HHtruth A Classified Ad Today's New Will Do It ' i oaay CryiruwWiin WWMVWVMWMI n.iirlivnlli Vinr N. IOHH. KLAMATH FALLH, OIUXJON, WTUNIMDAV, DIJCKMIICIt 1, lf0. Price FIto Cents) Sta ummn CITI TO SPEND $1 01,000 THE New Budget Adopted by City Council at Special Meeting $37,000 Fire Equip ment and Street Re pair. At a npoclnl mooting it tha cltr halt (hi mornltiK thn cltr council adopted Ilia budget for tlio uoxl fix cnl year, which, under Ihn amend ment to tJw city charter voted at tliu mront fleet Ion begins January t, next, Instead of thn flrt of unit Juno. With a tnx lory of 27 mill tho budget resolution, which wiu pre pared liy I'ollro Judge Uiavltt, ostl Hint it that $IOH.o80 ran tin raised for all purposes .Including thn pay lunnt of bonded debts nml Interest ThU mlllagn Is three mill on tho dollar liiMrr than thn 30 mill rain au thorised by thn elector In Novem ber Thn reduction wan mudn possl hln liy a rrnlitnn In some of thn ex litliiK fund ami receipts from other noiircon than taxation. Tha pollen Judge, whoso ft SOU salary ha uiailo him n practical economist, checked up on alt tho nxtra avenues of rev enue warily with regard to thn won of tha harassed taxpayer In prepar ing tho budget. m.ulilr IO0 lludjj.-l Klamath Falls will hnro wlci a much mutiny In thn tm-iury tlurliitc thn conUnit yoar ai thero wan lnl yuar, but them am aWo mora places til spend It. Much at It will ha levied for -pacific purposes, walt-luiown to tho volar when they authorlxed tha nxtra levy. Tho budget provide for spending $15,000 -nn new flro equipment nml 110,000 for a tiro alarm system TIikh mpalr to Sixth (tract, wham durlnK Ihn meant itorm a sen-going tint could Imro floated romfortahly, am down for $12.1(35, makltiK a total of $37,836 for thcio author Itnd Improveinnnti Thn estate of Alexander Martin recently secured a $4800 Judgment for undent pavlnic on Hlxth itroet, which in u it ho satisfied from tho coming lory. All HnUrlrx IIMmmI Halarle wrro Increased all along tho lino ut thn lait election. Thn mayor and police Judicn gel $900 a yoar mum than formorly, pollcomun und firemen will get better pay, nml In fact all clt yomplnyeex will drnw mom money. Thn pollen chief pay I fixed nt $3100 n your, no I tho fire chief, lu point of pay those officers rank equally with tho mayor and pollen Judgo, Patrolmen will itot $ t CO n month ni will tha four paid firemen. ProvUInn I mndo for tour roKulnr Klro hundred dollar I allowed for extra pollen. Kirn hundred dollar l alingnil In tho flro ilopnrtment fund to pay volunteer member for services at fire. .ViviU Haul! Hv I'uiiiI Outside of tho $37,835, especially . authorised by tho voter for flro equipment and ularm system and Hlxth Rtmot repairs, and after taking Into romldoratloii tho balances ro Flu ilnpt. fund 14,l2o Interest fund 12,000 Light & wntnr 7,000 Library 1.200 Incidentals Murtln judgment -1.800 Rowor Upkeep 1,200 $70,841! Autluirlxed 37.83B Total $108,680 Heirmrnlrd Mllliigo (lenornl fund D-D Street fund !! Flro dout 3.r Interest - 3.0 Light nnd wator 1.8 Library 0.3 Incidental Martin Judgment 1.3 flower fund 0,3 17.C Additional Items volod 9.5 Total 27.C IljihiiKVH On llnml Tho budget estimate shows bal anced In most of tho funds. Tho flro donurtmont fund will bo overdrawn $1,500 on January iBt, It la ostium- toil. . ' Thore'wlll bo hnlanc'os of January 1st $2,812.40 In tho gonornt fund; i N E X 1 .mining In sovnra. funds and receipts Jf j ZLXL $'' fl from other sources, thn council find. ""' ' "r Lu07i ':,""f" tho following sum neces,,, , lous branches of city gevernment: MucldentnlV lu tho atm'Tu'nd :.:.. - .: - ?Su Mo ab'oU, ,17.301.02 In the In- League Will Let Wilson Mediate Armenian Crisis OKNF.VA, Doc 1 A lot tor to President Wilson, nc cnptlng hi offer to act n mediator In thu Armenian slt nation, U IioIiik draftod by thn council of thn Iiiiikuo of na tion. It wiir nnnouiicnd that Hpaln and llruxll hud offered to Join President Wilson In thn roln of Armonlan media tor. Thn now of Wilson's nc coptnnro brought great relief to tho assombly a tho Ar monlan iuotlon had bocomo a bugbear In council. "Poor old Kuropo will feet n loaoned sense of abandon ment." anlil a French delegate, when tho proildnnt'a offer wat announced. Thn council will Inaro It to Mr. Wilson to