TAOi: HI'JVKN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WCT.MI)AV KOVKMIIKIt SI IIWO. ,.v O o rmiiiilliu; vicinity urn m w (llcinnliu: I OREGON BREVITIES I "r tll,,lr 1U-0 i' "l k""11 i"'""'' O Tlio walnut-grow .i Industry (if thli HOHIHIl'Htl, Nov 21 Then. Ik ,mrl of "'" wtnn H "'"".' " nni In Im ii Kiincrnl howl riifmd nil intM- ','lll ,i,Ik l"dulry l profll- uviir IIoiikIiih county when (ho next ",'1" '" ",l(,w ,IV ""' follwl"i! Inbln lax RliiiiiiMiN im. r.i,...i t... of Hi" production '.f n four-arm or- Modoc Timber Land Sold to Pickerings i AI.TUIIAH fill. Now 2 1 a- Dnnilnl ' ' -- i to tlni Pickering lumber company lutvo been recorded hero con voylmt ' thnro I uolmt (n Im mi .,,,,,.,11 rlinril of 12-yoiir old tri'eii owned by 'tho tlmlior Imlillnitii known nt tliu ' '" ft. ....I,., ft. It..- , ...... ..... II..W .., i ... 1 . . nliy tlinrp Jiinii In inxnn ovur tliu """" " "'" "" -j rirti mmomu iiiiiik oi liiigono, uro putt year nnd ll In imiIIo evident Hint Hie tiixon HiIh yimi will Iih heavier tlinii ever before In (do tiln tory of tliu county. ton I'OHTI.ANI), Nov. 21. In tlio tilt: rolilitiry wlilcli recently took place be tween Oiniilnt mill Council IlluffM, Null.. $60,(100 worth of bond Ixi- Tlll. DAI,I,I:h, Or. Nov. 24 Confused liy two rapidly niironrli- longing t tlio l.timlioriiiun'ri Trust Inn niitoinolillioi, II , Kluem, father company of rortlunil worn stolen, of Hill Hteert, fiinthnll nliir, wiim Wont to Hint effect hut Imhiii ro- knorkrit lo the pavement iiml ser- culvi'ij linro from tlm iioHtofflro iln- lounty Injured 1'liiirnliiy nliilit Tlm 1'iirtimml. In answer to repenting niitomolilli. wns driven liy J I, iiiierlet of tlm Incnl house n to why Ilrnrii of (III rllv. Mho look llm In- the bonds Wuro undelivered lit thel.' Juri'il niitn to Urn liiiapltnl r,l(,, .destination. Tlm lost wiih covered ovur tlm IioIiIIiikx of Tl m-tln coin In mi hi lo hiivn Iikkii watching llm by Insuriinro. puny noil Miililtl,uo company In nppronrli of number rnr. which, nm- Mo'," nl"1 !Iyou counties, In- plnil wiih rnln on tlm windshield. BUtlHNi:. Or. Nov. 21. Thv l""'1 '' ll '",r holdings rniiiml hi,,, I,. Mvorl,,,,!, i uira rliinnliiir of (oinmnrcn will Klvii a ' Tlm binds Just purrhnKfld Itnmcd- iIiiiiiIh In 'l'i 1.1, ll r, Modoc county a little to t lift iinrthwiml of Lookout, tlm acreage totaling ir,I3f,7 acres, ii rid whllo tlm consideration wiih not Muled In tlm deeds, revenue) ritnmp to tlm nmount of 4G would Imply ii selling prlco of Hf.,000 for tlio land, or nearly $30 nn ucro. Tlio Houlhorti I'aclflc hail ontornd Into an miri'i'ini'iit with llm luinlmr company for rnllrond cotiHtructlon It In nvldont from tlio I'lckorlnR cnmpiiny, which limt iiiininicr took nit ho Blnrli'il to cronn thn ntront. men nil ncfttn to hfl In cnrmt to punli tliu Jolt alotiK at n Kood pnen (iOI.I) IIII.!., On-. Nov. 24. In hpltn of tlio hlKli cnit of inlnltm, np piirnntly n kimhthI ri'miuipllon of lunrti mlnliiK In thin riRlnu In nl hand ThU Inililitry Imrn linn tivon totnlly miiiprndP'l olnro 1914, nt Dm liPRlnnltiR of tlm war. It wan dur InK till" period that n Kurmrnl lo mimpttnn of tlm Indiiatry wn at tliiK In, after ROYrnl yenm of dila tory Inactivity. DAYTON, Or. nut itrownrii of r.'ov 2 4 Dnyton Tlio wal nut! Mir- i iinr'" v jiwv -, iw .imwunw Dont couii THH vlo'cnt pcroxyimu of ceuRhlni: noon cucI by Dr. Klnj? it Now Diicavcry. Fifty yenm n und.ril rcmwly forroldt. ChlMrcnllkalt. Koharmfulilruitii, Imt Jut K1 tnllclrm. At your druct'Uta COe mid ;i.U0 a lwUlo. For colds nndcoughs Pr-Kings New Digcovery Lazy People, Lazy Bowels So many folU neglect the loui condition of eonitlpatlon. It under mtnr the health, takm nil vim out cl ou. Dr. KlnR'i 1'ilU will In a fentlo manner invlKirato tlio ytrm, tlr up tlio liver, move the IwweU. Same oM price, 25c- nil ilrucsuti. D, Prompt! Won't Grlpo rKiuos Pills rOHTI,ANI), Oro., Nov. 24. Keilcrul offlrerH hnvit mniln nix nr-ri-ulM