'T "? Ulo THURSDAY, NOVKMBKR 4, IBM. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOR 1 HERALD'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WANTED ."WANTED TO RENT tmmll tarnished house by couple without chlldran. Call 17W.. I-S ay ' " ' .WANTED (60 feeder Umb. Theo dora N. Cam, Klamath Fall, Ore gon, phone la-p-ag. s-o" WANTRD Womu for light houao work. Call Whitman Drag Co. WANTED About 151 head of steera to feed, Durham or Hereford! pro f erred, 3 or 3 years old. Inqulro ot V. J. 8polek. Malln. Oro. 1-6 UK SALE Real Estate vWILL TRADE! 160 ACRR3 ot land on Merrill road partly under Irri gation, valued at $7200 and worth more, will lako H In trade town property preferred. Chllcote & Smith. 4-5 BUY Tins HOME and aavo your rent money, rSGOO. Good C-room houso and 2 lota In a good location 300 cash, bnlanco monthly. SI 500. 4-room cottage, large lot and garage on very easy terms. i FOR RBNT A large 10-room un furnished house on pavemont close In. A. A. BELLMAN A CO. 404 Main St. J-4 CLOSE IN OMB 4-ROOM HOUSE $1680 and one 3-room house $1050. OuMt In alnk and pantry; closets, perches, good lot. You are only paying for actual cost ot ma terial, labor and lots. Terms. Call at Starr Brae. Plumbing 119 4th St.. or phono 48C or 25G-J. 2-6 FOR SALE A few good lota on pavement In n faat growing dis trict ; front 9100 to $400. Lota with in 4 blocks of White Pelican hotel S00 up. LoU within n bleck-pt th St. pavement $400 and up. LoU on SUte Highway Inside ot city UmlU 1TB and np. Bee W. M. MonUllaa, 'with Klamath Development Ca 110 J Main St, phone 1. S-tt WOULD BBY home from owner, also furiatare, for cash. N. B. 'Woodhoese. eOneral Delivery. 20-t 10t0i FOR SALE MUcnnem. FOR 8ALB Oae Koch hydraulic barber eaalr $50. Box A. D. C. Herald etwee, -6 UOD8BH4M4 rURNTTURR FOR SALB. 8. C. CNell, Chlloqnln. Ore. . l-6 i FOR 8ALHJ OR LEASE 150 head cattle 10 steers, balance cows. Will consider letting cattle on shares or weight Increase. Address bos 110 Ft. Klamath er Tel. 74. Ft. Klamath. S-E LIMB WOOD FOR BALE Phone 168 or cat! nt Lawrence Cigar ntire. 3-1 FOR BALB Everything In' house must be eeld regardless of price. A-l ladles clothing, many other good things. Friday 10 a. m. Have a look In. 714 Main street. Building for sale. 3-4 FOR 8ALH 1 5-horse. 3-phsne O. E. motor, new. wtlh starter. 21. A. Talbot, phono, 12F-3. 2-6 FOR SALR WOOD Dry limbs and body wood $2 per C. four miles 'from town en old Ft. Kiamath road. Also limb wood at Pine Grove IV, miles $3 per C. See Dr. Coble, 1313 Main, phone I32-J. 1-8 FOR SALE Weeded gasoline Unk. with all fittings. 10TC gallons ca pacity. Imperta( garage. FOR SALE Rambnulllett rams yearling rams that will shear 20 to 30 lbs. of fine whlto wool. ' Will sell one to carload. Prices right. F. W. Herrin, Ashland. Oregon. FOR SALE One brand new 6-ton logging trailer. See Max Weiss. 6th St., Near Ewauna Box Co. 30-tf MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS WITH day, $4 per big house. $80 BATH 7S cents per week. Home Room Klaaatk Ave. 2-8 PHONE PEYTON for wood 188 CITY GARBAGE When yon wnnt garbage removed call 10F-23. FURNITURE UPHOLBTERINO. Mat tresses made over. Feather mat tresses made from your feather bod, feathers renovated. Furniture pack ed and crated. Clocks, sewing ma chines and phonograph's repaired. Douglas 127 N. Fourth St. Phone 186-W. . 1-6 I AM PREPARED to do your sewing. Your satisfaction la my highest aim. 1404 Corner Worden and Fel- -ten St S-S LAST BARBER SHOP nt ChUognln, Oregon. now open 30-4 mwevwwwwwww I LOfT AND FOUND LOST Between Klamath Falls and Keno n ladles handbag, property of Mrs. O. W. Deveraux.. Reward If re, tamed to Herald office. 