The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 01, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    A -. .. kX
rAfm vivm
MONDAY, Nov.,1. 1090.
an and ftm vhthoi.a
m vumtoLA its viutrola
I flUY A
NMAMi vitcrom
Tho Victor Vletrola li vtrr rea
sonably priced, weare three time
a long and ha twice thai eeeoad
hand value of a Mall Order Phono
graph. The Tone la clear, amooth and
aparklliiK. o rather than "wall,"
why not buy one of the above
modela now and eicbango for ft
larger model later T
Terma aa low aa 5.00
Piano; Recordi, Phonograph
S07 Main Street Phone 282-J
New Organ Being
Installed at Star
C. M. Ilakom arrived lait night
from Han Francisco and began today
Installing the 111,000 foto-player
pip organ recently purchased by th
Hlar theatre from Ibe Hhermnn Clay
rompaay of Han Francisco. Thla or
gan ! Ibe flaeat musical Initrument
fever aeen In Klamath Kalli and la
ibe very beat and moat eipenalva of
Ha kind, It will require four or
1 daya to get It act la plsce and ready!
to operate.
j Thla organ takes the place of a
' ton-place orchestra and In addition
to Ita musical value It produces all
aiaaa or varied errects, auch a
railroad tralna, falllug glaaa, thund
er, wind, waves, etc. It Is electrically
operated and requires a trained op
erator to handle It. It has all of Ibe
musical effecta'and la la said to pro
duce wonderful harmony. It la
known aa style 60 and Is manufactur
ed in Uerkeley, Calif.
A flah market will be opened to
morrow morning at 1018 Main street.
' A. D. llelroa la the proprietor of the
place. II will be conducted by 1.. It.
Nur$e Honored
For Service On
Four War Front
Mlsa Klla Anderson, daughter nf
Mr. and Mrs. 0. tl. Anderson of
Dairy, community aura at Vacavllle,
Cal., baa received a distinction which
will be pleaaant' new a to Klamath
county frlenda. A Vacavllla paper
Mlaa Klla Aadersoa, Vaca
vllle'a community aurse. haa re
ceived the necessary blank for
bar algnatura, which will en
title her to a victory medal with
four battle claapa, signifying
that ahe aaw service In the field
hospitals oa four battle fronta
during her year over aeaa. These
battle fronta are: Champaigns
Marae, Alane-Marae, Olae
Alane and Meuse-Argonns. This
certainly represents a buay year,
and la a record In which aha
may well take commendable
pride. ,
We wish to thank those who gave
and offered their asalaiaace In our
recent bereavement and etpress our
appreciation of the many bautlful
floral offerings received.
To the Public of Klamath County:' f
Having disposed of my business to the
Anderson Bros., who will take charge Mon
day, Nov. 1st, I wish to thank my many
friends and customers who have given me
their patronage during the past two years.
I wish to further say that I am satisfied that
my successors will continue in the policy
laid down by me, and give to the customers
of this store honest merchandise at honest
I thank' you.
5K55KrWe S5
1 '
1 1 To the Patron of Carich Quality Grecery:
ir .. In taking oyer the business of Mr. Gar-
; rch, we plan to serve you in the future as we
' haves in fftm nataf. '
( mmm w w wsasmwja mavwjawwe
We aim to carry at all times avcomplete ;
i line,, of high-grade groceries, featuring the
TUBE ROSE products.
i if.
We shall be pleased to, have our, many
friends call on us.
Our motto is "Quality and Service."
j i,
W. II, (Inildi'K In ii business vlsl-
tor hero front, bin rim eh ut Knglo
l.yln II, Walter of Mitdford, who
si-unt hit summer hum wllli tho Cull-
II torn la-Oregon Power company, host
iiuuriiuu in cuiiuiiun nil wurs Willi
Ibom aftor a short sojourn In Cali
fornia. J. H. Hall Is In thn city toddy from
Modoc Point,
K. W. Vimnlco moved his family
into tiinir ntiw home ut tho corner
of Third and I'lno street yesterday,
Tim house wim recently purchased
from Mr. nnd Mrs, Frank Ward.
Mrs, Kvelyn flcott, who Is assocla-
led with Mrs. L. 11,'llagun, left yes
terday morning for 4 visit to Han
Mlsa Kteanor Torrey bus taken a
poslllun with tho Klamath Develop
ment company left vacant by Miss
Ina (Iraham, who la preparing to
leavo for Ban Kranclico whrro she
will atudy music.
