TTJK" ""'I ii Evening Herald . Fourteenth Year -No. 4063. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1920. Price Five Cent ' HOMELY SPUD HIS NEW USE MOUNTS And now cornim thn homely 'spud.' tba common or garden variety Irish potato, a a substitute for Ibo many preparation rocomnwmdoti for knon In tho windshield of the autornobllo clear In rainy or foggy wentbnr. Tho enthusiastic supporter of what muat be termed the 'pud motbod' of keep tag tho wlndihleld clear am no laai perona thai Jatnei V. Curloy of tba Choater N. Weaver oompany, distrib uter of Btudebakor automobile and Day-Klder truck and1 Thomaa L. Laiigblln, Wei tern luperlntendeat of service for tho Htudebaker corpora Uon. "Don't tell in about these now tangled chemical compositions for keeping the windshield clear on rainy dare," declare Curley and I-uhlln, who travel togother over many thouiandi of mile of all klndi of road In all klndi of weather every year. "All we do U to keep a nlr- freah and Juicy spud In the ear. When It rains we cut n allco off, rub It nvrr the wlndihleld and It kr-op It clear ai crystal." Viva la ponnnn (In Icrrol e IIKMOVIJMJ HCAI.i: Thl I tho tlnio or year when 1t U well to romemtinr the root! old moth od of loo.innlng seslo that tin formed PIKES PEAK The now Paige "fl-flfl" sovon pas enger itock model touring car with Italph Mulford at tho wheel, lait .week climbed I'lkea Peak, uilog tho cog railroad an It routo, n feat that baa never beforo been accomplished by an automobile ana wblch had been presumed to be Impossible. The extraordinary dltflcuttlea of the cog road climb lie In the fact that the car waa opt obliged to run on the tie and over treitlei, cat tie guard, cog awitchea and rocks, but waa forced aa.well to conquer a grade thai in aome aectlon mounted a high aa 15. The climb la 'de clared to be the hlgheit, ateepeat ahd moil, difficult ever made by an automobile. oN other cog road In the world I half o high and no oth er vehicle, except a ipoclnlly built Ilaldwln co locomotive, had ever mounted this road. Even flon-of-a-J T MP IN By GIRL Oun hill, nearly a two-mllo itretch of 2& grade, was mnilo with oae. The dtstanco covered wa nine mile and tho start waa mnilo from Manltou at an altitude of CtOO feat. A tho altitude at tho top I- 14,190 the Paige hnd to climb nearly 9001 feet a mile, with on avorugo grade of f6 95. At no point In tho nlno-mllo climb In tho grndo lei than 714! four of tho nine mile arc 25; In the cooling system, Hlx pound of thrco nnrt ohe-elght" between 20' to wasning od unsolved in rive gal 2S por cont. The longoat r Ion of boiling water I the correct formula. Pour this solution In the cooling system n'nd allow It to re main for a day, Hum drain and tluih the ytem out with clean wator and refill. VHK FOR MPI.IT WAHUKRM Where crown bura and cotter pin are not aupplleil In motor car con atructlon good, well tempered pllt washer may bq placed under tho "head of bolt to koep them from rattling iwe. v pull' 25 per cent I n mile and three- quarter at 13,000 feet. Added to tho difficulty was he decrealng depression u tho altitude mounted to 14,000 feet. Tho bardcit stretch I the lat half mile of 25 to SS per cent grade at H,000 feet. A auroral topa were made to take moving picture and "Mill"' photo graph no attempt wai made to take the tlmo. In addition to the atop for picture the' Palgo wa, obliged (Contlaaed on Para.ll). i i In a competition that centered thought ot more than 200,000 high school atudente, their relative aad frlenda, upon good roada, 16-year-old Flournoy Hutlerfleld, Welser. Idaho, won the Harvey 8. Firestone unlveralty acholarahlp for the beat eaaay written In the Ship by Track Good Roada essay con teat recently concluded School children from every atate In the Union competed under the aa- pervlslon of educational mutborltlea, Commissioner of Education P. P. Claxton appointed the committee that Judged the eaiaya from among Washington official. " ' From one of the amalleat high achool In the west, wboro she always naa lived, Miss Huttorflold cornea forth a one of the best Informed young perion In the country', on highway tramportatlon problem,' ac cording to tho contcat Judge. AI moit n quarter of a million ' high ichool pupil from tho metropolitan center and rural sections ot the United Htatc competed with her In writing a COO word essay on good road and motor tramportatlon. For her efforta alio recclvea a four year' acholarahlp In any collego or univer sity ho chuoic to attend. Tho conteit and prlxo waa an nounced during National Ship by Truck Good lloada Week laat May and part of Mr, Firestone's contri bution to It luccea. 