3-9 Place your Xmss orders now for eesnferU made from, best all wool kaU by P. B. O,. sisterhood. For fur- ither information call 467-W.. 3-4 TO RENT OR LEASE FOR RENT A 9 room apartment, also single bod room. 81S Oak St. S3t( NOTTOH TO CKKDITUIM NOTICE! IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator ot tho oitate of II, Astrup, deceased, by tho County Court of tho 8tata ot Oregon, for Klamath County, and that all per sons having claims against said es tate are required to present same, with the proper vouchors, to said Ad' mlnlstralor at tho law ottlcos ot Bert C Thomas, Loomls llulldlng, Kla math Falls. Oregon, within six months from tho data of this notice. Dated nt Klnmath Falls, Oregon, October in. 1920 P. L. FOUNTAIN, Administrator KHTIIAY Came to mr placo on or about Oc tober 7th, one whlto belter, and one red heifer with wnuo race, smoom crop oft from each ear. No other brand visible Owner may hnvo aamo by paying pasture bill and for thli nd F. C. 8lgford. 3-G NOTICK TO CREDITORS IN THR COUNTY COURT OF THK STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAM ATH COUNTY. In the matter of tho estate of II. II. EDMONDS, deceasod. NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVKN That the undersigned has been appointed administratrix ot the estate ot If. II. Edmonds, deceased, by the above-entitled court, and all persons having claims against the said estate are required to present same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the office ot her attorney, II. M. Manning, in the Loomls building, Klamath Falls. Oregon, within alx months from tho date of this notice. Datcd.September 27. 1920. MINA EDMONDS, Administratrix ot the Estate of !!. II.i Edmonds, deceased 27-4-11:18-25 CUSS OF SILTS CLEANS KIDNEYS If year Back narU er Bladder ethers yoa, drink leU of water When year kidneys hurt and year back feaU sere, don't get scared and proceed to load yonr stomach with n lot ot drags thst exclta the kid neys sad IrrlUte the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys dean like yoa keep your bowels clean, by flush ing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's urlnoas waste and stimulates (beat to their normnl nctlvity. The function ot the kidneys U to Alter tho blood. la 24 hoars they strain from it 600 grams of add and waste, so we can readily understand ths vital Importance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink loU ot water yoa can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; tike a Ublcspoonfal in a glass of water before breakfast each morn ing for a few days and your kldnen will act fine. This famous aalU Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, coblned with Ilthla. and haa been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; atso to neutralise the adds In urine so It no longer Is n source of irrlU tlon, thns ending bladder weakness. Jad BalU Is Inexpensive; cannot Injuries; makes n delightful efferves cent lltbla-water drink which every one ahould take now and then to keen their kidneys clean and active Try this, also keep up the water "drinking, and no doubt you will won der wnat became ot your money trouble and. backache. HOT WATER FOR Telia why everyone ahould drank hot water with phosphate a it before breakfast Headaches are caused by auto-la-toxlcatlon which means self-poison ing. Liver snd bowel poisons called toxins, sucked Into the blood excite the heart which pumps the blood so fast that it congests In the smaller arterlea and veins of the head, pro ducing violent, throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You be come nervous, Respondent, sick, fev erish snd miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to aceUnllid, aspirin or the bromides, which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these ir rlUting toxins. A glass of not water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate la It. draak before breakfast will not oaly wash these poisons from your system and cure yoa of headache, but will cleanse, purify and freshea the allmenUry caaal. Ask your pharmacist for a Quarter pound of limestone phosphate. It Is inexpensive, harmless as sugsr. If you aren't feeling your best, u tongue Is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds, indigestion, biliousness, con- stlpstion or sour, acid 'stomach, be gin the phoapbated hot water cure SICK HEADACHES mm m WOIU.D8 OHKATHHT Phrenologist, .Medium and 1'alailst Who has the powor to