The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 30, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    ',iIJ TURRR
Letters From
The People
Klamath Pall, Ore.,
Oct. 19, 1910.
T the Editor,
Kvenlng Herald, ''
In your Imum of October 87, 1920,
you pabllahnd a letter of Hon Hob
ert II. llunnell, County Judgo, and
ono from B. II, Illihop, dUtrlot ong
Inoor for thn highway commission.
Judge llunnell attempt to Justify thn
placing of tho Klamath Kulls-Morrlll
highway no that It passe the roil
deneo of himself, Commissioner
Kordycn and Hhort niut John Dixon,
at wnll a onn of tlm brother of
Commissioner Hhort tt thn expense
of 1 Yt mltoM additional distance nnd
ono mllo of addltlonut highway to
be constructed.
Hy referring to thn map that wn
published In Tin. Herald, It will bo
aeon that It li Juit onn and onn half
mile -further front' the 'turn'-offat
(loo. Khehalt' place to thn Junction
with tho l.akevlw highway than It
would hnvo been had thn highway
followed tho Modoc Northern aurvoy
Into Klnmnth mi. Tho dUUnco
from tho Khnhalt turn-off to thn
macadam road paaalng by the old
alaughlor house In Just onn miln
hortr than It la from that turn-off
to thn I.nkovlew highway. Iljr placing
tho road on thn Modoj Northern eur
Vty thn county would ham saved ono
and onn-hnlf mlln In distance of tra
y and Juit ono mllo In road con
struction. '
Doth Judgn lluntinll and Mr,
Illihop (and wo have duo roped for
Mr. Illihop a we feol that bn U
fair minded man) attempt to lay the
blame for thin great Injustice to the
cltltens and lax payer at thn dior
of Mr. Wtthycombo. When onn re
fer to the map of lint highway, how
oyer, hn think that If Mr. Withy
combe did locate tho highway whom
It pnMM thn residence of thn coun
ty Judgn and the county commlslon
era and their relative, ho mutt have
been ovorpeniuadcd to make thl
wrong location by some onn. The
question arises- Who I thl Mine
ime? and thn answer U found by
looking at the mnp that wa publish
ed u few day ago. One would nat
urally upoiin that the one who are
responsible tor thU miscarriage of
Justice weru thn public official who
were fcutherlng their own neit at
the expense of thn iltlin or thli
county, Judgn llunnell and Commit
aloner Hhort and Kordycn reaped
the benefit from thin thing and thern
can be no doubt but 'that they 'were
tho one who controlled the location
of tho hlghwny when It I. No ono
In hi right mind could think for onn
moment that Judgn llunnoll and
Commissioners Short and Fordycn
were not rcponilbln.
They (Judge llunnell and
Bishop) attempt to Justify the
pnrturn from n straight linn at
Merrill ranch north of Merrill
aaylng they crooked thn road In or
dnr to follow thn clmtar road nnd tn
croR a, bridge. If thl wern thn only
place whore thn highway I made
"crooked to nerve thn friend of the
county court thl argument might
atnnd ithn waiH, but such 1 not tho
cano, Tho highway I mado crooknd
at othor place n tunny renders
know, and ut every plnco whore tho
road I located crooked Instead of
atralght onn find Home boom
friend of tho county court I thn ben
eficiary and that ho I working for
tho proiont county court with might
and main.
Judge llunnoll aya that the five
farmer whoso ranches are ruined by
the highway are and were alway
hi political enomloi. It I well
known, however, that two year ago
Mr. Khehalt and Mt. Curtln were
aupportlng him, filnco onn of them
partlo heard Judgn llunnell lell Hob
Choyne that Choyno 'would take any
damn thing that Judge llunnoll itw
fit to give him' they both turnod
again! him. They feel that tho
onn who occuple thn great offlco
of county Judgo nho'ild bo above thin
form of roughnocklsm nnd Hilling
gntn. It savors too much of thn
ruin Inaugurated by the Russian bol
hovlkl where tho public official
compel obedience to their will by
tho un of thn knout and thn gnl
low. Thl I a republic and thorn
I no olacn In It tuat ruin for men
who aro.those mothodi iojcowandJnW "! ruined them
tlnildato those who are unwilling to
bend to their will and caprice. That
Judgn llunnell did ay tho above
word to Mr. Choynn I proven by
thn fact hn nnvor even attempted to
Justify or deny the charge to that
offect contained In tho Matney Jot
Mr. Illihop, throughout thn course
of hi long falter, did not deny that
he condemned; tho Klamath rail
Merrill highway and tinted to hi u-
porlora that thl volcanic and would
never makn a road. Nearly everyone
who travel over It today believes
that It will he another monumental
failure to be laid at tho door of the
present county court.
Judgo llunnoll ha not yet answer
rd tho questien: "Why did the coun
ty court pay thn Hhort estate $1400
for three acre of dry land for right
of way when It offerod only f ISO per
aero for-tho Irrigated land of Choy
ne, Curtln, Khehalt, Ilamakcr, Hen
ley, Itowman, which w needed to
alfalfa and othor crops T I presume
that thn atalo highway did thl too,
Then, too, maybo Mr Illihop will
auurno the reiponilhlllty for thl
fct a he attompted to throw thn bur
den of the hlghwny location upon
poor Mr WhltycomhV ihoulder.
