Another Courthouse or Another Schoolhouse Which ? illjg lEttgntng lteialii WWWMMVMWMMWy ','WlWiMiWWKWXWIWIWWWWI OFFICIAL I'APKH OF KliAMATII FALI ovnoiAii PATEn or KLAMATH COUNT Fourteenth Yr No. 4063. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1S30. Frit Fit. ONE PLEDGE BUNNELL MAO TABOOED TOPIC j Mr. Murphy prodlcts tlmt tho When It. II. Bunnell look omen ns,""1'' 7'" V'r"'.'' "V''!"" !0?r! jLOuntlUudg.-lwuooar g-ho-dld '" .'""' far-UlffiJirail Mt-lbn-llcUl so after n strenuous campaign. hf"l!d ' ",0,rt wnly fcr nflld, resulted In tin. recall of Judge Mar.!1'0 '" " 'ljd by having to Ion Hanks (overcount inritoiinl friendship fait by Fh i ... ii.- .. n,"y republicans for Honitor Cham Tho Issue, then u now, wmi tho ,(,ru v.0.-".O..r,,Ur.'.h,",U".'"' ',Mt ,,"',n "r1 Mr- 'M"r"'y "W " ctUn"". . . .1 , "ur,l"ll"", wtt "nlr "'.farmers i.n.1 himh..rin.m nro aroused contemplation. jnH ,,. l(lf)rn jyi)p (m, ,,,,,, of Judgo llunnnlt won elected upon forulgii wool, lumber linn other com tho pledgn that ho would finish tho) modules on Amolrra under tho free Hot Spring rourlhoimn Judge Hun, trade pulley of thu democratic ad null has nn nggroulvo personality I ministration. Ho called uttunllon When ho stand, upon tho ro.trum In Jin his .ponchos In nil part of inn Ibis campaign and sa, "I wiw elect county to tho freo tradu record of d two yean ago, pledged lo flnWh' Senator Chamberlain, and believe tbe Hot Springe rnurlhou!?. I hare' that ropl fully rcaSU. tha Deer. iloD tny best to rarry out Ihn man ally of backing tho Incrmlng repub data of tho majority who seated mn'llcan administration with a rcpubll and If 1 am ro-olocird I will fltiUli cmii senate, the Hot Spring, courthouse," ihn I word, flunic forth with all tint vlr lllty of tint randldntu'a physique nnd parsnnsllty backings thorn, rreat.i a strong linprelmi .No fair analysis' would deny that ikr spocch carrion a strung appeal. Hut Judco Bunnell forgei lo ox plain hU fallum to kep another pledgn ho m alio in thu former cam palm- that bo would atop tlw con atructlon of ihn Mnlu Mrret court house within tbrro da)s after 'lprjay Kay tt,0 "on' 'tho platform With four avrnurs open lo him In i making this promlu good two cer ism minimus, onn inui oui oi uit asi rpori iyp. ami on. as luinn as II aemnd feasible JudKo Hun ...... ,...." ...e ,-.. ,.,.... ,uv u .- lain ono I Ono certain ineun of slopping - work would hate (Hr. Ihr. of the architect. I. i: McLaren, tho .....vl.. ... The conu. lor. J. M l)...n. to Klamath Kail. I. to bo our horn.1 dar admit., and attorney, ad w should do ererythlng oomIMo to mil. that K tho county court had .lis w'" ' " "noyabte place In which charged their own agent. whoe cer 'I8' ' tlflcate was necns.sry to tho accept "An tu-servlcn man, I naturally aac of Ihn complnteJ contract. lou believe In an adequate police aya gats would have been c.impalled lo.iem with sufficient personnel to en abandon tha work k.I ouce. 'able our property and our lives to Another method, 'prsctlcally sure, be protected without fear of contra would hae been Ihi- tonder by the Ulctlou. county to Itougan of dauuges for tho ,.0r c,y , noil u,y ,0 nun. loaa au.lalned. Ina.much as no drcd of ,r,nicnl uborera ,nd start hsd been made Dougan could worknfmen( not counting hundreds not have callmed an exorbitant sum. of uborer, re,detJ, nerf), woum It la true that at the lino hi. .plans ncou Bnrpriie. providing for were laid and the llal ordered nr,proot toutlng ,na whoo. but by taking tho '"'' ' ' M8Id otori.lnmnt of the., people hands, and offerM Wr fl r. I non-proflteer cover the expenser incurred, a aei , . , . tlement must have hern reached. The courts would have enforced tho set tlement. . - ..!.. l. Ih. ttAirlnntn- Jodge Hunnell Is virile, aggrat.lve. a min of one Idea. Ho Is not ot tho compromising type. Thr only way past an obstacle tor Judge Ilunnell Is roughshod over and straight ahead. Ho seeks no roundabout path and giving him fair due, he acted on the advice of attorneys he plunged straight ahead. He souglil an Injunction. He failed to atop the work. Uougan. eipoctlng every day. ar?n,!.Cr tTeLVtKu Ing went up. Now the county court knows tho simplicity of the thing that would hnvo redeemed the