de cide whothor or not ho dcilmi thn asslstunco ot Hpaln nnd llraxll. NEXT SPRING Articles of Incorporation of 'Clumuth lagging company filed re contly at Halem, Indlcato a new saw- mill for Klutnath Falls with the open- Ing of spring, Tho Incorporators of tho company am William ilray, C. J Forguson und !. O. Williams, all well-known locallr. and thu amount ot capitalization Is $260,000. A mill will bo erected, on tho llray site lioar tho Chelsea box factory at the lower end of Lake Kwauna, near whom the new Hhaw-tlertram mill Is IT NW 1 IN fast rising ou Its foundations. Thoon ln8 city council, ond It Is expect omctliin of tho Klamath Logging -.j lnil th municipality will benefit company's mill will create n slrablomuci, from hts experlenco and abll- industrial community on mo towor lake shorn. Mr. llray rorentty purchased from tlio government soma nan niiiion reei moving spirit hack" of the founda of timber on the reservation. thniion of . ,ni. come to Klamath Utile Hpraguo Itlver unltl Burvey- p.u, nearly 18 years ago. Ho was tho ors are at present running levels frl ,nnk cork evnr employed In this from tho Houthern Pacific tract to city, entorlng the employ of tho Kln dotormlnn thn easiest grade by which ninth County bank, which Institution tho timber can bo tapped with a I spur road. Tho logging branch and, mill will not ho hunt tioforo next spring, but tho company expects to get work on tho plant ror manuiac-,h0 turlng Its timber as soon us wlnlori,anknB. this tlmo becoming Identl begins to break Tho slxo ot tho mill has not )ot boon decided, said Mr. Ferguson to day, depending upon negotiations at present underway In everul direc tion. TKI.KI'IIO.W. IIKAItlNO HKT FOIt lK 21, 1H)UTW.M) irw AmnciAimi Pros . KAl.K.M, Dec, 1 Hearing of the ..11 it. . 11 ii . . I.. ..(.....' application ot tho Pacific Telephono & Tologrnph company for on Increase In telephono rales throughout Ore gon was set today by thn public ser vice commission for December 21 nt Portland. toroat fund Lucky ('luitiKC f I'oto Nono of tho residues .ire l.nrr.o. Under ordinary clrcumitt.inrs It will bo noted this money would liuvu tu last until Juno 30. Apparently thu voter rollovnl n turgor Htrnlned financial situation when they ratified tho ch.trtur-amendment udvnnclng tho hogliiliii; ot tho fiscal year six months. Prohnblo receipts from other sourc oh thun luxe nre: $8800 for general fund and $4,, 800 for tho Interest fund. HEALTHY NEW YEAR 1 1 '"sasaasHsaa'Ba'siMvTE 1 Ml J M3saf aaaBBBBi' ami VsBWo-'-'rl TaaaBBBBB' Wtt 1 rtt LTllTt) I II i W L lSI "S jy -f f 0 M PROMINENT IN INKS HIGHEST BACK NEW BANK; IN TELEPHONE OPEN TOMORROW INSTALLATIONS - i Tho American National hank, Kin- 'math Full fourth bunk, will open Ha dour for business tomorrow, Thu openlnK wilt bo Informal, duo to tho fact that much work remain to ho done before tho final touch I plac ed upon thn Installation of tho fix turo. The decision to open now and huvrt thn formal opening later wax reached at a mooting ot tho director, hold Monday avcnlng. It I tho ex pectation of tho officer to havo a formal opening In two or threo week, or Just a soon a nil of tho fixtures havo boon Installed Tha now bank wilt havo a capital of $100,000, every dollar of which ilia boon made In Klamath county. i Tho stockholders and officers of tho bank uro among tho big financial men of tho county and tholr wall- 'known probity I sum to bring strength to thn bank and compel for It tho confidence of the public Tho president, w rj. uallon. Is a stockman known u one of tho big. operator on thn coast. Ills holding) lln land nnd livestock nro extensive 'and his welt-known business ability! Is suro to bo u valuable asset to thu I American National. I M H. West, ono of tho vice presi dents, camo to this city about soven I years ago as manager of tha Dig 11,,,'Ilailn Lumber company Ho placed tnai concern on u souu lounuiuon and straightened out It financial problem lu a munnor that kopt tho old friends and added now ones When tho Dig 1-akes llox company wax organlxed bo Joined It and was ulvctud Its president, roslgntng as manager ot the lllg Dasln to devote alt ot his tlmo to thn development ot thn new company. Its success add ed another proof of hbj ability as an executive. At tho recent election he