The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 01, 1920, Image 1

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i mtmmnvm4i isisiuisjsaiu
Conciliation and Peace Chastain and Peterson
. ' iM A
oFFiciAii -tfHtnai or'
u r '1 ,1
Fourteenth Year No. 4064.
Price Fbre
Uvi'w.ww pjjajsv s o jr ssassjpT -sa" sasjsjp- gv saa- r wJwJB
l 0. P.
CIIIOAOO, Nov. I. Victor llelnlx,
regional illnirlur of llin rtiiilllran
nntlonsl committee In charge of west
rrn heado,iiurterii, ludsy nmtlo till)
statement, regarding llio mtnturlul
"There U mi question now regard
Iiik llnrillriK'M election. Tim demo
crats aro well-known fur their scan
dalous lllli hour roorback end they
tun Im ilflinilnil upon in start a lot
(if malicious Hen thin year Hven morn
mo than heretofore, In fuel, because
of Ihn tlesimrntoness of their cause.
"Dili Cox U finished. Nobody
known belter tlmn Cm himself Hint
lir U through. In fact, lie was
through Imfora tio started, There wail
no iiimii In llin democratic party,
lunch less Coi, strong kikiiirIi to
carry the handicap of seven )nni of
wiggling unit wolililliiK of I'm Wilson
'Ak any uudlomn to fowl
l"' ""
h, real of the Issue, of ,.. ,.,,,.,
lor inn moment, ask laemir inn as-:
suranr.. that thnT6it cabinet will I
v iiurin... or i-.imor. n Mc
I not rnough to dimmnil yvitry "
for Hurrilnjr. unit CooIIiIrh. It ttin
rry much surpn.eii, i
"Hut tho f ght fur tin snnsln U 7" ,,i . . . i 1 .
not orrr. The rcpulillran. must put ' . ","""" " 'ru""' c',rd; a "f
.forth evury possible effort until ,,." 'O'Trort to ..vercomo the cr-
last vole I. counted In Missouri. In.ll- ",n ' ?,"a' ,,mt hejr tF loo,u,n" ,H"
..... i-....i... fii.1.1. i fore them,
hum, i.iiki.. nj , n,Mifi iiim, iihij
lunil, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado,
Iflah, Orfgon, California,
anit Huiith Dakola, Not a single oimi
of ths senalom can be Ion with
skfuty 'To gain the presidency and
lose the snnatn would pi am the party
In ,M.rllou. Position, with no chnnr.
of making good Its promise of nn'T.. "!,..' " ' "
economical business adniliitstiullon,
mi, i"r.;r
tu tnsde Co. for repuWIcan senators
The fact of It.., nailer I. that Coi1.
"Cox and his henchmen know this,
has nothing tn trsde. He Is empty,
they rome. hot as traders. I.ut a.
mendlrauls, asking that republican.
drop a charitable vote In their empty """ " .' "7 ,'"' '".7.',; ''"". ""',,"
ba.kels. That Is the only M-rloMa-.f'??,"'1 f ,h"lr ',"''nac,, cn,-
?n!hM!,Ur",ln,''iVi?.'il W' ' lmiN.rt.tlon of
are method of avoiding rational . . , , . ... ... .....
disaster I. for every republican and! '" '''"uL nn',"
every patriotic democrat to vote for!jal w"' hv" Jf Mn2'
Ihn republican ticket straight, coun- Iues have changed and now rln
ty. district, state und national, '? hnt" h ,r",;c,, ln.Cn. , Jnu,,,"
"Krom all reports reaching repub- W1ord"lnl ""cd n'!' J,,n' B'
ii-... M .i I....I- P. J...M KUmmh county. While he m
n pear that IhrttaVwrt" CnriM,.
Ji i i. ....-. n i. ..
