The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 24, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1
PA'iili FOUIt
The Evening Herald
B. J. MUIUUY Kdltor
FRED HOULK ..... City Editor
Published dally, except Sunday, b
n nerald Publishing Company o!
iiuurth Falls, at IIS Fourth Street.
fc m
tatered at tha postofflce at Klam-
ItU Falls. Ore., for transmission inru
M saalla aa second-class matter.
The Associated Press li exeluslvol
totltled to the uio tor republication
of all newi dispatches credited to It,
or not othtrwlse credited In this
paper, and alio the local news pub
lished herein.
Down tho years In an unbroken
bain, the links of which now num
ber closo to 300. clvllltatlon In tho
now world has been handed a torch
Which tomorrow wo light anew. If we
but catch a portion of a spirit which
animated the New England colonists
then tho day of Thanksgiving that
they originated will remain a day to
be observed wtth reverent regard for
entury upon century to come.
Thankfulness Is not always the off
spring of Tlrtuo. Often the seed that
brings It to fullest flower In our
bearta Is the vicious seed of selfish
Beta. We are thankful because for
tune has dealt mora bountifully with
as than, with our neighbor, or per
bapa' because tragedy or tribulation
that has -settled upon our neighbor's
'Aesrthsfone has pascd us by.
Tnio thankfulness does not, either
-willfully or thoughtlessly, take pride
In one's elevation, above another.
Rather It Is a feeling of gratitude for
the strength that enables one to reach
down from an advanced position a
helping hand to the brother strug
gling upward.
The first Thanksgiving was a feast,
meager perhaps In comparison to the
repasts that will grace the tables of
Klamath county tomorrow, but, In
comparison to the prior months of
famine and hardship, a great feast
to the participants.
In the new made cemetery at Plr
mouth,had been laid away many a
loved parent, son, sister, wife and
friend. Between the survivors and the
land at their birth rolled the migh
ty Atlantic From the shores of the
ocean westward stretched an un
charted, forest, holding none kneir
what hostile terrors. But betwixt,
the sea and the woods they bad made
a clearing, cultivated a few acres of
ground,' reared some houses and the
sew landj.Dad smiled and In a meas:
are jbTe'sied them. , j
So.wKfin the crops ware gathered
from the new tilled acres they feast
ed and thanked God. Doubtless thsy,
bad known better feasts In England,
as food measures feasting, but there
they kte by tho grace of James,
Icing of' England. In mental chains.
Here they ate by God's good grace,
freemen Jn body and In mind.
Not as a feast of the Epicureans,
tempting Jaded appetites with fine
food, was the first Thanksgiving
kept, but as an observance of hospi
tality between neighbors a sharing
The Spark Plug
In which wo tell of the big men
nnd the little things wo find In
Gasoline Alloy
Everybody familiar with tho quota
tion "Tho mills of tho gods grind
slowly, but they grind exceedingly among whom ho came, from n far.
That ef Heart Far Outranks tht Writ.
tn Word In the Making
ef Frltnds.
There la one language of the tongus
and another of the heart, and the sec
ond Is tho more Important The dough
boy In France often found himself un
able to exchango words beyond the
briefest greeting or the expression of
the elemental ueeds of life with thoso
flno" will be surprised to lenrn that
recent scholarly Investigations into
Its origin by authorities of Interna
strango land. Hut actions wero louder
and more Intelligible than speech.
The people knew from his, kindly face
tlonal reputation havo discovered ! and his outheld band that Uiey had
that wrong construction has been
used slnco the quotation first bo-
camo popular. What tho author of
tho words meant to say was tuat
"Tho Mills of tho Falls climb slow-
l) but they get there every time.
This, say the Investigators, has been
established beyond dispute; futrncr
more, they assert, the author had In
mind tho Mills family of this city,
now represented In tho business
world by tho name of J. S. Mills and
Hut very tittle has been learned
nbout the history of the Mills family
previous to their advent here, but
statistics show that they came here
from tho vicinity of Albany, this
state, that they wero thoroughly Im
bued with the spirit of Clnclnnatus of
old, and camo here to farm about
eight years ago, first having become
thoroughly convinced that Kalmath
county Is the premier agricultural
section of the universe.
