Wqv lEu etttttg Iteratfi iMMiMiiMiVVWMAViAiWMMMIM official papicii op KLAMATH I'ALIi OFFICIAL- PAPER OP KLAJIATH OOUNTV v 1 ii iiiif-irwwwxA VWMAAMWMMMAMWM Fourtn-nlli Ynnr .Vi, .07fJ KLAMATH I 'A MX, OREGON, TUKHDAV, .NOVITMIIKR 10, 1BS0. Price Flvo Cent P Moose Hall Dances Wild Orgies Council Is Told, Stop Order Is Issued Councilman llrnndenberg. Colvln nnd Lavonlk. with Muyur Mriihlo at llin halm, mnnniMl tli.i municipal lilp of slain during Hit voysgn over llin turbulent watnrs of elvlo dlscon loot last lilnlit, nnil brought It anfo nnd nciutitl Into thn port ot moral re ctitude ami righteous ImllKiiittloti. Tim meeting wait latmchnil with nothing In thn offline except .the rog ular monotoniitiH grind of huslnn, payment of bills, building permits, mil things llkn that, hut C. II. Hoi omon, JupiI nhout thn Hum mont of tliu citizen In thn counrll chamhnr witrn getting ready to no homn, thrnw un nxtrs, ration or two of funl Into thn municipal engine, mill thn coun rll began to function again with re newed energy Vlolnllon if litvmry j Mr Solomon's charge wan that dsnres In tho Mooan hall wura ImliiK I conducted In flugraut violation of nil thn lawa of decency. Liquor, hn snldj wan biilnjc no Id ami conauniril In audi quantities that thn dances wero eventually converted In wild oriel",! something akin to bawdy bonnes In fact, and that hn Hiroiially kunwi that thn Mooan hall, when Ihemi ilancm arc taking pUrn, wni no plscn for any decent hoy, girl, woman or man. Emphatically. rouragnously.'J And conaUtently. Mr Knlomon rnvlew--d rondltlon regarding thean dances. inhibiting t thn same tlmn thn dn tnesnor of a man who actually' thought hn waa telling thn council about a condition which thn council as writ an hn. ahould havn discovered or been apprised of a Ionic lima ago. "Hun thean places right or revoke i thn llrcnMt," advocated Mr Holnmon ' vehemently, and nt thla Juncturn Councilman C'olvln Joined forcna wjlh him, and both gentlemen went down the' linn together In tho Interest of danca hall dvcamry. I M)or I:IaIii It All , During a long peroration touching' upon hU devotion to duty, nnd thn efforts ho had been making to plncn morality In thn ascendency In Kla math Falls, Mayor Htruhlo vouch tared thn Information that ho did not Instruct Jhe chief of pollen to detail nn nfflrnr to tho hull because hn waa of thn unalterable opinion that If tho placo could not bo run along decent lines It ahould not bn perhtllted to run nt all, nnd Ihu nnn night officer of whom city boasted could bn used to bettor udvnntsgo In other nightly actlvltlea, nnd that he waa In perfect accord with Council man Colvln'a demand that thn license bo revoked I "Thla criticism of tho city council for durollctlon of duty la nil moon shine," assorted thn mayor, "nnd It don't bother inn nt all'" , Thnrniipou otiaued a research Into thn momorlra of thn counrll nnd clerk ' to dntnrmlno to whom thn license had heon granted, with thn reautt that ' not out) of thorn knew anything nhout J n llronse having been grunted to nny nnn nt any tlmn to conduct it dnnro ' In the Mooita linll. Mayor No TrrpilrlmrtMin Dnnclng. rnnllntind thn mayor, waa aomothlng In which hn did not Indulge, nnd of which ho did not x!tnlly npprnvo, nnd Hint for thnt rea- trhn hn novnr frequented thn Moose hall. However, ho declared, If liquor wna being sold nnd consumed thero ho wan going to find nut nhout It. meaning of course thnt hn wnued Hm Informntlnn for thn protection of thn public, nnd not tor tho satisfying of nny personal deslrt. Uiiiiim Will lh Stonped Hovoral measures to nbntn hn ill lagod Indorenoy woro stiRgMtnil, but. guided by thn suggestion of tho Itoverend C, F. Trlmldn ami others, tho council finally decided to notify tho officer of tho Mooho lodgo thnt dances would not ho pormltted to ho ImlU thorn In thn tuturo under tho preiont mnnngemont, .. Describe An Orgy Particular chargoa woro preferred against dnnco hold thoro last Thurs day njght, drinking, profanity, and resultant moral lapsed being mora open und flagrant thnn over hoforo. 