MQrfaUY, SOY. I, U THE 3 Uflslli IflVE CD1TE . fwm I T -. irar Wkftn tatnW I rk. n ttoftal aBd atata eaectioas to b neld tiMmf; aevneesec t. hu he drtW auttVer et'womenl asmanl the hug. bbjbW of MMm UkH aTBI,B0BUnate4 CM OBBtan. ' six parties avV national aeketa I atwledeat lead Ytce-nrseldent. tanagk by bo means la all the states. These tickets are republican, demo cratic, socialist. prokJbltloa, termer laker and single .tan. Aboat II otb er pertiee kava eaadldatee eltker tor tola tlekata or tor repreeeataUves la wmu. hrlnnuur tka total et all Bertles la Ua field nearly to aJ la the presidential election there mW ko choeea Itt members' of' the electoral college at whleh 1 will be Beeseaary to the election of -a caadt date aa praeUeat. la tke last elecUoa President WUaoa had 177. Tke proaaat membership at tko Wnltcd States aaaaU la Id, composed at 47 democrats, 4 repabllcana and oaa republican aad progressive. This year S3 atataa ara to alect Id Beat ton, Ua tanas of Si ntembere of tkat bedr expiring oa atarck t, 111. walla tka otkar two ara being eelect ad to nil unexpired tones ap to atarck 4, 11. Of tka IS aeaatora whoao terme asplro aext March, 17 ara democrats aad la republicans. Tka two nddlUeaal vacancies were by tko Senator or Alabama ana Mania of Virginia, both democrats. Oaa een ator la to be chosen la eaek ot Ike SI iUUi except la Alabama' which .( -V- o' xt- "" 9"-. i only states which Oo not elect aeaatora are Delaware. Maine, Mas sachusetts. Michigan, Minnesota. Mississippi. Montana, Nebraska, Now Jersey. New Mexico. Rhode Uland, Tennessee, Texas, Wett Virginia and Wyoming. Women aandldatea (or -the senate have boea nominated la six states. kr tka proklbltioaUta la Indiana. New York and Pennsylvania; by so atallata la California, by the farmer labor party la Mew York aad Con nectlcut aad by ladepaadenta In Ne vada. V SaclallaU bate candidates for the seasti la 11 states: Alabanw (S) walUerala. Florida. Illinois. Indians, Mow Hampshire, New York. Ohio- kosna, Oregon. PenaaylTanla and Wnekragtoa. Tko farmer-labor has aeaatorlal oandldatee la seven states eaaeetkut. XUIaoia. Iadlaaa. Iowa. Missouri, New York aad Waehlngtoa.J 'At leaat elikt .other pertiee have nosalnsted candidates for senator la oaa or mora states. These are pro ireeslTe, socialist, labor, single tax, Independent, Industrial labor, labor, Independent repabllcan and non-par-tlsaa league. P Tbe total membership, 436 of the aaxt house of repreeeatnUxee is to be elected. Of this namber, 111 Is necessary for a jaejofttivi rTke pre aeat membership 4a demwerate. 100; republican. IIS:, dadeaandent re pabUaaaa, i;. tadepeadeat, 1; prohl WtleaWi: T-ioaaeles; . Womea kare beea aomlaatad aa caadldatee for reproaeBtatlVM'la at least 11 states racladlBf 'AJakeau. California. Idaao, Iowa. Michttaa. Nebraska, atasaaekBsetta, New York. Oklahoma. Orecoa aad ktlsaoott. m ClIONll G HIHALD. KLAMAW FALLS L NO on TREATY FIGHT BOSTON, Not. 1. Tie trutteos of world peace foaadatloa the mil-Hoa-dollar .eadowBMBt established la 1910 by the lata Bdwla Qua. kate unanlmoasty adopted a declaration that Amerleaa entry 'Into the leacae ot nations eaa set bo decided by to morrow's election. Th statement asya: 'Tko problem ot tbe oraaaUatlon of tko world for peace Is greater than any man or any body of men. Al though the'ratltleatloa of the treaty of Yaraalllea. with or without- reaor-: ratloas, waa prevented by the (all are ot tko president nnd the senato to agroo, noTorlheless, whatever po litical party may come Into power, It will find that the IntoreM. the con science and the sense of duly ot the American people will require Ihe na Uop to take Ite Bert In the essential work of establishing and prciorvlng tko peace et