The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 17, 1920, Image 1

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    iffrg iuiimmg If gralft
OPI'K.'IAIi I'AI'I'Jl ov
klamath cbuxir"
Vui-.iM'iillt Yimiiv No. 1077
Prlro Fivo Cents)
Ori'H.'IAI PAPI',11 Ol' j
ho ni
IWiaiillii Hut rain n iiriirn nf fiinltl-
bur of tint chamber of cominnrcn
gutlmrml ut tlm regular monthly
iimollng limt night to illeu plan
for iliivitlopnmni of rnmmuntty or
vlcn. Tim hounlng lluullnn. pt'rmtm
rut fair, ground mut ronil mutter
were topic of thn ovenlng.
Tim Holland plnn for ImllilltiK
liiiimm win itiplnltmd liy Juiim llol
Inint of llnvro, Montana, mnnngnr
of tlio liitlttllti k uimoclntloii which
iirnctnl 17fi tifiiunn In Ilnvro during
thn pint siivmi your. Mr Holland
mitt tlmt tlmlr association tlmnt hail
n cupllullzullon of 1100,001). nl.
thoiiKh limy hml not hml lo niiika
imti of much morn thun liulf of the
cuiiltnl. Mo nntil tlmy hml nntnr lit
nny money throtiKli folium of homn
owner to pay tlmlr contractu it ml thn
Ntnckhnlitnr had nlwny reeclved up
ward of H pur rent on tlmlr Itirml
nmnt. probably niyirer U pnr rent
Tim Holland plan U simple It U
iitrlppi'd down to tlm vltnl thlnie -Immn
- building Tlmy do not ileal
In rnnl ostntii nnd hnvn no loan feu
ttiroa A limn who want a home
inuit furnish tlm lot lln chouse thn
sort of homn Im wntitu and miixt dn
IKiilt otm-flflh thn mat bofnro thn
hiilldlnK atari,' well an deeding
hi lot lo thn company. Thn com
pany thru tiulldn thn homo, turrit It
ovnr In tho owner nt tlpulalnd cost
anil Im pnya thn balance dun In
monthly Instalment. Thn Instal
ment nr fixed renannably. On
$3000 homo Mr Holland anld $20
month principal, plua R Mr cent
Inlcrrat waa found n aatlafnctory
Thn directors of thn ehambnr of
comtnorre find thn llollnnd plan thn
beat o far submitted. It wan ald.
and a committer wa appointed Mon
day night to conaldcr It fully Tlmy
rnport nt noon today nt thn forum
Itinehcn. and thn plana won adopted
Mr llollnnd pointed out lhaf tlm
demand .from homo seeker under
thla plan wn limited to thoto who
ownrd Iota nnd had thn SO pnr cent
Initial dnpoalt to pay on lha home
Thl luatire n aound financial atart
Tlm tximon who ha nn tiqulty of Ihla
amount In n homn l not likely to
rellnaulah It, nnd while lea homea
nrn liullt, porhnpa, than If n lower
dnpoalt wero required to atari, thn
percentage of In all nround li re
duced. Why tlm Itimil IKrlour?
In locating thn atnto hlKhwny
north of Modoc Point, It I ald that
tho hlnhway engineer for no appar
ent reaon wnng nwny from thn heat
routn and mndo n long dolour
through thn barren land of thn res
ervation. Tho chamber of commrrco
ha wired II. A. Ilooth nt Eugene,
mnmber nt thn commUrlon. to learn,
If polbIn, tho ronaon. No Infornm
tlon wan nvnllnblo lat nlRht. Mr
Ilooth being out of town. Ill ccro
tury answered, howocr, nnd wild
thn Inquiry would bo hrouKht to hi
uttnntlon Immediately upon lilt re
turn. W. T. U. Iloiim Drhc
Tho propol of the W. O T. l.
to hulld u $125,000 farm homo for
children wa submlttei! Klamath
county' quota I $1600, Thn meet
InK votod to tnblo tho mu"or for fur
thor consideration. Drlvoi nro com
Inx thick nnd fal. tt wm M. ""'J
tho public wn growing Jlnt't of con
trlbutlnic. Tho W C. T. U project
U sponsored by J K. Winelor
Portland publlahor. It I planned to
build n homo that will bo ulf-up-porting
nftor tho atart, thro in the
unto of farm produrta and to sur
round homeless children w'th im on
vlronomont Hint will not tond to
"Instltutlonnllm" thorn.