tall you any thing you want to know; can ad vise business men and working mon what lino ot business or work will bo most likely for them and what part ot the world will bo more successful for them. Tho mn dam will toll you how to find a good .position and how to hold It. Bho does not toll to pleato you, but gives only true ndvlco on business and family affairs, courtship and marriage; tolls tho namo ot your futuro husband or wife; how to win tho one you love. 8ho advises how to bring tho separated togeth er, and mnkos happlneiw In your homo; tolls In regard to your ab sent friends; sho tells you what business you aro adapted tor, when to speculato and whore to locnte, and how to avoid all troutilo. Htio tolls you tho secrets of bolng hap py and successful In anything you take In hand. If 'you are worried or discouraged, consult Madam at onco; her ndvlco will removo all obstacles. .5 38 I'lno St. Corner nt 6th, next to Perkins furnlttirn store, one block front Main. Hamol Apu. Apartment 1. Hours 10 a. m to 9;30 p. m. 1-13" SAGETEATURNS ITS GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO BRING HACK COLOR AND LU8 1K TO HAIR That beautiful, even abade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brow ing a mixture ot 8s ge Tea and Sul phur. Your hair la your charm. It makes or wars tho face. When It fades, turns gray or streaked, Just an application or two ot Sago and Sul phur enhances Its appearance a hun dred fold. Em't bother to prepare the mix ture; you can get thla famous old recipe Improved by the addition of other Ingredients for Ed cents a large bottle, all ready for use. It Is called Wyeth's Ssge and Sulphur Compound. TbU can always be depended upon to bring back the aatural color aad lus tra of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's". Sags snd Sulphur Compound now banana It darkens so naturally aad evenly that nobody can tell It haa been ap plied. You simply dampen a sponge or sot brush with It aad draw this through tho hair, taking one smsll ttrand at a time; by morning the gray balr has disappeared, and after an other application It becomes bea tl fully dark and appears glossy and lus trous. Miss Mlna Atlendar, an artist of Washington, D. C, has won marked success as a political canocnist, SOOTHING QUIETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS U one of any hospital's biggest assets aad the locatloa of this hospital makes It especially desirable from that viewpoint. Only abundantly capable graduated nurses are em ployed, aad this fact, added to ami unequalled sUff of physicians aad excellent hospital equipment Insures our patients unsurpassea service. STAFF DR. B. D. JOHNSON DR. O. H. MERRYMAN DR. T. C. CAMPBELL DR. GEOnOB I. WRIGHT DR. B. D. LAMB ' DR. H. D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, I'ltKfiSIXG AND REPAIRINO WILL MAKE YOUR CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS HKBLOCKKD Goods Called for and Delivered 481 Maaa Street Klamath rails KUagatk-afad Auto Stage A daily aato stage service is an oyeratlag betweea Klamath Palls aad Bead. OSces Rex onto sad Met roaollua Oarage. 0. I. Reckara. Phone I7f-W. IT-tJ ATTRITION O. K. H MZM1IKRS Anyone having ba -e. n mm please re on or be- Itli. ', W. M. JS-28 turn them to the eti u fore Tuesday, October, For Paper Hanging and Painting Call F. R. LAUGHTON Telephone 473-W 204 South Riverside FURNACES WH HAVM THE WESTERN A DUST-PROOF KURNAOR In both piped and plpelosa. It has an oblong tiro box. Beat for burn ing wood. Lot us show you othor good points about It. L. N. toas Main Ht. HAINES Phone ttflil ' MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingersoll Hawley Chiropractic Physician First National Baak Entrance, Room Building ASHLAND, OREGON CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois C Bridges Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. ni. Ill 5th St, Suite 105 . Over Eraf Btate A Savings Bank PHONE 103-J Fishermen Attention! Oct Your Live Minnows at 126 Conger Avenue For NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE See BOB