lit? HRt fowmxtxa Iteratfi VWWVWVMAAAAAAM A Classified Ad Will Do It Today's News Today Uwvwvwn 1'NVVMWWMlMWWW I'oiiifivntli jenr .So. IIIHI KLAMATH VALIM, OREGON, MONDAY, VOVI'MIIER i!M, llttO. Prlro FIto Cent I ftT1 ,- Iff TESTFY TO RUTHLESS BRITISH ACTS Vlvlil U'fint tilrliiritM rif llrllluli ,,..,!I....L nf .iil.lnrtlim In Irnlnlld. virtually n rulKii of ttirrnr; Amur' IciuiH Insulted, home raided, il" - 1 .troyed nnd robbed Innocent eltl.n. nhot down In colli liloml. and many other offenses, nrn being rrconntml lit WoshlliRton before tlio Investi gating commllten u( 100 by Amur leunn unit Irishmen who worn nyu witnesses ami victim of HCt said to hnvn been committed, Pnrsiinnl acrnunt of tlm klllluK of cltltuni nml pollen last Heplem bur at llalbrlgRun anil tlm liurnliiK ami lootltiK of home nml store tlmrn and at (lulwny ami other Irish town were related by John Deer bam, town commissioner for Unl- lirlRitan, ami Americans who ton roil tlm country recently. Including Mr, representing tlm I). A II. (J. Mock-, ;,"'""" r' l"0onC"B William A King of .ronton. O and UrV pij.I "-"- "jcMcd m"y .ooW .h'em o ? '" Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ilncki'll ofjformai protest against tlm sale. ' Nnw York "Terrorism" l Demiutioil. "Terrorism" wa thn term ap pllfd by nit wltni'iM'n to tho military rule In IreUinl. Mr Ptrerlmm nald thn "black and tn" bayonutted two cltUrni of llalbrlKKan and hurnml SC ImiiieK during a raid In ruprlnat for tlm nhoollng of two officers by unknown puraonn. ll ld ho wn hlniMtlf boatun with bayonol bultl ml othnrwlia maltreated. No com- prnatlon. Im Id. offurml by' th llrltlih Kovornmcnt for property, destroyed by thn military. A picture of tho military rulo. maintained with armed lorries ana racmo uauroau company ami inn tanks In Cork, ilmerlek. Dublin andlenyer and lllo (Irande railroad. Ho other cities, wa Rlon by Mrs. Klng.;l't honi was no deflnlt plan to who said that street shootings woro,mblnn ho Denver and lllo (Irando of nlKhtly occurrence J"1 "'' Western 1'aclflc properties Mr? Hackett. assoclatn elltor of nd lht tho properties may bo oper- .L. . t.......i.ii. ..i.! it,.. n.intBitfn as separate lines .en.", wcrc . bmlTlnRhHrl-.V..I '"' " - I nil other controversies io am publican courts, tl. nnlv !hn nomlnul authority of Dublin castle, noiinnui uiitnuiiij hi ". ,--..., he said, llmro would be little llrltlsh' dominion In Ireland except that of the military forces. HrllUh 1'ollcy Condemned Tho llrltlsh policy regarding rpstl t..ilin tnr nrnnnrtv deatrored by the military Is to Irnpo" assessments Walter Van of Han Kranclsco and upon cltlten of tho communltlesdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. t). U. Uor- where vlolenco has occurreu, mo witness said. People for Hlnn Kctn Thn liullrliil administration of tho Hlnn Koln officials, the witness said, hero this morning. Includes formal, although secret Mr. Van was born nt Worden, "trial" of police, constabulary and 'July , 1895, and ranrrlcd Wulter Van soldiers charged with killing Irlsh four oar ago. 8ho leave to muurn cltliens. "Ilesponslblo Hlnn Kolnihor, besides her husband and two loader told me," said Mr. Hackott. year old son. her father and mother. . .... -It fti -.... . I 4ima llk lln Hi 1 Inn sum m,i ihn.n kill nci or nniicemon wero an absolutely necessary act of Justice, most of them having com mitted actual muraor." Conditions In Ireland "aro work ing up to massacre." Mr. Hackett .aid. lln added that many ot tho "black and tans" worn ex-convlct and other desperadoes. John K. Murtln, an attorney of Oreen Hay, Wis., wo a member of tlio commission which recently pre sented a stuttio of I-nfayotto to tho Kronch republic. On hi way back to Amurlca ho apont seven day In Ireland. This Is what happened to him: "I tried to visit Limerick, tho birthplace of my mother," lostlfled Martin. "I found tho railroads badly