tko world. "The world peaco foundation was created to "promote tka organisation, t tka world' tor tkt prevention ot war. The trustees of this fonadatlon believe that tbe only practical way of achieving that resall Is by joining tka existing league of nations, with such modification, If any. as tbe wis dew ot our etatesmea may Jhlnk pro per for tke welfare of tke United ttstM. We have assurance that for eign .governments jvtU welcome the United .Slates with any aacn.moam emtloas as It may think necessary." Tka 'board ot trustees Includes both democrats and republicans Their declaration Is signed by Wll II. P. Faunce. president or Brown university: Qcorgo W. Ander- Sarah Louise Arnold; Proles- aor George H. Illskeslee of Clark anl vsrsltr: Stephen Tierce Uuggsn; Prealdeat A. Lawrence Lowell of Harvard; former Governor Samuel W. ktcCall ot Massachutetti; 'tlllss Perry; Albert K. PlUsbury; George A. Plimpton and Joseph Swain; and Kdward Cummlngs, general necret- ary, m Chinese Ball Team Wins Championship Honolulu. T. II. .Nov. 1. Tke All-Chinese baseball t,eam, all-Cat-neso except for Its Japanese second baseman, kforlyama. ckamploas of tke Honolulu league, won the Island championship recently by defeating rTwRTeTTEI PAOM Tyr) tko armgr. leaders of the leagues, .two runs to one, season tbe army beat the navy six to, nothing and then against the Man darins, who retained tholr title, won In severs! previous years, of being the best players In Hawaii. One hundred millions (or tanks und no American tanks nrar reached the trout. How do you JIM suck manajmBjwatfj service !? Aas flmmmt Mullen thlelic Club TAOOhtA, Wash., Ntv. I. Ohet Mclntyre, former light heavyweight champion of the Pacific coast, has noeepted a place aa manager of a bow athletic club at Mullan, Idaho. Mo laOre baa managed similar club Kara, ta Seat tie and Jvywyrf C. nJ4Vie aTQlowad earns of the1 ncsi vaiu ! 1 mB1!, beat amateur west.1 boxers la the. north The republican congress voted In repeel Ihe war-time laws granting hugh powers to the president. It was vetoed. It will not be voled by a repwbUcsaBeealdent. , , 'ThV1 democratic admlnlstrsUen pent SlttjM, on a altrata plant slt wit ry-rri s Rtck Aft Grmnf ' Ttma and tka atnmeata can an mora enangn ahn ranajad eanotaak mt ROCK 0 AOaB QRANITS than It can change the rock-boand kills from which H a qanrrten. Light gray In color aad flae In tex ture. BOCK OT A0B8 GRANITE adda dlatlBoUvo beauty to any mem orial pabllo or private--a beauty Which makes tke monument a strong hold ot tendnr memories and a shrlae for generations yet aabora. Your task ot selecting a suitable tribute to the departed will be wade easier by visiting my place ot bas Ineea at 1040 Main street aad looking over tke kesutlfel dlaplay I kave. HamikH FaiU MarWe n t i - an! Gniite Wtrks 1040 Mai. St G. D. Grissie, Protriwt4kr B-amwBwnwBWawBwnBwawBBwnWavasnwgaws wawavnwnwsi-nww-Bwew-----ii . i ""I'1! L f at w a " ' " - n BiiB.gntm Y fi &jr B-kaaBJl ABBBBBBbMbbbI Uifil- BBBBBBBBBBBBBTrHnnr ApAolurola K pPSBH (So fcir of ihe dock . . ljgn more stttisfuctoiy lather ! , pSnnBBWii . I biSMHwAkJbbbbI Istt 'TtsBBniL ldeBBB i V ' V ' Wi'iISBIIssbI ftirota Shayinf Cream works '-I V-i '''':.u,'.)Z'.. iriirrffifni 'nt0 fine e'9amy h4rr '. . '" ;'c,-.w'v" wWmitfmk that atays put. Nodryirhjon V?"Kt&.,$ fmKLMeBm the tace or irritating the skin. A'A :.t UVhlMBBBBBBf ' ' ':--S'!L"t- (iIHIIIiTIrbbbbbT Speedy? Once round wfth the aec- v. WAs.'kVite W?MM I KsbbbbI ml hand ia all the time you need. 