Clinmber To Minn
Thoro wn aomo dlcuiilon nhout
tho now quarter In thu bniioment of
I hi, Amnrlpiin Niitlonnl bank, which
la nnl vnt riimlllntml. AlllIinK dtlior
thlnKH touched upon by President
Hull un ilm liiiml fnr larcor flnnn
-co, Ho Indicated that rcxt your tho
mnmtmnihlll fun would bo mined to
125 a year. Ho said that tho orRnn
tintlon would bo nblo to got nlong
until nplrng with Its proHont Incomo
but tho larger pinna or noxiyonr cuu
1qt moro outlay.
Wmit Knlr nniundi
Hoas Button, prosldont of tho
j.nimtv fnli Imnpil. naknit mionnrt of
the chnmbor for tho pormanont fair
ground propact. I To aald that tho
fair board In Itaolf wan not Influential
onotiKh to curry tho plan through
nlono but ho wm nuru public opin
ion was bohlnd tho Idea nnd It tho
humbor of commorco would aupport
tho plan tho grounds could bo ho
cured without difficulty.
All mombora prosont nppnrontly fa-
Tored tho Idea nnd It was docldod
that a, committee would bo appointed
y 'lO HO' iio m i' ,., ,
'"conalder bhos, ways nnu uuiaim ui
U. S. Declares no
Pressure Can Force
Mexican Recognition
(llv Anmiclati'il PreiiN)
WAHIIINOTON, Nov. 17.- 'Ni
ciirnorntlou. no Kroiiti of enrtiorii-
jtloim or no group of Individual I
going to deliver American rncoKnl-,
Hon to Mexico," thn Rtutii dnpnrt
'miuit ilncluri In nn nnuoiincnmnnt'
ImuiiiI todny
Thn United Htate. It nld. would
not Itmlnt upon thn nbroRallon of
Article 37 of thn Mnxlcnn conlllu-
tlon, but If thn lawa enacted undi)r
It nrn connacatory or rotroactlvn,:
thn United Hlnte could not uccord It
Tho United Hlnte' Mnnd I ncttl-
ntnil, thn nnnoiinceinont declare,
noddy by u ill-Hire to protect Amer-
lean Interent.
I I f T nni lllll R,Tnn ' A W- McComb, prlncl
I I L I IIU H 1 HI HI I1'1' of thn high Hchool, acting for
I III linHUUIUl "'" collnt' chool Hiiperlntonilent.
LIU I U 1 1 II 1 1 II Itemi cotialdored In tho budget In-
I eluded fund for nthletlc equipment,
Internal being taken In tho develop
. . ,l nf . l.i,.V..II.ll ,..,
laaued tho Jury Hat for tho Decem-I
her term of court, thn nnnu of P
I. fountain nnd J. McCoy np-.
(HiarltiK " wllneaan. The name
nnd nddruaaea nf thn Juror follew:
William Welch, Dairy; Ji-aao I,.
lllRli. Ilnawlck. Cnllf ; I" A II ilia.
Merrill W. K. F'ordney. I.erelln:
Jncoli Itnurk, Dairy; Jrn A Park-
or, Illy; Otcar Camplmll, l.nnnell
Valley; It. V. Tuttlo, UnRi-ll Vul
loy; Clayton Cornlih, Wilbur Jone.
Tom Wntlera, Hub Wakefield, J. It
Dixon, John Koontx, Sam Latin, Jon
limit, Alnx II. Choyno. W. T, Ilonta,
V C Morkwnrdt, Carl Hobley, It
i: llradbury, Walter Dixon, W I)
Cofer, ( M. Itamaby, John Koater,
liny Talbot, Chn. Mark, K C
Itoam, Harry Itlchardaon and Klmcr
Applegate, nit of Klamath Kalla.
All except eight of theao Juror
nro lilted n farmer. Jeaao I,.