pro tiilso. but thoy are not telling tholr campaign iiudlcnrvs anyining annw. It., A fourth plan ws possible, It has boon statod. JtuUo Ilunnell might havo hired agent, lo forcibly eject tha trospasaera upon the county pro party. Direct action but effective. Not as simple as either ot tho other practical courses but It should havti appealnd to Judgu HunnellV straight forward method of mooting n situa tion. Hut ho dopomlod upon tho Injunc tion and Ihn Injunction fulled. And tho voters of Klsmnth coun ty tho older residents know that he failed In keep hi" r-'"-go. The newer resldont. urn looming It. Judge Uunnell's buttery of orators would have hla nudlonced hollovo Hint Tha Herald has awi'.chod s'.des nn thu courthouse question for sinister nnd ulterior motives The Heiald In tho part fow daya has taken pains to laaek out somo of the partisans of tho Hot flprlngs courthouse In formor lections, .who hav changed their minds, and has met not from one or two men und womon, but a scorn tho ruason outlined above, that Judgu llunnoll fullal to keap his pro mises to (ho people' who elocted htm. Not nil aro ablo to give-a concise diagram of tho causos of falluro hut all aro agreed thut Judge Hun nell failed, and failed because hn chooso to fight stubbornly whon tho easy path of compromise lay opon In 'two directions. Wiser than Judgo llunnoll, these formor supporter are tlrod ot iflghtlng, They are fl,hters, too, but (Continued 'to Page 1) Finde Sentiment of County la Strongly C. O. P. John C. Murphy, iiltornoy, return on In Ihn city ymuurdiiy uf(nr a 12 duy' spunking trip through tlio county In thu lutorenth u( lliirdlng nml Coolldgo uiiil Hubert II. Htnn fluid fur United Htutos senator. i T Don J. Holding, cnndldatn for 'councilman In tho Fifth ward, to- llnrald a stutomctil of on which ho seeks election. Mr. Hetdlna: Is tied to nn exacting office Job. and has had no tm l0 ailvaneo his claims In per on mll tnr rllo wlnac statement outlln hla pelicy: ... m m rm Mi In clrle do . .,,.n.i., . "" " ".""""'.",,,,"' f'. ' children a p ayg ounds. '"' -nulpp-d schools, of a definite city plan for growth and expansion. '"; Tha statement ot ray opponent. Mr. Vollmer, that I am In league with the California-Oregon Power "PV w,dwh pec T;,,,0" nd Telegraph company, and Intend to assist them In securing advanced rates, la an utter falsehood. On the contrary. I am utterly opposed lo any advance In rates of either cor poratlon In this city. My connec ijon Wln tD0 Western Union aa Ita mftMer n,B been with the one thoulht of tMnK hv ,,00,,i0 of Kh t Mlctani tele ! U. and our tr.mendou. Increase In bus neaa baa In a way proven tha confidence of tho people ot Klamath Kails In the Western Union. Bithop Paddock Will Preach Sunday Bishop Ttobort K. PadCock, ot tho Kplacopal dlocose of eastern Ore gon, will hold son Ices tomorrow morning at 1 1 o'clock in the I. O. O. F. hall. Thu sermon mibject Is "What Has tho Kplscopul Church lo offor Klamath KnlUT" In the evening tho '.ilshnp will de liver ono ot his popular lectures on "What Is Wrong With the Church es?" taking thu uttltudo o often at tributed to "tho man In Ihn streot." Tho locturo is ralciiluleil to nppenl to those not ordinarily church goors and Is open to all, Last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Martin, thu Udles guild, husbands and trlonls, dlseunsod with Bishop Paddock progress of the now church campaign. It Is hoped to have tho building startod next spring. Mrt. Bunnell Will . Be Buried, Mt. Laki The burial of Mrs. Matilda Natxol Bunnell, mother of Judgo Hoot. II. Bunnell, wbo died at Oakland. Cnllf., on Oct,.J7th .will bo lit Ml, l.nlcl on Monday nttornoon, Nov. 1st nt 2 O'clock p. m. Judge llunnoll loft for Oakland yostordny morning to hi ing tho, re mains of his mother o Kianmtli county for burial. una TMN (KMTOHIAL) That Highway Injunction In n page advertisement In yester day's llnrnld, tho people urn warned shout thu "terrible dlkLstor" that tniiHt follow ns n result ol tho Inau nnco of tho Injunction ilopplnR the rond work. Thomln tbu atutoment In mnda that politic la back of It. Pol lil!LJnolJmckof JjuL rjiIltlcnJaJnllccL .thn. joad. work. thaL.they -atiijigp. offlclal-taga fronrMrrDrliiWJU