dlsorganltod and wa com pelled to mukii part of tho Journoy In an nutomobllo. At tho vlllugu of I'nllaa wn found a heavy stono wall built ocroH tho road, with Just npaco enough for ono vehicle to go through. A nuichlno gun and n doxen rifle woro lovoled nt us, and wa woro commanded to holt. After n thorough soarch wo woro permit ted to go on. "Tho strcot of Mmorlck swnrmml with Holdlur, and wn lmd( not pro- coodod far when a drunken officer pushed hi pistol In our faces and ordored ub to halt. Something wn lacking I nthu croduntlals of our drlvor, and tho office r with much lirofanlty decided to plncu'us undor nrrost. When I showed him my American passport ho throw It li)to my face. "I poraiinded him, however, to lot us 0 on. On tho way to LlmorlcK Junction wo woro hold up nt tho point of bayonots nnd Hoarchod. "After thl oxporlonco I wont to Klllurnoy, whoro I found tho host hotel commandeered by tho military and surrounded with a barrlcado ot barbed wlro and Handbags. Whllo I wan thoro tho convont ot tho ProBon tatlon was raided on tho protonso that arm woro concoalod within." " "'" '(Continued to Page 8) France to Protest Restoration of Ex King Constantino (Ily Amtoclntnil Pro) PARIH, Nov. 22. Tliu French guv flriiimml will not iippine by plonlial I (or to tliu rutiirii of tlm former kliiK J Constantino (it tliu til roil u. Tliu for iiiIku officii think Hint tliu restora tion of Constantino In Inevitable ll HU" HiiuiMi mill inn i-rnncii pro "'" w' advocate, that Franc. .111(1 !-..... tl.ltMl.. I H I..I.., ....... ... ilium iiriuiiii nmi.i ji'iiii iiiiifj in tliu drunk peopln warning them Hint I tl 11 tin I I il i.fiiitiiiiii( fit III l.i. Mu If Coii.untlno I. return" ml. Western Pacific Co. Purchases Denver and Rio Grande DENVER, Nor. f!I!nnrAntif n. tlvti of tliu Western Pacific rnll mail hroiiRht tlm properties of tlio Denver nml tlio Orumlo railroad at fnroclosurn anln huro Saturday. Attorney C F. Carmlnn, of Denver, II. (J stork-1'"1 Tlm iitirclinnrm nliia aRreod to ai- iinm mi tr. nun ni.lirnilmi nf ihm lllo (Irandu. i im min who nciru lor 1110 iini-i"r. .........mi-., n, vu, ui mu ern Pacific In tlm purchato weru: report, thli paper maintain that tho John F. Howie of New York, gnmral;poopln of Klamnth county havo tho coumel for thu Western I'aclflc, j vital Intcreit at stake, and that thl John II. Marsh and Ilnlph M. Arkush, roport should bo publlshod Immedl nll of Now York. Thn nmouiint for atnly for their benefit. With this which the road was sold was tho mln-1 opinion tho director of tho chftin- untim nmouni mi oy inn iniipii.oer oi rommerco are not In agreo- Htates district court In Us order for tho aala of tho lllo (lrande. Ilowlo announced that ho had lioughl tho property for tho Western!.!,! mnlntaln that a. nubile Inoiilrv 1'aclflc Hnllroad corporation. thon ,ho public Intorc., rhould bo at- 'holding company . - the old Western tended with tho fullest publicity 'J- road-, of course." ..Id h. 'will tin under common ownershln : ... ..... . .,... """ " """' "' " ." aligned." a .,... - , IJeaa Woman Had Many Friends Here Mrs. Radio Gordon Van. wife of don or Worden. Oregon, died No- vomher 10 of tuberculosis, at Mon rovia, Col, according to word received "-" ii, hp. ....,.. 7. Mrs. Asnl Talbot, and Mrs. Tom (Irubb, tlvo brother, Klmor, Chad, Dan, I. Islo and Henry Oonlon. Thn decedent was of a sunny cheerful dlsposltlpn and loaves many friends, who will bo grlved to hear or her deaths Tho funeral was1 held from tho family homo and tho body Interned In tho cemetery at Worden. Ewauna Mill Will Close Down Today .. For the Winter Tho Kwtiana sawmill will shut down tonight for tho winter tho man agement announced today. Tho box factory will continue operations. Ilotween 30 and 40 men uro em ployed In tho mill. About hult the crew will bo laid off permanently. Thn others will bo nbsorbed by tho box factory. Phyliss