on wnrrnnt lucd hy United KlattiH DUtrlct Atlornoy Clurmico IteiiiiH'K after rovonuo acmit report ed tlmy hnd purchniM'd mnlerlnl for liinkliiK homo brow. Tho nrrenlii followed tho linpoiltlon In Mderal court of fine of I3S0 each on pro prietor mid clork of n iiloro, who eonfoMMl they hnd nold hopn anil malt. Tho men arretted today cro i hardwaru whulcmilnr, four proprie tor of a Kroeery ttoro and n clerk In their eitahllihumnt. lilt; fat turkny to each iimmher of' lately adjoin tho holillnRM purchn tho limin that ohtnlim tlm lari:ett '' 'utl tprlni: and nro Jutt haroly In- WII.I.AMI.MA lr Mnv ii II llurci'lltllKll Of llm Btllll IlllOIeil to , ' '"""' t,.ji,.u7 iium nmniuu. lint been iinuomicoil that no reduclH "' cmnpalRii for a city do tlon In wiikch will bn mndn Imrn In I velopment fund. Tlm cninpalKii tlm railroad work under tho upr-,n''"l u,l wook- Tu" c,ty h11" vltlon of tlm HimnlillnK I.okkIdr '""'" ""vWi'il Into 1 dUtrlclt and n company. Tlm work It expected to committee hat been tmuji'd for each. Intt throuchout th winter and tho .A certain turn will bo nlloled e,ach lioiiy or worKurt ami' um memuort of tho roinmltteo nearoat that turn will net tlio "gobbler." l'OltTI,AND, Nov. 24 Tho mllK atntlou nt tlio Couch achool bono filed by tliu entertainment alnced at tlm achool under nuaplret of tho parent-teacher naaoclullon. Children In tho achoolt of Portland number I Hi; 3700 ii r i) nt present bclllK nerv ed dully with milk. I'OHTI.ANI). Nov. 24 A blK ThnnkaKlvliiK-dny feed for tlm doRt. rati and Roatt at tko city pound It lining nrraimcd by Mrt. Y. W. Hwan lin.of tho OreRon humnnu tocloly, and tlm menu will bo implied by "n J very wenittiy roriianu woman, wlioao Krlel over too ioir 01 n k J collie lit thux to bo attunRed, to a ileRrcc," nceordlnK to unnouneo- inont. , ... iir.itAi.ii oriK i: now on i:iOUTII hT., ni:,h MAIN Tlm Herald office hat been moved from Konrtli ttroet to tho now n,uartort on'KlRhth ttreot bo twiHin Main and I'lno. All de partment nro now In thn now place. Tho phono number hat not been rhanRed It it ttlll 88, Tho twlmmlnc pool at tbo Hot Hprlnga bath liouao It open to Indict only on Wcdnetdny mornlnrs from 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock On Saturdrtyt It It not open to tho public until 11 o'clock. Children! free hour hat been dltcontlnued on account of cold wuathor. 23-24 Hcmombur tho blc talo of thoot, nt J. IC. l.'ndyrt k Co. 22-24 Uomember 1 need tho money. Tho Furnliher of Happy Hornet, 8tf licit Invottmcnt, ctRnri. meant Mtdbn BIG EATERS SET T Take KnltM At 1'ln.t KIrii of IlliMldcr Irrltntlon or lUck-nclic Tho American men and women mutt Ruard conttantly nRalntt Kid- .. .. ., on.,.. .... nor troublo. becauto wo cat too !:ISb3 ttsra a iffta 1IHTIIIK IIIKIinaj un,,- ,,...... and Myrtlo Creek, and contlderablf tlm kidneys ttrlvo to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become tlUR dnnRer It experienced In traveling fco ,, MUei cIoR anU tlm rotult It klduoy troublo, bladdor wcoknet! and n Rencral decline In health. When your kldncyt feel llko lumpt of lead; your back hurtt or tho urlno It cloudy, full of tedlmcnl or you aro obllRed to tcck rcllof two or threo timet diirinR the nlclit; If you tuffer with tick hoadncho or .Ht nnrvniu tiitftlla inMit k! nniltrh. Don't Rueit. tmoko MOion ciRnit., , rlloumali,nl when tho "" li' weather It hnd, Ret from your phnr- "" linncltt nbout four ounce of Jnd 44f4.''t"M-jSaltt; tnko n tnblctpaonful In n rIbbs J r mT !!'of wntor boforo breakfntt for a few iwA Vaiiv Klllf NrXA7 -'day and your kldneyt will then net ..Iflno Thl famous tnltt Ii ivnito irpm 'lllio acid of Rrnpe and lemon Juice. over thlt road Workmen uro removlnR tho Ildet nt fail nt poatlble, but conttdcrnblo dirt It on tlm pavement and tho road It belnie frequently blocked by rail InR treet. Our blR tnlo of thoet It ttlll run nlnR J K Kndert & Co. 22-24 Order Your Suit Now Pv!).n. f Wnnlnn hnvc been