The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 13, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    'fcATUIlDAY, NOVKMUKIl 10, 1020,
paqr rovn
The Evening Herald
VIlKli HOUI.K.....
Published dally, oxeopt Sunday, by
CH Ilcrald Publishing Company ft
ICtaaath rails, at 115 Fourth Street.
ntered at tba postofflce at Klam
fctfc Falla.iOro., for transmission thru
Ika malls aa second-clans matter.
" The Associated Tress Is excluslvol,
entitled to the uso (or republication
of all news dispatches credited to it.
ot not otherwise credited In this
paper, and also tho local news pub
lished heroin.
TOKIO, Oct. 17. (Correspondence
of The Associated Press) Not by
war can Japan accomplish tho alms
she seeks In connection with Amer
ican problems, but by friendship and
Intelligent diplomacy, wrote Viscount
Kentaro Kaneko, president ot the
American-Japan society In a special
contribution dealing with American
relations. Tho artlclo was the lead-
ins feature of the special English j
edition recently published by
Japanese. Yomlurl.
f sflRi BsflB jMn Q.iTMll. ssVssssW TlMlinsuM
PPa PWTV SSJssssm jcswtMiasssssHssBk bbbbbbbbz2- asBlasswIssfl
t V XJ1 .SVHbbbbbV UssssssVJSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssksMssHssEjssfl
XxTi. 1lDa nfssssssQI ssssssssssBslssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHHsssss!
"V jftlaBjl M')sssB ssssssssssssssssssIsssssssssssssssVbssssisssssssssI
bbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW vflasVB i ' B ssssssssssBT TvlsVsaaflssssi; (E'Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbi
sssssssssssssssssssssVHn liifW K" V't rmWfti&SX
(bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbFsibbbbW Itf J STV1' - -) VKMLAWAT
'sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssK'i MJismft sbbbbbbbbbbbs P-lPBryJssKsl
sasssssssssssssssssl sfc '!ssUrissflV - Vf ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHssssw ( '
sPMssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbL s bbbbbbbbBbLbR-Cl ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW'M
VsssflsssssssssssssH tsB bsbbbbbbbbV v LHRf&Uj
KSsssssssssssssRjasssssUi'k' -V bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssPQsssbssEsT-::
EKsssssssBijssssssillssssssssssKsssssssssssWKr sssssssssssssssssssssssHsWMPIKflHsB.i
VANCOUVER IM ifK 3 SbbbbbbbbbbMT1bbbbbbbbbbM .
The motorists' Idea ot paradise Is I
a beautiful country whero roads
and weather permit continuous
traveling. The nearest approach to
the, that Ideal In the northwestern part
-with the message that tt would not
bo good for Japan to bo confined
forever In this Islands and latter the life, is so modified
Holland's Ruler Was
Willing Wilhelm
Should Have Refuge
TUB HAGUI3. Oct. 21 (lly Mail)
Tho often repented nnd often de
nied statement that the former (lor
man Kmporor Wllllnm on mo to Hol
land with tho pro-arranged consent
ot tho Dutch Queen Wllhvlmlnn Is
now inndo by one of tho (lormnn of
fleers, Lieutenant Count Dxtlf Molt
ke, who snld ho himself nrrnmpnnlcd
thu emperor from Bpn to Amorongon.
.Moltkn's urtlcln In tho Journnl of
tho National Iluml ot (lermuu sol
uiern, reprinted In the Hutch press
snys that tho Dutch ronsut In llrus
sols, wnrued htn- government on tnn
night of November 10, IS 18, of Wll
Gott Still Mitt
Uns, Says "Hindy"
1IANOVI3II, (lermitny, Oct. HI
(lly Mall) Field Marshal von lllif
denliurg, speaking nt n doiuuiistm
tlon of strnksits on tint occasion of
Ills 7 3rd hlrthduy, said
"Tlio times urn luird. Wo cannot
get nwny from that. Hut It Is n mnn'M
business to look dnngur In tho oyn
nnd discount It. (lod tins not yet for
saken tho Onrinnn people. Much has
been taken from us, hut (lod will
give It hack to us ngnln. Ono thing
Is left us our fatherland. To that
fatherland wo shall rllng without
respect for pnrly divisions. I make
.this appeal to tho (lormnn youths."