HIrIi, whoao addreii I given n Ilea
wick, Calif , live near thn Cali
fornia lino, nnd receive hi malt In
thn California town
Tho grnnd Jury will bo (elected
from thl Hit on the flrnt day of
thn circuit court neulou, December
(II)' Aaaocluted Pre)
OKNKVA. Nov. 17Tho naaombly
of tho league of nation begun
peedlng up today, with tho organ
Ixatlon of lx committee uppolnted
Monday. Theao committee will
work In private, but tho minute of
tho mooting will bo publlahcd;
Tho lx committee fornr tho
working organization of tho nnaom
lily and conlat of repruontatlve
of all tho tuto attending. All
question on tho ugendn wilt bo di
vided among theao committee nnd
will come up for debate on the
floor only when tho report aro
Mibmlttod. Tho preildentn of theae
committee will bo ex-offlclo vice-
proHldont of tho nakombly.
Opening debate clearly Indicated
that Lord Itobert Cecil, Leon Hour
gool. lleno Vivian! und Hlgnor Tit
ton! nro likely to become loading
figure on tho floor, nnd that the
imnll Rtnte nro allowing n aplrlt of
Independence nnd will not uccept
prearranged program without hav
ing thnlr nay.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Presi
dent Wilson today In a message to
Pnul Hymnns, presldont ot tho
longuo of nation nsHcmblod nt (lo
nnvit, oxtondod his porsonnl greet
ings to tho leugtio und expressed tho
"hope nnd bollef that your labor
wilt bo ot Immonso value to tho
wholo civilized world."
8U8ANVII.1,K, Cnl Nov. 17. It
I reportod tho lied River Lumbor
company operating at Wcstwood, Loa
sen county, has mndo an offer for
tho Cox & Clarke stock ranch ot 20,
uuu nt'rea in iixio vtiiie uuii iii
valley, lesson county.
Tho lumbor company tins 2000
hond ot cuttlo but reqnlroi many
moro to supply moat for lis lumbor
acquiring nnd Improving nn accessi
ble fair grounds nnd gut tho wholo
matter Into concroto shnpo tor sub
mission to tho pooplo of tho county.
high iraoni
J MAWN Nov ,7 Q ,, un, nf
Hlmat View nnd I,oul llolddUchnr
0f Mnlln worn nlecteil chnlrmnn nnd
clerk, ropiillvnly, of thn Union IiIrIi
acliool hoard nt It flrnt meotlng, hold
liuro Monday.
A budget for tho enduing year nnd
tho next wan prepared, which In
round riumhnr total tlfiOO. Other
hualne Included arrangement for
carrying on the pn-Retit year (f
rhool ut Mnlln claaae
being hold
In thn public hull
After thu olectlon of tho chnlrmnn
nnd clerk the officer and director
I of tho newly organized board woro
: qualified by taking an oath, thl bo-
Thn iar.r ..onin,, nf ,"iln i.u.Unt
. ,iro,,nr,.,i wa t0 ,)rovdo for tho
tileli chool In tho new building to
bo completed before next fall. Smith
Hughe work In agriculture, homo
economic nnd Induatrlal art, will
bo given next )enr. It la expected.
The rale of the tax lavy neccsiary
for railing tho budget wilt be ap
proximately five mill. It I thought.
Till will be aaaeaaed upon proper!
within tho combined district In tho
Other member of tho high aehool
board are Anion Potraick, J. J. Stolx
kal. V A llajnu. C M Klrkpatrlck,
and Joteph Ottoman
Administrator Sues
for $2,000 Other
Court Happenings
W. M Wllaon, a admlnlitrator
of the eatnto ot Jumcn II. Vlla6n,
who died on Anrll 30 of thl rear.
ha begun ult ngnlnat C. W. Wllaon'
and Zelma Wllaon, hi wife, for tho
recovery ot $2,000 with Intcreit and
attorney' fee ot $3G0, tho monoyj
having been borrowed In May, 191S,
and leeurnd with n mortgago on
lot 7 and 8, block 15, In tho town,
of Merrill. Two note for $1,000
each wero delivered to Jamc Wll
ion In tho transaction. j
Kfflo J. Wllaon, who executed tho
note with her huaband, C. W. WII-'
son. died omo time afterwnrd, end ,
tlm ult I brought ngnlnat Xelmn,
Wllaon, Jointly with her huaband.,
C W. Wllaon. tho latter hnvlng
married n accond tlino not long ago.