Lester's Calf Took First Prize at Show Frank Roxtou, lioud of tho boys, and girls' club In this county, tin polntod out n llttlo bit of misinfor mation which appeared In tho Her ald relative to tho winning ot iiwnrdH at the recent Portland Inter national livestock exhibit. Accord ing to tho understanding of tho llor old, I'liyllns I.ostor'a Irono III won third prize In tho senior competition, hut Mr. floxton Btato that Miss Los- tor's entry did bettor than that, having won first prlxo Mr. Sexton, with tho membors of tho Judging toam, Oris Raodor, Dale West and Dorothy Short, arrived liomo last night. Mr. Sexton was 'with tho youngster ut Corvnllls whllo thoy woro receiving liiBtruc ttons in Judging, and lent thorn milch nsslstanco during tho ontlro trip. A head ot tho, club work horu Mr., floxton feela, greatly pleosod with the rosults o( tho compotltlons. PAlf NE TO GET DM FINDINGS BEFOREPUBLIC Tlm special commltten of tlm Klnmuth county chamber of com inurco holdltiK tlio hearing on tliu liulldlm; of thu I. Ink rlror (linn com 'il')til their work Haturtlny night nliout 0 o'clock, when limy signed thulrariort ami recommundatlon. Tlm hoard of directors of thu chamber feel that thu first porson to bo apprised of thin roport should bo tho secretary of thu Interior, and a copy of tlm ruport him been for wardod to him. It In tlm expecta tion Of tlm bonnl Hint IliU rnnnrl r...m i.- ....t.u-t . .... ..... win iiu uuuimiuu no iii o uar mis Wok. Tho complete roport of thu hear- ilng will bo offered thu press for publication shortly, and all ovl denco, statement and hrlofi will on "lo nl "'" '"co of tho chain- I'd- Nolo Whllo thn Herald hai n" "hjertlon to Hecrctary I'nyno de-j mont, a shown by tho foregoing ro port of tholr attltudo furnished by T, It. fltanloy, secretary. Tho Ilor- publicity! ,.., piui, iu iiiiiu, fm -U iliu public session of tho committee tho tm !( In flfll.t. VMM A B.I llan Herald did It beat to select tho vital parts of tho testimony on both sides and presont them fully and fairly. Tho findings of tho com mittee, however, are within tho con trol of Its members andtho man agement ot thn chamber of com merce, and tho .ecrotary of the chamber of commerce refuses to make thorn public until Secretary Payne has seen them. Should thu report, as Is highly conceivable, contain recommenda tions adverse to any persons or or sanitations Involved, such persons or organizations nro entitled to tlmo to preparo an answer beforo tho formal hearing I held beforo Secre tary Payne, Dccombor 2. Such tlmo at best Is short, and withholding tho report from publication for several days will certainly do no good, and can conceivably do harm. Tho chamber ot commorco hearing was' in no senso official, nor In anyway conclusive. It was merely a con venient means ot assembling facts for tho general education of tho public, Tho withholding of tho ro- Vort deprive tho public ot tho most essential Item ot Information In con nection with tho entire inquiry, and Is 'viewed by tho Herald as an arbi trary proceeding, endangering tho nubile wolfaro nnd without any good reuson to support It. Last of Fair view Bonds Are Sold, Ida II. Mnmyor, clerk of school district No. 1.' announced this morn ing that tho last ot tho 137.500 worth' of bonds Issued to cover tho cost of tho construction of tho Falrvlow school woro disposed of Inst Saturday. Tho wholo I mi no wn sold at par, and , almost all ot It went to residents ot this city, ' Work on tho school Is progressing nicety, and It Is expected that tho roof will bo comploted today. Miss Momyor bollovc that it will bo pos siblo to occupy tho school by January 1, tho dato named In tho contract. m imihuits ruin: iiloodki) HOUSTKIN TO IIKAI) IIKHD CnrlSchuli, nranchor on tho Mer rill route, has Just rocotvod n fluo addition to his ranch herd In a pure bred Holstoln hull, "Sir Voo- man Pontine Qerbou," a