reduced fer- .! combined with llthln. nnd hat been , .ii i feet fit guaranteed, rrompt aenvery. Your inspection invited. luted for Keneratlous to flush and ., ttlmulnto cloRRed kldncyt; to nou Mrallxo tho acids In tho nrlno to It ..'no lonpor It n tourco of Irrltntlon, "thui I'lidlnR bladder dlcordar. "' Jnd Bnltt It Inexpensive; cannot In ;;'juro. innket n dollRhtful effervetvont llthla-wntor bovornRo ,nnd belonRt In I-r every homo, bocamo nobody can rTVTTTTTTTT i uinko a iiilttnko by having- n Reed kldnoy fluthlnR nny tlmo. Adv. CHAS. J. CIZEK, Merchant Tailor itesv If the Wood Dealer Sold Service Wo do not tell current! ho c4! icrvlc. That toundt odd dortn't U7 XVM, .unpoto tho wood denier told tervlco Inttead of wood, he would tend loyeur furnnce and your rniiKO. Ukc, nwtiy the twthe Mid clean tbo flue. You Would buy to much het. Now you huy no much llh, although you pay ccordlnB to the current you eontunie. Hut the tcrvlco 1 performed for jou by UiU company at Uietubtttlont and power plants. That la what we want to glvo you effloJent jwvlo. It u atM of thla company to hoe one but aaUtfletl I CMtomtv. No matter what It ltt you have a grievance, or are fc your bill or Co not understand our rate, pteate come la aad u or write u about It. If you have any ugRMtloat to make, we will gladly ataU our. civet of thna na our aim U conttantly to Improve wj0" f ji ufiutM Uio development of lckce and human ability permit. California-Oregon Power Company AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HI Sara Ten mid Sulphur Turn Clmy, T'jirtVrt iiair irK nnd Gloiuy Almost ovoryono know that Saro Ten nnd Sulnhur. properly com- poundod, brings back tho natural col or nnd lustre, to tho hair when fnded, atronkod or gray. Years bro tho on)y way to got this mltxuro was to mnko t at homo, which Is musty nnd 'troublcsomo. Nowadays wo tlmply ask at nny drug atoro for "Wyeth's Sago nnd Sulphur Compound." You will got n largo bottlo. of this old-time reclpo Improved by tho addition of other Ingrodlonts, at very llttlo cost. 'Ev erybody usos this preparation now, because no ono can possibly toll that you darkoned your bnlr, as It doos It so uaturally and ovonly. You dampen a spongo or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking ono small strand at a tlntoj by morning tho gray hair disappears, and aftor anothor application or two, your hair bocomoso beautifully dark, thick ond glossy and you look years youngor, Adv. c a: O BIG THANKSGIVING Thursday Nov. 25 1920 WWMWMtW1 MOOSE HALL WWVVA Music By the Syncopating Five Hall Under Entirely New Management Admission $1.10, Including War Tax . ..b3 SERVES YOU RIGHT m I ,. ,i M, I llllll SERVES YOU RIGHT HAVE YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER AT THE CLUB CAFE The place that is more than holding its own on a side street. ' Why? Because it serves you right, A real old-fashioned Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings, seasoned just right, and served piping hot. Our Bill of Fare will be printed in English no French names copied from a two-dollar cook book to confuse you and spoil your dinner. Listen, Folks! There are two kinds of chestnuts don't let anyone kid you. Our Turkeys, Geese and Chickens will be stuffed with dressing made from dry bread, minced fried onions, celery and maybe some oysters, all properly seasoned by one who knows how. There's the difference! RS" The Plum Pudding is made on the premises. We don't get it in tin cans from the store; and fruit cake you won't have room for when you get through with a real turkey dinner, that is as pleasing to the stomach as it is to the eye. It is an old saying: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." The wonderful business we have en joyed on a side street plainly shows the pudding must be good here. club Cafe Oh Sixth St., just off Main IHI HL i i i Miti i i i ii MBB HittBtitMtltM4.w.-EBltLMi SERVES YOU RIGHT im Co i Co O g I