. Al though she had a wonderful time Mrs. Thrasher Is very glad to be home once moro with her family 'Mrs. Elmer Hosklngs left this morning for Sacramento for an ex tended visit with Mr. Hosklngs' family. Tnoy" Tabor, a business man from Dorrls, California; Is a visitor In Klamath Falls this week. Charles G. Twohy, of the Chllo- nuln Lumber romoanr. came In last 'night from that town and will bo occupied with business anairs tor the next day or two. Alva Lewis and S. A. Drown aro LIBERTY THEATRE "Always the Best for the Liberty Guest' liMMAMAAMi attjWWMMMWIVMMMMMMAAMMMi MAAMMA 11. W. IOOLK, Otnser ROGER D. TORKEY, Musical Director TONIGHT "THE NOTORIOUS MRS. SANDS" A high-powered drama of high society. TOMORROW A talo of high adventure and a real boy "THE SOUL OF YOUTH" Featuring Judge Den Llndsey of Denver, the "Children's Judge." A opwUI matinee for nrliool children will be held Friday after noon at 4:15. We want every child In Klamath Falls to nee this picture. SUNDAY TOM MIX, "the Man Who Never Fakes," In "THE SPEED MANIAC" county seat visitors from Crystal this week. Mr. Stromback, day clerk at tho White Pelican hotel, has been In disposed for the past few days and Is not yet able to bo at his post In tbo hotel. Ex-servlco men and their ladles aro looking forward with every anticipation for a good time at tho danco scheduled for 9 o'clock ut the Whlto Pelican hotel tonight. Mrs. Vt C DoChatn left this morn ing for Hornbrook. Mr. DeChaln will follow by car tomorrow morn Ing. Tbey expect to spend about a month In Hornbtook looking after their mining property and then go on to San Diego for tho rest of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hober aro in town from the mint tracta on the upper lako preparatory to leaving for Ontario, Canada. Pat Parker, of the Parker-Hamak Mrs. J. 0. Vollmer left yesterday afternoon from Swan Lake valley. Mrs. J. D. Votetner left yesterday for Portland, whero she will visit with her son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Mason are new arrivals In the city from the northern part of tho state. Mr, Ma son has accepted a position with the Baldwin Hardware company as assistant bookkeeper. J. I. Dcard, assistant caahlor of the Klamath State bank, returned last night from Albany and Corral Us, whoro ho has been for the past two weeks visiting friends and rel atlves. His brother. Captain Har ry Deard, Is connected with the staff of the Oregon Agricultural college E. J. Lawrence has been appoint' ed justice of tho peace for the Tula Lake district, by tho county court Mr. and Mrs. Harney Vanslcklo have returned from southern Cali fornia, whero tbey have been on an extended vacation. Oliver Martin was a county seat visitor yesterday from his home at Merrill. J. H. Hobbs camo Into town early this morning to transact business. Everett True By Condo ts, I 3Atv Your pictoRs u Now covi.t) IM TUG: PAPCR. ,4K4P, or , 2f You T3lV COORSC, TOU rURNI3HGO ?&t-ZlI HAT IHCM ino r ENOLIHII MOVIE STAR PERISHES IX .V. V. FIItK (Dy Associated Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Marjorlo Lescomb, a motion picture actress who came from England rocently to engage In motion picture work, was burned to death today In an apart ment house fire. Four others perished. 20 less this week on men's suits and overcoats, dress shirts and shoes at K. K. K. atore. 29-5 $3000 will buy a bait Interest In one of the best monoy making pro positions In Klamath county. Apply Rex 8.. Herald. 2 YOU T3lv 1 THAT p- 1 rrn ii c-w tcml rr XM.?Ajter k g PHOToaRflPH lA? XAKON r wi.'