The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 02, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Style Shop
Corner Main and 7th
707 Main St
$, Arn your rrqulrriiirnta for street, business
We hasre wonderful Far 'font t Very
Moderate Trice .,
or illniicr drrwt? Ho our ftolertlis.
tewiv i
' i
tr .7sssssssssssssssrsH z
tl -1 V
iWewm I
sssBBiBammmmmmmmmn' -'I X
r1 mlmmmmHammmmmmmmmm! ' 4J
mHtk ttMBmrnmrnmHunfl
I $29-50
v. '
ner- , v
S '
mB )'S (? ft'i '
LOW " ' , 1 '
rt-7irf r
1 flM.
. ,is -a -.., 1 fc
r ' ' t r ; . ; . i .1 i-a, sttq
ann9BHimimmmmmmf JfU JA(iBMvaltfX'CUf MKhHk?'
WvWtTmT3wfBj SuJwwmmm' fsAiSfeMHkVSD
? . Mm. Calvin CiHillrfev In llrr Dan KltAti.n, " "
------ . ... ---- -- .......
. Mr. Calvin CoolidRr In llrr )o Kitchen.
Mr. Calvin UkIIiIrv. wife jI tht
Republican vlcv-nranlclontinl noml
nrr know irood cooking and how
to do IL .Shi can mtkt "tatty
dishes" and man kinds, but spec
' lalitra In on particular dish that
baa won praltv fror minv an
pleura. That dUh U ajducberry
and appla pla. , ,
r'or tht foundation of tht pi
Mr Coolldrt uses thai standard
pin crust recipe, tha "onr, two,
thrrt" ont cup of Tour, two table
spoons of shurtrnlnar, three labia
spoons of cold watrr, or milk If lha
.WHB V Will HRiril Wl Willi u
criml U to tit vary Uxht and flaky,
Hit combination uf .thinly sliced
apples and blutbtrrlta, half aal
half of tachrwaa carefully, tclea
tlflrall thnuirht out In tht heiin
nin, and nt a lima when uii
was dar and scarca.
"Illutbcrrlts alona," , asplatns
Mra. Coolidtft, "maka a pit of
rathtr flat and unbtcrtatlna llavai.
but rcqulrt catnparatlvaly
llttla suicar. Applta, oo tha etatf
hand, tht Urt apples bttt for this
cnmhlnstlon. call for xentrotu
altuwanca or sugar If uatd alooa.
Used with tha blutbtrrlta l!.t- land
plo'iancjr of tasta and flavor, whll:
tht awtcttr. blaodtr blutbarrlaa
allowa mlnlsaum of suar-to at
"'t'CMlMaa ala It aadti wlla
two eruata and na stasoalnrothar
than tht necessary ruirnr. tarlnklcJ
ovtr tht mlied fruit wbcn'olaead
oa tht lowtr crusL Tha aaalaart -f
a AuLkJ I&.wa ul.. Uid al.. I
twi vuani wajiviv Kil aw
tllAltl.KHTO.V, V. Vu., Nor. 2.
The West Virginia bureau of mines
ftlilch In credited by txpnrli with tho
bent equipment In ijiu country for
rcaculns; entombed minor ban Jiut
added to Ita outfit lot1 that work
three now pieces of nppnrn'ius n
Reophone, a .carbon monoaldo iotoe
tor and a JiraM unrasod thnrmomo
tar. Tba leophono la similar to a pliy
slclan'a sttthoMope. Aa the stetho
scope Is used to dotect IrrtRUlarN
Una In tho human body by aound,
ao the Roophone Is used to detect
earth sounds. In this way entombed
mlnera con be located noting the
i-ijsii ssssataawmu i lil..i
direction from which the aound W
bratlona come.