youngster, irom tno noru ot tsugono Finiay ot Jefferson, Oregon. Weather Probabilities Tho Clyco-Slormogrnph nt Un derwood's Pharmacy has record ed a steadily rising baromotor since 10 o'clock Sunday ovenlng. Tho Indications for tho noxt 21 hours, as Indlcatod by the Instrument, are: "Generally fair woather; cool er; with variable winds. TURNER JAILED E HE Tho officii of U. 8. Commlslonor Ilcrt Thomas Is a vorltnbla clearing house for Indian troubles today, a large number of Indian having been cited to appear beforo him to answer to various charge from murdor down. Tho hearing of Jasper Turner, ar rested a few day ago upon Informa tlon which chnrges lilm with tho mur dor of his wlfo last May, will como on this afternoon. Mrs. Turner -wa found dead In her homo noar Ilcatty last May, a revolver lying near tho body suggesting suicide. Sbo was shot through tho breast. The govern ment has boon working quietly on the case, and now believes It has suf ficient evidences to Justify his proso- cutlnn. Ijirrency Charge Dewey Obonchaln and Inland Par- atoo havo been cited to appear to answer to n chargo of stealing gum nml other things from Joe Baker, who lives noar Ileatty, Doth men will waive preliminary hearing and will go to Portland to answer the In dictment when tho grand Jury meets. Clothe Theft Alleged Jane Ilealo and Margaret Sonschln aro accused ot stealing clothes from Mnmle llarkley who had been making hor homo with tho Charles Ilobblns family They, also, will mako their nppoaranco In Portland and answer to the grand Jury. Second Cliargn Filed Wllllo David nnd tavl Harney aro accused of stealing a calf, according to a seond Indictment by tho grand Jury. Tho men have already been arrcsUd tor tho theft of the animal, but were dismissed as the complaint stated that they atole a heifer calf. At tho trial It developed that tho des cription was incorrect and the second complaint specified the animal as Jus plain ,'calt." North Ite-nrresfril W. C, North and Gladys North, his wife, of this city, have been re arrested on n chargo ot telling liquor to Indians. Thoy woro arrested on the samo chargo a short tlmo ago. but sufficient evidence wa Jacking. Stronger evidence is now available it Is said. Flour, Sugar, Pork Prices Come Down PORTLAND. Nov. 2!. Another decline -ot 50 cents a barrel In ba kers' flour, which may eventually affect the retail price ot broid, was announced by miliars Saturday. No change wa made In othor grade ot flour, but the market is naturally weak as wheat prices continue to de cline. Bugar Is still on the down grade. With the eastern raw and refined sugar markets lower, tho California refiners yoaterday put Into effect a reduction ot SO cents a hundred In cano sugar prices and Portland Job bers Immediately gave retailers the benefit ot tho decline. Tho new local price of refined sugar is 110.50 a hundred. Livestock Is becoming cheaper with other farm production and prices at the Portland Union stockyards are declining In lino with markets else where Hogs have sutfored more than other classes ot livestock In the slump. During the ofternoon trading At the yards, shippers accepted bids of $13.50 a hundred tor tho best grade ot hogs after having refused to accept tho same offers the day be foro. On Friday ot laat weok the same kind 'of hog was jvorth f 15 a hun drod. m - Fine Shorthorn Stock Purchased L. A. West, and son Dale. return od Sunday evonlng from Portland, whore thoy havo been In attendance at tho Pacific International Live stock, show. While In Portland, Mr, West secured somo of tho best stock, otfored for ealo at tho Pacific International Shorthorn sale, to bo iiaod as tho nuclous ot a Shorthorn Iiord In Klamath county. Five ani mals woro secured, among which aro Mountcrost Sultan, a splendid bull of Scotch blood, Ronnie Tana, Cumber land Ooldle, and Lucky Sultana. IlKXD JURY IU-TTURNS VERDICT OK HHOOND DKOKKK MURRKK (Oy Associated Press) RKND, Nov. 22. A. J. Weston was found guilty of murder In tho socond degreo by a jury in the circuity court hore today, In connection with the death of Robert If, Krug, a hermit, who wis found dead In the embers ot his cabin here la, March, 1919. N Gold Beach Banker Found Dead, Portland; Suicide Is Indicated (!!' Awioclntcd Press) PORTLAND, Nov. 22.