The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 30, 1920, Automobile Section, Page PAGE TWO, Image 6

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SATtmSAT, OOlpWtB M, 1M9.
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touring car it now in its sixth year at a ruushed exam
ple of sane and conservative motor car design, with a
record of consistent transportation economy.
I , Its' motor, txxjky design, upholstery, control and
general appearance make it the ideal motor
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For Trucks
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It It announced by sonm porton
who hu Uken much palna to veri
fy hla conclusions that twice as many
passenger are carried by the om
nipresent motor car aa are convoyed
by the American rallroada. The state
ment appllea only to motor car traf
fic Ib the United States and to paa-
eater carryiag vehicles. No account
U Ukea of the Iuhn aumbor of
track that coavey both freight ud
passeagers, with vastly greater free
dom thaa might tralaa etcr have
done oa American rallroada
Although the present year haa been
one ot Imamnse eipaatloa In the au
tomobile trade of the United Btates,
there la reaaoa to believe that an
other year will eiceed even tbla sea
aoa'a banner record. With every fam
ily aspiring to own at least one au
tomobile, and with nobody giving up
a car. oaca acquired, unless to buy
another, the day la faat approaching
Maaen no ramuy can airora not own
an automobile, for the car will be
regarded aa much a part of the
household equipment aa the treading
lamp, the beds and the kitchen sink.
Indeed, the recent census of South
Dakota showed automobllea to be
more numerous la that state than
bathtubs, which at least affords a
asm of valuation of the popular de
and for hatklag, aa compered with
. Aa to why the automobile la rap
idly becoming' a prim aeeaaslty of
life la America la a problem so aim
pie that aay child can. solve It. The
automobile offer the bast solution
yet found or evolved for the trans
portation difficulties ot the Amerl
eaa Individual or family. It plaeee
.within the roach ot the city man aa
opportunity to get out Into the fresh
air of the eenatry, to learn to know
ot only tho beauties and advan
tage, aa well aa tho geography, of
kts own city, but tke topography and
ftkarma of tke aurroaadlag country,
ks wall. It bring tke farmer into
fhtlmate teach with tke Ufa at tke
Aty aad town, and the dreaded wo
latloa of rural life, quicken ,. tho
OuU ot business In town and city
pthrough speeding up tommunleatlea
tetweea buyer and seller, aad makes
Ike conditions of life la city aad
pantry Infinitely mora endurable.
Bat tke material Waoflta ot tke
AwtomeMle. wkJck keve boea reeog-
fcwod for year with latroaJaog defra
Jteaesa. are merely tributary aad ub-
oraiaai 10 taa moat important or
all resulU wkltk tke motor ear kaa
knuW I nua la ImHm Tti la
The Monkey Wrench
Should Bm Vttd OtUn
It tho owner drives his car con
stantly It will bo nnv oxcollont thing
for htm to use his monkcy-wronoh
now1 and then, says American Mo
torist. Hspaclslly with a now car It Is' riot
a bad 'plan to go over nuts and bolts
occasionally. Kven the'tlkbstest nut
will be more or less affoctod by con
stant vibration and a loose bolt
should be tlghteaed, since the play
to which the looseness gives rise may
result In the aecesslty for alUr re
pair. Aa the ear grow a little
older the bolt aad nuts' settle aad
there la less occaaloa for tightening.
Tke foregoing advice appllea with
particular force to spring dip, a
Bulling ud of the nuts ot which will
take but a few minutes of the oper-1
ator's time about once a month,
keeping the springs properly seated
and adding much to the sense of sa
curlty that la enjoyed by the man
who. looks after things and hnows
that they have been attended to.
Romatlmea it happens that the mo
torist la uaable to keep the nuts
fastening the bolls absolutely tight.
Try aa he may, the nut will come
loose again. If a lockwaaher cannot
be applied, a good remedy la to put a
drop of Bolder on the thread of the
nut, or In the absence of oslder, a
title paint or varnlsk will set the
nut tight and prevent it from be
tomlag loose again.
Herm Proper Way
To Clean Cylinderi
Wkea tk cylinder kead of motor
la tfetacked for tke purpose ot remov
ing tke earboa deposit it .will ho ao
tleed that during the preeoaa ot
scraplag the plstoa,.tc., the tapped
hole oa tke top of tke cylinder cast
lag aeon get full of oily earboa,
water, etc., cautla'g trouble to re
move whoa It I decided to Insert
tho hetdlag dowa aat screw, writes
R. O. Alloa la tke current lasuo ot
tke American Motorist. To obviate
tkla I.kav need short screw wlth-rovery nlgfct.