'S:J-7:;. .'uMi nlsiTilS unBaal '1 ''i'ri?k'wwmrw ' WmWULmm foMnefLmw your lace feeling KlHJ f lgaBBBBBBBBBK&sia "' JU)uua. E i &'( JI'XiLJBBBBB wwa000W0mtAm0tWWA rJmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW vr T -1 ) f 1. A A A tm VriXWfivK j ttTrlsBBBm uMMMNvwMfWMwwAMMMMMMMM niBBBiBBBBBBBrn KconomicBJ r uno nunorec ano isty !li!B'lm 1 ''TrlanBBBi DTulBBBBBBBBBTCrij shaven in every tube. jSaT'w'CTnBeH ''''UBBBBBBBO And " yU d0n ' re W'ln U r ?'jfftvl'aUBBl fanaBBmllllSI tum mny prt tn tu to your ''"Piirt I'ojbbbbI $m99&&lw dealer and kt -our. money back. 'Tfott'' ''liS Wffh f III Good druggists sell Puroln. jffl! S3IJf I'-MI bHS WWmtfUL vPffl"iBilli tp fto r"r""i; i'i iff i4ijab't Ml y;lSSlS$ mfBBBMABAsBlsBBV F SKS 0m0mm0m0l00m0000m00 I BBfenBTBBBBBBBVga m"!mmPmmmkWKESSmmmmm SWi WaftA mall '. BWHlflfir VS W VT!SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB - tlUW WTTX&sWmT f Si ' OfBmJWTffKrJKfF TBK1 . J iL 1 J lisUl2rRjaV W2sBBL!sBBki!9ASBBBBBBBBBBl I jV-lBBn MbWsBBBbW "dBBBBBBnT kgBBBBBBBBBVSBBBBrT HT"31 1 SSBBBBaTBBBBBBBBf JoBBBBBbH' ' fM ' fflU HBB bHcBpB3bWm14ih I BwawwVfcgB BBfpttkkkkKPTmmmmmmmmm'mm '"m "SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBTBBBBBBVBr'B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBte' ' BBBBBMBBBBBBBBa .BBBB BBBbDbBBBBBT BBBBBBB) itkk ji 4laf4 BBBBBBBBBbV 1 II BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBmBBBBBW 'mX tEwlf BBaWBtrgewVBSBBBBnai ,; tMmjtjmmmF i ii - c-' - s - Hea Cnmk Case Service firltotorists ii Vt e I fc ft. I YOU probably know that af ter a few weeks of driving your lubricating oil becocies dirty with carbon, road dust andfine particles of metal, which circulate through your engine and cause unnecessary wear on bearing surfaces. And gasoline escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil GrantedThere nothing new , about that hut Hen's an absolutely new way s get rid of this dirty, diluted e an; put your .engine in line for Ivaltsr paBwYnTBBnee and longsr Mfc. It is called nvtooem Crank rWtftnaning Service. 'I4daBTvbecauseweuaeCalol Fhkiiiing Oit the rjew, scientific, tnywxwjghfluBUiingagentthatdoea not contaminate the fresh oil. Our skilled, mechanics know how to clean out a crankcase with it correctly and quickly, at a nom inal cost to you. This service assures proper lu brication for your cleaned engine. WerefiU the crankcase with fresh Zerolsne of the correct grade. We recommend Modem Crankcase Cleaning Service m XteUsmitvtml tor sett task car. TODAY: JsViag in your car. ibrMaJemankcan.a4rkBnj Service. .r A Beautiful, Long-lived Rcof-Certain-temd Shingles . a Danner A Patty Motor Co. r Klamath Falls . ' E.A. Peg ' a M Fort Klamath, Ota. & r(i tf . ! l . & Sons mat' Ore. Certain-teed Asphalt Shingles, in subdued reds cr greens, odd an attractive touch to tho appearapce- of any home. Their surface docs not wear off, wash off or change color and they do not crack or break. In addition to their beauty, they provide weather protec tion and are, at the same time, fife-retarding and spark-proof. Their cost is low compared with other equally high grade types of roofing and they ore guaranteed for ten years. foadditkmtOBtoingles, Certain- tecd Roofing comes in rolls, mineral-surfaced red orgrceo much liko the shingles in oppcaronco and also in the crr.ooth surface staple gray kind. Like all products bearing the Certain-teed label, Certain teed Roofings are the highest quality. See a Certain-teed dealer the next time you need roofing. He can help you select tho best kind of roofing for your pur poses and sell you what you need at a real saving in cost CWain-faW Pfdmcti CmntmruOm General Offices, Saint Lewie aTWaribiiai m PHsileil CM V it Certain ft i t t ZWKUimronjsjAmYAND smjama avfl&S-'l ' gWBBBBBBBm BWrBwgajBBWswswi p&iaSi vvwwvwnnwSBwawsaa) rfc . .i aBBBBBBBB BF'isBW 'SgjBganwsvnj H' bbbs ' fSSSW aWssBW wlssW asBBBBWaa?wifBBt. BtwWnaMJswssaw, MASON, E MAN COMPANY 4 . ' v