The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 18, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ini'iimirml by tint turniK of Urn nipiib
Ikiiii platform mill liy tho condition
which ron front tint liiillon, tho tusk
tiKHiiini'il by tho rupiihllomi party U
liy tin tni'iitiit n light ono," drcliiroH
tint riMillc?iiii publicity uMoclnllon,
tliroiiKli lt I'rnslilont, lion. Joimthait
lliiuriin, Jr, In u staluinmit IsMind to
ilny. "Tho tnak wmilil liu difficult ro
Kiirillcm of tho party thai assumed
It or tho iiIimIkpn It linil made. Fol
lowing clnlit yours of jirnfllKncy In
federal administration mill it llko
period of ilovolo,itnoiit of liiiri'iincni
ey, nutting brick In itovorniiiont by
law mill Koviirntiirnl In urcnritmico
wltli noil ml ocoiioiiiy wilt not ho
on iiy. To Incri'iinu public mpoiiilltiircn
In always oiisyj to ciirlnll In iloiihly
difficult for tlm rniiMon tlmt imoplo
Imvo liccomo ucciintoiiiuil to certain
Kovoniint'tit activities mid iixurt con
tlmiiiiico ovim thouitli tliu now activ
ity limy ho duplication of work por
forinod liy another human.
"(lotlltiK li'iclt to tioviirnniiinl liy
law will Im it tomililunihlo iindnrlak
lug, for officialdom nt Washington
ImH tniirncil to look tipuri Kovuriiniiiiit
mm n dnloKiitlon of almost unlimited
.authority 0) uiurrlmi dlscrotlou In
tullliiK tho AnmrlL'iin pmiplo what tboy
mny not do from tlmo to tlmo. Tho
lilon of putting regulation dnflulto
I)' itml upoclflrally upon tho ntntfito
bo(ikt no that it citizen mny put libi
flngur upon tho pago ami para-
graph that establishes his duties or
llniltii IiIm Ilhurty, In rupugnant to
hiiroaucracy, A now postmaster con
oral may ncquluscn In such nn Inno
vation (nil nil down tho lino of sub
ordinates It will bo difficult to cot
ovor tho Idea thafthu I'. M. 0. In a
llttlo king. Vot, cutting back to gov
oriiiniint by law was tho first pludgo
of tho ri'pulillcan platform, and It will
bo carried out.
"Tho Miihjoct of taxation U ono
Hint will rnijulro early nttontlon. On
thin subject tho republican plittfortn
did not undortako to docolvo tho poo
plo. Tlio platform dfclorcs, "Tlio
bunion of taxation Imposed upon
tho American people In staggering;
but In priuteutliiK u true statement
of tlm situation wo munt faco (bo
fact tlmt wblla tlio chnriicter of tho
tiixon can and should bo ;hnngcd, nn
early reduction of tlio amount of rov
enuo to bo raised lHnot to ho expect
ed. The next republican iidmlnlstrn
lion will Inherit from Itn democratic
predecessor a floating Indebtedness
of over three billion dollars, tho
prompt liquidation of which In de
manded by sound financial conslder
ntlonii, Morcovor, tho wbolo fliical
policy of tho government munt bo
deeply Influenced by tho necessity of
meeting obligation In excess of flvo
billion, dollars which mature In 1023.
Hut sound policy equally demands tho
early accomplishment of that rent re
duction of tho tax burden which mny
bo achieved by HulmtlttitlnR ilmplo
for complex tax lawn and procedure;
prompt mid cortaln determination of
tux liability for delay and uncertain
ty; lawn which do not tax for tax
lawn which do, executively mulct tho
ment. Moroovor, tho debts wore nc-
! cumulated In a Period of Inflation
nnd munt bo paid during a period of
deflation. Debts accumulated with
40 cent dollars must bo paid with
100 cent dollars.
