YUUItHOAV, NOVKMIIEU II, 1020. MOM TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON a I U ITALY'S ED HOME, Oct. 19. (Uy Mali) Pro fessor Ugo Ancotm, formerly untlor nocrctary of transportation In tho Italian cabinet, has just made pub lie a 'statement that whllo tho Ital ian government has spont mora than 11,000,000,000 a year for bread for tho people, tho Italian workers have spent $900,000,000 a year (or wlno -slono. Tho government's expenditure for bread has resulted from Its under taking to pay tho dlffcronco between tho cost ot producing wheat and the 7rlco of bread. In consequence ot this tho Italian workers hao been able to buy bread at tho rate of ono lire for each kilogram of 2.20 pounds. Professor Ancona says that while tho workers rcfuto to pay more than this, they haro no objection to pay ing t to S llro for a quart of wine, which beforo tho war cost about 12 cents a quart. Ho asks whether It Is Just that tho Italian government should contmuo to supply over 11 . 000,000,000 annually for bread when tho people do not grudgo $900,000, 000 a year for tho luxury of wine. Tho professor advocates that the Italians should cat less bread and pay what It costs and that they should drink less wlno and export more of It, so that tho profit on wine would help to pay tor Importation ot bread, Tho amount of land gircn over to wheat production In Italy greatly de crossed last year The disastrous re sult Is that tho Imports are Increas ing dally. Forty-Eight Drown in Foundering of Filipino Vessel MANILLA. 1. I.. Novell Forty eight persons are believed to have perished when the coastwise steamer San Daslllo was struck by a typhoon, November 3, while enroute to Puerto Bello, Leytl Island, In tho south Philippines This Is according to 'tho statement ct a survivor. He was picked up by the steamer, Samal, aftet drifting four days tn an open foat and brought to this port. Tragedy Shock to Vnsvelsv l.ft UIIUOIU r lU M IIUIUO of Harrison ramrfy 1 ids . -- mmmimmtmmmsmtmmmmmmmmmwmmmn i SHASTA VIEW. Nov. 11. This J community was shocked when tho news camo ot tho tragic death ot tho lS-months-otd son of Mr. and Mrs C C. Garrison. Mr. nnd Mrs. j Garrison and four sons started! Thursday from Merrill for Call- luruiu iu nimmi mo winiur. jusi beyond Topsy grade they met n car, and In turning out to pass It their truck, which was quite heavily loaded, sunk so deep Into tho soft rrntmil nn ITin mifalttn Mint II Inn. pled over, nnd tho Jolt wrenched i tho sleeping baby from Its mother's arms, throwing It out Just In time. for tho car to fall upon It. Tito child lived about two hours, but was not conscious. Mrs. darrlson and ono other son wero Injured, but thoy think not seriously. Tho caso seems doubly sad for tho futil ity, as they buried their eldest son, Wesley, and Mrs Garrison's mother only a fow months ago. Thoy brought tho remains to Merrill, whero tho funeral sorvlces woro held at the Methodist church Sat urday at 10 o'clock. Tito family has many warm friends In this community who extend their most heartfolt sympathy In this sad be reavement. Wo understand tho Union high school Is to open at Matin Monday, and also that Mr. Wm. Freer Is to teach Spanish to a class at Malln j every Saturday night. Wo are. noti so far behind tho times. It wo do llvo out In tho sago brush country. Wo nottco qulto a representation from Malln and n few from this section at tho Chautauqua at Mcr-i rill last week. Somo say It was much better than last year. Ona of our teachers. Miss Chacc, was In attendance nearly every evening through tho kindness ot tho Grim shaws ot Merrill. G. W. Myers and family, tho Misses Kmma and Paula Kaspcr and Albert Grayson were visitors nt O. E. Hunt's placo Sunday. J. L. Dalley and wife. Mr. and Mrs. lien Daniel and daughters. Gladys and Margy. attended Chau tauqua at Merrill Tuesday evening The ladles of tho Helping Hand met with Mrs. Itramhall Wednesday, and will bo entertained by Mrs. Wm. Crandall Wednesday, Novem ber 17th. LESPERINE Makes an antiseptic, healing nnd soothing wash. Is not poison. Does not Irrltnto. Unexcelled ns n vaginal wash. C-ot, box, Hoc. STAR DRUG CO. it. i:. dhutkhi: P, H. POPE Star Vibrator Takes tlm kinks "! f r muscles. Kmips tho skin healthy. Prlcii coiiipleti) 9.VIMI "We Have It" Sewing and "Wooden Ave. dress-making. 