TVKDNin.vv, iiioi:mukii t, who. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS T&m, Tmatraio oimte lova APPAltt ISOVec! 5MB MA3 bcokckI OCOKCM I M.AOEO f sun is in off i UBR tltaMlWtHT AMD DE.OI.ABEO UraMiLP A Mid IIATLK. - SI AW010T8W OF MEM l -B i ""L jKSC I B r I CVCAM i aa i I HEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMN WANTED WANTEl Furnished house or ' apartment. Oall 330-M. 30-1 VANTKI) A, Good placo for high school girt to work for board and room. Ilox It. C. Horald. 301 J'ANT TO RUNT Farming tand with houno and barn, t am equip ped to bandlo any alio farm. Ilaro own horxoa and cattle. Writo to Wil liam Sohrakolf. Olene. Ore. 29-5 WANTED TO TltAUK A big bunch of rugs for a big bunch of dough. The Kurnlaher of Uappr Hornet. - 8tf liiju'i.riririi'ini'iri -innrnrri r FOR SALt Mucellaneous FOR SALE On TRADU Ono thousand, oro more, useful articles Hsf nr ali4nltifn hnmn necessities. at the atore of The Furnisher of Ilarnr Homes. Stf CIIATKU IAKK SCENES for Christ mas presents. Sttnson Photo Stu dio. Stf tMMWWWMMNMNAMMAAAMAMMAAAMM LOST AND FOUND FOUND A ring on th St.. call at C9 AVashlngton between 6 or 7 o'clock erenlngs. 30-1 LOST Alrdalti pup, 2 months old. Kinder ploaso phono 313. Reward. 9tf LOST An opportunity to trade off tome unsightly piece of house hold roods. Tho Public. Stf FOUND A clearing house for that unslgtly or unfit article WheroT rerklns Furniture House. Stf ssssm TO RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT Furnished room with prlrate family Gentleman only, 431 Washington. Phono 273-R 30-1 XfXrTjnjnrirorijnruninr'iJvrurir-ii"-s'r-i " MISCELLANEOUS SP1XIAL Now Period phonograph 3210. new Kdlsoa (like new) $140. another Edison $20 and others. Karl Shepherd 607 Main St. 'J-i Plain sewing and dressmaking. 1404 Worden Ave. 24-30' FOR SALE Hoater and pump gun 9007 High Cor.. 9th. 30-2 KODAIC FINISHING AT Stlnson's Photo Studio. 1311 Main St. Ctf A REAL PHONOQRAPH I1ARGAIN, Genulno Columbia with 25 records, will sell for $100, worth 3176. Frank 31. Upp, Joweler. 4tf WE I1UV. SELL and exebango any thing. Highest cash price. Ulck & Co. 201 Gtu St. corner Klamath Are, 24-2 PHONE PEYTON for wood 635 CITY QARDAOE When you want garbage remorod call 10F-23. You can purchase that Xmas gift you hare In tnlud by paying part down and a little each week until Xmas. We will reserve It for you Johnstone Furniture Co. Ctf JMMVWMMMMMMWMV FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE Small building. Main nnd 7th, Snap. Soo Dick & Co. 201 6th St. corner Klamath Ave. 24-2 FOR SALE Small house and two lots 100x160 on Corner, splendidly Iocatod .In Iluona Vista add., would build or trado to suit purchaser, Terms. A. H. caro Herald office. , 26-2 sTOR SALE A few good lots on pmremont In a fast" growing dta-i trtct; from $300 to 8400. Lots with in 4 blocks of White Pelican hotel S300 up. Lota within a block of 6th St. pavement M00 and up. Lots on State Highway Inside of city limits 175 and up. Bee W. M. Montolius, wtth KlamaJh Development Co., 1303 Main Sf.. flhone 1. ' S-tt We buy aell or exchange anything, JUghost cash, prices paid for ladles mad gents secondhand clothing and shoes. We clean and press. Good & Co.. successors to Dick and Co., 1008 Wain St. 26-3 Feed YourCows Olympic Dairy Feed -5EL',HRE, WW'S TWO. &W 1PCA OP TUPWUitf Down A iOOP CHAUCB to ie.' MABBICD AMD HAVe A Ht)soAMt 7t rrovioE TOP V0l A0 I1AVO A home or- NKMATS me Cr'ict. tus snaowc. DlPPSt" c: 0 Tfco Furnisher of Happjr Homes will trado for most anything but a mean disposition. Tho reasons I don't want that Is that Kddlo has It Stf You'll find Just what you want for his Xmas at IC. K. K. Store. !9-5 WEATHER RECORD r o o Hereafter tho Herald will publish tho mean and maximum tempers :urcs and precipitation record as tak en by the U. S. Reclamation terrlco station. Publication will corer the day prertous to the paper's Issue, up to S o'clock of that day. Pro- Max. Nor. 1. 82 Nor. 2 60 Nor. 3 BS Nor. 4 9 Nor. E 44 Nor. C 45 Nor. 7 45 Mln. dotation It 30 33 29 ' 24 26 18 Nor. 8 45 22 Ner. 9 49 18 Nor. 10 47 31 Nor. 11 45 32 32 15 Nor. 12-.. 8 34 Nor. IS S5 38 Nor. 14 48 32 Nor. 15 44 35 Nor. 16 SO 42 Nor. 17 50 45 Nor. 18 48 43 7 13 99, 6 39 Nor. 19 ' 47 39 Nor. 20 45 28 Nor. 21 . 