The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 09, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TUESDAY, Novmtnim 0, 1020.
The Evening Herald
E. J. MUltlUY
City Editor " rlftllr. extent Sundar. by
Tli Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath I mm. at lie i-ourui uireoi
niNi Hi iIia nnntnrnr at KlfttU
hth Falls, Ore, (or transmission thru
Us malls as socond-cias mnttor.
Tho Associated Tress Is exclusive!,
ntltled to tho uiyn for republleatlot
nt all news dispatches credited to It,
or not otherwlso credited la this
paper, nnd also tho local now pub
lished herein.
At the Theaters
STAIt TIllUTlli:
Admlrors of Irene Castle
taro difficulty In recognising
"best dressed woman In America"
when sho first appears on tho screen
In her latest Paramount Artcraft
photoplay, "Tho Amateur Wife,"
which will 1.0 shown at tho Star thea
tre tonight only.
Airs. Castle has tho rolo of a French
convent girl, but latoly, arrlred In
America. She Is awkward. gro
tosquely dressed, and has her hair
In long braids. Sho U amazed to dis
cover that her mother, whom sho has
sot seen for years. Is the star In a
Jaixy musical comedy. Later, tragedy
overtakes tho girl. A man about
town mnrrles her out of sympathy,
only to leave her. nut when ho re
turns, tho ugly duckling convent girl
hu blossomed out at a beauty and
Is tho social hit of Now York.
In tha later scenes of tho plcturo
Mrs. Castle wears some stunning
gowns that bear the distinctive
Castle stamp. Altogether. "Tho Amateur-Wife"
Is said to furnish her
with tho most unique rolo of her
screen career. William P. Carlton Is
tho leading man. The picture, which
was adapted by Jano llurtln tram a
magazine story of Nalbro Hartley,
was directed by Edward Dillon.
Humorcsquo, tho wonder picture
of today Is coming to the Star theatre
Thursdzy and Friday. This plcturo
has Just completed a four weeks
showing at the Imperial In San Fran
cisco nnd broke ."11 box offico records.
Perhaps no plctt re has ever been
made that has hs. as much favorable
comments and Is so appealing as
i.,o, o.v. attention
There will bo. work In the 0. R,
Decre4.Tadayl' November '9. All
members urged to be present.
5 C. I
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 10:30 a. m.,
at Eighth and Main, several hun
dred ladles' and men's wool suits
and dress patterns and trunks. Ev
erything will be sold to the highest
bidder without reserve. Don't miss
this sale. S
NATRON CIITUFFi ".nrtsstr - fcr 1 1 . 11 l-f
'--KaessJHJUiiiJ i ' ' I
KOIt HUNT -Comfortable bedroom
In private family, close In. 1149
Pine St. Phono 2S8-H 9-1 1
room with pronto family; bath nc-
commoilatlons. Phono 33C-U. t'-ll
I.ADY 1IA1UIKK. Shave 26 cents,
haircut t0 cents, face massage
50- cents. Chlloquln, Oregon. 9-13
WANTED V good noal woman
worker for Hotel nt Merrill, to
1...1,. ..III. I lm rnnnral work. APtilV
stating ago nnd wage wanted to E.
J Lawrence, luversuio iiojui, .mit
rill. -13
FOR SAI.K--Chevrolet louring cur.
I.lko now. Cheap. Address w. r..
Komp, Midland, Oregon. 9-13
HOOMS S cents por day with
bath. Home Rooming House.
LOST Alrdalo pup, S months old.
Klndor please phono 313. Howard.
bath In private homo to gentleman.
S03 Lincoln St., phono 257. -10
WANTED A piano to rent. Respon
sible party. Ileforeuce. awe jor-
fcrson St. , -i
FOR SAI,E 2 3x12 velvet rugs.
good condition, ssi aru tst. mono
447-M. 9-10
WANTED Woman for goneral
house cleaning. Phono 4 47-M.
