The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 02, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    FAOH MVH ;
!,. '1
jjBjjptjjB" sH I T'S'i77sMBnnnnnnnMrsBnV? jj
Lyon & Healy
Apartment Grand
This drand Ik suitable for
mail apartment and la the- only
one quipped With the Klsetrlc
Candleetra Lights and the Bllento,
which la an eilra soft practice de
vice ao satisfying that father may
read hla evening paper without an
noyance. For io line an Instrument , the
price la very conservative and our
terna make It potilble for you to
purchaae now.
De aure your naby Orand la a
distinctive one,' In which caae you
will naturally aelect the Lyon A
' Piano; Rmeordtf Victrola
$07 Main Street . t Phone 282-J
ii- i
WW e
I ItdilJ ,
More Than a Spat
You'll ntmo back to the Id
style spat once you hare worn
Tweedie Boot Tope. - They more
than juet "cover the ankle" their
trace and shapeliness reflect the
wearer's good taste., , l'a-
We carry the guaranteed genuine
with the Tweedie label sewed inside '
each pair.
6th & Main
"-""--r ----- i---r--'i"'i"---i"" -i rrri-irrrii'irrri"rririnrirmj-Ln
Ml Louise Howard of Illy la In
town visiting nor aunt Mr. Ham
Bummers and othor rolallvei.
Mra, Mabel Wooden, who linn boon
here visiting Mr, and Mrs. Koss Pin-
ley and othor friend.
Mis B, H. Blglow loft for Mt.
Hebron thla morning after a three
nays visit here with frlond.
J, fl. nailer and wlfo loft thla
morning for Crater Lake park,
J. G. Herbaman I a city visitor
rrom Heattie, Washington this week.
Mr. and Mrsfl J. J. fltelgor and
daughter, Mra, 8. Davits wero pas
senger on thla morning's outgoing
J. W. Fader of the Modoc Lum
ber company la In town on builness
V. R.O'Nelll la In the city todar
from Chlloquln attending to busl-
Mlas Elisabeth McCurdr. who has
been visiting relative and frienda In
tho eaat for the past few month re
turned home last night.
rfW. D. Crawford la vl.ftlng In the
city today from Chlloquln. He la
registered at the White Pelican ho
Floyd Oden arrived last nlga
from Ilogue river adn I stopping
it tho White Pelican hotel.
Lloyd Low made a business trip
to Algoma yesterday afternoon.
Lew Davidson was In the city yes
terday attending to business uffalM
from Chlloduln.
Harry Nichols drove Into town
from Illy yesterday and purchased
auppllea from Klamath.- Fall mer
A. Xallna of Malln waa a county
Lseat visitor yotssrday.
Mlas Oladya Loftus who has been
visiting- her mother in Lnkevfew dur
ing her vacation, has returned home
yesterday, her vacation
Mr. and Mrs. W..B. flarnea were
la, town yesterday from Modoc Pplnt
loosing auer matters of business.
T. D. MeElmel waa a city .visitor
yesterday from Chlloquln. '
lit. and Mrs. J. H. Jefferson of
Akron, Ohio, wbd have been ' here
visiting their aon, B. H. Jefferson
and family, left this morning for
Los Angeles.
ii T
$50.00 Worth of Value
'' ,
i t
' ' Ordera by Plgedn-FotO
An'entlrcly practical use of homing
pigeons Is reported from England. The
taventor of the system Is a butcher's
so. who employs his birds regularly
to carry orders rrom outlying districts)
-presumably Pwherelhsre are no tele-
to .hla., fathers shop. The
works excellently.
When the boy goes to collect orders
he take -six of hi fastest birds In a
trap with him. After he has gone a.
mile or two and collected dozen or
ders he liberates a pigeon with the
sjlps Inclosed In a little metal case
attached to the bird's foot Before
ve minutes have elspsed these or
ders are la' the shop,
At the various stages of his round,
which usualfy takea three hours, tho
.other birds with more orders, are set
free, .and by the time the shop Is
reached all the orders received by this
ptgeoa post have been dispatched.
Te Faint linn ting 'Ohlmnsy.
. The .beat climber la Slog Stag, who
once made a sensational escape from
lbs prison, baa been selected by War
den Lawea to climb the 75-foot chim
ney of the power house to re-paint it
Kmll Totterman, who waa a sailor be
fore .sent to prison for murder, is a
former steeplejack also. Since hla im
prisonment ho has not used his climb
ing powers much except when ho made
bta escape. He waa recaptured a few
months later. Ho la one of the few
prisoners serving a "natural life" sen
tence. Totterman Is ' to go up the
squaro chimney snd fasten a rigging
from Its top. Ho will paint tho chim
ney yellow to conform to tho now cout
of paint Just placed on tho exterior of
tho various prison buildings.
That Is Ju$t What We Give You When You Buy a -
We; are willing to prove this assertion if you will, allow, . us ,
And this is the way we will1 prove it: i
We will place one of these machines in your home without
any obligation on your part except that you compare it with
other machines costing $50.00 more, than the Mendel yor aee
considering. Then go to any other dealer, and have him put any
make of Talking Machine costing $50.00 more than the Mandel
in your nome so mat you can compare them under the same cir
cumstances, and with the same records. " "rf"'
If you will give the .Mandel Phonograph a trial alongside.