Hi:iTrtii:.N,m.N to vi:i
HOMU. Oct. 10.- (lly Mall) Tho
Until' plan nnd tho emperor, by tolo- engagement Is nnnotinrol of Honntor
graph asked permission ot the Luuclnna, archaeologist, aged 74, to
queen to enter her country mnrry thn Princess Teresa Cnrnc-
On arrival In Holland Wllllnm was clolo, uged OB, the widow of Prliirn
In for moil thnt tho iiueen had put Mnrcnntonln, Thn senator Is a wld
lletlncks castle nt his disposal, im-'owor, his previous lf hnvlng been
serts Moltko, llim Ithodes, of Providence, It. I,
rsrHyvyyyrvvfVvtjvvvvvvvvyiJTrvx " "
of this continent Is Vancouver Is . m It A AnHn11l I 1 n ,t VnflirA 1ftl nmvlftivtt MlLUtV I
"'""1 J -R". " vw-..--w,, .. .... - ,...- . ,., .., .1
rnmninlnr. P.rrv . rrtrA Janan.anrl lh r rht sort of Cl mate! mani&an t rancisco, luo cuy nan bhuiiu- iu 1110 uvniinunn, uu umu
WUAU.VWW.V " .- , , V - -- -- . ,,.., ..
has built fine roads. The tempera-: ance 01 waier raugoi oy ncigauuriag run 10 mo nmuui uuitumu iair
turo of Victoria, the hub of island! mountains. 1 wun lis sunicen garuens, raoinmor-
br the Jaoan Altnougn situated on me souta- paoseu rocn gnruen sou riijuiin-
United States sent Townsend Harris current that its average nrean tem-ernmost tip of an Island. Victoria Japaneso garden,
inn maim niguway is mu yriuu
of tho Island. It Is n 170 mile
stretch of well-made road running
t -l- -li .1 K.. aft... t !. f.. Vl..l.l ,A naaMKII 1.-M 1 1 a
mer averages. i luis cuy wu cuuaca uy iuo vuuuuiuu kiuiu itkiuiM w .ui'wii ...
Sunshine Is the rule, averaging) government as the site for Its two along the Oulf ot Oeorgla. It Is
nearly six hours for each day In life great, observatories. (strung, with picturesque towns and
Of course, the summer days too motor roaus 01 mo isianu are uranca ruaus ru iu msu uchkui-
have longer hours, but there U en-' worthy of their setting. Victoria with (ui resorts as bhuwimgan lane,
ough sunshine all winter to keep veg-.lU miles of marine drive's beautiful Cowlchan lake, Cameron lake, Oreat
Views, IS lue siarung puim lur uiuu . .vuirt, lane, auu inu imui
delightful trips. Among them are the' stream. Tho southern portion of tho
40 miles of Saanlch peninsula, skirt-1 highway Is known as tho Matahat
Inr Cadbore and Cordova Hays; drive, pronounced by the knowing
to this country.. He guided and perature Is 15 degrees F. There to is quite ireo irom logs, uecauso 01
Uught the Japanese with the care a range ot only 22 degrees P. be-;lta now range of variance In terhper-
of a father. When one day a group; tween the mid-winter anu miutum- o u' u f.,.uu..u..
of reckless Japanese burned his
consulato Harris believed that this
And other outrages bad been corn-
inltted only becauso Japan bad not
advanced (ar along the road to
modern civilization and instead of
Tenting hatred upon Japan he de
fended her. "America." went on the
Viscount, "was simply patient, wait
ing for Japan to waken ot her own
"Because of hjr gratitude for what
Americans did for her In those days,
Japan has harbored no grudge
against the United States, although
ot recent years In tba Unttesl'States
agitation, beginning with the San
Francisco school incident: then the
taking ot the right ot ladd owner
ship away from the Japanese, the
restrictions on the-leasehold of land,
tba restriction ot photograph mar
riages and other incidents. Instead
of showing resentment Japan has of
her own accord restricted the immi
gration of her laborers Into the
United State's an attitude similar to
that taken by America toward Japan
C7 years ago, an attitude of patience
and forbearance. Japan is now pay
ing the debt of tolerance that she
contracted C7 years ago. To be more
pecuif, America js now receiving ne coal ,
repayment on xce spiritual capital., hundred
etatlon green and gardens abloom,
While Victoria has few rainy days,
the annual precipitation being 27.46
inches which is less than that of any
other Pacific coast point north of
winding thrllltul roads that climb up1 ones as a perfect motorway.
England Buying Less
Wine and Cigars
LONDON. -Oct. 52. (Dy Mall)
Since Chancellor Austen Chamber
lain Introduced his last budget there
baa been a marked reduction In the
retail sale of champagne and cigars
In England.
Cigar merchants say that during
the recent months clearance from
bond and Importations from Cuba
have practically been suspended. The
public, It Is stated, refuse to buy at
pended 30,000,000 marks for trans
portatlon of lluselans home, and 90,-
000,000 marks to bring German prt
soners out of Russia.