Klamath county roads, north of
Klamath rail are not speedway aa
everybody hnows, but Hose Malay
and l-uke Walker,, well-known stock
men, us them aa If every day waa
Thaaksgtviag and tkey were Baata
kfoalca boulevards,
Both men own air cooled '
lm can aad claim that thU male
win oever mere territory wltk great
aVoaflo aid comfort to It occupants
In lea time and at a lata cost aer
mile thaa aay other car built. t
la proof of which aasertloa Mr.
Mnley point to hi running time,
claimed to be the record, between
her aad Bead, HI mile, la at
hours tut. II made this drlv oa
Sunday, October Id, laat, aad hla
gasoline mileage waa more than It
mile to tha galloa.
Mr. Walker claim tke record
from Klamath ralla to Bly la one
hour aad Si minutes and from Bly
to Lakovlew la oae kour aad It min
utes. A skeptical reporter aaked M4. Dun
ham, local nraaklla dealer. If
didn't taluk t the rraaklla owaata
were atiwtckwg a polat or two la
claiming tkeee remarkable record.
Mr. Dnakam aald ke waa eertaja
Lthat tke perfenaranoes war autkea-
tie aad declared tkat ke k4 klmatK
driven a rraaklla to Rock Creek fa
T natnatMito Lake O'lke Wood la
two aoura aad to tke Klamath agency
ra oae keof aad II aslant. II aald
bo had aever hoard of a water coal
ed oar oqualliag aay of tke rraak
lla record. ;
"Wklek bring a to aaetfcer patat"
aald Mr. Duakam. "Waco Mnley
aad Walker war la roceatly some
oae stated tkat tke cold aeaeoa waa
coming oa aad tkat It waa a aaataaoa
A A. Jut. h .JI.IHaJ hi
m aaiiv iv anus mw iwain m
out bead' on kut wltk aeerewdrfve ftlMlkeT pre:
slot cat la tkem. aad aerew ttkf"da,Wky
flaek wit ktka top, of tka cyllader
oaatlag before Kraplag oparatlons
are eemmeatid After Ua deeerbaa-
Uiag I completed the, grub screw
eaa' be removed, when hole will be
found to be free from dirt.
daa't yea owa naakkTM
aad I do. We're jot
dralawg radlatonX
m r
ot tha city aad country, tha state and
the nail'oa. Into oae vast e'mavvalty
of mutual nn'ddratandlng and roe
pcet aa4 latcrreUted kalpfulaeaa. It
kaa ottoaded tk frieadllnea f tk
aoajkhorkood to the aatlea a a
whet aad givea a bow charm 'to Ik
tar of tk ooen read kr llberatlac
0, people from the shackle of local'J.t, and creosoted wood block. '4.1.
aarfiswaees?. ' finlHemt'ttyq-ii ttH.foihct;.
Ilka Matey
betkered wKk
Mguree aaaonaced by tha Uaaala
highway asaoelatloa show thatl?
per cent of the llll mile of -t
Llacola highway are paved or at
Uamisetl. Tk mileage of dlMeral
typo of sarfaHag aro aa follew:
Bltumlaoua macadam, 411.1: gga
erete, 117: krick, 117.1: maaatjip.
171: asphalt. 10.;; graaiu Mask.
p . .
j' They contain more rubber than the regular type
solid tires
Have 15 to 20 per cent more traction
;. They ride better, because' of cushion design
Provide 300 per cent more heat radiation, causing
less deterioration of the rubber.
J -s
We hUve said that many times before, but we think it
willjiear repeating.
For there is more in the statement than appears on the
If reputation counts; if experience counts; if sound
engineering in. the past is a fair indication of sound
engineering in the, present product;
If, in a word, the original of anything must be better
than any copy, then it is important that you know this
Keo " Speed-Wagon " was the original both of its type
and of its title.
Reo was the first to prove the superiority of the pneumatic-tired
motor truck. Reo was the first to make ex
haustive experiments along this line and as a result
of the lessons then learned, to make and offer for sale
a pneumatic tired truck.
That first Reo was also equipped with electric starter
and ejectric lights a thing unheard of up to that time.
And that Reo motor truck was designated in our ad
vertisements a " Speed-Wagon:"
As a result of the wonderful performance of that Reo
type of motor truck there are now more than 32,000
of them in use. And the demand has always exceeded
. the possible supply, of Reos.
Naturifcjly imitators 'are springing up everywhere.'
So we warn that, "If it isn't a Reo it isn't a 'Speed-.
Acme Motor Co.
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