Tltl - iin ntj f VI'tr ttj II
majority of SB.OOO to 10,000. This
encourages us to bolleve that the re
publicans of Oregon will Ih loyal to
I..I. ..., ....i .... ... .i... ir.tii.ji
...III, 1MI., Hill. .IIIUI.I II. I.IU l"ll.l-.l
U,.... .. . -.H..l.ll... ..I... u III
oisii's sriiMiv n rnuuuiiiiiii nun 1111
support the incoming republican ...l-
ministration. I. a. well a, the others.
charged with th. re.ponsll,lllty of
conducting the republican campaign
urgently rees, that all republicans,
In (iregon east llieir bai oi rur HoiMirt
N fltanflrld. the republican noml-
1iee for Ihe United Stales senate Mr
Hlanfleld will he of tremendous as'
alstanrn not only to the republican
administration but In. promoting ilie0"V . , """ . ', ""'"" ' "i" '"
welfare of his state, it I. nuesllon '" l" ""h""1 u '"; ",".""'
of principle, and not of Ind.vJdu,.. ". I'Z L". V. L" f "n
Service Men Plan
Election Social
Tim American leg km and Woman'sl
Auxiliary Invite nil ex-service men,
whether legion members or not, to n
social nml ol.iPlliin return gathering,
at Ihe Odd Ki'llows hall on election
1 'Kill..
ArrnngomentH have boon inndn.
with tlm WeMern
lll.... fP..I I.I"
(oinpany tn secure Its h'li'Kniplilc
rervlcu on election returns and the
liulles nf the auxiliary will furnish
KifreshmnntH. There will bo plenty
of music, dancing, food anil excite
ment tn Hiilt anybody. Kvery ex-service
inn n lu urgod tn come anil bring
Ms best girl for u good time, Kvery
thing Is fron ami u large crowd Is
wished. ,
At the last mooting of the legion,
Ttoy Foiitch wan chosen itdjutant for
tho halanco of thu year, lie will be
on hand nnd wuntH to meet' nil of the 1'UNKHAIi OK MUM. UUN.KI.1
boys. Announcement will also liu fOHTI'ONKM HXTII. WKUNKMUAY
inndn at tho. nodal ns to the armlxllcu ,
day bull to bn given by the legion. Tho funoral of Mri. Matlliln Nexul
Ilunnell, heretofore ennouueed for
', Monday, November 1, has been
VOT1J IIAIUjY ! postponed. Tbln postponement was
The liallolR ii ro long, and In- iinade necessary, by the Inability of
dlcallnna point, tn n heavy voto thu daughters of deceased to urrlvo
In tlo clly, products. Iovy before Wednesday.
elector, who possibly can should ! Funeral sorvlces will be hold on
voto onrly In order to lossen tho
rush nnd jam at tho polls In the
evening, Tho hulk of labor vote
will be cast after fi o'clock
National Manager
Both Feel Sure of
Victory at PolU
NI.'SV VOItK, Nov, I nepuhllcnn
nnil democratic headquarter liotli
inuiln priidlrl limn of tlctpry In tumor
row election.
"Cox ami llnnsevelt will win,"
dared (ii'orgo White, democratic na
tional chairman.
Will IT. Hays, republican national
chulrman, said (hat Harding would
(t no loss 30H, ami probably would
gel 3Dfi, of tint total electoral votes,
Tliu number required to elect Ik
Iteport l current thin afternoon
that In tlm final (Intuitu on Hut conn
ty court iitertlon content, to ho slug-
,,'rd tonight In local ttioatrm, the Hun
II ...l ol . . .
" " ' , , ' - " " -
,. ,;. . .. ... , '.....:. . .
" r tjni.uiinn. "'
ZZVVXZ' y ru
judie wor'.ien is not in u.wn. Tin,
unraid is mivised, imt is uipecteii to,askcd that question of many
arrive Isln this afternoon hy iiutit- Mf un uni 6nlnml afn nn,
itinlillit f rorn AnlilHtiil.