8o great waa the Intercut arouied by thla, effort to turn the thougbta ot thousand of young people to one of the na tlon'a greatest problem that motor companlea, newspapers, magailae publishers and automotive ' associa tions gave hundreds of city and tale prizes. , In commenting on the nationwide Fl NUT THE OLD HORSE J. W. Moorman, road contractor, has been using a Fordioa 'tractor with amailng results on' the dlena road plow and find that it ismrfeh been using the tractor to pnll a large roa dplow and flnda that It la, aeh more economical than the old way of working wtlh horses, bealdea telng very much faster. ,Mr. Moorman la 'iommeaUag to a Herald reported on the efficiency of the Fordsoa said "the beautiful fea ture about working with, a tractor la! that it la easier to hire men to drive tractor than to hire "male skinners" and In these days of labor aearctty that la aa Item we can't af ford to overlook." ! Mr. Danner of the Danner-Patty Motor Co., of thla city, report Out they havo two Fordsons loading aad bunching toga for Stelger'a mill aad for J. O. OoldthwalU, of the, Mod Lumbar Co. The werk: Is being so well b&ndlod by the tractors and sov oral of the local mills havo express ed a desire to try. thereout on tkelr properties. It Is 6x ported that by noxt spring all ot the mills' in this vicinity will be aslng the Fordaon. acope of the contest, Mr. Firestone, who Is a prominent tire manufactur er, said: '"It was with tho hope ot Inspiring the men and women ot tomorrow to give thought to ono of our greatest national problem) that I offered (lie acholarihlD. Thn result llvnd un ;i fay highest expectations. 'it ough-, to give great impetus to the good roads movement." . In winning .the -scholarship. Mls tlutterflold realltes.thW dream of hor life four years In colloge. 8h? has chosen to spend one year at a well known girls' school on tho lludrou Btjar New York city. Shi then plan ie spier aa eastern univimir lor re year. . --, HFiRNEFieST TO ENTER RICE U3 'ANGELES; Cat., 'Oct. 30. Eddie Hoarno, n veteran ot every speedway, road and'dlrt track of the country., hero, of a .thousand "Pun kla "Center" affairs and of scores of great national apeed contests as, well. was the first to send' aa official en try blank ,1a to tba po -iageles speeaway association ror toe coming Thaaksglvlag day 'classic oa tka Bev erly Hills bowl. Hearne last year held the title of national champloa, land although he haa not succeeded ,ln placing himself in Una for thla honor again thla sea son, kM followers aUte that the fa mous Eddie expects to "show them all" In this the final race of the year. The car Hearne will pilot la the big race will bo a Revere Special, powered bjr a four-ejndfr DszOj berg raptor v Jimmy Marshy, holder of h re ord of lOJ.g miles an hoar average tor 250 -nllee, estabUsaod la tba In itial race at tho Los Angeles speed plant, ripped off SO laps at better than 104 miles per hour the other afternoon, which shows he baa -not forgotten the "how" ot it oa the Beverly track. - f T. Repainting Car J Not Simple Job Carriage painting is not an easy Job to bo undertaken by the layman. To repaint a, car and do It' properly require experlencojand care, and not merely one but a number of coats of paint. 8o unleas the motorist, baa .a goodly store ot patience the Job and better be undertaken by a painter of skill and experience. m Henri Fornler, a Frenchman brought the first bicycle motor to thla country la 1899. , ,. ... Ti SPECIAL IHNJ WINS PRAISE r-' . ; "Oar Reo "apeed wagon la one of the finest things we have arohaa oar. esUbllskawat," 'said Ed. VasA nice, manager of the Golden Rate, yesterday Ja speaklag of tho newide Uvery wagon they have recently pur chassd.'"lB fact, we.slmply could not get afoag without It. 'it Is Just chock full of pep and we can pile oa up to t toas oa li if we want to. It dl aba the Klamath hills as If they weren't tners at all. It la a sptendld track' for quick work." J Tho Lorens Plumbing company have also lately laatalled a Reo speed wagoa la thslr baslaeas aad Mr. Lor ens speaks la term of highest pralsn for It. This company la eagaged hi a baslaeaa that callaufor plenty of both short aad loag- trips oa 'tho shortest kotlem. They make trips lata tho eoaatrr wU their Reo aad also do aH taetr owanrlps with it. Ther Shy thoy woaM hsi lost without it H ""Tho AsaKotor Co., of KlamaU Fall; whoso ad appoars la this issao of Tho HeraM. ro'dltributors of tho Koo speed vagoa. ( " Ruwty Clamp Will ,. Makm Clutch Grab jr M If the .sliding member of the clutch Is rusty It will give tho ef fect ofgrabbltng. The rusted por tion will prevent the clutch'a en gaging, gradually holding for a frac tion of a,awad and thus fonalhg a 'quick engagement. The operator ofien believes that the .trouble) (la dao io-foir facing or worn engag ing members. .Hi - WaTeiAi'l' aiderirUtL W. statloaa for motor vehicle have boo in operation In Europe ror mora than ten years. They aro foand la Ber lin, Paris aad Rom. .The avirags capacity jot the subway gkrage- lis aoocirs. . .IJ M v' - r Jf Ift wt - f J.--t -V tt Pi -.. Dunham Auto Company Sixth and Oak Stret AUTOMOBILES A 4& WW- w FRANKLIN Touring $3,100 Four-Passenger Roadster'' $3,000 Two-Passenger Roadster $2-900 r STUDEBAKER .. .4r iU j .. ,,bttJ- Big Six $2,535 f. --'. 1 . V B-K-l Special Six :.............;...,. $2,100 Light Six ...:. .'::......... A. $1,750 -- THEY HAVE MADE REDUCTIONS IN PRICE. YOU ARE SAFE IN PURCHASING THESE CARS AT THIS TIME - STERLING TRUCKS REPUBLIC TRUCKS 5-Ton $6,550 7i-Ton $7,154 STERLING is the master truck of the world to day. It is heavier for its capacity, has bigger motor, more power and will out-pull any truck bujlt in the .. -world It-is-the finest built and sturdiest truck manu- factured, and gives better service. i . 1-Ton $1,825 U-Ton $2,495 2iTon $3,135 3i-Ton .V. $4,320 REPUBLIC leads all in number of trucks sold in the world, the United States and in every state" in' the Union, and has a superior parts service. Ask us to Prove Statements Tf" rilX3KEill t. 5"