The Woman's Ilellef corpn will
meet on Monday Nov. 16 at 2:30 p
m. at I. O. O. P. hall .All members
are urged to bo present, as special
iwork training to tho sending ot a
ktkttis' Rrman. n-t. !t 11 Christmas box to the Old Soldiers
--------- '9 - v " .. . . . in .
r."" rr.r "."- "":.". .V ZZ'.Cl Slail) Every continent of German. '"""e ai iioseourg win come oeioro
LI! "'" r'A: .?".""? ."'"? war prisoners arriving here from Corps.After tho business session
.TT.'w,; '" ' .Hussla contains a number ot ragged, refreshment, will bo ,rved and
! social hour will be enjoyed by all.
In 1914 a really good Havana1 unshaven, haggard men who have
cigar could be bought at 40 shillings. a raaa lnan by suffering dur-
Ito 50 shillings n hundred but today ,0 """ muuiu. m uuu pn.un
mnrA hnn tlvm. nnnnria w,w
M.V.W ftMHM a.vv TWHMW , , , ,
iu luiit; wccfta 1110 i,urinuii rui- graceiui iigure. inny rviuu
that she Invested In Japan in the wine merchants are n little sur 'ern'Ient cnt 200 ot these men to In- awlmlng oxsrclsos Thero Is n
time ot Cdmmodore I'crry and Town-I urlae.i a, tno (lecllnn in the salo ofl,ane a8y'ura', and sanitariums for1 pool at the now bath house.
end Horrls. ,k,niMra,. ., n,irB. h nnt i.n treatment. A few novo spells?
"Indies would yoa like a
Klamath Falls
Revised to date to show all paved streets,
location of railroads, size of all lots and
blocks. Price $10.00.
Small size copies, 18x21 inches, price $1.00
Wilson Abstract Company
517 Main St.
Jewel Cafe
Special Sunday Dinner, $1.00
Helm 8eet Gherkins Mammoth Hlpn Olives
Cream of Chicken, Chlffonade ,
HAI.A1J " " ' '
Matinee Halad
Filet of Whltetlsh, Sauce Figaro
Vour choice of
Iloast Spring Turkey, Chestnut stuffing
Ilarbecued Ham, Plantation Slyln
Fricassee of Chicken, Small Pastrlrs
Mashed Potatoes Cauliflower Potonalsn
Hot Mince Pie, Cider Sauce
Kngllsh Plum Pudding, Hard Hauco
Peach Cobbler
champagne, as prices have not been
"History show,, that Japanese-) 8UDitan,aiy increased
of the duty Imposed by the budget n,alor,ty "f0"'" ft1""Jc"' w,ot""tl
":. In the hope of maintaining the Eng- Bon ""P""1; Ther look about with X
llsb demand.
In manv " Tioieuco. uuu uurwg mo imnuui, . . . . . . . . . A A AAAAAAAAA AAAAifAAA4WW1WW
American relations aro Inseparable. '::"""'' h; .hn,.ur;ri n n7. must be kept under guard, but tho,..,,,r'"
. a . I ' " .-- - ,.. .. , !
lei, louay, 10 my great sorrow,
there aro some Americans who
regard this history, misunderstand
the mind of the Japaneno and try to
destroy the friendly relations be
tween the two countries."
Viscount Knnoko held that for tho
peace of Asia, Japaneso American
friendship was an absolute necessity,
yet In spite of this somo people talk
of war. Ho went on: "liven so-call
ed intelligent classes fear a drift
toward war In the near future.
At the Theaters
dull, unseeing eyes, or sit iulctly
weeping, unconscious of the fact they
are homo again.
Tho families and friends of the In
sane soldiers nro iillowod to greet
them and to glvo them food and
clothes boforo they uro sont awny for ?
Three reds were Iu the cellar tack- treatment i 4
hub len-j war-urn uoiueu in-uunu, aim .Nearly nil trie prisoners oxmuit tn
on very mcidu.h looKing reo was in most Intense b ttorness not on y
nm j the library of tho Stnnhopo mansion toward Kussla hut toward tho (Jor-
firmly convinced of other people.
Suppose thnt the two nations were at
war with each other. America will
have to base her operations In Ha
waii and the Philippines. No mat
ter how great the economic advan
tages and how great tho military and
naval strcneth which shu mav com-1 " eterfnlty. The clock was Ingenious
wand, she will not ho able to do1' connected to n very etlcctlve
revolver in hand, guarding tho heir man government as well. Ono of
apparent to tho Stanhojio millions. ' them, who had lost a leg and on arm
Jim Stanhope won writing In his and who, It was learned, had bcn
chair while a clock ticked at bu feet. takon prisoner early In tho war nnd
It was tho ticking of tho clock thnt has been confined in many Uusslanl
annoycu mm, oecnuso every jick oi prison camps, shook tils fist at n
tho clock brought Jimmy a pace n-ar- Oerman flag when ho arrived and i
cursed his country, his people, and t
all other countries and peoples.