. Uli - , " ..,,..
stage was sH for the big
Ariiun-.l""""":" ,"'".:. .""".:" "..:;
.!........ I.U ... I-IS.B . . MS.
viiii, iiiMiir-HKi im i'uitiiikj vmiiiii-" o -- ----- .....
dates, y. j Murray, editor of The'out stonniiKr to think, this
Herald and others
to take the floor
under tho auspices of the Uocd (lov-1
'. ".?' "" r " ... V":
"""" """" 7"" ""."J: ".,.. "T -
sire to speak for.
They are assured of a
fair ml
u,-y "avo
'"fonr bn"" i'' hL,. ,rk.
. "" ? "T..''t:
the (lood (lovnrnmeit lesgii, how
.,. i. .. ........n ........ 1...1 .i...
of u, ",M,uk,,r" ,hP, ""liof the Main street building
" T"" " ,J,..7 ", ' " 7"7 7,""'"'
'"ef Ln J:.l.h'i,,,,.5"n1""
... ...l.... ...I.I.I. ,...... .........I Xm
JT "frT n&Tj?1
Uy of the "ull of which I saw. purl
Uy of the "ull of which I saw, purl
of which I was" brand, he It out of
touch, He might deliver an Inter
ertlng historical lecture but he can
not dellever u vital political addrvss.
The Issue Is clear cut, an issue nf
. . ,, .. . ....1.
b,",n,,,M MUImcy. Dee,
" r."?mrh?T,.Tn -STSlS
- ltl.,nt . nd eter-
". nr """J "'"Ctf V! ,n ,,?
r, ., ' . i,r ,
""! 'T "I"""" ""A.??"'-. .
1 IllVi ItlHIMHUI "'llin "Will" t" ss
lu remember hut forget past history
to start nniiw ufter tomorrow's
election with an iidmluUtratlon
duct them un a business mid not tin j
a political basis.
The dlu Is cast. No 11th hour ar
gtiment ou either side enn change the'
decisien: For "a new race has sprung',, -ii .n.,a ,,11 nnrn,aaJ Annkni.ooan
up In the laud
ll. wlll.'ll know UOt
Innyili I .....I ll... ii.illl Intl iiiinrri'lti itf
,,,' WoriPBi of ,,, A Kiumlll. of
K, I.. Kllloll, of any of the members
oi Ihe (liiod tiovornmenl Ihiikuo or
, cnilUWuM W,M llol weK, with
,j0 m,w votern.
Mnnimr. lit l.nlll III.. Kliir nil, I t .11..
,rlv .i,,,,,,.,,. i,,...,, i,1P.i nmii- niur,
Oh nt the disposal of the public to
Light, lloth assure Tho lleruld that
- " - " - ' '
no unfair ladles will bo tolerated
every speukhr with a message will be
given a hearing. There will be no
picture program at the Htur.- At the
Liberty a aerial reel will bo run If the
program allows. Tlm spunking will
start ut K o'clock.
Which A million dollars tor roads
or another courthouse.
.Wednesday, November 3 nt 2 o'clock ,
p. m. at .Mt. I.akl church.
Which A million dollars for roads
or another courthouse.
It's Up to You, Mr. and Mrs. Voter
Let us it flown and have
house question a talk as
Aireudy too much rancor
and the real issues before the people have too often been
lost sight of in the desire of some of the leaders of both
sides to fly at the throats of 'their opponents. But The
Herald has taken the position that this is the people's
fight. It has ever kept this thought before it as the guid
ing light in the controversy
foremost that we sit down
to-heart talk that we may both more clearly understand
each other and the big, question that will be passed upon
finally tomorrow.
Let us. for the sake of argument, look at the ques
tion from this angle: Supposing that the occupancy of
the Main street courthouse meant that the county would
have to pay for it; that it could not recover the $41,000;
that it would absolutely lose
building; in a word that it
dollar and accomplish everything that those favoring the
(Hot Springs site say it will do. Don't you think it would
t ...LiTu u x ..u aii
",u woiui r u n wuum scuiu mu ugni ana onnc w an enu
lthe 8trifc that -8 8 seriously damaging the city and the
enormous expense a continuance will involve? We have
The Ilunnnlli:" .V"" "" "1 5" 0,"- """
io u. ne was, 01 course, an lrreconsuaDic
Now, that is the very extreme. What is the middle
ground the ground upon which we can all stand?