"Tho republican platform promises
maintenance of national honor an
reaped for tho rights of American
citizen aboard, Industrial disputes;
restoration of an efficient railroad
system, upbuilding of tho merchant
marine; roturn to tho prntcctlvo prin
ciple In tariff legislation; revision
of tho naturalization laws, and res
toration of efficiency In tho public
service, aro other pledges which tho
republican platform mado and which
consumer or needlessly repress cntor-, ,ll0 IMirty wM, ,)roce(!(1 l0 fuIf,n, Tho
and thrift.'
they are, tho debts created by tlio
democratic administration aro legal
obligations of tho government, and
tho republican administration has no
choice but to provldo means of pay-
job Is a big one,
egunl to tho task."
but tho party Is
... I
A regularly organized women's
club existed In New York city as
early as 1749.
And no one could
tell the difference!
Thit test of direct compari
son wns made by Anna Case,
vorld-famotu soprano, be
fore 2500 pconle, nt Car
negie Hnll, New York City,
on March 10, 1920. Se
the three diagram sketches
Mia Case stood btalde tU
Hew Edison and uof.
the llfhts wrnt out, but Miss
Case's voice wrntsnooth)yod
7Un I
St lights wmt on agam . Miss
Case was tone. Tlw audlraca
(aapnl wtth surprtte to And
that her votes luai hem com-
tag from Um New Rdlaon.
Mr. Santa Clans! Come in and
hear the phonograph that did it
We wnnt you to see it, listen to it,
test it for yourself. This marvelous
phonograph enn give tho family more
pleasure than any other instrument
you can buy them for Christmas.
Hero fa why : v
This phonograph has actually proved
that it can match the performance of
the living artist, and mntch it so
perfectly that no one can tell its Rk
CitKATioNfromtheliving performance.
It did this on March 10, 1920 before
2500 people nt Carnegie Hall, New
YorkCity-with Anna Case, the world'
famed soprano. It did this on Sep
tember 30th, 1919, before 2500 peoplo
at Carnegie Hall, Pittsburgh with
Marie Rappold, prima donna of the
Metropolitan Opera Company. It
did this on November 5th, 1919,
before 6500 teachers nt the State
Armory, Albany with Mario Lnu
renti of the Metropolitan Opera
Company. It did this over 4000
other times, with more than fifty
great vocalists and instrumentalists.
You can read the facts of these
amazing achievements in the leading
newspapers of the United States and
Canada. They are the talk of the
music and scientific world.
And the phonograph? It's the Official
Laboratory Model of the New
Edison, "the phonograph, with a
soul." Every Official Laboratory
Model in our store is an exact dupli
cate of the famous original Official
Laboratory Model which cost Mr.
Edison three million dollars to pert
feet. It 13 capable, of sustaining the
test of direct comparison; we guar
antee this.
Get an Official Laboratory Model
for Christmas. You will have the
one phonograph which brings you
the living performances of great ar
tists exactly as those artists have
given them. You know this is sol
The proof has been givenl The ab
solute, scientific proof!
Say the word, and we'll save an
Official Laboratory Model for you,
and deliver it in time for 'Christmas.
( Oh Phonograph with a &id"
ta. ' ;
Test It Yourself
' W Money Help
Yonll be able to rccoenhe lu superiority ?r Ask about our Budget Plan. It shows you
wit your own ears in every kind of vocal how to make best use of your Christmas
and Instrumental music. Come In and (. money. It brings your New Edison tor
see whether this isn't so.
you Mr. Edison's famous
i , " snooty so tanner.
wuu u auA . uukki ib uiuiga yuur new SAumni iur
Well gladly giva A Christmas, and makes 1921 helppay. Care-
Realism Test. J ful, systematic spending always makes
Price -
There is no inflation in Editcn Prices.
"Edison stood the Gaff" to keep h'uTfavor
ite invention within the reach cf everyone.
'-'4 '
Klamath Falls Music House
GEO. A. WIRTZ, Prop.
8amoan Tradition at to the Origin of,
Humanity li One of tho Mott
Curious. .
As n term of ridicule, human beings'
Imvo often been cnllcd "worms," nnd
In this connection tlio Inhnbltnnts of
Samoa hnvo n strange superstition ro
Knnllnjt our origin. A wry peculiar
occurrcnco takes placo In Snmcn onca
n yenr for n period of 48 hours. To-'
ward tho end of October, a tlcnso
moss of sen worms appears on tho sur
fnco of tho water surrounding rlnrnoa.