Postmaster Asks for
Co'Operation of All
in Christmas Season
Onco more wo find It necessary to
appeal to our patrons to cooperate
with us In tho handling of the boavy
malls, which will steadily grow heav
Icr until tho Christmas season is
over. Wo aro In our new quarters
which enables us to handle our work
much easier but tho volume of mall
has also Increased with our growing
population and all clerks are working
to their limit to handle It.
You can assist us wonderfully If
ryou will Inslt upon your correspond
onta addressing you In full street
number, box number, or route. Not
a" day passes but clerks must pa
tiently work from 200 to 1000 let
ters through the directory to supply
the addreui that you or your corres
pondenj; should have placed on tho
envelope. Think of tho time this
takes from regular work neoded to
keep the malls moving.
Insist on your correspondents ad
dressing you In full. -Tell them your
mall Is delayed by their carelessness
and hammer It' home to them that it
must bo done. -Nine out of every ten
complaints in regard to delayed let
tcrs Is Uu9 directly to faulty ad
dresses. We cannot correct this
trouble It l.i you alone who can
remedy It. Don't mall a lotter your
self unless It bears the full address
of the person for whom It Is Intend
ed, and insist on your correspondents
doing the same and the service will
be vastly Improved.
W. A. DELZELL, Postmaster.
Started off by Oregon City Enter
prise, tho Eugene (luard take a
fling at Southern Pacific for not ut
onco hultdlng tho Nntnm-Klnmnth
rut-off, now that it Is permitted to
Kiit Ioh meat, nlo tuUe wl. of
Hulls lieforo ixitliiK
Prlo ncld In meat excites tlo kid
nn. tlinv lmcnmo overwerked: net
sluggish, ncho. mul feel like lumps
of lend. Tho urlno Laconics cloudf.
Ih,. bladder 1 Irritated, nnd you
may lm obliged to seek rollof two or
three times during mo uigni. n ma
tho kidneys clog you must help
llusli oil tlio iiaiiy m urinous
earn up to ( Tor Its stockholders
tl t-tiltflll.xa thit flip llll..i,,il I V1
.. ............ ..... ....,...., ........ ., ,,
lack of enterprise, in not having built wlM or j.0j , ,, rpnj BCk person
extensions In Western Oregon. ilt,rtly. At llrsl you fool n dull
Asldn from the fact that tho South-! mi,rv In llm klitiioy region, you
orn Pacific has consistently built ox- mirror from backache, sick headache,
tonslons as woll as Improved Its linos dizziness, stomach grts sour, tongue
In nnirim nvp ulllr., Ilii, llm,, llnrrl. ! COatCll anil yOll fool rllOUIIintlO
... ".- - ....- ....- ....... I . ......,.- I- l.n.l
iwincrs wiipii iiiu wi-hihvi m ' less drink lots of
water; also get from any pilar-
mnclst four ounces of Jnd Snlts:
tnko n tnblospoon In n glass of water
beforo breakfast for a few days aim
rim r kltlnnvs will I lion nri line
TI1I1 famous salts Is made from tho
inau acquired control, It Is unreason
ablo to expect Its owners to enthuse
over advancing now capital for ex
tensions when they aro limited to
Cf. return nnd can obtain much
higher rutos of Interest by Invest
luir In uon.ruilro.itl securities.
wimn limn, tvitu lu.r limit nr nclil of grapes nnd lemon Juice, com
.....i. ..- n .....m..i ,...... 'iiined with lllhln, nnd hns been used
that rates would bo maintained, thel for "'" ' P1!!? 'Wir l
Southern Pacific constructed its e.o. ' ?&T&1J'23&
trie lln.s In Oregon, tho 113.000.000 n urn' t0 u 0 ,,. ,, ,.