Florence and Clarice Klllott, who
ara attending the Bacred I Heart
academy, apent the week-end with
their parenta at the Klamath Agency,
Mr. and Mrs, Milt Llppert who
have been living In I'ortland for the
pail two yeara have returned to
makn their home In Klamath Kails.
Mlia Knunllt Rtuckey arrived last
night for a visit with her brother K.
C. Htuckey.
William A. Ilench Is a business
visitor here from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Hums and
baby are spending a few days In Kla
math Fills from Crater Lake park,
where Mr. Ilurna la In chargo of tho
Anna Creek camp. They Intend to
upend tho winter In the park and are
rnly here to purchaie supplies and
attend to other business matteri.
Mr. Ilurna report" that there is a
fooi of anow there now and that they
have bad thren ft at one time thla
fall. He akled to the rim one day
laat week.
J. II. Dennlaon and It. J. Rowrn
nre Klamath Falls visitors from Med-
ford thla week. They are registered
at thn White Pelican hotel.
It. II; (loeta, aon of Rober. Ooetz,
principal of the high school, arrived
from I'ortland last night.
Vernon l.lniry who h liwn upend
ing several daya with his parenta nt
Malln, returned to town yestarday.
John llan.en, superintendent of
the tlrowera Packing and Warobouio
company, I moving Into tho homo he
recently purchased from Mr. J. K
Ilratton. Mra, II rat ton and two son,
Don and Dale Roula will leave Thurs
day for los Angelea and until that
time Mr. and Mrs. Ilratton aro stay
ing with Dr. and Mrs. Soule.
Mra. u. perber accompanied by her
moiharand father. 'Mr. and Mra. D.
Campbell, left yeaterday for the tier
her ranch at Horse Fly.
Mr. and Mra. R. R. Martin have
gone to Medford for two or throe
Mr. and Mra. Cleghorn and family
apent yeaterday with Mr and Mr.a
I.aton Htephenson tholr ranch In the
Mra. Wilbur A. Arnold arrived last
night to Join her husband hero. Mr,
and Mra. Arnold have been realdlng
In Portland but will make Klamath
Kalla their home In the future,
Mr. and Mra. Ralph Rogera and
little daughter of Chicago were here
Friday and Saturday aa gueata of Mr.
and Mra. Arthur R. Wilson. Mr.
Rogera la a roualn of Mr. Wilton and
for that reason came to Klamath
Falla In hla tour 'of the weatern
atatea. Mr, Rogera la the Inventor
and manufacturer ot the aide ear
ased oa a noaafcer of motorcyclea and
la promment aa aa engineer In th
aatomoblle buatneaa.
R. K, Ifannon and little aon, were
county seat visitors over thi week
end 'from their home at Mnlln tn
take Mra. Ilannon homo from tho
hospital where she haa been for tho
past threo wnoks.
A mnrrlngo llcenvn was iMUed Sat
urday to I. K. Walker nnd Cunna
Cnrlilit, Until aro residents of Chllo
quln. Mm. K. I., Hoslcy In reported nor
lonaly III nt her hnmu on tho Mer
rill rond,
' A Imli) Klrl wih born today tn Mr.
nnd Mm. II. It. Crnlno, of C!illniiln,
i.t tho homo nf Mra. Keeno on KlRhth
TOKIO, Bcpt. 30. (Ily Mall)
Blncn the war, the socialist In thla
country ham Ix-gun to show remark
able urtlvlty.
An a .wolcoma to si new members
tho socialist league held a public
meoting in Yokohama and tho speak
er lectured on various soclnl prob
lems, A cnlilnd at tho llmo thn po
llen arrested thn leader, Kakao
Oaugl, one ot thn socialist leaders,
waa ao violent that the pollca author
ities ordered tho dissolution of ho
montlng, hut tho members replied
with tho song of revolution, Thn po
lice thereupon took the leader Into
According to tho Nichl Nlchl, the
socialist who have enrolled their
namtee In, tho proposed Japanese ao-
ciauai confederation number aa
many as' S00 Including acbolara.
painters,, author and even hospital
nurses and military offlcera,
Here's -another little Incident that
makes ma glad that I am pushing
thla old typewriter for my three
"aqoarea" a day.