1404 A sure cure for rheumatism In the new Hot Springs Bath House. Stf CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR SPsHsVB lsKfcLTftjL X. ,jA. n. 17 M JS Home Remedies St Jacobs Oil 70o ami lOo Mrntholntum noe ami !IV Vlck's Vnpo Hub (lOo nnd HOo Mustcrolo OOo and HOo Castorla i toe Lnxatlvo llromo Quinine itoo Hill's Cuscani Qulutno ..-... ttoo Tanlac, tho Master Medlclno 91.-0 Doan's Kidney Pills Wc California Syrup Figs' ....... OOo Caicarn Tabluts, G grain .. . noe Hlnklo's Pills, 100 In bottle. noo Sloan's Liniment 70c mul it.lo Nux nnd Iron Tablets ....... 91.00 Plso's Cough Hemcdy .... ..... line Syrup White Pine Compound.. :c SPECIAL All vclour powdor puffs .. too Friday and Saturday only. CHANGED ADMINISTRATION. NOT TO AFFECT IKMJCY WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Tho Impending chango in tho national ad ministration will have no effect on negotiations with Japan regarding the California anti-alien land law, It was said at the state department to day. These negotiations aro ncarlng completion and a now treaty will bo drawn soon. , HAItD TO GET GOOD I'AMUCS THESE DAYS "but the cloths we show ore the pro ducts of the best mills and are ex clusive with us. Como In and soo , them. You'll bo Impressed with their quiet good taste and the char acter of our tailoring fully equals that of tho fabrics as every good dressor knows. Fish! ' Our fish it shipped to us from the principal fishing ports of the coast in ice-cooled con tainers which permits lis to sell fish to you which is. just as sweet v ' - i and fresh as if it were just drawn from the water. Helms Fish Mclf; Car Shortage Is Over, Says Member of I. C. Commission WASHINGTON, Nov 11. Tho back of tho car shortage Is broken, Clyde I), Atchlnson, of tho Interstate commerce commission, declared to day beforo tho annual convention of tho national association of railway and utilities commissioners. "As tho result of tho efforts of railway operators and employees. with tho ajslstanco ot tho nation's. shippers and under tho policy laid down by tho commission, we are ' now facing the possibility of a sur-l 1 plus of equipment," he said. j I Local Agent Callagban said ycs-i ' tcrday that there woro now plenty' i of cars for local demands and bo was 'prepared to furnish lumber shippers ( with all tlio cars needed. I Office Supplies A completo lino ot loote leaf ledgers, transfer binders, bound ledgers. Journals, columnar books and pads. Our prices aro right llox Letter Files . . . SI. 00 Columnar Hooks, 4 to 36 col umns, loeso leaf and bound. UU.tt.1 to $7.00 Work Organisers 91.-1 to 9nj Adding Machlno Tape, narrow lOc Gem Clips. 2 boxes 'Me Ideal Molstcncrs 52-10 Good Pencils, 1 doi . . flOc Typewriter ribbons .. 91.00 Clco Pasto ............... - .IWc Rheumatism Remedies llexall lthouttntlm Itomcdy Autl-Urlc . Flvo Drops Johnson's 608S Dike's Rheumatic Itomcdy ...... Knr-Rii Tablets . .. Munyon'n 3-X Remedy Whitehall's Tablets ... Analgesic Halm . Aualgeslquo Ilnumo, llonguu . Hade's Ilbcumatlsm Pills Aspirin Tablets, 100 In buttln Retail Rheumatism Tablets , Plntis Mclturney's Remedy Kelly's Hhuumatlsm Syrui ...I... 91.00 9I.AO .Ml .SO 9t.no 91.04) M.oo IM.'JO . . nno noo . HOo ono 9 1. mi noo 9it.no 9u.oo 9t.uo SPECIAL Lord Baltimore Linen 24 sheets paper and 24 envelope. Pure white linen finish writing paper. Per box . . ... ... lOo Friday ami Saturday only Make the cold nights comfortable with a Hot Water Bottle to put at our feet. Maximum Hot Water Bottle A 2 quart haml-mailo bag with ro Inf reed seams Guaranteed to give service for ono year .. 