1.00s nay jiho ami m.iny uinur iiwr at (rrltntlun, thus ciullng bladder
extensions. These lines promised re-1 wpnlncsi.
turns both from local traffic and us. Jail Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot
readers. Tho Natron cut-off wns start-. Inlure: makes a delightful offorves-
cd at this time. Only tho Increase of cent lithln-wator drink which vory-
restriction at tho samo time that o"" snouiu aso now nnu men 10
times were a bit dull prevented that ?' ... , "in ih ii 1V. nf
-..iii ion- -,, wn 11... nr. r)ruBKlstii horosay they sell lots of
"""""" " """ - - jn,i Hnjts to roiks who buiisvo in
sent sltuntlon of tho railroad Is unj orcrforalnB Mdney trouble whllo It
Improvement, owing to tho nuthoriza-. ig onir trouble.
tlon to grant rates that may earn, m
up to 6, It Is hard to see where M(M)DY HACK ON' THE JOIl
thero Is any Incentive to take monoyl . w. . ... , ,., ...
from other more attractive Invest-1 uttMvni for Eurcno Moody, of the
Pastime DllllnrJ Parlor, and ho Is
now back at tho old stand, meeting
his customers as of yore. Bo inn of
Mr. Moody's acquaintances accused
him of "lying down" during his two
weeks' absence, and Mr. Moody ny.i
that whllo ho must pload guilty to
Which does tlm monoy In your iiccinint nt the First
National Rniik represent, actual NcrliiipliiK and sacrifice,
or simply what Is left over after you have Indulged
yourself In heart's cotiteiitT
If It MiiiiiIh for HEAL saving. Hum
Is 0110 of those accounts which hoops
wo aro sure It
growing uvory
.. junta:
Itili-n-nl on Having"!
of roiiriHt
87e Tirst National Bank
Take silviuil
nffo nf
our IVrsonal
Moody, It must bo remembered that
ho not only Is a good men physical
ly, but morally as well.
Humoresauc the slroat" 'picture of! The picture wou have been wait'
today. Star theatre, Thursday and lng for, Humoresque at the Star
Friday. 9 ! theatre Thursday and Friday. 9
9th and Main
Guy Garrett, Mgr.
Get under cover in a large outside room,
with clean beds and low rates. Stove heat.
Steam heat being installed now. Also
Latest Magazines, Newspapers and
Periodicals. Come here for your Daily
Big new stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and
Tobacco. Come here for your smokes
9th and Main
raonts and put it Into railroad exten
sion. It anything like 11 C rotnrn
could be expected on the millions
necessary to complete tho cut-off.
thero might bo a better prospect. It
Is hard to see how thoo extra tull-
.1 . . , .,., .... ,.... in. .I.,..
nuus wuum jiciu uiijwmiK ma uim lno chargo It was duo to u sovcro
rci'irn for years. Tho main traffic casn of ptonmno poisoning nnd not
to be carried over tho cut-off would to lncrUa that ho did tho lying down
bo part of tho through business now llunU nnyuy tho popular billiard
curried ovor tho nmln line by way room ,,roprolor u,ck 0 tithe Job;
of Ashjand nnd tho Slsklyous. Thonan( nnd ap,,arpnty Is as good a'
cut-off would bo on un easier grade. , mani p),yslcally. as ho ovor was. At'
so tnero raigm oo some smau sutiiik lho ,nmo tlmo wllpt ,no wori K0od"
on such through freight ns could be u mentioned connection with Mr.
nauieu over 11, out mis saving lor
many years could not yield anything
like 6 on the capital cost of the
Lumber business would undoubt
edly develop along tho cut-off, but
not to tho extent that ordinarily
might bo supposed. Tho extensions
out from Eugene and Klamath Falls
now completed penetrate. a timber
territory. He t ween tha termini of
theso extensions, tha forest area Is
practically all within national re
serves, which to a great extent makes
It unattractive to tho lumbermen,.
Part Is within tho Klamath Indian
reservation, and wero this timber
opened up on anything llko a reason
able basis, there might bo extensive
sawmill development
lslatlon by congress Is required
mako It practically avnllablo.
With tho cut-oft uncompleted, tho
Southern Pacific can chargo local
rates on traffic out from Eugene and
Klamath Falls. With the cut-off com
pleted, a largo part of this freight
would tako through rates, as It
would bo on what amounts to a main
line. Rato regulation would make this
essential, and by making It neces
sary deprives tho company somewhat
of an Incentive to connect up tho
two ends.