- -Kdward A Ilnlloy, president of thu Curry Coun ty bank of Gold Ileach, Oregon, wns found (load In a surburban street huro yostcrday, a bullet wound In his head and a rlflo by hi side. Ilalloy'n widow said that ho had ro ccntly been III. HI10 tolophoncd tho police yesterday after her husband loft homo for a walk expressing fear that ho would harm himself. Tho body was found shortly afterward. Tho Ualloy family camo hero from Oold llcach to glvo tho flvo children school advantages. ' Holland to Start Work of Home Building Here Tho organization committee which was appointed by tho Klamath coun ty chamber ot commerce for tbo pur pose of completing tho organization work of tho now housing corporation havo met and discussed matters. At this meeting the mdtter of a local managor was thoroughly thrashed out and the board adopted a resolu tion asking tho chairman to try, if posslblo, to sccuro tho services ot James Holland, tho originator of the plan endorsed by the committee. After a conference with Mr. Hol land, It was found that ho could bo secured for a short tlmo und tho com- mlttco gladly tendered blm the man agement. Mr. Holland left for his home at Eugene, but will return about De cember 1st to tako nctlvo manage ment of tbo campaign for home building. In securing. Mr. Holland, the board feel that they have elim inated many of the uncertainties foU in the home building campaigns as Mr. Holland has bad several years oxporlenco in this line ot work. Physician Says Wagner, in Good Shmpe,for Boat nobby Wagner, local knight ot tho padded mitts, went through a vigorous ten-round work-out at the Klamath Athletic club rooms yester day afternoon, and used up several sparring partners .during the pro ceedings. This work-out was a sig nificant one for Bobby, who was anxious to see whether be la able to get Into top-notch condition after his confinement In the hospital. Tho result was entirely satisfactory, as he was able to bring all his old-time ability into action. An examination by Dr. Lamb was also satisfactory, as the "doc" said that Bobby's tjhy ideal condition bordered on the mar velous. This means that he Is all set for his bout with Red Campbell at Chlloquln Thanksgiving night. Campbell also worked out at the club after Bobby had vacated the premises, and It appearance count for anything the red-topped battler will also climb Into tho ring with no alibis to offer regarding his physical (condition. Tutfy Anderson and Tutty Duffy put on an exhibition yesterday after noon also, and demonstrated that thoy. too, aro icolng to help mako the. show. a. success. More than the usual amount ot Interest Is being shown in this card fend a big crowd Is expected to at tend the affair In tho live little town on turkey day. Rummage Sale " Goods Went Well The ladies ot St. Paul's Episcopal Oulld are elatod over tho success ot their rummage salo, held In the Evonlng Herald old oftlco on Friday and Saturday last weok. Everything has beon sold, and they wish to thank overybody who lent a hand In making it so successful. A local phenomenon, In tho shapo of a big pumpkin weighing not less than 55 pounds, was sold to tho Jewel cafo for $1.25. This pumpkin croatod a groat deal ot comment. It was grown by Mrs. Qoorgo Bald win In her garden patch near tho Baldwin hotel, and does not ropro- sont more than an ordinary amount ot care and cultivation. It will bo raado Into plea by tho cafe. In tho meantime It Is resting in view ot the public on tho insldo counter, and is a standing injunction to others to "go, thou, and do likewise," 8KVKX DEAD AS RESULT OF POLITICAL- RIOTING (Br Associated Press) BOLOGNA, Italy, Nor. 22. Seven persons woro killed and 30 wounded lu a conflict between socialist and antl-soclaltsts at the first meeting here ot the new municipal council. 