Tho rase ot Itobert & Whltmoro,
against I,. Itobert for money iluc.j
nnd ot (). C. Oldtleld ngnlnat llesalo
Ooblo nnif ,)r- J- JI- Cloblo hnvo been
settled out ot court nnd tho suit
Ktlicl M. Ilochdoldt linn been
granted nn nbsoluto dlvorco from,
Kredorlck M. Ilechdoldt, tho decree'
hnvlng been awarded on tho grounds
of cruelty. Tho Ilechdoldt former
ly lived hore. Thoro wn no prop-)
orty queatlon to settle, and accord-,
Ing to tho decree tho dlvorco was.
grnntod without loavlng either prin
cipal with nny future claim upon
tho other or obligations to be satis
fied. No Scabies Sheep
On Gov t Forests
Sheon pasturing on tho Modoc
national forest must pass strict ln-
spcctlon for scabies and bo entirely
free from tho dlsoaso, says n tettori
recolvod by the Klamath Wool
Growers' association from W. O.
Durbln, forest supervisor.
Tho luva bed country Is now In
cluded In tho Modoc natlonnl forest.
John Davis, stationed at Straw, Cnl..
and Hnrry Garrison. 'United States
ranger, has been stationed at Mnlln.
All mombora ot tho Woof arowor'
ussoclnton seeking permits In tho
lava bed country nro advised by tho
socrotary to see Mr. Curnuhnn.
nv Associated Press)
WHITK OATE, Ireland. Nov. 17.
Four of six men arrested here for
violation ot the restriction act wero
shot dead this morning whllo trying
to oscapo,
Mlv Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Tho
Amorlcnn nBsoclatlon for tho rocog'
nltlon of tho Irish republic was org
anized horo todny by loaders sum-
nivned by Kaunon do Valora,
A telegram received
from E. H. Thomas,
county agricultural
agent at rortiand, as
the Herald goes to
press, states that Klam
am county calves won
first prizes in all classes
at the Pacific Interna
tional livestock show
and that Dale West's
Mound's Baroness, won
the grand champion
ship. A full list of the
prize winners will be
given tomorrow.
Clyde L. Kox, manager ot tho re
freshment room nt tho Mooao hall
and lluddlo" McCoppen, under
whoao management recent dances
held tbcro have been conducted, to
dny Issued tho following statement
In regard to charges made against
tho dances at tho council meeting
last Monday night:
"In Justice to ourselves and to
tho many ropuUblo people who at
tend tho dances given In tho Moose
hall, wo wish to mako an absolute
denial of the ctargo made by C. K.
Holomon-cmployed by tho Klamath
Hardware Co., that liquor was sold
and consumed In the Mooso hall dur
ing tho Armistice day dance held
there last Thursday nglht. A soft
drink bar Is operated In tho Moose
ball on danco nights, but I challenge
Mr. Solomon or anybody else to pro
duce oven tho slightest evidence that
wo havo been violating tho law by
making such Illegal sale.
"Furthermore, I wish to state
without fear ot successful contradic
tion, that tho dance conducted In
tho Moose hall are entirely free from
Indecency, orgies, or anything clso ot
tho nnturo attributed to them by Mr.
Solomon, or nny others who made the
charges nt tho council meeting held
Monday night. I frankly admit that
certain Intoxicated persons entered
tho halt that night, nftor hnvlng pro
cured tholr liquor from outsldo sourc
es, but I will also stnto that these
offensive persons woro removed from
the hall and Mint nt no tlmo hnvo wo
countenanced tho presenco ot such
persons at any ot our dances. In ad
dition to refuting these charges, we
have taken step to Instltuto a suit
ngnlnat Mr. Solomon nnd possibly
others to recover damages for the
results ot their mallcou. unfounded
Kd Nate In tho above statement
Mr, Kox nnd Mr. McCoppen tako
the' position that Mr. Solomon suld
that liquor was sold In tho Mooso
hall. Mr. Solomon did not make that
statement nnd neither did Tho Her
ald In Its report of tho ntfnlr make
such statement. Mr. Solomon, charg
ed, thnt liquor bad been sold, n It
was ovldont thn tho vendors were
not elvlnir it nwav. und ho was posi
tive In his statement thnt tho dances
woro Indecont, nnd according to in
terview with him todny ho adheres
to his statement. Tho Ileruld pub
lished the charges Just ns they woro
mndo nt tho council mooting.