With commendable discretion,
they decided that nearness to a live
city was the next best thing to living
In a productive farming community,
and established a home about SVs
miles southeast of town. There they
lived In peace, happiness, and suc
cess, until five years ago, when the
call of the spirit of old Clnclnnatus
began to thump louder than ever,
and they decided to open up a busi
ness establishment In which, their
guiding spirit's favorlto implement of
cultivation, the plow, could be more
easily, and profitably too, It
must be confessed, b distrib
uted among the disciples of the gen
tleman of old. In plain, practical,
everyday words they came here to
sell plows, and Incldently all the la
test harvesting and tillage machin
ery needed to keep Klamath county
In the van of progressive counties.
They handle the McCormlck line,
and Frank Mills, speaking for Daddy
Mills, said yesterday thaf their
choice of farming Implements has
been vindicated, for they have made
a splendid success of their business.
International tractors are Included
In tbelr line, and also I'iO plows.
Oh. yes, and lots of other things too.
but it Isn't necessary to tell all about
them here. "Tho success of their
business speaks for the worth of ma
chinery they sell.
The Mills farm of 160 acres still
belongs to the Mills family although
they are now actively engaged In
farming It. They live In town, like
the place, and Intend to say here.
'J. S.," that's Daddy Mills, you
know, bos four girls, all married.
Nation Centlnuts to Drssm ef Victor.
eus War, In th Face ef In
glorious Dsftat.
The Hon never changes. We rend In
well-informed msgaxlnes everywhere
that Germany, unlike any other nation
participating In the great war. refuses
to forget the war. While In Amer
ica, In Britain. In France and Italy,
the chief desire Is to turn full atten
tion to the things of peace and to blot
out war memories, in Honlsnd the con
verse Is true, declares the American
Legion Weekly.
The astounding sale of books dealing
wtth military phases of the war and
the military lessoas tanght by the war
continues throughout Germany. Ger
mans, old and young, are reading what
Von Illodenburg and Yon Kluck and
Von Sanders think of even the mi
nutest details of strategy and tactics.
Clubs have been formed for the study
of military questions, and newspapers
are full or articles explaining Just why
Germany failed, and Just how' the
could have dono better. Some stupid
persons wonder If this does not menn
"Just how sho can do better next
"One would expect the reverse look
for a national revulsion of feeling on
the part of beaten Germany leading
them to abjure war talk and turn their
thoughts eUewherc. nut Heinle cin
neither leam nor forceL Prudence.
nnd one son, Frank, the samo one of j not pessimism. Is tho origin of an In-
course, wno is associated in iu tcne conviction that our sons win
business with him. Frank Is still ' lomo ,. have to combat tho same old
of the best lhat each possessed. tbeneart wbo, anA single. He did his Teuton menace.
breaking of bread at a table nt which bit toward making the world m tor
all sat as equals. j human beings to live In by helping! Tejeh Vau, of Foodt.
They knew, these sturdy men and lo tma ,0 nt.'?r ,De, kaUer'! The first laboratory for working nut
women, that their hardships wero an they do say that ho made quite, nonM,loM fo0(, probem, aH inMnlled
not over, that their biggest tasks! reputation as a solder. Tho build- ,n Teathtn. colIc,.p Ncw VorU cltr
doubtless wore before thorn. nndlnK erected for Mr. Mills nnd his son, a (,e mofg tmn ,en JMn, ncf) My,
they broke tho food God find given n ho corner of Sixth end Klamath, 9n cxcnant.e. The development of sc.
them to fortify their bodies against ' occupied by ihom. and most oDfe hM hwn Mtrnonnnnry ,h, cur
new needs of tho spirit nnd thanked ; l'5"5' ' occupied by them for Mnn of le acw vn1 of foo
Him. tyoar. to come for said I rank J .,,.
Tho civilization of which the pn-1 speaking for his daddy too. Wero. iwJ ie work n lriee Inbnrntorles
grim were the forerunners has " io .r ' -" '; wh(m , war ,,,, l0 Bt,.rmn,.nt
spread over a continent. Each era ol o "' "' "" ' '"" " ' V ' accented wit
development hns brought new prob- mg impiemen s are raxner uuo
lems, but guided by an overwhelm- iinepni!i'w ,, of Amerran soldiers In France
UlllOr WIIHKB. UUl KB IH'IICtu ilJUii rt,..l .. ,t,..m
nothing to fear from this American
soldier, lie camo not to steal or de-'
stroy; he came to help and to ptay I
the part of a friend.
The traveler In a land held by sav
ages Is under a constant surveillance.
The aboriginal folk are wondering
whether he Is the advance agent of a
great many more, who are coming to
take what through the ages hns be
longed to them nnd to their forbears.