consented to the demands ot a largo delegation of business men and pro- itwrlv owners to renresent his ward ty. b. M lliibb. tho other vlco prcsl- '(iont, nd wlio Is recognlxed ns tho i.i.r mcrced with tho First National After remaining with this Institution rnr tvcral year ho resigned to en KnKe n tno abstract business. This abandoned to again re-enter fled with the Merrill Nations! bank as Its cashier Undor his manage ment this bank made wonderful pro gross, through which ho attracted tho attention of tho capital that to day Is back ot tho American Na tional, Tho cashier of tho now bank, O. V. WImborly, was for many year with tho Douglas National bank ot Hosouurg. For tno past inroo years ho has been with tho Internal revenuo sinotlnM rf thn fftrtnrAl pnt'nrnmnnl n section ot tho federal government ns ono of tho Incomo tax exports, and In this capacity has been n frequent visitor to this city. Ills training nnd experlenco make him particularly fit ted for tho position ho holds with tho hank. Tho following constltuto tho board of directers: W C Dulton. M. S, West. M. Iluhh, C J Ferguson, Ilort AVI th row, Marlon Hanks nnd 0. K. Houston. OF NORTHWEST WILL STAND (liy Assoclatod Press) SPOKANE. Dec. 1 A policy op posod to any marked reduitlon of wages was nnnouncoJ horn todny by J. C. II. Iloynolds, lerrutnry and manager of tho Assolatod Industries ot tho Inland Kmplre. today us the rosult ot tho recent conferonco of representatives of Imlustri li estab lishments lu eastern Wnshlngtor, Orogon nnd northern Iihtlio. Iteynolds declared tho eight luur day will bo ndhorod to, that lumber mlll mid factory wages will not he reducod nnd that wngos In tho wood 3 will remain nt 50 cents nn hour Tho winter shutdown of plnnts viirpscnl ocl' In tho conferonco will he .is short as weather conditions mako possible. TI W Tho growth of Klamath Fall Is dourly shown by statistic compiled by tho Pacific Telephone tc Telegraph company, showing Installations for this city between January 1 and Oc tober 1, 1920, loading nil cities ot Ita slxo In Oregon, or adjoining states tor that matter. In group C, In which Klamath Falls Is Classed, It Is rankod for com parison at 20.0 por cent. The aver age for tho group Is 10.42. Tho group consist ot towns ranging from 1000 to C000 In population. I-argcr cities of the coast show far lessor proportionate gain. Port land ha 7.65 to her credit and San Francisco 4.98 per cent. Modesto, California, a fast grow ing town In a rich alfalfa, dairying and fruit country, closo to tho class of this city In site. Is ranked 17.3 per cent, one of the tow places that op- proich the Klamath Falls record, Marysvlllo, another California city of similar slxo, Is rankod 8.27 Klamath Falls would have made even bettor showing had material been """"o'o 'or new Installations, a It Is asserted that the Installation of 17S telephono Is held up pend ing tha arrival ot supplies. PRESIDENT OF STATE C, OF C. The weekly forum of the cham ber of commerce waa given over to day Id the "One Thousand" mem bership 'drive thst starts tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Many ap pointees on tho drive commlttoo took port In tho luncheon. All ot the enthusiasm of the chamber was worked Into the highest koy In readiness for tho start-off. Tho memberships aro being sold at $10 each, good until tho beginning ot tho official year, next spring, and It Is planned to put $10,000 In the coffors ot tho organlxatlon by tho end of tho two-day drive. The forum had for Its principal speakers today. Mayor-elect W. S. Wiley and Charles Hall ot Marsh field, president ot tho stato chamber of commerce. Mr. Wiley spoko brief ly on the needs ot tho organlxatlon and told tho members frankly that It was up to them to work out tho schemes of civic betterment and thou to present their plans to tho city council. Ho promised, as tho noxt mayor of Klamath Falls, to do his utmost to soo that every possible advanco in civic and moral bettor ment Is attained. Mr. Halt was next Introduced nnd spoko on "Why I Intend to Join tho Ktumath County Chamber ot Com merco." Mr. Hall Is a very pleasing speak er with a winning personality. Ho BOOSTER recently became Interested In tho(han hmgoIf he than took fnit meanfI hanking business In Mnmuth Falls. f