Those fonns, which are of various
letiRths, arc frn.nt delicacies of tho
Hamoansl Known as "Palolo," they,
nro sousht for with enihnslnirm by ov
er' nntlvo mnn. woman and child, and
ns Ihey only stny on tlm surface of tlio
water for a short tlmo, In favored
parts, these worms want watching fori
It Is In connection with theso weird
worms that tho Samo.ins' superstition,
nrofte. The story Is that Tangatoa, thei
chief sod of tho Snrooans, sent hlsi
daughter, Turl, down to earth to)
search for a home. In all tho wnsto ofl
water there was only a baro roclf, and
she went and told her father of thai
shortage of dwelling accommodation
Ho thereupon enre her n wild vino tof
plant on tho rock which sho had foandj
and It flourished for a time, then dicdj
Turl was vexed to think tho vino
would not thrhe, but her father or
dered her to dig It up. Tills she did.'
nnd discovered that all (he withered
leaves had turned to worms, and that.
In some strango manner, theso worms
afterward became men and women.
And thus the Samoans say, men were
created I
Assertion Made That In the Imagina
tion of Qreat Writers Complete
Happlnctt Is Found.
When once the love of books has
como Into a man's tlfo he can never
be lonely, ho can never bo bored, ho
can never loso his Interest In life, ho
can never bo quite unhappy. Books
arc the friends that never fall, and the
men and women that onlyllvo In books
are tho best and the most real friends
of all.
If I were to set down tho names of
tho 0 friends who mean most to me, I
should find that more than one-half of
them lived In the novels of Dickens
and Thackeray, Dumas and Daudet,
Wells and Hardy and Meredith.
Tho happy life Is not spent altogeth
er In tho world of streets and shops
and offices. A large part of It must bo
lived In the world of Imagination. And'
living with the Imagination of great
writers we, too, learn to dream, and
the happiest homes In tho world nro
the rallies In the air that we build for,
ourselves. They are. Indeed, tho only,
homes the foundations of which are
unshakable rocks. Sidney Dark, la
John O'London's Weekly.
Drinking a Glass
of Hot Water is
a Splendid Habit
Cteame and sweeten the system
each morning and wash away
poisonous, stagnant matter.
' Thoso of us who aro accustomed to
feel dull and heavy wheu wo arise;
splitting heachacho. stuffy- from a
cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid
stomach, lame back, can, Instead
both look and feel as fresh as a daisy
always by washing tho poisons and
toxins from tho body with' phospha
tod hot water each morning.
' Wo should drink, before break
fast, a glass of hot water with a tea
spoonful of limestone phojphatF In It
to flush from tho stomach, , liver,
kidneys and bowels tbs proylous
day's Indigestible waste, sour bllo
and poisonous toxins; thuti cleansing,
sweetening and purifying the eutlra
alimentary tract before eatlni; mero
Tho action of llmeatono phesphato
nrn hot water on an ompts stomach
I3 wonderfully Invigorating U cleans
out nil tho sour fermontatious, gajies,
wasto nnd acidity and gives ono n,
flno nppctlto for breakfast. quir
te'r pound of llmestonp phosphate
costs very llttlo nt the drug atoio, but
Is", enough to make anyonu wlu is
bothered with biliousness, constipa
tion, stomach troublo or rheumatism
nn enthusiast on Internal sanitation.
Cet'out youf bottle of 61oaa'
Unlmcat and knock the peia
for that last
you stiff, sore,
VV quick switch in temperature.
ereyour Leicyoi
full rtt rliiimitir! twineMr
You should have had a bottle of
Sloan's 'Liniment handy that would
have txnetraiedwWuuttubbiut,wmcd
and soon eased up the mwcles.
quieted the jumpy, painful, affected
part and brought gratifying relief
Helpful in attadUof lumbago, scjat
lea, external soreness, stiffness, strains,
oches. sprains. Get a bottle at your
druggist's. 35c, 70c, $1.40.
f f
fri iZ'A