9'J.no Kantleek Hot Water Bpttfe "It can't teak because It Is made In ono piece Guaranteed to glvo sorvleo for two years.!. ..f.iJM Soaps Woodbury's Facial flonp, cako f'ullrum Soap, cako . . Cashmoro llouqiiet Honp, cako Klonto Hoap, 3 cakts .. Jouli'i'l Hoap, rakit Ili'slnol Koap, ruko .. Parkei"s 1,'nr Boap. rko Klvuxo Tar tloap. cakn .. Lifebuoy Hoap, 2 cukes ...... Skat Honp, 2 cans . Cremn Oil Honp, 2 rnkus ...... Palm Olive Honp. 2 cakes . Mavis fV'op, 3 cake . ... Hnyiiiau's Honp. cnkn nno nno two no- HOC !!.V . .'Si? nno a.v . a.v 9l.Nt UOo ' l c . ' II ') n- i- i i- i i i ! '! l (I- l. ! 8 n- i-I- u- ! I- . !! Physlcluus ami HurKootts Houp... tno Pure CttsUlo Honp. cako .. . U.V SPECIAL Pure Castile snap tnado In V H. A. from vegetable oils. Largo bar . ,. .."..... !llo Venida Hair Nets Tint best hair net wn ran buy. Fringe and rap shaixt Kitrn Urge Mnd from natural hitlr Htrrllaleil All colors In stock WhlUi ... 'Mr All other colors I.V Rikcr's Eyclo 'Autlseptla eyo lotion. A sooth ' Ing and heating preparation for rn. during redness and Inflammation of the iiyos. Kyo cup In each pack age ... ... . JWlo FOUNTAIN PENS TEMPO INT WATERMAN CONKLIN 9SMi to 912.0O Fountain Pens Repaired I'lUCKM DO NOT INOLUDi: IIKVKNUK TAX The ffifrXaCE Stor Mail Orders Filled Promptly BTII AND MAIN HTIIKKT KODAK FINISHING Films developed, printed and enlarged. 34-Hour Hervlro. KODAKS and IIROWNIKH r Skunk Farms Are Advocated by the Dept. of Agriculture WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. Breed ing of skunks as a moans ot stabiliz ing tho "depressed fur market" Is tho latest suggestion of tho depart ment ot agriculture Dcsplto all tho harsh things that liavo been said nbout this lowly ani mal, tho department describes film as "tho best wild animal friend tho farmer has." Tho skunk tho an- I SJEE-TE1 1 NT G DARKENS UEAUTlPCLIiY AND HK BTOKK.S ITS NATURAL COLOR AND LUSTRE AT ONCE Common garden sago browed InU a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux urious. Mixing the Sago Toe and Bui blesotne. An easier way Is to get th phur recipe at homo, though, Is trou ready to use preparation Improved by th addition of other Ingrediemti, costing about SO cents a largo bottle, at drug stores, known m' "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss . While gray, faded hair Is not sta ful, we all dealre to retain our youtU ful appcaranoo and attractiveness. Bj darkening your lialr with Wyotlt'i Sage and Sulphur "ompound, no ona can tell, becausn II Is done so natur ally, so evenly i'.i Just dampon sponge or soft brim) with It and draw this througl ilr taking ons smal strand 1 - 'iv mornln- ll iv hi -i"l A' you. i, I h yt ft aV -mfry ( J Til tw i JSP i)xWTM((i Mr I jQtour Budget Plan pring 11 ror wn&risimci Come in right away and ask about it We'll show you how to put your 1921 dollars to work now. The Ideal way to provide for that finest Christmas gift, 35.NEWBDISON Vh Ptt9it9ftaflimthaStit , There is no inflation in Edison Prices. "Edison stood the gaff" to keep his fnvu.-ife invention within the reach of "vei vone. Kiumath Falls Music House nouncemunt says, can bo used for destroying mlco, grasshoppers, crick ets, and white grubs, at tho same tlmo furnishing tho farmer from ICO to $100 worth of fur n year. All that Is required of the farmer, for thrm every fait and tin tactful when he meets them In tho uvunlng." Miss ilarlon Dickson or Niagara Falls, Ont , and Miss Margaret Wool oon of Marnooth. Ont.. aro tlm first the circular says. Is that ho "respect womon UunU l0 bo rPKllUry un. the animal's dens, kcop his poultry rolled ut Qucon's theological college. In skunkprbot yards, kjll an old horse1 Kingston. Ont. THE TIME Now THE PLACE 9th and Main The CENTRAL Hotel Guy Garrett, Mgr. Get under cover in a large outside room, with clean beds and low rates. Stove heat. Steam heat being installed now. Als NEWS STAND Latest Magazines, Newspapers and Periodicals. Come here for your Daily Also CIGAR STAND Big new stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco. Come here for your smokes V 'J Geo. A. Wirtz, Prop. Phone 1SSW Come' 9th ami Main a 1 WMMMrVWWM MwAWovmw 0i4 'v t, ,