It and It la the county court that put politics In It. Thu nttornoy for tho lltlffnntw auk I'd for u temporary rcntrnlnlnK or Our It was up lo Ihn county to lm utodlnlely mnko anawor In order to protoct tho riHhlK cf tho county and provont tho Injunction bclnjc made permanent. WTiy barcn'l thvsn men That Main The people of tho county must re member that If inn county court should abandon tho Main street pro perty, the county would lose the east half ot the block. Wo doubted this for a long time, and did not ac - cept this theory until yerterday. Hut, wo urn sure nnough In our belief tol say to our readers tuat tha east half or Hlock 3S will r.u lm-. to Ilattlo O, nrooks. These who havo horoto foro contended that tho tlllu wan safe In the county, placed their belief on a decision of the stito supremo court that reversionary conditions In a deed woro Invalid. In the deed from Qulncy A. Hrooks and. wife to Klamath county, Urn fol lowing condition was Incorporated" "That said county shall, within five years from this date, erect on , said premise a substantial county j courthouse nnd tcuio after W..n kn.l Milnlnl'i ii . I bouse upon said premises. Tol havo and to hold the said premises with their appurtenances unto said county of Klamath forever, subject to the above 'condition." Quit claim deeds have been se cured from all of ihe heirs except The Hot Springs Site So much baa be-:n sail about the Hot Hprlnga site, that j have Inves tigated what legal title the county has In It, and we bavo been unable to find a thing. Tho statement has been made lima and again that there la a deed In escrow for the property In the custody of tho r"list State and Havings bank, but tha president has stated that no such document Is there. In a word then Is nothing on record anywhere thai we can find that constitutes a legal contract be tween the' Klamath Development company and Klamath county, where by that company la now obligated to turn that properly over in caso tho Hot Springs building Is finished. Such a condition Is P'vor business on the part ot the county. Hut this negligence on the part ot Judge llunnoll and llurrcll Short does not load us to believe that tho K. D. company will not turn over tho property. We have sufficient confl- DONT HALF ..anCaanV CaVHsnHe&a. sWA Iie .anBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?!iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTa9 MmmmmmmWkVtokWWTH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbW- t LV I.HM3BIMr anaBBBBuStVaaf a ' ' who urn howling no much about tho "turrlbla dlmntor" nttunded to tholr duty nnd protected tha ilehta of tho people? Why haron't they stopped lonn cnounh In tholr mad canypalgn ot mlaroprcaontatlon ocd mlatato ment to have at least, tried to pro claiming U bolns; destroyed? They barn not done ono Jingle thing In (court to protect It. It U too good for campaign material. It la a fine thing to scare the people with, nut the people must now rcallto that If they woro sincere In their statements, Judgo Ilunnell and llurrcll Hhort would be acting as well as talking. Street Title Ilattlo C. Drooks, daughter of the donor, and she states her attorneys will bring suit for recovery of tho property Just aa soon an the alte Is abandoned for courthouse property, Kuch a case would bo tried In the United Mates .courts acd there Is a federal decision dlroctly upon this point, which If followed would give tho property to Mlsi. Urcoks. The goneral practice In federal courts Is to follow precedent and this would mean thu los of tho proporty to tho county. Kven If tho county won. It would only be after thu cavs bud been pais ed upon by tho United States su premo court, and If It costs $20,000 to take a case to Silcm, what would It cost to lako ona to Washington? '. .. ... I'crbaps tho prospects of such rich picking accounts tor the enthusiasm of some of the' legal friends of the mi. w ... fn .h. .AmnUtlAM a the Hot Springs courthouse. More lit (gallon means more expens; more lawyers; more tight wilt It ever end? The decision Is In your banIs, Mr. Voter. The election of Chastaln and t-eteraon will settle it. dence In the men who control the company to state that the property would be turned over If the building naa Deen or may be completed. Tnoe)to himself. In the Fourth C. C. men are not thieves. They are high, CoWlrl( neumbcnt. Is opposed by In the business world and they reach t ,Uwklng, under-sheriff ' and ed the pinnacle of success because d,puty tax collector. In the Fifth men had confidence in tasm. I B.i..i . ....