'At tho snmo tlmo tho conduct of provlotu dincoa hold thnro woro not dlarouDtod. According to tnatlmony ot four young man which Mr, Trim bio aald ho had at hli dlaposal, "everybody got drunk," hut this ehargn wnn modlflod by Mr. Trlmblo who nnld that tho Idea ot tho young men monnt to convoy wns thnt n great many ot thorn, porlmpn not nil, had hocomo Intoxicated, Hay JikIro Ih Icnlent Incidentally, It was romnrkod, fol lowing nnnthor vindication ot his nuhlio nets' by tho mnyor, thnt If tho M police Judgo woulfl do his duty nnd jjjfc lno Tlolotors of tho hoozo law zo Jlisteau 01 to, unu uiun iuuk oh u 30 duy snntnnrn for good mnnauro, thern might hn nomii hopo of roduclng thn bootlegging hualness In iho city. This remark was mado by Mr. Holo limn, nnd supported by William Trun. nrstwhllu special officer, who Inti mated thnt hn had prnvlously hud oxperluncc hero In matters of that kind. Mil) or Kny Hn Wim On Job This apparently opened up an av enue for morn anlf vindication by tho mayor, who detended his adminis trations from 11m tlmn hn becamn mayor down to tho mlnuto. tin wns right nn thn heels of thn police de partment men ovory day, ho said. In his efforts to enforce local ordlnunces and moreover hn had devoted mora than n rightful share ot hla time to public work for thn beggerly sum of JIOO n month, lie wanted Iho pub lic to carry their troubles to him and to thn city council, uud particularly In cases whern thn law waa being aldestnpited as charged regard to thn Moosn hall dances. Thn Itoverend Mr Trlmhln replied in kind lie pat- ted Mr Htrubln upon his honorable back, and exchange of endearments waa both touching and effective. Jin commended the mnyor'a honesty of purpose, and thanked blm for his Interest In tho campaign against Im morality. Again the mayor respond ed, and pronounced everything ex cept his own post mortem eulogy, which, as onn man In thn council chamber asuerted, would not havn been at all appropriate, because his honor was anything but a "dead pno." - Apply llin llmkeM H Immured down, tho council de cided unanimously to notify the Moosn hall officials lhat dances would no longer bo pormltted there under thn present management I in pro trim-n i I'rrmJfs A number of building permits were granted, tho cost of tho build ings ranging from 'a $200 woodshed to a JSf.,000 brick nnd stonn church which will be erected by tho members of tho Christian church. II H. (Irlshy, Krnest llrown, nnd Charles Jensen naked to bo permitted to lay a sewer u distance ot 300 feet north from tho corner of 11th anil High streets, half of thn expense to ba borno by thn property ownen served, and the other half by the city, tho city's shares to be paid at some future tlmn. This matter was re ferred to the city engineer, and If feasible and the sewer Is laid In ac cordance with thn provisions ot local ordinances tho work will bo done on soon as possible, I'otltlons for sidewalk Improve ments were heard, and several labor hills woro paid, tho remainder of thn mooting being devoted to matters of not moro than ordinary Importance PADDOCK AGAIN (Hy Associated Press) HAI.K.M, Nov. lfi. Tho sUto su promo court toduy denied tho sec ond petition for a ro-hcarlng for Wllllnm Holhrook nnd J. K. l'nd dork, convicted In Klamath county on a chnrgo ot uiansliiUKhtor for tho killing ot Owen T. McKendreo at Dry I'ratrlo April 20, 1018. Tho first petition for ro-hcarlng was denied by tho supremo court Octobor 6, ot this year. Tho dofondants aru out on bonds, nlthough under sontonco to statu prlsou. Grand Jury Probe for Theater Panic That Killed Six (Dy Associated Proas) NI$W YORK, Nov. IC Tho grand Jury promises a full investigation ot Sunday's panic In an east aide mo tion plcturo thoatro in which six ehlldron wero trnmplod to