, of any other machine, you will at once see why we say that you
receive at least $50.00 worth of value free I
The .Mandel plays aty .records, and is
(); tfy - GETHER!
Think what this means! In any- machine, regardless of
make, the mother spring will sometimes break.' If thespring on
the ManrJel should break, it costs you nothing to have a new one
put in ! ;Xnd this is not fora'mohth, or a year, but for as long
as there is. a Mandel. "' '
Whenyeu buy a Mandel, ithe first price s&yeri everything!
Of course you furnish your own needles and records, but the
first price U all you will ever be called on to pay for the nia-
' chine. - '
:- And in addition to the lack of
repair costs, you will get 'sv machine
equal to any other you might buy,
costing $50.00 more; the equal in .
mechanical perfection, the equal, in ,
." ' .. i . .
taanearance. tne eouai in size.
"7 w "
Will you compare the Mandel,
for your satisfcation, and ours ? ;
We have' machines in the store
at the present time priced' at the fol fel fol
eowing: $135.00, $165.00, $185.00
and $200.00. 1.
Will you try one nv your
Tiome? " -' --..
rrn if
Wast of Oasellne.
Tlioe who havo studied the subject
wiy that one-half gallon of ansollno
per car Is wasted dally In Canada
through carelessness, tho ovoruso of
car, and needless mileage, which
moans 200,000 gallons wasted 'dally In
the country, or 73,000,000 gallons per
year, If all motor cars wcro operated
every day.
Net meeting will be helrj on
Friday, Nov. 5, 1920
By order of
t i
Don't fall to read the HsraM Oassifitd Atls.
Wood Advancing,
mil--Everything In the way of
woodenwaro la advancing In .price.
aill I know It Even tht fellow
with a wooden head doesn't care to
have a large "bean" In the morning
aai more.
sr Lssa,s?BBBBaiiiLT" f .r I
y ta lf
vacuum man can mnVe, at witness the
heat given off by nn Incandescent lamp
hulb, which will char and set paper
on fire. A vncuum will restrain heat
of low Intensity, but not beat of high
Vacuum Seat Known Insulator.
v In nnswerto a question, the Bden
llftc American aaya:
HA vacuum' is the h,est Insulator
against, heat which ta attainable. A
perfect vacuum 'would bo a complete
Insulator and would retain or exclude
heat Indefinitely. The common ther
mos bottle la an example of the use
of a vacuum for keeping liquids either
hot or cold. ' Heat la retained In hot
liquids and kept opt of cold liquids.
However, there is a difference be
tween heat from a white hot body Ilk
the sun or nn electric lamp and heat
from a liquid or solid such as may be
contained In a thermos bottle. The
Intenso heat from a white hot body
vlll jNiss easily through Jba best
Krupps May Build Plant In Spain.
Bpnln Is one ef tho great Iron-ore
renters of' tho world, shipping ore
heavily tft other European countries
ns well ns to tho United State, and
while It lins some largo Iron nnd steel
works. Its output of tho finished prod
uct has never been commensurate with
Its ore developments. Now, however.
according to the lxindon letter of the
Whaley Eaton Service, there Is a well
defined project of the Krupps to set
nn crrent branch at Bilbos. Snaln. to
manufacture agricultural machinery It
ror tne purpose or unvinc out or me
mqrket American companies Who now
have n large share of the business.
Manufacturers' Ilecord.
Public Sale
She's Found Them UstfuL
Flatbush Tou know, my wife
threatened to smash all those stelna
and flasks I had In my den.
Beusonhurst But she didn't do It,
did sheT
"No, she didn't: and she's glad of
"Why sol"
"She's uslug 'a for Jelly and pre- r
serves no-.v,
Of the first dosen leading tummy '
I will sell at public auction at the
y elmer French' place
Five' miles south ot Klamath Falls, one mile east and three-quar- X
ters ot a mile south ot Miller Hill school house, on
At 1 O'clock
MILK COWS Thirty head of good dalny cows. All tuberculin
, tested and health ccrtiScate furnished on day of sale.
Also two Holstein heifers and sixteen head of calve
One Hbo pedigreed Holstein Ball I '
All sums under $20 cash; and on aums over 120, twenty per Z
..- ..v m.111 Ka vaniilrAil tinlfinra tlv month 'Hnfl will bA SftveD 4
On APPrOVea secuni. onnui ciui iwr tcui luHiui. , ra
cenr discount' for cash. '
winning trottera of the past Kuason I rUBU0 ,g invited TO COME TO TUB ELMER FRENCH
not onuo la more than ; pan. X JSSo 8KE COWS MIMt 1UCFORB 1IATB OF IULK I
Hewitt, the sensational fullback. at ' l" '
the University ot Pittsburg f.t.lmrr J.- ? . -.. .... !
. . BnksssxVBj s A, . v
team, tips the scales at 208 pounda . (J, C. MC.KKIL.L, AUCUOneer
Many Canadian horsemen ar,o iuo- .. . , mt.i .. ,
paring to aead ;io Ha- . J, I, Beriyf Clerk W. H. Johns, Sales Man r
iXi i, . ... t .'. . . . A Jl
Tana for tha wlaUrraclng ai Orl-
cnto Park,
I nft)WI".H