The brass-encased , thermometer
records maximum and minimum tent
poraturon whereby It can bo nccer
talaed when It Is safe to ontir mines
sealed to smother fires. Hitherto, It
baa been a problem to know-when to
enter tho ahafts, but with tho ther
mometer dorpped through a hole. In
tho barricade, 'this can bo detected
"ll ' , ' ,
Tho carbon menoxldo dotector Is
coaalderod tho most Importance ploco
of apparatus from tha point of pro-'j
tectlng the Uvea or rescuers, The
gat Is detected by a color tube and a
scale on tho Instrument. Formerly
caaary bird were used, but their
ust was not entirely satisfactory, as
tha birds often succuaibad to other
gases, while a color detector Instru
ment shows novpther gat tapa car
bon monoxide present. One tenth of
one per cent of the gaa Is said to ho
fatal to a humnn being. V" Wednesday Morning
and continuing throuf hout the week, all of our High Grade Coats will go on tale at Dras
tic Reduction,
aaaaBBBaaaai t x -'
1 J'J.HH" t
a T ' q
a i tk
. s :t , i 1 - r,i
Now with-the winter coldness in the ur,it is the tune'tobuy. . Get your season's f mil A
wear, nign sjraae, luxurious, pisan or iur-ainunea proaucaons, mi prices wmx sxwm you
many, dollars on every garment. a ' "
All soft, wool fabrics or plushes included. Furs of mole bearer, Nutria, 'sealjrac- 9
-coon or scnurrel.
Phoenix Silk Hosiery
Buy the' supplies you need or select gifts for
Pure silk, with lisle top and reinforced foot,
formerly $1.80 CI M
: r wrr
SOW ...
Pure silk, full-fashioned with lisle top and
foot, formerly $2.60, tO QC
. vtyswswmrr -
Wednesday and Thursday
Chase & Sanborn's Tea, reg. 80c, lb. 50c
Standard Corn, 2 for ! 35c
WatH. for these
As they are money savers.
NOW ,...,
Pure silk, full-fashioned, with 4-inch garter
Sow formerly 3-05' i $2.80'
tRichelieu ribbed, pure silk, ' full-fashioned,
formerly 3.4S, 53.95
Paris point clocked, pure silk, fuJl-fashion-ed,
formerly.15, , . 4a t , $3.35
- . ,tJtrAo:.zi 4 ,
Lace hose, pure silk, full-fashioned, fancy
patterns, formerly $5;75, N JftCCfY
wearing from a 42 to 52, we-have -
with -long, graceful lines, giring youth andw
charm to the figure. . ' y
. r. Hi ii
To.,select the becoming garment forH
the "larger woman is an art,
Come in and, Jet us 'assist you.
Andross-Glover Style Shop
ftfc &. jWtfc J5fc Sm.Mfc jIW jta-aWBa Ja afta aiW aW JPW aiaV PV a j
W. M. Duncan
Present District Attorney,
Candidate for Second Term.
.uju-miIinrLJuiJ'j'nfir'iririrrnr'-i-r'"n-rr" " ' J
, (CoatribKted)
The second acbool month ended
Friday, October it. with ah average
number -of pupils bolonglnc 223. V,
and an average dally attendance of
918, Tho first place for the highest
por cent of attendance was won by
the seventh grade 08.5, the second by
fifth 98.3, and tha third by tho sec
ond, third and alxth grades 88.2. The
eight grade had no case of tardiness
Punctual and, regular 'attendance
bear directly upon echolsrshlp and
atandlng In school at well aa upon
habits and efficiency elsewhere. The
boya and girls should be Impressed
with the fact that the school repre
sents their1 bualnesa Just aa the shop,
alore, bank, office, or homo repro
sontH that of the parents. The num
ber of visits by parents this -month
doubled that of laat month. We are
glad to welcome friends of our
school, as their Interest will do much
to encourage teacher and pupils.
Since our laat report Mesdamee
Q A. Masseyueo. I, Wright, J, R.