doath. Tho district attorney snld today that ho loarnod that rortnln thoa tro employ "profcsslonul guardians" to clrcumvont city ordlnnnco whlcln prohibits small children Ironi nttond jng porformancoB nlono, Tho proprietors and Janitor ot tho thoatro woro arralgnod today. It Is nllogod thnt an oxlt was locked, H0LBR00K AND D BED T Ingcraoll Asks for Another Judge to Try Murder Case An affidavit ot projudlco ngalnst Judge I) V Kuykendall has boon filed by defendant In tho caso of tho people against (lllhort Ingorsoll, churned with tho murder ot Henry Stoehslar nt Dairy last July, Undor the statuto such action au tomatically disqualifies tho Judgo against whom It Is directed and a now trlul Judge must now bo appoint ed by thn chief Justlco ot tho state supremo court, Tho trial of the caso has been set for December 10, Whether tho change of Judges will result In a postponement or not romalns to he soon, rj'hould thn trial go over tho first of the year It Is likely to provldo tho mrUdtn caso for C. C. Ilrawor, dis trict attorney-elect, who will replace District Attorney Duncan January 1. (Hy Associated Proas) ATHENA. Nov. 18. Premier Von Uclos nnd his cntlro cabinet re signed today as a result ot tho vic tory of thn opposition party In Hunday'a election. It Is said that Venlxolos will leave tho country. Tho ex-promler advised tho lib erals to abide by tho people's ver dict. Oeorgo Rhallls has been selected to form the new cabinet. ATHKNS. Nov 1 Troops fired from a number ot points several times to dlaperso mobs of after- election rioters. Two persons wero killed yesterday by shots, which It Is said were fired by reactionaries. Vonltolos received tho votes of 118 deputies In thn election. Tho royalists received 2S0. A very enthusiastic meeting of the representatives ot various In terests ot Klamath Falls wus held at tho Chamber ot Commorco last evening to listen to plana for n housing campaign hy James Hot land, lato of Havre, Mont., who has had a number of years experience In that line. Mr. Holland outlined plans and Iho accomplishments of a Home Ilulldlng association with which ho has been connected for seven years. Tho committee looking after this project consists of Captain J. W. Siemens, I.oslle Rogers, O. I). Ilurke, K. il.Uubb. II. I). Mortonson, A. J. Vo)o,H. N. Moo, Dr. Campbell nnd W. H. Kllngenburg, and they will report at tho forum tomorrow noon. Tho matter wilt bo further dis cussed at the regular monthly moot ing ot tho Chamber of Commorco tonight at tho city hall. Any ono Interested In tho housing problem Is especially requested to ho present tonight and glvo any Information und help they can. Building Permits Granted By Council Tho following permits wero granted by tho city council nt last night's moeting: Charles L. Janscn, to build n gnrugo 1Sx30 feet, In Hot Springs addition; J. T. McCollum, to erect a building for tho Christian denomi nation on block 12, lot 1, original town, ot brick and stono, two stor los, at u cost ot $35,000; Charles Janscn, William E. llrown and II. S. Grlgsby, to build a sewer begin ning at Elovonth and High streets and extending for 200 foot; Roy Litton, to build a resldenco In Rail road addition; Charles Pollock and L. K. Hamilton, to orect a tramo building In Hot Springs to bo used as a skating rink; C. O. Johnson, to build a store building In Iluena Vista; A. H. Dowors, to orect a framo dwolllng In Hot Springs; John R. Rassmusson, to build a modern bungalow In Nichols addition; W, H. Todd, to build a gnrago In Hot Springs; L. O. Arons, White. Pollcan garago, to conduct and oporato a goncral garago business In tho building known as tho Haugor building, across from tho White Pol lcan Jiotol; Mrs. R, h. Roo, to build n woodBhod In tho roar ot her resi dence on Ewauna Holghts, VEN1ZEL05 AND CABINET QUIT HEAD PROJECT FOR HOUSING GMT Thn Willamette military highway. thn connecting llnkr between westorn and