Whllu moping on tho Universal
lot today, the entlro male end of
"The Last of the Mohleana" cast
waddled out of their dreaalng rooms
with their" conka" abaved to the
bone. For a moment I thought I
waa attending a billiard ball -eon-
ventlnn.. Whin uiUfla.l lh I
hadn't taken too much of tho ''homo'
brew," I Inquired aa to what It waa I
all about, and waa Informed that
many of tho aecnea In the nroduc-
tfon necessitated every main In the
cast having a "bald dome" for
realism. Relieved of tbalr bando
llned curly locks, the heart-break-
era were "not ao good."
W. M. Duncan
Present District Attorney,
Candidate for Second Term. '
Monday and Tuesday
Fifteen Bars .White Navy Soap $1.00
Phez Jelly, regular 60c, Special .....36c
( Our two-day specials are proving very
popular, and we will continue to offer two
day Specials.
.kF aBBsal sSFaai ssaavam
I -4
Waa watching Lon Cbaney. the
clever character actor, put on hia
maae-up ror nir portrayal of a man,, ;
without lears To accomnllih thla ef.
feet, Chaney weara a harness which
doubles his legs back of blm, and
then, puts leather cases on hla kneea.
giving him the desired appearance
of a legless man.
Cbaney undergoca terrific atratn,
and can only remain In this hohtittut
condition for three to four minutes'
at a tlmo, after which the opera
tlomjg nbmUo. Bat Lob will gars
be eo'fo when thla picture la fin
ished, Go to It, Lon, but for thei
aaka of art. please keep those hinges
In your, legs well oiled and t lcxlbto.- Z
Do You Know
: That we have new pool and billiard tables, Z
a new sanitary fountain, and a new line of
the best candy you have ever tasted?
That we are the Klamath Falls
tives for the famous Rio Tan cigars?
That you are always welcome at
Flro Chlof Dclanoy is putting hh
crow of flru fighters through u sorlos
of drills today and will contlnuo It
each day for tnreo-qunrtora of an
hour until ho gota thorn in ahlp
ahape for quick action. Hla drills
consist inoHtly In (unking quick
hoao connections, hydrant connect
ions, ladder practice and all of tho
various othor duties that pertain
to prompt work nt tho cull ot tho
flro boll. j
TACOMA, Wash., Nor, I Lieut.
Lloyd 8. Bpooner, a member of the
American rifle team at the Olympic If
gamea, I anow on duty at Camp J X
Iivrla A.kiwl tinw tiA AwttA lalji,
a crack markaman he answered that
hunting game aa a boy waa largely
or another courthouse.
Which A million -lollara for roada
Pastime Billiard
The Port of Portland
1 t'
Tho Klamath high football squad,
Journo)od to Lakoviaw Friday and'
played tho customers Saturday, win
rilng by a scoro of 28 to '0. Tito trl
ovor waa enlivened by having tit
Ford In which part of tho otovo
Including Robert (looti, principal
coach, woro riding, tip ovor on n '
Only minor Injuries wero oxporler
auch na strained arms, acrat"
faces nnd bruised logs, but ub
suit Mr Qoets la carrying liir
In fv 'T nnd has a badly I'
nose, 'ii i
or nnotlior''
If you owned a store you could not make a big
success unless your business methods were as modern
as your competitors! Unless Oregon develops her
shipping facilities she cannot expect to get her share of
the world's business. It rests with the citizens of this
state whether Oregon shall develop her wonderful re
sources and reach out for bigger markets, or remain
practically an inland state.
To become a real port, a 30-foot channel must be
dredged in the Columbia and Willamette rivers from
Portland to the Pacific ocean. This will enable farm
ers, stockmen and lumbermen in the interior of the
state to reach the markets of the world at a lower
freight rate and greater profit to themselves.
r The taxing and bonding power to make these im
provements can be granted the Port of Portland only
by the people of the state. You, and every other cit
izen will benefit if you, on November 2nd,
Vote 310 Ye on the Ballot, The Port of Portland Dock
Commission Consolidation Bill,
L. W. Trimble, Secretary.
I v
n'lllnn dollar r
v. ... V- 4sV
-V l t i t'l'tVl I M M M MM I if
:.u .