PAHM TWO VUKSDAY, X0VKM11KK 2.1, 1020. TOE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON -wenJln , STUDIO 'U Photographs of Style, Quality VANITY It Isn't vanity which causes you to havo your photograph made, but a sincere dcslro to vlsuallie your real self for tho pleasure It trill give your friends and loved ones. Photographs made at Hcnllne's Htndlo aro artistic achievements, tho ort of pictures that will ho ap preciated by friends, and proro priceless treasure! In years to come $5 SPECIAL $5 COUPON This coupon and 15.00 entitles the bearer to a trial order of two of our special SUvertone Finish ' Photographs site SrlO, sold reg ularly at. HO per doxen, for Fire Dollars. tienline Studio HARDING WAITING FOR A BITE? HWl I 1 -I SM i 1 1 i i J, i M i i lay by A. T. Merrier, superintendent of tlio railway rorporntlon, with lieoil quarter In Portland, UNIVKIIHITY OF OltKUON. Kll geno, nov. 23. Tweiily-flvu mihmil children of llend, Urti., nuil lleilimiud. Ore., who urn not doing well In their school work, will Im given physical unit psychological tests by Miss Until Montgomery, assistant In tlio assistant of Dr. II. W. ! lltiHfc. lro foHKiir of educational psychology, will spend Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I" "end l,ml Hedmmid toiiiliictltiK tho imycliuliiKloil clinic, IIIUINB. Dm.. Nov. 2H. At it meeting of llm Mum, cattle and horim association held In Hums last week offlfom worn elected for tint yunr. Tim association wnn urganlm iilnmt a inoiitli ago with temporary department of educational psyrinM. off leers In Iniprovn mock iiiiu "main ogy. MIm Montgomery, who In nn rnoperiUloti. .- .. ..-- -..- i m .s I nan. Hero Is tho first photograph from Point uaoei, icx. snowing irimu ,, .... lnr Although he hasn't caught a tarpon. Hardin soya ho hooked ono mud; larger than any that had been caht by Mrs. Harding and Senator Bikini, llut tho presidentelect'., catch ot uy from him. U4ittt i k. c. i mrwirtit'rrtiriMjtXMK'oV-BmaiarmA- ptr witniJ.ijHl.ssi I s iny ' ' It'll .( Qoirad lioane 4o 4xs3ke!y atuS. 4twimwLtt GO II CUT !H HALF UST 5 YEARS PORTLAND, Nor. 23. Cold production In the statu of Oregon has fallen from about $8,000,000 In 1915 to less than n.000.000 In 1920., I This ularmlng ttecrc-so In gold Frnnk W. Huntington, patrolmen, .production Is not due to any real de- tplctlon of tho mineral wealth of thci PORTLAND. Nov. 23. Moro than Istato or nation; hut Jo tho fact that) 120 purebred beef and dairy cattle I every Item going Into tho cost of, changed hands nt tho Holstolu and gold mining from tho prospector's 1 Hereford sales, which featured tho 'meager grubstako to the opcrntlon Pacific International livestock exposi tor tho most modern redaction plants Hon Friday, but, as on two previous j has Increased from SO to 100 per days, bidders wcro conservative. I cant In prlco, while tho market value Twice during tho day tho $2000 sales lot gold has remained constant and Its' record established In tho Shorthorn purchasing power has gradually do-j.alo Thursday was tied by Holsteln creased. 'cows, but overy effort to raise the While tho nnvnt of gold proiiue-'mnrk nnnothcr dollar failed, ed In the country has been growing) less, tho amount of this precious ASTORIA. Or.. Nor. 23 I)r metal consumed In tho arts, crafts iQwcns-Adalr of Clatsop county, au '.M.l In.ln.f.Ud In Inn mnnnfnrlurt .k r i. . iu..i I ... Moreover, tho decrease In gold pro-. , ...., .,, ,. . ,,(,rtm.