southeastern Oregon, will bo opened for through travel before many moons, provided existing In junctions against tho expenditure of county money do not Intorfnro when tho opportuno tlmo for beginning road construction arrives. This highway, now In an Impass able state, loaves tho Pacific high way at Goshen, I.ano county, Ore.; and follows the Wlllamotto river southeast, crosses the Cascades and Into and through Klamath. Lake and 'Malheur counties. Wau Pioneer Trail During tho early stages of devel opment In this stoto this road, then nothing moro than a trail, was much In use. Today, It Is open to travel from Goshen to tho Klngdon ranch In Lane county, nnd from this city to Crescent Iske However, tho road has been neglected, steep grades predominating and surfaco condi tions being so bad that It amounts to nothing moro than a wagon road of tho worst description. R. S. Ilryson, county clerk of Lane county, following Instructions of his county court, has written to the Klamath county court, bis lot tor containing a proposition for both counties to appropriate a sufficient amount to place the road In serv iceable ahape, It being understood that tho government will match both counties, dollar for dollar. In payment ot tho cost ot tho. Im provement. HI Mile In Klanutli Six miles ot Improvement work will fall to this county. Lane coun ty will bo compelled to improve about H miles. It will cost ap proximately $2,000 per mile, entail ing an appropriation from this county.. of $6,000, tho other $(,000 to bo paid by tho government. Lane county will oxpend $14,000, but this will not Interfere with tho project, as that county has already spent moro than J8D.00O. and recognises tho necessity for the added oxpend Ituro If tho purpose of the highway Is to be served. County Jndge R. H. nunnell stated yesterday that the lotttt board la In accord with the Lane county board, and that the appropriation will bo forthcoming. Hit Per Cent Griule With theso comparatively modest expenditures, engineers say, It will bo posslblo to socuro a 6 per cent grade, and alt other requirements necessary to make tho highway pass able for vehicles ot any description. Furthermore It Is pointed out that thero aro 600,000 acres of timber land adjacent to this road, and that as soon as It Is opened It will af ford transportation for loggors, aid In development, and bring rovenuo Into tho county coffers from sources which at present tlmo aro closed to limitation. In othor words, vast areas of untaxed lands would bo placed upon tho tax rolls and con verted Into profit-making properties. tirand Scenic Route This highway will shorten tho routo between north and northwest ern Oregon to Crater laku and Klamath Falls, and It seems to bo tho concensus ot opinion that the scenery, hunting and fishing along tho hlghwuy would make It Im mensely popular with tourists. In Illustration It Is stated that tho distance from Portland to Cra ter lake via tho Wlllamotto highway would bo only 270 miles, cr a dif ference ot 126 miles. Quite a sav ing of tires und gasoline, many nuto owners say. .Shorter to Portland Again, from Portland to Luko- viow, via the Pacific Highway, Ash land and Klamath Falls, tho dis tance is S38 miles, and over tho routo which will bo afforded by the completion ot tho Willamette mili tary highway, tho distance would ho only 418 miles. Forty-six por cent ot Lane county Is in national forests, national parks and Indian resenros. Fitty-oue per cont ot this county is coverod by this description, This highway would enable both counties to con vert theso areas into profit-producers. Lane county has seen tho wis dom ot opening the highway, and has already Bpont a largo sum ot money upon It. Lane county Is willing to spend moro, hut knows that unless this county co-oporatos with it tho road cannot bo com- Tiletod. No chain Is stronger than its woakest link, the people over thero say, and