Kearoe,.! Koaataa, . W. Kan
tta.HI, J. A, fttue. ft. J KMt I- -
Howie, K. R. Skllllngton, (Irace Ma
son, C, It, Lelghton, J. W. Johnson,
W. H. Kllngenberg and Mrs. lluber
huvo visited various grades In our
itufus Knapp, a little boy of the
second grade has been absent from
schdol since Wednesday, suffering
from a fractured ankle. On Friday,
hla classmate played that they were
"llrownlea" and made up a box till
ed with candy, oranges, applet,
books, flowers, and pennies for him.
la teaching children how to save,
a part of oar regular program Is do
voted, to three practical phases the
proper use of tlnve, the proper use of
money, and the proper uae of ma
terials. The, other phases are no less
Important but these are developed
with subjects of which they are a
part. x
la the uae of money, many of
our boya and girls have a good start
toward financial success. In grades
one to eight inclusive, we have saved
and Invested 1151.42 sine the
opening of school. The fourth
grade It In' the lead with $28.95. The
amounts saved by other grades are aa
follows. First, H. 26; second, $14.
54; third, $I8.B3; fifth, $16,50;
sixth, 13,78;. seventh, 117.31;
eighth $17.49. Rose Darloy, Richard
Clauaoa, Alice Blfendah!, Charles
Kater, Beetle Barley. Elvira Call,
Dana Molatone and Harry Molatone
represent the -eight grades Invest-
lag the laraeeVMBM. Nearly every
all to ear baUdlag la satltg aad
piling wood, telling bottles, deliver
ing papers, selling coyoto scalps, fill
ing wood boxes, working in the fac
tory, working on the farm, helping
mother, running erranda for neigh
bors, cleaning yarda etc. Tho fifth,
sixth, seventh and otght grades In
vest m,ost of their money In savings
accounts, treasury .savings certifl
catce, liberty bonds and victory
notes, and we find that the sum In
vested by each grade Is between
Tour and five thousand dollars. Gor
don Smith of the seventh grade h&
been saving for three years and has
accumulated $525 all of which bo tins
earned with the exception of V100.
The pupils of the fifth grado
torest and aptness In their blanket
stitching and hemstitching. ,
The boya belonging to tho first
football team are looking forward to
another clash with the Klamuth high
freshman team. Dally practice Is be
ing held and scrlmmagea with the
teventh tgrade team occur dally on
the school ground.
The seventh grade football team
with Forrest CoUon aa captain and
quarterback la rapidly getting Into
fabapo .for their return game with
Riverside school today. The game
lust Saturday resulted In a victory for
The working and finishing of na
tive fir from which many useful ar
ticles are oeing mane still contin-
have appointed a class doctor whoso' u in the eighth grade. A book rack
' by Harold Bateman and bracket
shelf by Letter Thomas are worthy
or mention. Upholstered stools 'are
being aaade by. 'Richard Peck and
Kenton Hamaker of the seventh
trade and by Harry Molatoao of 'the
eighth. Other projects la .course, of
construction at tale ti are match
boxes, tooth brush holders, Jread
beards, knife aad fork boxes, gtovp
tvxet, handkerchief boxes, wssta
duty Is to tee that all havo clean
facet, handa, nails, teeth and cloth
es. If a patient has to he reminded
e: any one of these the third tlmo,
the doctor senda a note to ths moth
er of 'the careless offender nuklus
her co-operation.
Jennie Deliell enrolled with the
fifth grade Monday. We are glad to
know that aha can be with us tsali
after aa absence of two months duo
to Illness.
Rapid progress Is being mado by
tha glrla with their aewlng, and flrbt
problem! of tha year's work are
being completed. The seventh grado
aprona, and eapa have 'been finished
ahd their makers are now ready for
kltoheadaty. The oaanlag season '1 3
drawing ta a erase and coofclak reb-
loan are aattg taken ufr. Fifth and
IWwHi money, meetly, eatnel hyjtiith fXiftrt are anw)g uamiaa) la-
inper baskets, coat hangers and toys,
Tha Paclne International league
la satiated with the toccata with
which It met In Ita trat season and
fa planning to be la the teld again
noa year, aoeslbly with eae erjwo
StkaagM l tMjtfreUlt, ,. J
Wafeav. asllllea tfeUar tor ran la