De Is on trial, and the burden of
proof rests wtth him. If he goes
with the modest, courteous, consider
ate demeanor of Farabco traveling
through Amazonia, he has nothing to
fear for he has done nothing to cre
ate fear. When Stanley went to Af
rica or Roosevelt traversed South
America or rtlnglske made bis Jour
oey lo the East, each of these voyag
ers encountered unfamiliar tongues;
but there are always waya tn which
ooe human being makes himself un
derstood by another, no matter bow
dlstsnt the points from which they
Many Will Dine ,
at White Pelican
A consistent stream of Inquiries
about tho Thanksgiving dinner to bo
given by tha ladles of tha Calltnllc
church In tho Whllo Pelican hotel
tomorrow, nnd requests fnr resorva-
Jtlons, Is being received at I hit ov
Lral sources of Information ileslg-
- - ... .i . . . ....-,. i
nated by tho Indies, ami II is evident serveu m u n emeu mmrp
that tho dinner Is going to lia well
pnlrunliud. Tim reputation of thn
ladles as providers of .unexcelled
home rooked dinners, tho regular
old-fashioned kind, Is thn obvious
catiso of the demand. Tickets will
bo on salo at thn Htnr drug storu
until noun tomorrow, after which all
reservations should bn tuniln by
phono or otherwise! at tint White
Pelican hutel. Tho dinner will bo
John Fleids. former president of
the State AgrlsuKnral and Me
chanical College, twice nominee
for governor, and editor of one of
Senator Capper's farm papers for
many years, la tfc ncra nee of the
southwest tor Harding's secretary
of agriculture. Fields gained
popularity wnea to demonstrated
to Oklahoma that kaflr was aa
good f6 tor eattle aa Indian
From Frying ta rtytng.
Aviation Is occupying a great deal
of sttentlon In Canada these days. It
Is highly probable that the helium gas
rising out of the ground tn Alberta
and other parts of western Canada
and osed In parts of the country for
family cooking will one day be carry
tog English IlgbteMhan-alr flying ma
chines, says Motor Life. It has been
reported thst there Is enough of this
gss to supply the entire British em
pire for msny years. It lacks only
10 per cent of the weight-supporting
ability qf the highly Inflammable hy
drogen and Is equally satisfactory.
8wtta Losing Popularity In Franca.
France hss lost Its sweet tooth. Ile
cent official statistics show that, be
cause sugar waa unobtainable during
the war. children born between 1014
and into have been educated by their
parents not to require sugar In their
drinks snd food.
As a result the consumption of sugsr
In Fraoce has fallen to onv-vlgbtb the
I pre-war mark.
France has become such on unprofit
able market for fine chocolates thst
nearly all the big manufacturers are
sending nine-tenths of thtlr output to
the Onttcd States and South America.
Attt'IlUN l a nm-ful clirntlcal, betn prescribed onUtanUy by
skltliHl physlrlana fir treatment of rheamatio affections, nro
raisin, colds iwtd certain types of ferrr.
AHPIHIN U. D. 0. Tablets am maiW) by tint United Ihnjc
t'o., Ilcton, whoko sirrnts arr tho Kexall stores evrrywiimv
The chemical used Is always of the very highest grade and the
tablets may, therefore, be depended upon with confidence, to
yield the mailntum of beneficial results that may be ex
pected from (be use of Aplrl.
Fraudulently made Asplrla Tablet were pot on the mar
ket by llrookl)n coacero. This ha been espial ted by ewe
ftoncen the'purpoae of itUcredlTjnjc all tablet t Aspirin
'made' by others. The public should know that we, aa reput
able druggists, have never handled any bnt Aspirin of the
highest grade.
The Aspirin patent rip! red in IP17, and an tone ran now
make Aspirin and sell It under that name.
Our customers may depend ujpon It that Aspirin V. I). i.
old only at Itexsll t"rr . is evrrjtblng that Uie mo.t
careful, meal illMTimlnatlng sjmI skillful pli)lclan could
demand. "l
1'Ja Sti 00
it one"" ajl.oo
I'rlcea do not Include Iteveaue Tax
The Days of the
accept id without question tlm results
of thetic Investigations nnd the rn-
ing love of liberty and desire to keep
Its blessings, each decision hss been
squarely met, at stern cost some
times. On tho path of liberty appear such
milestones as valley Fo-ge, New Or
leans, Chapultepec. Gettysburg, Ell'00 us over"
Caney nnjl Argonno, but the path la t
still open, thanks to tho blood of'o-
1921 will witness a change. At thut
we are selling as low ns tho lowost
now, with a cracking good line from
which to make your selections. Al
ways glad to have you come In and
those who spread the first Thanks-1 WEATHER RECORD I
I were Axed upon them.