ask this county, through its commissioners, to pro vldo a link that will onduro and serve the object la view. Accord- N 1 LAITT nUEGT Livestock Judging Team Wins Third Place Among IS A telegram received today from K. If. Tli oman, county agricultural agent at Portland states that Kla math county's livestock Judging team took third placo at tho Pacific Inter national Livestock show contest among IS teams entered. Dale West, son of L. A. West, a mc rubor ot tho Klamath team took third Individual placo among tho 44 boys nnd girls entered. The highest team score was 1229. Klamath's scoro was 11C2. Only four other counties scored 1100 or over. Tho Klamath team was composed of Dale West, Dorothy Short and Orln Rccdcr. Tho calves entered by tho Klamath county boys and girls club mombcrs pssscd under tho scutlny of tho Judges yesterday and awards will bo mado today, Mr. Thomai said In tho telegram. S ON STATE DEPT (Hy Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nor. 16. Long standing controversy between tho Westorn Union Telegraph company and tho stato department reached tho stago of an open break today, the company refusing to hsndlo any further cablo messages for the stato department except upon prepayment ot tolls. The company stated that the ac tion was taken or i re. ot de layed payment upon messag . Department officials assert d that it waa an act ot retaliation for the falluro ot the department to per mit tho landing ot tho Wostern Union cable at Miami, Fla., connect ing with the British cablo from South America. - GENEVA. Nor. 16. Dangor that' WD W AVERT MONROE DOCTRINE BREAK the league of nations may encroach i""ua " ?"..? ' wwpagun. ' , ' ., """""" " "' "' ,vlThls is about 85 per cent more thaa upon tho Monroe doctrlno by consld-i, , ,, ,h ,,, , m,h. ering American questions In the ah- senco of the United S ates. which is not formally represented In tho as- sembly of nations here, was averted many oy mo wuuarawai oi mo ro-. quest by Bolivia and Peru for a ro- vision ot their trcatlca with Chlto. It is not expected that any other not go In meeting the persistent de American question, with dangerous mand unless its properties are put on possibilities will corao beforo thea paying basis in Oregon, enabling it present session ot tho assembly. MAT SALVAGE . GROONDED BOAT (My Associated Press) MARSHFIELD, Ore.. Nov. 16. Tho steamer City ot Topeka, it was,tlons in tho state is "less than noth learned by wireless this afternoon,, ing." Is on her way to Marshticld with 28 "Many of the extraordinary econ men nnd two women rescued fromiomlc changes, particularly dn the tho Jean of Arc. which went ashoro matter of wages for labor, vastly in last night south of Dattlo Rock, off! creasing applicant's costs of opora Port Orford. Tho Jean of Arc was! tlon and construction, experienced by loaded with lumbor from St. Holons' applicant in common with business to San Pedro. ' overywhore as a result of tho world Th utrumt'od nrhoonor li rostlnir I wnr, which this commission has here in shallow water, and may be savod. ....... ' IF millnd nff liAfnr.. nnnthor itlnrlii v- - --- -..-.-... '"-i catches her. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 16. Abandonod by her crow, tho Btoam schoonor, Jean ot Arc, is roported to bo tilling with water after being pulled off a reet at West Rock on tho Rogue rlvor outlet in Oregon. Tho tug Storm KlnB was dis patched from Eureka this morning to aid the foundering vessel, Tho steamers Atlas and City, ot Topeka, after rendorlng what, assistance they could, resumed their voyages this morning. ' Tho Jean of Arc is being washed toward, the shore f by. the. strong southerly gale that Is blowing, but It Is expected that the Storm King would bo able to bring her safely into tie KuroKa narpor, Ingly, statos Judge Bunnell, the Klamath county 'court will place la the 1921 budget provisions for an expenditure 'ot $6,000,, sufficient, It is ostlmatedt to do tho work in ship shape and Ihus ono moro spoko will he Inserted Into the wheel ot prog ress which Is continually revolving and bringing thla county nearer to tho stato at dovelq'pmoht Justified by Its Immense resources. SE III TELEPHONE An Incroaso In rates for telephone service, tho maximum, new rate be ing about CO per cent above present rates for all classes ot phones, is ask cd In a petition filed Saturday by tho Pacific Telcphono ft Telegraph com pany with tho state public service commission, at Salem, a copy of which has just reached Tho Herald. A new system ot grouping Is ask ed, with towns In six 'groups Instoad ot four as at present. Klamath Falls would be In tho fourth group undor tho now plan with Oregon City. Roseburg and Tho Dalles. For communities In this group the difference In rato follews: One party business lino present rato fS.SO, new rato $S for wall phone, 26 cents extra for desk In either rate. Two party business lino present rate, $3, new rate $4, with 25 cents extra for desk phone. Ono party residence present rato $2, new rato $3.25. with 25 'cenU extra for desk phone. Klamath Falls has no two party lines, but the adranco Is from 11.75 to $2.76. Four party lines present rato $1.50, new rate $2.60. with 25 cents extra for desk extension. More than 2000 applications for telph.oryi In the state are being held ' tV"" of P,aot equipment and '' v ..Cfjratlre that the company revenues be Increased, says the let ter transmitting the application to the commission. "You are well acquainted with the extraordinary efforts that this com pany baa made to get materials,". says the letter of transmittal, "and w(th the fact that the efforts made ' (n 'behalf ot Oregon are 'but dupll-' cates ot the efforts made In behalf, of every state of; thoyttnlon, the shortage .ot telephone plaiit and ma terials being a nation-wide diffi culty. "I desire to point out, howover, 1 that In spite ot every handicap, thjs company has. In the state ot Ore- ?""'.. r.Z":.. ".."""."V".' of o ,he procedlnR years conltllutM refiUTely. the best record eyor made , tho ute 0, 0re. goa la the matter of keeping pace w,lch dcaiand." nut. sars tho comoanr. It has- reached a nolnt bcrond which It can- to sustain Its credit and secure Ore gon's necessities In money and ma terial tor Its extraordinary growth. "Relief on a permanent basis Is es sential to further ability on our part to meet tho demands ot the state ot Oregon," says the company. Tho fair valuation of the company's properties In Oregon devoted to a genoral and comprehensive telephone service Is declared In tho application to be in excess ot $21,600,000, while tho annual net revenue from, opera- toforo dcalt wl,n aB temporary and iMmlanl nM In nnnllrnnl'a nnorn. applicant's opera - v..., ..w ... tions pormanont and must now be rccognlzod ns permanent factors In determining Just, reasonable and suf ficient rates," says tho application. It doclaros Its willingness and de sire to meet tho extraordinary de mands for telephono service now manifested by the Increasing popula tion ot Oregon, but says "such wil lingness and doslre are absolutely dependent upon applicant's ability to compete for money and materials in the markets ot the world, and under oxlstlng ratea and revenues and ex-, istlng .returns, its ability so to. do la compoltely destroyed." The company declares that as a" re sult ot the orders ot the public; ser vice commission, the people ot Ore-' gon have had the same genoral and comprehensive telephono service rendered by the company In ' tne nelghborlng states, both north and south, at ratea materially lower than those charged In these other 'states, throughout tho whole period ot the war and since the armistice, and. that thts disparity of rates has been whol ly at tho expense ot tho company. WEATHER REPORT . OREGON Tonight day, probably rain. ' and Wednes- T BHDJ