Tho liojMi for construction of tho
Klamath cut-off Is In a gvnerul In
crease of business hern In Oregon, so
that added facilities must bo con
structed to handlo it. 1'ndor press
ure of expanding business, tho own
ers of tho company uuiy bo willing
to provide capital for the purposo
even It that cupltal may earn only
C return. Something depends prob
ably upon the good will of those
same owners tawurds Oregon. Ovor
rogulatlons, nagging Its offlcjals, o'p
presslvo legislation and nasty news
paper criticism do not tend to es
tablish that good will. Tho owners
and "officials or the railroads are hu
man nnd ure no more suscnptlhloof
being enticed by vinegar Ihun ure any
of the rest of us.
In proportion as public sentiment
In Oregon helps to make It possible
for railroad stockholders to muko
more money In this state will the In
vesting public provide tlm funds
needed for Just hucIi extensions us
the Natron cut-off. Probably not un
til federal legislation permits rail
road owners to reap more than 6
roturn may much or anything In lho
way of railroad extension bo expect
ed in Oregon, Tho press of tho Htate,
Instead of Inflaming public prejudlco
agulnst tho railroads, should rathor
foster a policy of good will towards
them In proportion as it Is deserved,
so that such legislation and regula
tion as may bo Imposed
with permit an adequate re
turn and thus make posslblo somo of
the extensions Oregon Imporatlvely-i
needs for her development. Oregon
will not .have ns much population as
Washington until Its railroad mile
age Is practically doubled. The roll
road problem, thorofore, Is a very vi
tal ono for Oregon, bsd ono which
should not bo approached In a con
tcntlouH uplrlt. Abusing railroad of
ficials and owners; and Inciting mis
understanding and prejudice, will
bring very few dollars Into our state
for much needed development. Ore
ton Yotor.
Style Shop
Corner Mitin and 7th
707 Main St
fJray hair, howsver handsome, de
notes advancing age. We nil know the
boro, but lug-j advantages of a youthful appearance,
Your hair Is your charm. It makes or
mars tho face. When It fades, turns
gray and looks streaked, Just a fow
applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur
enhances Its nppcaranro a hundred
fold. Don't stay grayl Look young!
Either prepnro tho rccli nt homo or'
get Irom any drug store a 60-cent bot.j j
tie of "Wyeth's Sago nnd Sulphur I
rnmiuinnrl'.' which Is merelr tho old I
tlmo recjpe Improved by the addition 1
of other Ingredients. Thousands or j
folks rocommend this ready-to-jso
preparation? because it darkens the
hair beautifully, besides no ono cn.njj
poMluiy ten, ns 11 uarxens so ntuur
ally nnd evenly. You moisten
spougo or soft brush with It, drawing
this through tho hair, tnklng one
small strand at a time. Hy morning
tho gray hair disappears; after an
other application or two, Un nntural
color Is rostored and It becomes thick,
glossy and lustrous, nnd you appear
years younger
We Have
Just Received
Charming New Blouses
Delightful Dancing and Dinner Frocks X
Exquisite Tailored fricotinc Dresses
All garments exclusive only one or a t
kind, and 'at prices that will captivate you.
Andross-Glover Style Shop
707 Main St.
Our fish is shipped to
lis from the principal
fishing ports of the
coast in ice-cooled con
tainers, 'which permits
us to sell fish to you
which is 'just as sweet
and fresh as if it were
just drawn from the
Helms '
Fish Market '
Do you want to save from 25c up to as
much as $4.30 on a pair of $16 shoes?
Sure you do! Well, then, come down to
Bradley-Evans Shoe Store, 77 Main,
and they will save that amount and still
give you the $16 worth of value. This
saving is not on shoes alone, but on all
Rubber Goods and Hosiery. So let
yourself be known and prove that you
want to buy where you get the best
value for the least money.
Crossett's Master Hade Buckhect
20 per cent 25 per cent 25 per cent
Hood's Rubber Qoods 10 per cent off
Edisco Ironsox and Darnless Hose for
Men and Children, 15 per cent off.
Yours for Service
Bradley-Evans Shoe Co.
Don't fail to read the Herald, CUssified Ads..