One of the most Interesting fea
tures of the laboratory Is a complete
flat. Including kitchen, dining room
bedroom and bath. Students are se
lected who need such kinds of food
nnd experimented upon for wieks at n
time. In this way. many problems of
the utmost Importance were sohed.
Itlvlng feast and of their God-feurlng
liberty-loving breed In eery hour of
need since.
Let us tomorrow thank God for
America, for American Ideals and
American liberty and the Heritage of
courage that has never failed to rat
ly to freedom In danger. For so long
as we have liberty, though minor
evils may at times vex us tbey are
but passing shadows, comparatively
easy of reclflcatlon.
vsvonrvsATK familv
Many, many thanks to the kind and
generous people of Klamath Falls
who made donations to tho Barrett
family, as the aid could not have
reached a home where it is more wel
come. Misfortune overtook Albert Bar
rett early last spring when he re
ceived a double compound fracturo
of the left leg. After recovering he
worked a little more than three days
and had bis right uboulder broken,
which will knock hlra out of employ
ment for five or six weeks more.
Surely, owing to the kindness of
Klamath Fulls residents, this will be
a real Thanksgiving for us and wo
nro deeply thankful.
Identification cards are suggested
by an English bishop as a means of
gardlng against bigamy,
Hereafter the Herald will publish
the mean and maximum tempera
tures and precipitation record as tak
en by the U. S. Reclamation service
station. Publication will cover the
day previous to the paper's Issue, up
to C o'clock of that day.
Maz. Mln. clpltatlon
Nor. 1. C2 IE
Nov, 2 ...... 60 30
Nor. 3 . C6 33
Nov. t. 9 29
Nor. C 44 24
Nor. 6 45 2C
Nov. 7 46 18
Nov. 8 4C 22
Nor. 9 49 18
Nor. 10 47 23
Nor. 11 42 32 . 32
Nor. 2 ... 49 34 1C
Nov. 13 .. CG 38
Nov. 14 . 48 32 -
Nov. IE 44 3B 07
Nov, 16 50 42 13 '
Nov. 17 CO 45 99
Nov. 18 48 43 60
Nov. 19 47 39 39
Nov. 20 4G 28
Nov. 21 45 33
Nov. 22 44 33 16
Nov. 23 39 25
Shaving, according to one doctor,
increase neuralgia and other troubles
of tho face, and so tends to shorten
Making Wood FlrcRealitlng.
Keeping wood wet. Injertln; certain
chemicals, and coating with suitable
paints, nro the three methodi of In
creasing reslstanco to fire that hare
been tested at tho United Stile forest
products laboratory. Tliotijsli not the
most effective, painting Is t. ehenp
est and most practicable trv-- nrnt for
wood In small amount OI ii.-y cal
cimine or whitewash provi bo as
resistant to Are as any pi It Is
cheap and convenient to -, and
while It docs not prevent ng at
high temperature It lessens "sU of
rpreadlng a blate from b ,g cig
arettes, sparks end mntchci- A paint
of linseed oil, sine borate ix'l rhrome
green, which hns been trl ' Cor out
door use, retained Its fir -listing
properties during mora t' n three
years of exposure to the wi - itr.
Furs From New South '. Irs.
An Important export tr. l in fur
kins Is being developed li he atntu
of New South Wales, says n:l Ed
ward X Norton, Sydney, A rulla, as
Instanced by the fart that 'Ion fur
skins to the amount o' .112,402
pounds, valued at S7,00Q,Q0 oro ex
ported from Sydney durli,;, hi; six
month period ended Janun tv. 102(1.
excluding rabbit skins, wh ir consti
tute a big Item of export on Syd
ney, Fox skins aro largel jtporlcd.
and tho foreign demand for nngnrno,
opossum, wallaby and woiabir skins
Is steadily Increasing.
Tillers of the soil have reaped the harvest from
their labors.
Are you preparing for the autumn days of life,
when you should reap the reward of your activities?
A Savings Account with the First State and Savings
Bank will help you in this direction. Like sowing seed
in the spring, plant the idea of saving in the minds of
your children, that they may grow thrifty and reap the
harvest of your wisdom when they reach the autumn
of life- We pay four per cent on Savings Accounts.
One dollar will start an account. Sow that dollar
First State and Savings Bank
"rVnere the Majority Bank"