45 33 Nor. 22 44 33 Nor. 23 39 25 Nor. 24 45 30 Nor 23 41 30 Nor. 26. ... 38 29 Nor. 27 43 33 Nor. 28 40 26 Nor. 29 40 29 Nor 30 40 30 16 40 43 Know Thy Future Consult the Rest. Iolna, World's Greatest Clairvoyant, Palmist and Medium; ono who has the power to read your cntlro llfo, past, pres ent and future, correctly, giving full names, dates and figures In business, love, marriage and do mestic troubles; tells name of fu ture husband, wife or sweetheart; advises how to bring the separated together and make happiness In your homo; when and who are your enemies; what ou are best adapted for; whero to loeatt and when to speculate; how to avoid all bad luck and treuble: she will tell jou the secrets of being happy and giro you Good Luck and Sac cess la what yoa undertake. Per manently located. All private read ing hours, 1;20 a. m, to f p. si. dally and Sundays at 688 rise St. Oor. of fith, next to Perklas Fur niture storo, one block from Main St. Hamel Apts, Apt. 1. TJastalrs. 17-4 IlliKALD OFFICE NOW ON EIGHTH ST., NIMH MAIN' The Herald office has beea moved from Fourth street to the new quarters oirUighth street be tween Msln and Pine. All de partments aro now la the aew place. Tho phono number has net been changed It Is still 88. HOUSE MOVING Having bought the moving outfit of True & Failing, we are now prepared to move houses or other heavy articles. Washburn & Houston Phone 286-R 11 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KL Apparently Olivia Has SToP ! CO NO fWTOER . . ......'--tijiu'r "rt AMY NjkTJ A90UT MARHIAlJeS OB rniin ; First Woman Bailiff in Ohio ZrjeSjYINMS VWEST CINCINNATI, Nov 30 A woman bailiff! Court attaches wero struck with consternation when Judge O'Connell named Mrs. Minnie Wucst, 1648 Dauner Ave., bailiff. Sho had never been In a court room beforo her appointment. County officials state that sho Is the first woman ball Iff In Ohio. Her salary will be about $160 a month. MADE JL'ST ONE .MOVE TOO MANY DENVER. Col.. Dec. 1. The last time Earl J. Dyer moved ho moved himself out of matrimony. "He's mado me move to 12 cities in 48 months." Mrs. Eva Dyer told tho court hero. "I nevor know where home will be next month." "Too many moves," commented tho coust and granted Mrs, Dyer's mo tion for divorce. EVEN "NICK CARTER" HAH GONE SKYWARD DES MOINES, Dec. 1 "Nick Carter," detective stories havo been supposed to be synonymous with "old Btlff." Uut listen! Nick Carter stories used to sell for a dlmo, and now, nc- coring to Des Moines news dealers the boys pay two-bits for them and thoy buy as many of them as ever m SWISS FOItTItUSH TO HE SANATORIUM QENEVAt Switzerland, Dec. 1. To provo its raiih in tno league or nations, Switzerland plans to din mantlo Its most powerful fortress St. Maurice, and convert It to a canatorium for consumptive sol diers. GRANT RADISHES CANRY, Ore., Dec. 1. Radishes, a single one of which Is sufficient for a good sized family, aro bolng grown horo successfully for tho first time by a Japanese gardenor, who brought the idea from his own coun try. Somo of tho largest of tluiso weigh flro pounds and measure from 18 to 24 inches. UNION TAXI CO. AND TRANSFER Baggage called for and delivered. We have open and closed cars for our patrons. We go any place any time. Phone 424-J TVfTTn AM ATH FALLS,' OREGON Her Mind All Made Up. PohV NAMB lovu. Kim VJO tOVD . 1AenilO I vc HIM DOCTOR CRAVER Now occupying offcwi In tho Uiulr wooil building, will occupy officii in tho now Wlntnrs building when completed, nnd glvo spoclnl atten tion to Obstetrics una tlio Medical and Surgical treatment of women! and children. Tor Paper Hnnglng nnd Painting CALL F. R. LAUGHTON Phone I7.1TY 201 H IllTrrftklii Chiropractic Physician specialist i.v niimrrn's ! Dr. Geo. E. Mallett i Phono mo ' I Office over Underwood FURNACES WE HAVE THE WESTERN A DUST-PROOF FURNACE In both plpod and plpelois. It has an oblong Are box. Host for burn ing wood. Let us show you othor good points about It. L. N. HAINES 1033 Mala St. Pkone 328' MINERAL BATHS .Dr. MasKl laffonol Hawiey ' Cairopractlo PttfsJoUa First National Bank Building Entrance, Room 6 ASHLAND. ORKGON CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois C Bridges Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Ill 5th St., Suite 105 Over First State & Savings Dank PHONE lO'J-J Fafist NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE See BOB CURTIS 123 North Eighth St. G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Construction Work of any kind; 1 No Job too large or too small. Estimates furnished free of charge. PHONE .980-n I Par part down now. and a little each week until Xmas, and. we will reserve' for you uny gift you aisy select from our stoek. Jobnstone'Fur alture Oa. ' Stf Dick Is now In shana and will snoot all comers big or little, Seo 201 th corner Klamath Avo, 24-2 H l rzVitv IKT-'tW . t t VVfN,JK. 7 orX1 MPi KN ;MBBnsaaaBrul "r" y ( . 'fVrVs Sjkl Get More and Better Milk " I frt -niPoDCH V4ITH 1 1 H" IKi rtl'UTIoM UI3 ACAIU! HIM? IIs I "AD neRU I'D CPAO mu oivaku jTHUVTHW iwmumio our on him j -niAV3H0Wl, (.ova Mims BUSINESS CARDS PORTRAITS r-at STINSON'S STUDIO 1311 Main St. Good Portraits at Reasonable Prices Klamath Falls Cyclcry W lisndla now nnd rebuilt motor cycles nnd bicycles, also parts and ncrcafotles. Gnndycnr, Pennsylvania nnd Diamond Tires nnd Tubes aro our lino, and Harloy-Davldson Sorv I at, which spells Honest, Dependable Service. Phonn 073 O. E. niHMARK tin fl. Dili St. Klamath Falls tswMVMWVWsWWNWWWWNWA1 DENTISTS Dr. E. G, Witecarver PHOXB 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHOJOe 4 Over Cadsrwowra Hflvesrik and absta B(raM Vijuirinrrri-ri-i"! JfcM MMMSWNsWWVWWWWAAAAMMMAAAAAMMAMAA KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We So AJl Knfr&t of tag New Oaaa to Order ALL WOKK GCAKAJTTKKD Phone BSa-Z air Wamath Ave. MVWMWMVVWW$jVMVMMMMMMMAMAM BX-HKHVICB MKN, ATTENTION I a The rognlar meetings snVDBm of Klamath Post No. I, W&& American Legion, will bo. slisW7 baid st 8 o'clock p. m at the City Hall In Klamath Falls, on tho second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. All Comrades aro In- rltod. Tap so daslrlng to Join the Post nay loetfTmjpllcntlon blanks from G. K. Van. niper, Fred Nicholson, or I. H, Csrnaban, all of Klamath Falls. rilED NlOllOLBON. Sooretary. Household Furniture aad many other gosd things: Osea days, Tuesday aad Friday Cor 6th and Klamath yyMMrMMMMMMMWrrW J. . OLMHOItN civil UNOiNunn and SVnTHYOR Phone 193J 138 S. nivorsldo Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 ourt OLEANnra, piuwsino and, ItEfAIKING WILL MAKE YOUR CXOTIIB8 LOOK LIKE NEW HATH RHBLOCKED Goods Called for and Delivered 481 Main Stroet Klamath Falls W. E. & J. E. PATTERSON Coatractlajt Painters Res. Phone 581-11 13$ N. 4th St. Murphy!s Feed Store I'AdIO SIX BY ALLMAN PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIHT Phono 434W. X-IUy Laboratory LoomU llldg.i Klamath ralU DR. O. A. HAMHO Dentist I. O. O. F. Ilulldlng PHONE fll rWWMMMWWWMWWWMMWAAAAAM KiMVMWWWWWVMVWWWMVIAAAAM Offlco Phone 177W Res 17711 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Ilulldlng Klsmath Falls Oregon rVWVNWWWMVNVMVMrVWfWl DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Rcsidcnco Phones 321 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 17W 1711 Rooms 1 and a White Daildlng DR. T. C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND HURGEO I. O. O. V. Daildlng PbosteaM Residence White Pelican Hotel Resldonee Phono S, DR. L. L. TRUAX WA1UIEN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 4S7 Night Phone, 0 I HAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer and builder of mod ern saw mills, nlnnlnir mills and box plant. Dredging. Pile drivlng.'j Phono 400.W Offlco (mrr Spring nnd Oak Near H. P. Depot I am now proparod to furnish Shasta Band from the Hoey, Cam., sand aad gravel pit, In any quantity tkat may be desired by contractor and bidders. AL F. ORAJIAJf. S, , ft J-- . M W . Let Your GLASS troubles bo Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-SIasbjr aad Cabinet llMkiag Phone 477W . EMeventh nH Pine , WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY BIT Mala ARTHUR R. WsXaOX Manager DR. G. A MASSEY Fourth aad Pima Ms. la Warrea Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Res. Phone 8M PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St.