The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 06, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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mob Mam
t.y ""
.n " "I1:
NovmamR e, use.
irish Trmin Service
is Badly Crippled
DUUUN, Oct. lti. (Iy Mall)
Itcfusal of Irish rallwnymon to carry
munition or nrmed mon which front
time to tlmo' holdsup trains tor
which soldiers or police are tend
red a paasoagcra has now led to tho
atoppago of passenger trains oror
soarly 600 miles of railway.
Every time a trala crew refused to
carry soldier, police or munition!
they were dismissed. Thore ire now
not enough men to keep the traffic
mortal and tho servlco haa had to
tx cut down accordingly. Thin has
led to great inconvenience, and trad
era oro everywhere onlerlng pro
tects. An attempt ho boon mndo to
relievo the situation by motor truck
linos which in many places are reg
ulated by Sinn Fein order.
Aged Landscape
, Artist Dead, Straw
Tho death of Albert Dish Cum
mins, nged 64 occurred yesterday nt
Straw, California. Ho was a retired
anldscApo artist and had lived nt his
mountain homo In California tor ovor
40 years. Ho leaves a wife and four
children, two boya and "two girls.
Coroner Whltlock Is In' charge of the
funeral which will bo hold at-Straw.
smie lived
You said yon liked
comedy well "One
Week" it comedyplus.
See Butter Keaton to
night at the Liberty and
you will be happier
Rheumatic Joints
Rub Pain Right Out Try This!
No account too largo or too
mall for us to
your ambition, n Hank "
count, our lunbltlon
' your account.
' V.2.
Rheumatism la "pain only." Not
one caso ia fifty requires internaij
treatment, mop aruggingi nun
aoothlng, penetrating "St. Jacobs
Oil" dlroctly Into your sore, atlft
Joints and muaclea and relief comes
Instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" Is a harm
less rheumatism care which never
disappoints aad cannot bam or dis
color the skis.
Umber up! Quit complaining! Get
a small trial bottlo of old-time "St,
Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and In
Just a moment you'll bo free from
rheumatic pain, soreness and stiff
ncss, Don't suffer! Relief and a cure
a walla you. "St. Jacobs Oil" has cur
ed millions of rheumatism sufferers
la the last half century, and Is Just
aa good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum
bago, backache, sprains and swellings.
Your Printing Bill
it an important item to you. Be
fore placing your order let Drum
mond figure with you. Any brand
of paper carried on the Pacific
Coast can be furnithed on thort
Butinett stationery of every de-
'l ascription. Special prices on large X
4th and Pine Phone 252J I
a l jAAJVaaAAA.saAAAJAAAA .-,,,., . a . M. m. .
Sg0!can 2 for 25c
( Medium can 2. for 35c
Large can 2 -for 59c
CORK, Oct. SB. (By Mail)
Among tho 1,1 hungor strikers In Jail
horc nro two brothers, John and l'o
ter Crowley of Ilallylundors, Lim
erick, while another brother is hung
er-striking In Winchester Jail, Kng
land. Their father aged 85 has Just
boon arrested also and brought to
Cork. Their homo was also burned
recently after a raid had been mndo
upon it.
This family rents automobiles
which tho military officials assert
wore used tor Sinn Fein activities. Up
till tho present ono of their nutomo
biles Is missing and tho father was
Informed that unless ho revealed Its
whereabouts ho would bo arrested.
"It 1 knew I would not toll you,"
ho Is reported to have replied. Con
sequently ho was arrested.
Two other prisoners from Daily
landers. Michael O'Reilly and Chris
topher Upton were arrested on July
16 whon shots were exchanged there
botwecn the pollco and volunteers.
Sean liennessy, ono of tho hung
er strikers who i stated to bo suffer
ing severely, was attondlng aa Irish
college at Dal ling-wry a month ago
when a motor lorry was held up
there and burned after lis soldier
occupants had been disarmed.
Michael Durke, of Folkstown,
Thurles, arrested In connection
with a raid there told Deputy Mayor
O'Catlahan that he suffered severe
ly from headaches which ho attribut
ed to a beating by an officer with his
fists and a rifle after his
Another young hungor-striklng
prisoner. John Power, aged ID. of
Cashcl. Tipporary, was arrested nt
the village of Rosegrcen, as a sus-i
pected Irish republican soldier as
was also Joseph Kenny, of Orenagh,
County Cork.
Kenny lived many years In Mon
tana. He has seven children, the
last being born a few days ago. An
other hunger-striker, Joseph" Mur-
tttiv la m rotr tA whn WA. arrfMllbfl
In connection with a raid on hsl,,"on
house at which the police are re
ported to have found .a part ot a
bomb and an Incriminating document.
Your Working
It is a good Bank's duty to assist its
clients in the solution of their problems. In
fulfilling this moral obligation as your bus
iness partner, we want to Bhow you that
this Bank wants your business, and wo want
to show you the many practical benefits
you receive by placing it here.
you receive by placing it here.
& Your interests are our interests. 2
I Klamath State Bank x
T Located at the Corner 6th and Main
JssV sssk
f 4 Pes- Out raid oa Time Mataty Dt-aoak lloiea foe T
V Deaoatu Keatt, W.flO by thn year. W
1 II I I MMS.ssstst-asj-sj,
of great Industries, mines.
vast realty holdings and banking so
that "their earnings, Instead of en
Irlchlng private persons mya rlv tr
.the state the means for fulfilling
Its social and cultural tasks."
The Christian Socialists are
charged with obstructing this pro
gram so long that the control of
many of the most valuable natural
sources of wealth, such as the Iron
t mines oi eiyria ana varinima. navo
"VIENNA. Oct. 26. !)y mall.) 'p- Italian control and new
The social democratic party of foreign proteata make Impossible
Austria, numerically the largest ln,,no -1"1 reaiizauon " me socmuza
Socialists Charge
Hapsburgs Trying
To Come "Back
flowing at the.