CURTIS 123 North Eighth St G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Construction Work of any kind. No Job too large or too small. Estlmatea furnished free of charge. PHONE UNION TAXI CO. AND TRANSFER Baggage called for and delivered. We have open and closed cars for our patrons. We go any place any time. Phone 424-J OREGON FIRE RELIEF . ASSOCIATION See L. E. EMERY . WILLITTS BUILDING ROBERTS. FRY General Insurance, InvestsnenU TeLIOl-J 1347 Esplanade KLAMATH PALLS, OMS. . O. CLTOHORN Civil Ractaeer aad Sarveyer Offlea 117 Mala SL 1SS, Bea. ISsW BUSINESS CARDS twwwwwwwwww Automobile Paint Shop JIM MAIN HT, Christie & Ulrich Proprlttnrs PORTRAITS at STINSON'S STUDIO 1311 Main St. Good Portraits at Reasonable Prices Klamnth Falls Cyclery Wo linndln now anil rebuilt motor cycles and bicycles, nliw parts and accessories, (looilyvnr, 1'unnsylvanla mul Diamond Tires inn) Tubes aro our lino, nuil llnrluy-Dnrldson flnrv Ice, which spulls llonost, Dopondabla Service, Phone S78 i O. K. lid H. Dth Nt. ItlHMAItK Klamath Falls imtofk PHONE 39 327 MAIN STREET Open Ml ii. m. to A p. as. HanSays and 1'plMays . J. I 1 -esSBWMMSSSI .DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wtsecarver PHOim SM Dr. P. M. Noel raomj Over Vi AsauswbaMI KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS WeDeAaUeae WT T sTamaswa Ava. mww00m000Wm000W000W0Wm0W The regular &t Klamath root No. . American Leaioa, wttt be held at o'clock a. at., at the Ctty Hall la Klamath rails, aa the second aad fourth Tuesdays of each moath. All Comrades are la vlted. Thoes deairtsc to loin the Poet may secure application blanks fronrl O. K. vaa super, area nicnowoa, or I. H Caraaaaa. all of Klamath Palls. PKBJD NICHOLSON. Secretary. WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only place where you can get help and the only place where you can get job. 1034 MAIN ST. Phone 477-J NEW QTY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK . FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds la Oar Suds" PHONE 1S4 Corner Maui aad Conger FA1RV1EW TRANSFER Presses Sarvln aad aa Oat f Twwa THas Pkeneait-R taaMasaaasnaaAaajsaa W. E. aV J. E. PATTRSlfinN mjjJ25SBmmm0' Sswhas meauur OOBtsTwICClmUl PawSmvwMV 1 Bes. Pheaa SS1-R lit N. 4th St. j PROFESSIONAL CARDS , , , - FRED WESTERFELD DRNTIST Phoae 4I4W. X-Hay fi0A0A0A0aA000m0IAA0AA00im BR. C A. RAMBO t. o, . r. PBONBJSl yMwwWMwww umce rnone ittw nee hik Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart PhyalrUn and Hargeoa White Ilulldlag Klamath Kails Oregon MMVHAAwyw I w DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and ftcsidenco Phones 821 I. O. O. F. Temple E. D.LAMB PHYHICIAN AND HURtJBON I7W 17R I end S WhMe lleHdUsj' DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND HCRQMON LO.O.V. Residence White PetUea Hotel Reeldeaee Paoao . DULL TRUAX WAMRMN HUNT HOSPITAIi Bay Phone, 47 Night Pbeae, SSS SAW MILL RNOsNKRHtNO A) CONBTflVOTtON CO. be atantn. Dredgta. PMe aXvtua. r raeaaeea-W Office Odhmt Hwtifig and Oak Near H. P. Depot I am aaw areaared to taralsa daasta Bead from the Hoey. t'atu.. sand aad gravsl alt. la any emaaMty that may ee dealrad hv eeatraemwr aad builders. ALP. ORAHAM. Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing aad Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Klaasath Ledge Ne. 1Q LO.O.F. Moats Friday night of esch week at I. O. O. P. haH, tlh and Main streeU. It. H. Ogle, N. O.; W. O. WeUs, See rotary; W, D. Coter, Trensurer. Kwauna Encampment No. 4f, I. O. O. P., menu Tuesday algal ot each weea u i. o. o. r. anil. Harry Loucks. O. P.: W. a. Cefar. Scribe i Pred Baeeiag, Trensurer. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY SM Mala a. L THE ARCADE HOTEL lOSaVBd MAIN ST. rHONH 4774 Tka plaee wMa heama eeanfarta, cleaaUaneas, plasty ef Isaea ait Kvetywmas aaw- araai atp DR. a A MASSEY la Warrea Xaat Hagallal Off. Pkoaa 417 Rat. Phoae If U C d to rid your system of toxins and pois . iwfih H, CHAB7 U v I ons. Feed Your Chickens If you want them to lay. Buy your feed from Murphey Feed & Seed Store 12!w F-v 1 o,