The contention of our onnonents is. that if Chastain
.., nfl Peterson are elected thov
ihiiildinir nnd this net will
-- .- .- -. "'-J
nn cpi-inns toftnt.' C.hmtiain
one serious defect: Chastain
'ptinv that hnilrtincr until thev
"' ' " " "".. "Zh "U
--u uui uiiuuncnio aumii,
rltmiuinrt in Iw tianflnrl flntvti
II .V" ,.wV"MlM ,,""!
uiri ii win De nanaea aown Deiore uecemDer. iiuk ue
cision will settle the validity of the Dougan contract
Another thing that oun opponents fail .to point out to
vn .mncrp nnnnpii nnn niinvi Mnnix ncpenwn in krvk
$112,000. Bring this right up to yeurself: Supposing
you built a house for a man and he accepted the keys
and insured the building, don t you think that would
constitute an acceptance of it? This very question is
right now before the supreme court and will be passed
upon within the next few days. If the supreme court
says the contract was illegal and the taking of the keys
and the insurance of the building does not constitute ac
ceptance, that will end it. If the decision is the opposite,
that will settle it. In either case the building will be the
property of the county and this will happen long before
Chastain and Peterson take office, but the Hot Springs
advocates, failed to point that fact out
'.They contend that the election of Chastain and
Peterson means the county will have to pay for the Main
street building. We say it means nothing of the kind.
If the contract is illegal and that will be settled before
Chastain and Peterson can take office no one can pay
for. it. We doubt if even the legislature could pass an
act compelling the county to pay. If the contract is legal,
then even Bunnell and Short will have to pay for the
building. Now, if Bunnell and Short had said they would
not -finish the Hot Springs courthouse, in case they had to
pay for the Main street building, there woud be some
j reason in their position, but
mey are going io iinisn me
nre elected.
This just means
V '""":-m i.v.h...u wmihw..
The argument is advanced by Judge Bunnell and
Burrcll Short that they were elected to finish the Hot
Springs courthouse. That it was the will of the people :
That is true. Judge Bunnell was also elected to prevent
the building of the Main street courthouse. He didn't do
it and his failure completely changed conditions as they
existed when he was elected. If he had stopped the
building of the Main street courthouse it would not now
be an issue and hundreds of voters who will vote against
him would be for him if it were simply a question of the
Hot Springs site. The Herald under those conditions
would be as ardently for him as we are opposing him
if the Main street'building had not been built. But it is
there, It is county property, whether we have to pay for
it or not, and we cannot see but that it would be the
height of folly to abandon it and spend hundreds of
thousands of dollars finishing the Hot Springs building.
If Judge Bunnell really wanted to ascertain the will of
the people now, he should have submitted the question
of accepting the Main street building to a direct vote.
This could easily have been done and it would have
stripped the proposition of any side issue's. His failure
to do so does not speak well for his desire to let the
people rule or to follow their
What shall we do with
rphere nre three solutions anrl we are Riihrniriino them
j ere are tniee JO1""0" ."
;w u uuuciawuii. vvc wuun. ,yu ww agree wiu ua
"; r"" r "Z . I
(Continued On Fagft- Four)
a final chat over this court
between friend and friend.
has crept into the campaign
and it is with this thought
with you tonight for a heart-
the Hot Snrincrs site and
would cost this countv every
l li j t a i
men, some strong advocates
1 nnnnaaA
V" ""-;" r"
will occunv the Main street
constitute accentance. W th
. - -- ,-., -
v-. w..... g- -
looks reasonable. But it has
anrl Pptprcnn will not oc-
and Peterson will not oc-
iAke office in .Tanuarv. and
JTJ- .,M orr
nu cah wc oiii v"t
(Vila mnntVi Poroin if. ia
m t T . mi! a. j
and they have msured-it for
they openly declare that
noi opnugs ouuuing n uiey
one thing: Klamath coun-
the Hot Sorino-s huildinsr?