-.. .... That U why we have stated before and repeat now that It Chastaln and Peterson aro elected tie Klamath Development company wIP. turn that property to the school district and that the county will get practically all of Ita money out ot It. It can't be argued by anyone that the company wilt deal fair ly with the county on the one hand and rob It on the other. While we have no commission to sj.eak tor the iMamam ueveiopmem company we have no reason to change, our origin al statement That the Hot Springs building will be sold to the school district and the money ured to build roads. DO THE JOB THE SENATE HAS OINT POWCIl THE MUSIDf NT IN THECONSIDf RATION OF TREATIES AND All FORIIflN RELATIONS YOU WANT A RIPU1LICAN ADMINISTRATION OONTIOMET A RMUtUCAM AMK4 ItTftATIOM CONSIST OP A RlPUftUCAN PRMIDfNY. fINATf, AND HOUlf OP MP.2- RlfKNTATtVfti. , Warden Saya Came Can Be Shipped; Permit Necettary J, II. Drlscoll, membei of tho stato fish and gamo commission, has been notified by the stat gamo warden, that permits may be Irsucd for ship ment of gamo out of Klamath coun ty, and also within the county. Hunters who desire to ship gamo may secure tags all shipments must or HI D. Stout, deputy game warden. Attention of hunters ll called to tho fact that the deer season closes tomorrow, and thereafter venison can only be kept In possession legal ly It properly tagged to show that It was secured before tho expiration of tho season. These tags may bo so cured from either Mr. Stout or 'Mr. Drlscoll. AS END HEARS Most ot tho fagots lighted under tho political pot In the past week bavo been placed mere oy partisans of tho county court controversy, either on ono aide or the other. The cracking ot tho flames thus created and tho steaming ot the court house broth has obscured tho fact that there aro other Ingredients In tho political stew. Nevertheless there are olher mcn ,n lho '"nlng for M.lkA. Afl.A. llAtM .I.W ...! A.n.V VIUC. W.....V, lU.U I., UU .M.., and their respective campaigns have been waged with vigor. The mayoralty contest leads In Interest in the municipal contests. Wilson 8. Wiley nnd W. T. Lee. op posing candidates, are pushing vig orous yet friendly campaigns. Their campaign tactlca ahow appreciation for the dignity ot the office to whlck they aspire, and each Is pledged, It defeated, to support the administration of the victor. In the First ward W. S. Conk ling it opposed by Paul Bogardus. In the Second It is a three-cornered race between J. if. aarrett. tne garage man; M. S. West ot the Big Lakes Box company, and Frank Miles, the sign painter. In the Third J. 'P. McCollum has tho field WMlern Unlon offIeet ,,.. against J. P. Vollmer, carpenter and builder. For tha county offices, besides judge and commissioner, there Is a keen contest between Oeorge Hum phrey, incumbent, and Lloyd Low for sheriff. W. M. Duncan, Incumbent, and C. , C. Brower are opposing candidates .(or the district attorneyship Ct R, DeLap. incumbent, and i Fr,nk w$ Sexton, lndependent can dldate. backed by the Good Gov ernment leagno, are rivals for the county clerkship. Other county officers sre unop posed, the Incumbents being candi dates tor re-election. In tho township which Includes Klamsth Kails, L. L. Gehagen Is the only candidate for Justice ot the peace. He was an Independent can didate at the May primary. I.KGIOX AUMMAKV UAXCK KI.KTTIO.V NIGHT Election night Is tue time set by the Woman's Auxiliary ot the Amer ican legion to stage their big dance for all ex-service men, their wives, mothers sweethearts and sisters. The dance will be held In the Odd rcl lows hall and there will be cards tor those not curing to dance. Returns from the olecllon will bt announced at Intorvau during the evening. " High School Glee Club Makes Big Hit at C.C. Dinner The mnsleal exhibition of the high school glee club aad orchestra at the chamber of commerce dinner