- nth.r ..... . ....-.., . , - . ., , .. , .. i .,- ,w --.lw j-"- " -.,- lining iu uuiuciiT-- uiiacii'ii 111 nut Xmyx..ihM coinage, now exceed, the total l-ftorK , onCo ..etm vetoed and dltlon of the Indus nbJuh0uutl. ' annual gold production of the Vnlted , ro,om, loKtho people, said that at the '' 'hV"ft, fw !,m.'8w,m- Tbat '" "y' Wh'"' ,58:!he forthcoming session of tho legfs. Pm k '? -,n.n tro nno 000 a 00'000 worth of KId wni Pro,luc"1 latum she would Introduce n bill to will bo les sthan $50,000,000, as , ,. tan nmi nan nnh u- . .. , . . ,-.. I . urn nnn nnA i 1QIK '" "' t--.---- u III cull lliq llliirri-RU mwii in vjiiriiii jagalnst $101.000.000 In 1915. , , . h rt aml Induiltrles. so ln ,.,.. 11 .nir-inr. on w.mMi I that $22,000,000 les of gold avail-ial wljl - men to paM (ntlstactory . aa-aiiinsnitt ..s.sslliiMM nllln rr colnaK remained nt tho end 1 tn(.(Ca examination before obtain. "1" """ ' Jjof the year than at It. beginning. In- ,letlnlcB t0 WC(1. Tho ,,,, ,aw BIG DANCE AT MOOSE HALL TONIGHT REAL JAZZ MUSIC BY THE SYNCOPATING FIVE t TJader eaiUrely new and strict xigpmrnt. Ilcat ureL-. Come and Join oar party of o order 4 Admistion $1.10 including War Tax Dancing every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nlghta m?HtHmmtMtMHIIHHMMMMHIHIMMm I As a remedy for the present pre- applies (o men only, carious condition of tho gold mining, - Industry, tho Oregon bureau of mines 8AI.KM. Nor. 23. Crossing accl and geology Is urging support of tho( 0- tho jn0B of no Southern McKadden bill Introduced In tho, j.actl- company during tho period United States houso ot rcpresenia-january i, 1918, to Septembor 1, tlves last March and now pending, ujo, resulted In a toll ot 120 lives, Wood is Cheap IN KLAMATH FALLS Ninety per cent ot the people ot Klamath Falls aro buying their wood cheaply. Aro you. going to be one of tho 10 per cent tbat pay high prices for wood? HLA1! WOOD AM) HLOCK WOOD ore the fuels to buy you get the worth ot your money. If you Insist on buying expenslvo woods, that Is your privilege, but, re member, we aro ready to serve you with good wood at reasonablo prices. t O. Peyton & Col "WOOD TO BURN" 419 Main St. Phone 535 This bill provides for the levying of an excise tax of $10 an ounco on manufactured gold to provide a fund from which gold producer, are to be paid a premium of $10 an ounce. After carefully considering the bill and the conditions that make It. pas sage necessary, tho commission ot this bureau baa declared tho act sound, carefully drawn, and possible ot successful administration without difficulty. It Is held by the commis sion that enactment of this bill as a I law will greatly stimulate gold pro-' iductlon, and by adding to tho supply of gold currency will permit a rodue- itlon In the amount of paper currency Issued, tending away from unsound money In tho direction of sound " mnnAV The commissioners ot the Oregon bureau of mines and geology are: ,U II. Dennis, Cartlon, chalman; I Walter O. Kellows, Whitney; Hobt. JI. Uctts, Cornucopia; P. A. Olmsted. I Hood River; O. 8. lllancbnrd, Grants Pass; W. J, Kerr, president ot the Oregon agricultural college, and P. , L. Campbell, president of the Unf- vorslty of Oregon. 