. iov n-j LOST 'WWK fcvavsri rvo Tja nuc TCNT lOfToori hair:;', - - , , -"y-- Guild Bazaar Opens Tomorrow Tbo time for tho St. Paul's Epis copal Oulld bazaar Is almost here and promise Is given by the ladles that salo offerings are to bo tho type dear to every woman's heart and there wilt bo numerous contraptions to attract the kiddles of the play age. Such toys as tool clioits, choo choo trains and vetclpedcs and a gold fish pool will without doubt prove u drawing card for the little ones. The supper Saturday evening at 6 o clock Is another feature. At this tlroo baked beans, hot rolls, dough nuts and coffeo will bo served for SO cents. Dooths of fancy work and other useful articles have boon planned and tea will be served free on both afternoons, December 3-4. PAYS COSTS OF SUIT AND SECURES DISMISSAL Old Nursery Rhyme Realistically Acted MAI.IN, Dec 2 -Tim old story about "Mary hail it little lamb" camo trun at tho Malln public srhool Tues day. Tho atudenta Here lining Into the music room and Mere Just seat ed whon In trotted tliu lamb. As thn students started to sing,, thn lamb went "llna-ft-a." Tho Malln public school Is going to give a program on Christmas ovn and hopes that tho lamb will Join In thn singing. i m IIODIK8 OF Wlir.'K VICTIMS LAID TO HIIHT (Ity Asioclsted I'reis) KAJjAMA IIAV. Wn , Dec. 1 Thn bodies of captain Jensen, master of the llarge Piffle, and wife were bur led side by side near Cape Johnson. Thn bodies of ten other vlctomx wern hurried on the beach near where they wen found The two known survi vors, who arn suffering from eipos ure. are at lApuih TAKE SALTS TO FLUSptOS lint I.CM Mfiit If Vou Frel lUrk- achy or llmo lllnililrr Trouble The suit of Thomas Hodgepoth against E. I. Elliott, on appeal from Ihu Merrill court to tho circuit court, hatr-beon sottlod and dismissed. De fendant paid $ 10,28 costs. Tho suit was based on an auto collision be tween thn parties on the Merrill roud last summer. $5000 wilt buy a half Interest In ono of tho best monoy making pro positions In Klamath county Apply Box 8., Harald. 2 s MARKET ItKPOIlT PORTLAND. Dec. 2. Cattlo and hogs stoady; sheep lower, $8 and $8.70; eggs lower, buying prlco 07 njid fiS cents, selling, candled, 04 and 66 cents, solocts 60 nnd 08 cents; buttor stondy. Meat forms uric arid which ex cites and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to tiller It from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush thn kidneys occasionally. You must relievo them like you rellove your bowels; removing all the adds, wailo nnd poison, elan you feel a dull misery In thn kldnuy region, sharp pains In tho back or sick headache. dizziness, your stomach sours, tongun Is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twlngus. Thn urlno Is cloudy, full of sediment; tho channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or thrcn times dur ing tho night. To neutralize theso Irritating acids and flush off tho body's urinous waste got about four ounces of Jail Hulls from any pharmacy; toko a tublespoonful In n glass of water be fore broakrait for a few days and your kidneys will then net flno and bladder disorders disappear, This fa mous salts Is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean nnd stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Ir ritation. Jad Halts Is Inexpensive; harmloiin and niakos a dollgbtrul of forvescent llthla-wator drink which millions of men and womon tsko now and then, thus avoiding serious kid ney and bladder dlsoases. Adv. For I Sale One of the Best Homes in the City Located in the heart of the city 406 North Ninth street. New. completed last January, consisting of large living and dining room, three bed rooms, bath, den, kitchen, breakfast room, hall, solid concrete base ment, 28x56 feet, furnace,, fire-place, cement drive-way, garage, cement walks all around house; large shade trees and lawn. Every room furnished complete, new piano, mahogany desk in den; in fact a com plete home in every respect, will be offered for sale for a few days only. Phone 115 or call at ANDERSON BROS. GROCERY F. M. GARICH