2S DEATH TOLL. I OD WOUNDED: DUBLIN RIOTS (By Associated Press) LONDON, Nor. 22. Tho sondlng of additional troops to Ireland is bo Ing seriously consldorod, tho war of tlco stated today. London is anxiously awaiting fur ther reports from Dublin, following tho dispatches of yestorday that told, ot tho killing of 25 persons and the wounding of 100 othors. The disorders began, It was said, with tho deliberate shooting ot 14 men mostly military officers. The. 'black nnd tans" raided Cromo park whero a football gamo was in pro gress and at least ten persons woro killed In the ensuing meleo. Paddock, Holbrook Can Evade Prison But Little Longet, The final mandato of the supreme court in tbo matter ot the appeal ot William Holbrook and J. E. Paddock, convicted of the killing of O. T. Mc- Kcndree, has been received bore, the ruling upholding the decision ot tbo lower court, and assessing tbo ap pellants 136 for costs. Sheriff George Humphrey stated that while the ruling had not reach ed his office, ho know that It bad Doen made, and that Paddock and Iiultrr ouid be taken to tho pen- Itnni'tty within a short time, prob able .mediately after Thanksgiving. Fnddock Is at his home near Bon anza and. Holbrook Is in the vicinity ot Corrallla. Aa far as tho sheriff has learned both are ready to begin serving their term at once. They were sentenced to servo from one to 15 years. City mnd Oomnty Director Ready; Valuable Volume The city and county directory. compiled and published by the Kla math Record is ready for distribu tion. Mrs. T. IL Jolly has charge ot tho distribution and persons desiring copies may arrange for them through her. The book is printed on heavy dur- ablo paper and substantially bound. tho front cover bearing a typical for est scene In colors. Besides the directory of names the book contains a directory ot streets ot tho city and' a county list ot names arranged by postottlecs. There Is also a table ot distances from Kla math Falls to surrounding points and a wealth ot narrative description ot the county's scenic spots and Its chief commercial resoures. All In all the directory is a well considered encyclopedia ot local in formation and would be valuable tor the other features than than tha names It contains. For the merchants and persons re quiring an accurate and up-to-date mailing list it apparently fills the bill with 100 per cent efficiency. ' Five Couples Fall in Cupid's Net Cupid worked over time Saturday In Klamath Falls when five marriage licenses were Issued, by the county clork to as many couples bent on matrimony. 1 Thoy wore: Edgar L. Williams Jo Beth Smelcer; Arnold George Mot schenbacher to Blanch Eve Talbot; Martin Martinson to Mary L. Gor rue; McKlnley R. White to Martha Scheldler; and Carl Abramson to Mllllo Mllor. The last named couplo were mhrrled on Saturday by Judge N. J. Chapman. GET TICKETS FOR, DINNER 1IEFORE WEDNESDAY NOON Persons Intending to nttond tho Thangsglvlng dinner of the Catholic ladles at tho Whlto Pelican hotel Thursday evonlng, are advised td got their tickets beforo 'Wodnesday noon. Every ticket is numbered to corres pond to tho seats and all seats aro reserved. Tickets may Tjq had at Tho Ho raid office or Star Drug storo, not later than Wednesday noon. WESTERN UNION ASK- COURT TO ENJOIN INTERFERENCE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. The Western Union Telegraph company today applied to tho supremo cottrt ot the District ot Columbia for an In junction to restrain Secretary. Dan iels from Interfering with the laying ot the Western Union cable between Hlaat and Miami Beach, Florida.