Benson Resigns as
Head of the State
Highway Commission
(liy Associated Press)
SALEM. Ore., Nov. 17. Simon
llenson, chairman of tho state high
way commission, In a letter writ'
ten at Long Peach, Calif., and re
colvod hero today, places his roslg
nation with tho governor, explaining
that he Is nt varlanco with tho pol
icies ot Commissioners Ilooth and
He said that he "was compollod
to stop asldo before matters reach
such a stago that my follow citizens
will enter a protost."
He referred to the dolay by Com
missioners Ilooth and Kiddle In tak
ing up sections ot tho Pacific high-
'way which are ready tor Improve-
oa.t' ., 4 ..u.ilM,
Klamath Co. Alone
Expending Cash for
Fish Propagation
"Klamath county I tho only
county In tho stnto that I spending
nnr inonov to In sum tho protection
land propagation of Its fish and
'gamo," said M. M. Ryckman, stato
hatchery superintendent, who was
horo yesterday following a tour ot
Inspection of streams and hatchorlcs
In this county. Othor counties nro
spending money for this purpose In
a half-hearted, futile way, but this
county, said Mr. Hyckman has not
been curtailing expenditures for this
purpose, I spending money wisely,
nnd Is getting good results. Mr,
rtyckman camo via Ilend, and vis
ited Diamond lake, Spcncor creek
and other county waters.
"Klamath county Is fortunato In
tho possession of somo ot tho finest
stroamn and lakes In tho stato, If
not In tho ontlro northwest, and It
can truthfully bo said to bo a
sportsman's paradise," said Mr.
Incidentally, Mr. Hyckman stated
that tho season on gamo fish of all
kinds closes tho last ot this month.
Yesterday, tho tlmo prescribed
by law for candidates to file a
record ot their campaign expenses
with tho county clerk, found only
seven who bad observed the man
date, namely C. Jl. DeLap, II. H. Bun
nell, Ilurroll Short, J. P. tao. Lloyd
Low, Ocorge Chastaln, and W. T.
fvn fViiintv f!lnrk Dn l-jin. however.
explained that the law Is somowhat
clastic In Its, application, and that
It Is now In order for him to give the
delinquent notice 'that they must
tlto their reports within ten days, or
suffer a penalty for their laxity.
C, II. 1) Lap, successful candklato
tor county clerk, states In his re
port that his traveling expenses, ho
tel bills, gas, wear nnd tear on his
car .and a few othor minor neces
sities cost him $70. Ho also states
that a committee of citizens contribu
ted $37. CO to his cause.
Judgo Dunnoll's expenses amount
ed to $132.50, apportioned as fol
lows. Cards, $"17.50; advertising In
The Herald estimated at $40, and
miscellaneous Items such as gas and
oil. $75.
It cost Lloyd Low $49.10 to
triumph over Sheriff Humphrey. Of
this amount $32.50 was spent fori
advertising, and the remainder tori
traveling expenses.
W. T. Leo's expense as candidate
for mayor was small. $4.50 for cards
covering hi oxpendtturo.
Ilurrell Short, candldato for ro
olcctton as commissioner, spent $90.
Of this amount $25 was spent tor
cards. $50 for advertising, and $16 1
for tnctdentnls. In payment ot these)
bills, Mr. Short states tnat no drew
his personat check for $25, nnd that
$50 and $20 respectively, wero cash
donations. At least that Is what one
might Infer from tho word "cash"
which precodes tho figures. No other
explanation Is given.
George Chastaln, vanquished can
didate for county judgo, spent $100.
A committee ot citizens contributed
$37.50 to holp defray this exponse,
and tho remainder was pnld by Mr.
Chastaln. In his statement Mr. Chas
taln states thnt tho citizens' com
mittee spent various sums In behalf
ot candidates, presumably In his be
half also, but that ho has no knowl
edge ot tholr oxtont.
J. P. Loe, candidate for assessor,
spent $106.15. Itomlzed as follews:
Advertising $52.15, cards, $5, gns,
loll, nnd othor things, $49. As Mr.
l.eo was unopposed, this was a com
purttvely lnrgo amount.
Good Crowd Out at
Forum Luncheon
Tho chamber of commerce hold Its
customury weokly forum in the Hex
cato nt noon today, tho luncheon
tables being woll lined. Tho president
Introduced several out of town visi
tors and now citizens, after which the
principal topic, the housing problem,
was discussed. A. J. Voyo. Hk D. Mor
etnson. and James Holland of
Havre, Montana, were the speakers.