Six Month In
State Entitle
Per ton to Vote
'All portions who hire resided nix
mpnths In Oregon and are not regis
tered elsewhere In the state aro en
titled to vote At tomorrow's elec
tion, even tnougb not registered
here. Their vote must be sworn
In by two freeboldara who know
'that they hare the proper, residence
quaiiiicauon, However.
In the city there wilt be two bal
lots and two balolt boxes, one for the
municipal ticket. ' There will be but
one polling place' for both tickets and
one election board In each precinct.
There will be no complications for
the voters, In the double ballot. All
tbey need to remember Is the loca
tion of the polling, place for the pre
cinct In which tbey are entitled to
vote. The election board will do the
Perry Leonard Anderson, nn em
ployee of C. J. Qnlgley. logging- con -
tractor for the Klamath Lumber com
jiany, was Instantly killed Saturday
wnen ne oecamo entangled In a cable
that waa being used to lower a truck
load of lumber down a steep Incline.
The truck belonged to Anderson
and he was afraid that the engine
cable used for the purpose of steady
ing tho same down th'e Incline would
not hold, so for extra safety he tied
another cable to the truck and then
wrapped It twice around a tree at the
top of the hill. While holding the
cable In his hands hU foot became
entangled In a kink and In his ex
citement bo let go of tho cable. Tho
result was that tho truck started
down the Incline with a rush and he
waa thrown bodily against the tree,
striking the base of his skull. Death
was almost Instantaneous.
Anderson leaves a wife and small
child who lived with him at the Mc
cormick ranch on the Upper Kla-
asalh Lake and where the accident
happened. Paaeral arrangements are
Ueld pending the arrival of some
rela'tlvcs. Deceased was born at New
Haven, Connecticut, and waa of
Swedish decent,
Mrs. Anderson and baby are stay
ing temporarily at the home of Mrs.
L. I'. Montgomery at U27 Grant
In the May primary election much
coniaaioa was catiaed and a resal-of-flclal
count waa impossible okag to
tho action of many election boards
locklBg.up the tally heet-seat out
for semi-official, retarna 'In the bal
lot boxes. It was impossible to get
at it until the official canvassing
Loard opened the boxes, when it was
of course of no value as the offi
cial returns were available.
Election boards this time should
be cautious. An envelope Is furnish
ed for the semi-official statement,
which is to be returned lu the enve
lope on the outside of tho ballot box
and not locked in it. A careful- per
usal of Instructions to the boards
will make clear to unonu how the re
turns ure to be handled.
City Finally
Collect Fine
From H. W. Poole
It took the city of Klamath Falls
u year und u halt to gut $25 out of
Harry l'oole, local theatre man, but
a long legal battle, In which briefs
end citations of authorities nourly
a voluminous as those tn tin court
house case, were filed, eam,e to a los
ing close when Judge KuUeudall dU?
missed the appeal in tho casb of tho
city ugalnst I'oolo und Hurry,
through his attorney, paid JJ5 Into
the coffers of the city. , '
The tine was levied for ulleged vio
lation of the .traffic ordinance,. In
other words "speeding." Mr. Poole
stood upon principle and deoiuuded a
Jury trial. He wanted a drawn jury.
The police court had no Ji.ry list and
offered, blm a jury summoned by the
police chief. Defendant would not ac
cept a Jury summoned by the arrest
ing department. The court thereupon
found him gultty'and levUd tho fine.
Urn appealed to tl.e circuit
fourt on, tnB ,lMUe , u
denied a Jury trial.
court on the Issue that ho brd
Which A million dollnn for roads
MT ueUUr COirthoiasj,
To be held up at the point of
gun on a lonely tnottntafn road with ,
nothing but the bluo canopy of bmv
en overhead And the yawning cham
of the mountain pass below and no .,
human being within miles around ta
not a pleasant experience that la, -It
la not of the nature of aentattoa
you would expect to experience at M
Ice cream social orr a housewarmlag
party for the newly wedded paater.