Another thing the voter ihould
remember on November 2, 1920, li
the fact Judgo Bunnell nnd the coun
ty court have mado a complete fall
urn of tholr road program from
which we all expected o much
They hnvn attempted to pay out the
fund derived from tho ale of the
bond voted by thj people of thl
county June 3, 191), in a way that
I wholly unlawful. They have at
tempted to una them bond fund on
a co-operatlvn road when a school
boy would havo known that thl wa
prohibited by our statutory law. Sec
tion 13, of Chaptor 10S, of thn Law
of Oregon for 1913 under which
chapter those bond were voted nnd
limed, read a follew: '
"All money rained under the
prnvlalon of thin act shall bn
ued In' constructing pormanont
public road In thnt county.
and uch export aolUnt a
thoy may employ."
la there n citizen in Klamath' coun
ty, outaldn or tho prcnont county
court, who would contend that thl
authorize tho county court to upend
theee bond fund on a co-operative
road, being built under the exclusive
Jurisdiction of the state highway
I am In favor of girdling Klamath
county with good road and I believe
that every dollar pent to that end la
well apent. Rut I will make thla pre
diction at thl time: If Judge Dun
noil and Mr. Hhort arc re-elected No
vember 2, 1920, the road program of
Klamath county will utterly fall. Haa
not the highway commlialon already
rofuaod to ppon bid or award con
tract on two auction or now high
way because or tho muddle In which
tho county court hn placed them.
Judgo llunnoll refers to the Modoc
railroad. Tbero I no such thing a
thn Modoc rnllroad. All thero I, I
a urvoy which wa mado more than
10 year ngo without any action be
ing taken looking to tho construction
of the road, Thn highway ha cut
orre of the boat farmi In tho county
It left the beat
road In the valley' In "strike" "out
through alfalfa field. All that
would havo been required to make
a pike of the old highway .wa a lit
tle gravol. Look at tho amount of
work on thla 'aandy way.' Thla la
only a trunk road rnd wa never
meant to accomodate the farmer but
only the tourist and expensive au
tomobile owner. It I being made
to aatlify tho whim and prejudice
of the county court. If the road bad
to bo built straight, tnen why go by
tho ranebe of llunnell, Short, For
dyce etal. over hill and crook. A
horter and Mrnlghlrr road eould
have been made by following the Mo
doc survey. Why wit It not made
to follow RT Because the county
court wanted to feather his own neat
at the expense or the same over
burdened tax payer who are paying
these 125,000 lawyer bill.
Judge Runnell admitted that the
county had to furnish the right of
way. Thon why doc ho lay that the
county could not control the location
of the highway. Ho know that thj
I a misstatement made out of the
whole cloth.
In parting P would advise my
friend to elect a county Judge and
commissioner who nave the ability
and disposition to cope with the prob
lem. Including highway, that now
confront tho county court. Let'
have done with thl muddling of our
highway and hi Incompetence.
Your for highways and progress,
PARIS. Sept. 28. (Ry Mall)
A losscm to tourist too anxious to
take away with them souvenir of
tho battlefront ha Jus,t been given
by tho military authorities of Fort
Vaux at Verdun which has hitherto
been open to visitors to Verdun. A
few days ago a tourist took posses
sion, doubtless a a souvenir, of an
electric lamp bulb. He was Indis
creet enough to make -a flourish of
the bulb In a Verdun cafe. The mil
itary authorities confiscated the bulb
and then came tho order making tho
fort "out-of-bounds" to visitor.
------ - -------- -------- A A A A A A dn A A A A
The Port of Portland
If you owned a store you could hot make a big
success unless your business methods were as modern
as your competitors! Unless Oregon develops her
shipping facilities she cannot expect to get her share of
the world's business. It rests with the citizens of thjs
state whether Oregon shall develop her -wonderful re
sources and reach out for bigger markets, or remain
practically an inland state.
To become a real port, a 30-foot channel must be
dredged in the Columbia and Willamette rivers from
Portland to the Pacific ocean. This will enable farm-
state to reach the markets, of the -world at a lower
freight rate and greater profit to themselves.
The taxing and bonding power to make these im
provements can be granted the Port of Portland only
by the people of the state. ' You. and every other cit
izen will benefit if you. on November 2nd.
Vote 310 Yb on the Ballot, The Port of Portland, Dock
Commimon Connolidation Bill, -
Why We Are
Wilson S. Wiley
For Mayor
In our present stage of development a
trained mind is needed to solve the many
problems mat are hampering community
progress problems that until solved will
continue to hinder development in ever in
creasing proportion.
We know that Wileon S. Wiley possesses
the trained ability to deal with these prob
A man of vision, tact and integrity, is need- '
ed to lay the foundations in the present for
the city that is destined to be.
We know that Wileon 5. Wiley measures
up to the standards of the foregoing para
graphthat he is broad of mind, honest of
purpose and efficient of action.
We know of our own knowledge and after '
close investigation that Wileon S. Wiley U
tied by mo pledges, is the candidate.of ho
class, the friend of no faction, the' represen
tative of no interest except the best "in
terests of a united community.
We sincerely believe that Wileon 5. Wiley
is the logical man for a, difficult position
and we say this with no desire to belittle
the worth of his opponent. Put in the
present crisis something more than good
intentions are needed, even when backed'
by unimpeachable reputation.
After careful thought and thorough inves
tigation,' we believe it to be in the best in
terests of the whole people of Klamath
Falls that Wileon 5. Wiley be elected May-
0- - or on November 2, next, and we respect
fully urge that every qualified person vote
Wiley for Mayor
The Wiley (or Mayor
c FRED E, FLEET, Chairman.
(Paid Advertisement) ' ' '
L. W. Trimble, Secretary.
l .)
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L W k av v A. a A. A A A A- k g, a.