538 Injured and 1C1C automobiles damaged or completely destroyed, ac cording to a report filed with tho Orenon public service commission to- THANK8QIVINO DAY last year. ... I ATE my chow. . t ALONE In the big town. . AND THE TURKEY was all. NEATLY VARNISHED and had. ... NICE LITTLE paper pants, ... ON DOTH It. legs. AND TASTED strongly, ... LIKE NOTHINQ at all, BUT THI8 year. MAN ALIVE, I'm going home, AND THERE will 1)0, A COUNTRY turkor. DONE TO a turn. ' DnOWN AND savory. CRISP AND flaky. - SENDINQ UP little clouds, t OF TANTALIZINQ steam. MAKINQ NOSTRILS wrinkle. AND PALATES quiver, ... OH DOY, real turkey. ... AND THEN afterwards. ... ABLE TO breathe, ... DUT NOT to bend. ... I'LL REACH for a smoke. ... THAT'S THE real turkey, too. ... COSTLY AROMATIC Turkish. . BLENDED WITH tho best. OF MELLOW Domratle leaf. ... AND ONCE again oh boy, CANT YOU Just hear ran. ... INFORMING THE world, "THEY SATISFY." ITS real Turkish tobacco thot goes Into Chesterfields really grown In Turkey and bought nn the ground by our own buyers. To blend It with best Domestic, In the exclusive Chi-terneM way Iravo tbat to usl "They Battsfyr We'll leave that to you. jflt-Hrt jw wISIii 2i IVU KjtoSlff CIGARKTTXI "There's More Real Satisfaction" says the Good Judge In a little of the Real To bacco Chew, than you ever got out of the ordinary kind. The good rich taste lasts so . long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as oftenthat's why it costs you less to chew this class of tobaccp. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT ia a ehort-cut tobacco OI'PICK NOW ON KKillTII ST., XKAIl MAIN Tho Herald offlco has been moved from Fourth street to the new Quartern on Klghth streeirbo tween Main and Pine. AU de partments aro now In tho new placo. The phono number baa not been changed It Is still 88. O- OREGON BREVITIES LA OltANDB, Or., Nov. 23. One ot the very oldest of Oregon', cltl enH, Mrs.(Lucrctla Janno McKen non, died Friday morning at 2 o'clock at the age of 98 yearn. Mr.. Mc Kennon hud often said that she real ly believed that she was 100 years of ego, but no record could bo found to verify bcr claim and a. near a. known, she was born In Tennnessco on June 20, 1822. &2-SS SALEM, Nov, 24. Seven hundred and elghty-nino person, are Buffer ing from typhoid fever In this llttlo city ot loss than 10,000 peoplo. Your emergency hospitals establish ed within the last few week, wore filled with patient, and the situa tion, according to It. A. Lamont, chairman of the citizens' relief com mittee, was desperate PORTLAND, Nor. 23. Frank ad iniuiion that Jim Marshall, a known ' "otloggor and stool plgoon, had iH'fti permitted to carry 12 quarts of liquor from tbo pollco stations an his reward for glvfng Information leading to the arrest of two bootleg ruTB and tho posslblo breaking up of a gang of bootleggers disposing of liquor smugled Into Portland from Cinuila won mndo on the witness i stand by floorgo W, Hun-ell and Why Go to the Bother OF COOKING THANKSGIVING DINNER? WHY NOT GO TO rex Care SPECIAL THANKSGIVING DINNER $1.50 Olympia Oyster Cocktail RELISHES Celery Hearts Salted Almonds Mission Olives SOUP -. Fried Fillet of Sole, Sauce Tartar Potatoes Souffle 4 Pisco Punch SALAD Waldorf. Whipped Cream Choice of Young Klamath Tom Turkey, Chestnut Dressing Cranberry Sauce Roast Suckling Pig, Stuffed Green Apple Sauce VEGETABLES Candied Sweet Potatoes New Cauliflower in Cream DESSERT English Plum Pudding, Hard and Fine Sauce Hot Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie I ' nAi Flnorm American Cheese Cafe Noir Kisses Crisp Crackers o i