4 , T
Wallace Reid and Bebe Daniels in
Chat. Ray in
"46, Minutes From Broadway'
' ii
When we say Chaa. nay, It means nuf said
Continuous Show Sunday, sturtlng at 1:30 p. ni
the Austrian parliament, charge in ,,on
sm nnnaal lint lanHnra rinrn laaiiAtl '
asking for votes In the election for
the national assembly on October
17. that the ccunter-revolutlonarlea
have been victorious In Hunanfy
and that their "lynching and gall-
lotlnes are preparing the way torf
restoration In that country of the
rule of the Hapsburgs." This Is
the line ot which the late Emperor'
Francis Joseph and bis son Carl
were descendants.
"Carl Hapsburg has broken his
word and refused to resign the
Austrian throne," the socialists aver.
He Is to be made king of Hungary
n Budapest and from tliero he ,1s
to bring German Austria into sub
jection. Tho blood of our pessanti
and our workers is again to be
placed in tho service ot the Hun
gar Ian feudal .lords who are arming
for war to reconquer Slovakia, Slo-j
school work
por day."
Ihelr attention
for even three
Laf f Your Darn Head
Off when you see But
ter Keaton in "One
Week." Of course it'.
at the Liberty tonight.
Cnmn to my place Oct. 7th 1110,
one yearling black bull, unbranded,
short tall and no horns. Owner may
have same by paying charges and
damngea. P. W. Hetton. !
BTHWAItT. II. C, Nov C In chas
ing a coal a miner known here as
"John tho Klnn" stumbled on a rlrh
ledge of ore. It Is 1 Inches In width
and assays 302 ounces In sliver, 310
In gold and about IS r rent copper.
CHICAOO, Nov. i. Tho board
of Sunday schools of the Methodist
Episcopal church Is sending out nn
appear to its 4,600,000 Sunday I
school members to devote thelrl
Christmas offorlngs this year v to
ending food, clothing, medlclno
and other relief to the suffering
children of Europe. Announce-
benbuergen and the DanaU" The raonl ,B mauo ,rom ncauquanors
uoclalists then chnrgo that tho'ln Chicago.
Kunschak-Kunder group of tho I Bishop John L. Noulson, n mom
Christian Socialist party In Austria .her of tho International committee
Isc the tool of tho Hungarian inon
This appeal and other campaign
for tho relief of children, who re
cently returned to this country from
Zurich, Switzerland, says tho out
literature, not only of the socialist (look for the coming winter In tho
groups but the conservatives as
well, cleverly continues tho agi
tation for union with Germany.
"From the day of our breakdown,"
it says, "wo social democrats have
Bald German Austria alone cannot
be a living state. Economic misery
will be our lot no long as union
with 'Germany does not frco iih
It blames Franco for preventing
this end, but declares that the hln
tory of the Czechs, tho Poles and
Jugo-Slava proves that u people
financially achieves Its own right
cf self-determination In solte ot ull
opposition and all obstacles If only
it remains firm In Its desires. "
The social democrats put forwai.l
as their Issues tho reforms they have
advocated since tho formation of
the republic, and which they assirt
have been defeated by the combined
bourgeois opposition. In the main
these are suppression ot the power
of the clericals, taxation of capital
and great estates, age and Invalid
Insurance, school reforms Ineludlrfe
separation of schools and churc
adequate pay for public servi
and similar measures.
To this' end It demands tho social
You said you liked
comedy well "One
Week" is comedyplus.
See Buster Keaton to
night at the Liberty and
you will be happier.
needier sections ot Europe Is dark
"Those countries bofore tho war
could not support their own popu
latlons, but wore depending upon
largo Imports ot provisions," he
aald. "South nusxlii, which sup
piled largo sections' ot Europe with
grain Is not now In a position to
support its own populations. Thoso
countries hnvo no gold to buy grain
from Australia or Amorlca. Thoy
cannot manufacture goods for ex
port because thoy hare not enough
raw material or coal, and thoy have
no credit
"If you draw a line north through
tho devastated area of Halgium and
south through the entire contl
nent and then travel oast through
Dalmatla, Albania, Montenegro, Slo
vakia, Maaedonla and Oreece Into
Turkey, and then travel north
through Serbia, Bulgaria, Czecho
slovakia, Hungary( Austria, Ru
mania, Houtn Germany and on
through North Oermany, Poland,
Lithunla, Letvla and Estbonla lata
Russia, through Russia to Siberia
aad south Into Asia Minor and
Syria, 'Armenia and Mesopotamia,
you will find in that vast territory
hardly one child In a thousand
which is not under normal, either
physically, mentally or morally."
Bishop Nuelson added that
throughout all tho war-swept and
famine-stricken sections of Europe
tho "teachers In tho schools (find
hat the children are so under
nourished that 1( is a physical In
possibility for many of thorn to
Wind Shields
Our stock of windshield glass is complete.
We put them in while you wait.
For quick service in glass work, call us up.
Window glass in all sizes constantly on
Lakeside Lumber Co.
Phone 128
He'd bring a smile to a wooden image.
Buster Keaton in "One Week" is a regular
button-buster, and if he broke loose in a
museum he'd tickle the mummies to life
Another thriller tonight is "Tho Parisian
Tigress" a story of the Apaches of Paris.
If ydu want to reduce the high cost of
laughing see
a It made Broadway laugh till the asphalt
Continuous show Sunday, starting at
1:30 p.m. '
"v. i. . a.LJwiai-ai-.yi,4
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