Palace Market
For Service and Quality
more than hinder a portion of Ja
pan's shipping from operation, or de
vastate the shores of Japun tempor
arily. She will not bo able to deal
decisive blows to Japan, nor land a
slnglo man on the soil ot Nippon.
The Japanese nation will never per
mit such a thing to pass. Never has
Japan been Invaded by foreign hosts
since history recorded her birth.
Mongolian Invasions wore twice at
tempted but in vain. Since that time,
Japan's national strength has in
creased many fold.
"On the other hand, suppose that
Japan should attack America and
that sbo should be able to land mar
ines front her powerful fleet In Ban
Francisco, How will Japan transport
tho million soldiers needed to make
tho landing of marines effective T
How will she send provisions? It Is
altogether an Impossibility. More
over, even if Japan's army should
occupy a portion of the western
ooaBt ot tho American continent, the
"body Qf the United States will not be
greatly hurt. Quito possibly, Now
York anil Washington will pay no at
tention tp such trivial Incident.
Thus it Ib plain that n war be
tween Japan nnd America cannot ac
complish Its final object and become
of its very uselMsnoM will never bo
bomb, so that when tho clock indl-
"To with
(firmiinv!1' Hhnu!rrl. t X
cated 12 o'clock the bomb would uu- "That is not my flag and Germany V
tomatlcnlly explode. lis not my fatherland."
Ahl A woman's step on tho case- i0 then turned to tho other prl-'
ment. Mr. Ited turned to find him- soners and pointing to bin wounds! JL
selt looking Into the soulful deptii:i said: I j
ot a beautiful pair of oyej. Fulri '"rhH u what Germany has dono:&
lips wero smiling at him, whllo the to mo. This is what n kindly fnth-
young Jadyl swathed In a g-'t'rgeous erland has permitted. Why didn't 1
clinging kimona, gave Mm n vary thoy oxchonge mo? Uecauso I hove
naughty once over. only ono leg nnd ono arm? I lost
Constance Tulmadgo plays thB them fighting for Gormuny and all
lead in "The Perfect Woman," which' the thanks I'vo had for It worn tho
comes to tho Star theatre Sunday. ( rotten years In a Russian prison."
1 ; 'The prisoners generally agreed
AT TIIK IJIIKHTV THKATHK they had been unable to procure
J, Warren Kerrigan's latest ftrun-l proper medical treatment In the Hus
ton production, "The Green Flame," sslan camps, and that their food had
a mystery play by the eminent piay-.beeu very bad.
At the cIoao of the war there wore
250,000 war and civil prisoners In
Itussla, and 255,000 Russians in Ger
many, Tho Germany government es
timates that not more than C000
Gprmana will remain in Russian
camps this winter,
Before tbo Russo-Pollsh hostllflloa
began tbo Russians were being re
turned rapidly but it is now estima
ted at toast 200,000 Russians aro
4111 Ih nm,H ftmma Aft OAA tt
P. II. M VW,,MM a..p, vv,vv w. i
whom are the troops Internod when j
they crossed tbo oast Prussian fron-l
wrigbt and' novelist, Raymond 'G,
Hill, has been released through tbo
IV. V. Hodklnson corporation and
will be shown Sunday at the Liberty
In "Tho Oreen Flame" Kerrigan
plays the part of a clover private
detective who subverts tho desper
ate plan of a notorious crook, ring
to steal a priceless emerald. Tho
star Is supported In this picture by a
well rounded cast, beaded by Frltii
Brunette, bis talented leading lady.
The direction is by Krnest C. Wardo,
and Jack Cunningham wrote the
Cool, Clean and Sanitary
These words fully describe what the condition of every meat
market should be, and it describes ours to a nicety. Our cold
storage and other equipment, and our ambition to maintain per
fect sanitary conditions in our market, blend perfectly. Conse
quently, wo can sell you meats of all kinds that retain their fresh
nos'j and vrholesomenesa long after they leave our shop. All our
mo?tt are handled under glass and with extreme care. We over
loo' nothing which will assist us to carry out our sanitation
JL ii A
ace Market
524 Main Street
tier during tbo Polish offensive. II .... o ... . . .. a. . a a, a;?. j a . .. a a . . a. a. a. . a j .. a. a .. a.
The Oenaan govornmont ha ex- TtTW" - vT5TT7iT-T-TTTY ': " r.r'W'V'