Such, however, Is what happened to
Miss Blanche Warren, assistant eaafc''
ler in the savlnga departments of tie
First Slate A Savings bank of thbi
city, last Wednesday evening white
driving alone In a Paige car from her
home at Uly to Klamath Palla.
Talking with a Horald reporter7
this mnrnlns nt th hhM.
up. Miss Warren showed yfelbls" f-
fe'ets of the thrilling experience. She
said she was driving slowly along th
' - oP of a mountain road near
Smith ranch about 4f mile west' of
this city and was just approschla'g
the descent of a hill when it man
stepped from behind a car that waa
standing on the side of the road. Ho -'
stepped blisUr to ttM Mao ot attC fJk '
pointed a pistol Into her face and
commanded her to stop. ""
"You and your partner can get oat.
here" said the bandit, who evIdeaUy
thought there was another person 1st
the car. When he dlsoevered that ,
Miss Warren was alone he said:
"Well, slide over and let me take
that wheel. We will go to Ktaaaatb.
Falls or Lakevlew, whichever yea1-'
"But this Is a real car" replies '
Miss Warren, "maybe you coat
handle the gears. This- Is low" she
said as she put the ear In low (tao '
engine was still rnaamg) "and thta
Is intermediate" and then she step- .
ped on the gas. The car larehisl'
forward with such a jolt that Mr. '.
Would-be-Holdup nan was throws'
from the running board and Msst
Warren tore down the hill Just a HI- '
tie bit faster than anyone else proeW
ably' ever came down before.
The mam had a black slough hat afd
a heavy grewth: of black heard, ac
cording to Miss, Warren. His ear
looked like a Dodge and had eirealar
window lights In the rear cartas.
Miss Warren say that she heard a
shot as she started down, the , hill,
bat no trace of a bullet was feu ad
any place oa the car.
Park Bro?Pmmp v
Plant Destroyed
The pumping plsat of th Park
Bros., Lumber company, at 'Dairy,
turned to the ground last might, ea
taillng a loss ot $500. Newm'achlaerp
was rushed out from this city today
and the plant will be in operatic
tomorrow. Numerous report were la
circulation that the entire plant had
burned but these reports were er
roneous.' The fire started from, gasoline va
por that came tn contact 'with a
lighted lantern, causing an explosion
that Ignited the' entire battdlng lata
r. ffamlng mass. No damage oey
cured outsldo ot the pumjilng plant.
Ask $50 a Month j
Temporary Alimony,
Sylvia Hughes, at present nwnlMag
the outcome ot her application for
divorce; has filed an appeal aajtlas
for an order from Judge Kyksjidal'"
requiring V. C. Hughes, her hnshaad.
io pay sou a monin temporary, iau
money during the pendency of, th
trial, also to pay the costs ot
torney's fees and cost o( sult.i
Wlest Is her attorney.
er at-
JW. A.
The Klks lodge have mudearrange- -
rangements to receive eleftlon rsbjt.'
turns at the local temple tomorrow '
night. The Western union will' In
stall a special set. In the fClka head
quarters tor handling the service. v
The. service ia for herabera only
and all are urged to juke use of' It.
Returns are expectea to' start about
6 .o'clock, when counting will be weH
underway In the Atlantic centers. r
Klamath, Hdw. Co.
File Suit for BUI
The Klamath Hardware Co.,"
through their attorney, W. H. Bn
ner, has filed notice of suit against
B. J.' Jenkins for alleged moa pay
ment of a hardware bill otTl,10,
Th cam' waa filed In the office 'T
th clerk, or th etrcaKcoarv
if I
t VI
I ,
'jr Si
,. r k
i.tyfr , yv w-ifcsj
-.- yo'i