isii Thursday evening was me suojec. ot unanimous praise by all who at tended the big affair. Mlaa Evelyn Applegate Is the instructor ior me club and Is getting wonderful re sults. The girls and boyr orcnesira which furnished tne music xor entire evening was a surprise to . at... naWteillBflv to the guests from outside of Klamath Falls, who had 0 idea that there was such musical organisation her. ILL MITES STRIVE BC BUS NESS MODS Ft IN SMALL DEAL! . Wh'jn, according to the -figara submlttcd by themselves and advo cates, tho present couaty court has saved to tho taxpayers of Klamatk county thousands upon thousand ot dollars, rscued the county fraam bankruptcy and given It f JOO.ett bank roll in two yean, It may aeeaa captious (o call attention to waaee of a paltry thousand or two. A wavp of the hand, one bom bastic bfeath of Mr. Marx ca doubtlcsa disprove the story of t high achool wiring, nevertheless, the Herald has investigated the matter with due cant and pretests the facts for what they are worth to prove that even great wliarda finance" have their eft days. " Lata last fall It was decided U chango the wiring In the county high school. If remembrance serves the fire chief had suggested the need. The county court set about the matter. A bid was received la writing from It. J. Sheets (the Link Blver Electric company) for f MM, approximately, for the job. This la verified by Mr. Sheet's statement. Tho court, however, rejected this bid and gave tbe Job to H. J. Mel lon, who at the time of the agree ment, December 20, 1919, conducted the Klamath Electric company on Fourth street. The agreement appears in the Journal of the commissioner, from which tbe Herald gleans these facts regarding It, Mellon agreed to do the work tor cost, plus 10 per cent profit. In other words. Melton had not the finances to carry out the contrast when he took It. The court ar ranged to buy the material aad pay 10 per cent above the coat of la atallatlon as Melton's profit. The payments were to be msde tram time to time up to January 19th, through tbe First National baak. and the warrant stubs show that they were paid at different periods, but ran along Into April. And they show also that the cast ot the wiring was $3,0(4.90. In cluding the salary ot E. O. Beau- champ as inspector. 9309.14. Aa Inspector would have been essen tial, .however, had Sheets got the contract at 91.300. so that la flaal analysis they psld 91.799.99 ceats for work that they had aa offer t do for 91.200. Incidentally the agreement be tween the court and Mellon provid ed that commoa labor waa to be employed In the 'work where possi ble at an avaace of 10 per cent .as the wages usually psld commoa labor. Here we strike the ecosoesy note. If tbe going wages for com mon, which means in general par lance unorganised labor, were 99. a day's wage, with 10 per cent ad vance would be $5.60. Organised electricians' pay Is 97 per day aad up, so that the county court was proceeding on a sound theory et economy, but unfortunately It did not work out efficiently in practice. These are the facta as far as the Horald knows them. There is a re port that Mellon waa a shrewder financier than even the county court members, snd that as a result ot the arrangement he was able to do sev eral profitable outside Jobs with surplus material that be generously ordered en the high school account. Eventually hla business methods, however, met with such general dis approval that his trade dwindled and he left tor California, leaving quite a trail ct financial woe In his wako. LKCTUHK TOMORROW KVK , AT PKK8UYTKRIAN CHURCH See the illustrated addresses Five Crisis la the Life of Christ" at the Presbyterian church tomor row night at 7:30. First of a series.' Illustrated -with colored steroptlcon slides. W1UOHT' IXHTKAD OF HMITsr In an, article In yesterday's Even ing Herald about the construction ot the Winters block, the name of' the architect was given as O. R. Smith. This was an error aad should have been O. R. Wright. s FIRK AT PKUCAlf HOTEL A tire that started la tbe Pelloaa hotel basement today at noon waa put out before any damage wsuU4, A fire alarm waa turned In, but tat). tire was out bofore the truck aW rlTad. s - -ad k .. -