Following this discussion, the Rev
erend O. F. Trimble made an address
In-behalf ot tho Red Cross, his argu
ment being that tho people ot the city
woro not responding to the appeal,
nnd that the need for Red Cross
funds was so urgent that no one
should delay contributing to the
England has a 14-year-old girl
swlramor. Miss Frloda Turner, who
has covored 100 yards In 1.27, or
within two seconds ot the world's
139,000 CHURCH
Fortified by a boundless spirit ot
optimism, and with a wldo outlook
for tho good that can bo accomplish
ed through Its construction, thn
Christian church of this city has per
fected nil nrrangement for tho oroc
tlon of a magnlflclcnt church build
Ing, tho cost of which will not bo lean
than $35,000. Tho church will bo
orected upon tho corner of Ninth ami
Pine streets, on tho snmo slto on
which tho old church building stood
until it was sold and converted Into
a business block a short tlmo ago.
In planning tho construction ot tho
church, the pastor, tho Rev C. F.
Trimble, nnd his flock, are obvious
ly Intent upon building wisely and
woll. It will be built ot brick and
stone, and the three floors wilt bo re
ploto with assembly rooms, clasn
rooms, parlors, and all Interior apart
ments necessary In tho conduct ot
tho work of a church which Is leav
ing no stone unturned to make Ufa
from a moral viewpoint, bigger,
broader, and better.
In tho basement will be a banquet
hall, serving room, kitchen, and tho
Janitor's apartments. In addition
there will be the men's class room,
with a seating capacity ot 250, I
nn assembly room and eight cl
rooms for the primary classes. These
rooms will be on the north side ot the
banquet room.
The main auditorium, or service
room proper, wilt be on the main
floor, and will seat 256 people. On
one side ot tho main auditorium will
bo tho ladles' parlor for which pro
visions havo been made to seat 220.
On the opposite side ot tho auditor
ium will bo tho Sunday school audi
torium, and 132 can be seated in It.
When necessary, these three room, made Into one mlg auditorium,
through the medium of folding
doors, thus providing seating room
for COS people.
North of thejnaln auditorium will
bo the baptistery, choir room, and
dressing rooms, and adjoining these
rooms will be eight more data rooms
and an assembly room. Incidentally,
It Is planned to add a gallery which,
will overlook the main auditorium,
but It will not be built in until a tew
month after the completion ot the.
On tho top floor, a large portion ot
which will be unavailable for class
rooms or other purposes because ot
tho open space abovo the main audi
torium, will be the pastor's study,
vestibule, and eight moro class
Every utility necessary to make
tho building modern and thorough
ly serviceable will be Installed.
Briefly, the building will be one ot
which every member of the congre
gation, and also any other person
who takes pride In civic botterment,
can feel justly proud.
Mr. Trimble concedes that ho nnd
his congregation have undertaken an
accomplishment that will test their
"get-there" spirit to the utmost, but
tho outlook for a very successful
termination to this endeavor Is very
bright. Kxcavation for the basement
has already begun, and work on the
superstructure will begin as soon as
possible next spring.
Lakeview C. of C. Is
Behind Plan for
Industrial Zone
LAKEVIEW, Or., Nov. 17. Ac
tlon taken by tho chamber ot com
merce and promises by the Lakeview
Box & Lumber company Indicate a
roseate future for Lakeview The
chamber of cominerco voted to pur
chase a 60-acro tract of land ad
joining thq city limits ns a site for the
construction of a $300,000 box fac
tory. A commltteo was nppolnted to
raise $14,600 by popular subscrip
tion to nurchaso the slto. J, E.
Campbell, representing tho compny,
has promised to return to me peopio
of Lakeview the $14,600, with li per
cent Interest, In case tho mill, was
not In operation within two years.
Resides a box factory, Lakeview
will probably have a $100,000 nash
and door factory In the near future.
The Pennsylvania Sash & Door fac
tory has a representative hero lock
ing for a site and Investigating con
ditions ppllmtanry to tha construc
tion of a factory. ''
Already there are five mills In
operation In the vicinity ot Lakeview
and, with the extension ot the rail
road to timber, It is expected, that
several more will be constructed.
PORTLAND, Nov. 17. Cattlo
weak; hogs lower, $13.50 and $14;
sheep steady, eggs and butter firm.