nvni,in. . hnatlnir from Hanan unu win snoniy ioko up nis resi- donco hore. Ho spoko briefly, ln - .... ... . ... loiugcniiy ana consirucuvoiy. "I Intond to Join your chamber of commorco hecauVo It Is tho nat- urn! thing for mo to do. I Just naturally can't help doing n thing ot that kind," said Mr. Hull. "I want to soo your chamber prosper becnuso as It advances tho best in forests of tho city will keep stop, Whon I tnko up my residence hero 1 wnnt your secretary to call tnujwas riding In tho day coach. Sheriff up ovory.Wodnosday, Just as ho cnljs you now, and remind mo ot thoso wookly lunchoons; I'll bo horo." Mr. Hall Informed a Horald rep resentative that plans woro under way to take up with the Southern Pacific Hallway company tho mattor ot hotter train servlco for this city. Just as soon as tho wishes ot the majority ot tho chambor ot com morco havo become known tho mat ter will bo prcsonted to tho railway company. Mr. Hall was vory hope ful ot a satisfactory adjustment, both In tho matter ot moro trains and also ot moro dlroct Pqllman connections with Portland DIVOUCK COMPLAINT An application for dlvorco was mndo In circuit court yostorday by Byron J. Sanford. Tho complaint I Ritualistic servlcos will bo con stntos that ho -was married to Gladys ductod by officers of tho lodgo, led D, Sanford In Chicago, May 14 th., 1919, but that shortly aftor tho mar riage his wlfo dosorted him and he has not seen hor since. O. C. Brower Is attorney for the plaintiff. Former Cal. 'Dry Officer Indicted In Liquor Plot BAN FIIANCIHCO, Dec. 1. Mm. Gladys K. Warburton, formor acting prohibition of flcor for California, John D. Costollo, secretary to Senator I'hotan and flvo other person have been notified to appear for arraignment hero on In dictments charging -conspiracy to violate tho Volstead law. The Indictments woro re turned by tho federal grand Jqry after examination ot evi dence In an allcgod plot to ob tain liquor from a bonded warehouse hero. IN FOB STICKERS IS ' BI9JN STATE IORTUAND, Doc. 1 A threaten ed ahortago of Christmas Seals faced tho Oregon Tuberculosis association whon It started Its annual salo ot penny stickers this week. 80 unpre cedented has been tho early demand for supplies that tho association has bad to place a hurried call for 1,000, 000 more seals to supplement thi original 4,500,000 order. Dallas, Stayton and St. Helens aro Oregon towns that have mado merrvj ovor the sale. To Dallas , honor of having been - to "go over the top.'", Psrorehll drcn sold moro seals to more people than ever before, with the result that Dallas has tripled Its qnota. Stayton has made a quick selling time record by disposing of Its quota In one hour. High school students turned the trick. St. Helens sold 15,000 seals In one afternoon and promptly reordered 10.0QD, .Other communities aro rapidly.-'falling In line for record sales. Superintendent J. A. Churchill, ot public Instruction In Oregon, not only has endorsed tho seal sale but has written to all county superin tendents authorizing that school chil dren bo permitted to sell the "seals ot health." (lovornor Den W. Olcott has heartily endorsed the sale and the work It makes possible. Mrs, Ida 11. Callahan, president ot tho Oregon federation ot woman'a clubs has expressed her admiration tor tho able manner with which fed- orated clubs have taken chargo of tho sale In many communities as a major club work. Sheriff Has Real Sleuth's Gift for Springing Traps Sheriff Gcorgo Humphrey mado a clover catch yesterday when ho ar rested James Page charged with as saulting Oscar Itunan with a pica roon last aSturday at tho Modoc Lumber company's mill. Hanan Is at present In a local hospital and Is re covering from the attack. Page statca that he was afraid that Hanan was going to strlko him and Hint llnnnn wa n much hlareer mnn and g,ruck hlm with tho picaroon. i !., mniln his cet-n.nu-av nnd the I --n ..-- - -- -w ----- sheriff's off Co was notified. Yestor - .iny mornlnc Sheriff llumnhroy went o the depot to waTch for Page nnd noticed tho latter's wlfo purchasing two tlckots for San Frunclsco. Ho got on tho train with her, bollovlng that his man would got on tho train later, Truo to tho sheriff's "hunch" Page boarded tho train at Midland and Immediately sought his wlfo who Humphrey, who had never botoro seon tho niun, Im'modlatoly placed hlm undor arrest, and brought hlm back from Midland by nn auto. Page told his wlfo to go on to San Fran cisco and wait for him na ho believed ho would have no difficulty In get ting his liberty as ho had witnesses who could testify thut he had act ed In solt defense. Memorial Services By B. P. O. . Sunday The local lodge of Elks will hold their annual memorial sorvlces Sun day afternoon, DecenVbor 5, at 2:30 o'clock. Tho Hon. Walter Evans, of Portland lodge No.. ,14 3,. district at torney for Multnomah county, will deliver tho nvomorlal nddross by O. iW. Houston, oxalteil ruler, Features ot the musical program will consist ot soloctlonsby u ladles' quartette, violin solos and orchestra election. NO TAX LEVIED FOB BUILDING IN HOT SPRINGS Court Holds After 1914. No Tax Was Levied for Construction on Any Specific Site -Precedent Is Estab lished. (By Associated Press) SALEM. Dec. 1. An outstanding feature, ot tho decision of the su premo court, reversing the Klamath county circuit court In the case ot J. M.r Dougan ngalnst Klamath county and .others. Is the expression ot the court's opinion that after 1914 no tax lory was ever made for tho express purpose ot constructing a, courthouse on Block 10, (Tho Hot Springs site.) No' Site Specified "All subsequent levies," saya tho opinion, "woro mado for now court house construction and to be used In construction ot a new courthouse, without specifying wbero It should be built. Tho moneys derived from tho lovles after the year 1914 accumula ted from year to year, wero all plac ed nnd kept In a separate and distinct account known and designated as 'tho special courthouse fund.' " Relative to Dougan's rights tho opinion sa "Tho vital question In thi. case Is, -srhethor, after the re- of such notice (the order direct- he district attorney to sue Dou gan 'to recover $41,548.) Dougan could go on and complete tho con tract and then recover the full amount of his claim against the county. ' KstobUslMa rrceedrat .This Is the leading question ot the' case. Counsel have sot cited, umtf after dlrlfeat aeatrh we have noc found.any'suQTktHy, pro or con, -as appllcdto the Jjacts hero. They are peculiar. The county Is the real defendant and It was In debt beyond Its constitutional llralatlon. It bad no legal right to enter Into a contract for the construction ot a courthouse to bo paid out ot lta general fund and logally could contract only for tho building of a court house to bo paid out ot Its special fund." No Hot SprlnR Contract "It Is true," says the opinion, that under the terms of the deed, If the county does not complete and main tain a courthouse on Block 10, It may and perhaps will, lose the money which It has expended on construc tion amounting to about $150,000 but It Is also true that tho county never entered 'a Into contract In or by which anyono undertook or agreed to construct or complete the court house on that ground or that It ever entered Into any contract with auyonoa to build a courthouse on that block. All tho work In that building was dono on force account by the county Itself, and thero was never any con tract lot tor Its construction or com pletion. Detente Kntlrcly Upirt "In other words, the co'inty Itself expended tho money out t.I the spe cial courthouse funds In tho partial construction ot that building, but not a dollar ot it was over expended upon a specific contarct. For such reasons, there Is no person who can claim or assert that he has jn Inter est In, or ,a debt which should bo paid out ot that fund, and therein lies tho vital distinction between de fendant's theory and tho fucti lhown In the Instant case." .Contract Was Legal "Attor ca'rotul consideration ot tho numorous questions presented In tho nblo and exhaustive brlofs ot opposing counsol, wo hold that nil of tho money which was In tho spec ial courthouse fund on March 30, 1918; or In process of collodion could bo used and applied In tho construction of a now eourthouso on block 35 j that tho county had the power nnd authority to nnd that It did, legally make the Dougan con tract; that ho ontered upon Its per formance and completed tho build ing In ncordance with Its torms; that It wns novor terminated by the (Continued to Page 8) rXm i -ii