iMoe THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pniDAV, obtonvn m, mm PERSONAL MENTION o Tell it with a Victrok IT TALKS 1 Ear Shepherd Co. l. Vhamt MM, t NEW TODAY i roitND A coov of chickens .near WJblU Pelican Hotel. Call a( HUB- at grocery. j i FOR HAMCPueblo saddle, large I site, rrailar model. JOS ina Hi. ,...-. . fcttJ Tbo Jackson County Creamery, Medford, Oregon, la making fresh drape Older dally. I-1 POH KENT Two sleeping room. 3SG Ho. alb BL 29-J0 IlROTKHIl AMD. SIBTHR desire fur Churl. Cnmptmll, millwright for (hn Will to Plnn f.iioil.... ............... will Idiivii Monday momlng with til family for California wlmrn thoy will (ip.iiHl tli (i wlntnr. C. T. IMrluy, county rnglnoor, loft mm morning ror Huiom In bohalf of tht Iwtngcll valley Irrigation district. He will hco about getting bonds for thn work certified and will return Monday, I Mr. H, C. Uunm, who ban been (hero visiting her aon, W. H. Umtn land daUKhlar. Mian K.lllh lj,mm Modoc Point, loft this morning for tA)n Angoliwi, Howard Van Valknngburg an old tltiio noilirint of Klamath county, loft thin morning for IO Angeles whern ho ha madn his home slnco soiling his Interests In thin county, W, K. Drown I In town today on business from Kort Klamath. It. W. McCord and wife of Reed ley, California are Klamath Kails vlRltnra who aro guesta at the White I'ollcan hotel. Irving Kesterson, of the Kesterson Lumbar company la In town today from Ivan attending to business mat- ter. Bdwln Btreetot Monteca. Califor nia, Ir registered at the White 1'ell can hotel, having arrived lut night R. K. Paddock la a Klamath Falli business vlaltor from Portland tbla week. Cbarlea Mack wia a city visitor yesterday from' bis ranch In the val ley. He reports that be finished threshing- early In the week and baa been hauling grain for (ha past two days. Mr. Mack eipressed himself aa being highly pleased with bla crop yield this year. - John Boyla. of the California-Oregon Power company, returned last nlgbt from a business trip to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Chalmers are the parents of a baby, girl bora yes terday morning. C. C. Chltwood has sold bis home In Mills addition to O. W. Tanksley and Is moving with hU family to Merrill, where Mr. Chltwood will take charge of the drug store. LADY nARUBTl (WOP at Chlloquln, Oregon. now open 29- The Jackson County Creamery, Medford, Oregon, is making fresh Grape Cider dally. 39-1 IIAIU1AINH IN HOUHIW Of course you believe In the future nlsbed rooms la private family fori0' Klamath Kalla, and tho Klamatb.1 light housekeeping, Phone i&i. Mr. "" " " '" uu uuv ""L",." I'attersoa. I9-1 borne, yon will want one soon. Why noi oay u nowi we snau oe giau I Ait PI toar RKPARKD to do roar sawing. irOIl HA1.K S, nigs, bjad aaattrvea, tear satisfaction la say highest Brand asnr there room plastered A. andspfiag, Ubb aid ehslmJalm. 1404 Coraer Wordea and Kul- bungalow aar Fasrvlow school at ,401 Walnut. I9-S0 torn Hi. ' Il-B 'special priee of 91900.' Only 3300 to show Iba follewing: 'tfaV Bedding! Bedding! Bedding! Now is the time to buy what Bed Vng you will require during the winter months. We have a splendid stock, Blankets, Comforts, Pillows, Sheets, Pillow Slips and Bedspreads, and it is all priced as it should be. You are given FULL VALUE for every dollar spent, and your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed, BLANKETS COMFORTS Big, heavy, all-wool Blanket., Wc ,have, ju,t, r!SSrd jS and the finest of soft cottone. J?6", f . fjjfc a. well, wffl be foundherejn fte, SSSlS Z?iZ greatesfof proruiionT 1" nf. JT low-price policy. See them if Our Cotton Blankets are of long you are going to need warn bed fibre cotton, closely woven into ding at an unusually Ww price. a finely finished Blanket tht ia Thv wfll he sold t fran 4.35 t) a i 4 r aF " a nara to equal. Very moderately priced from $3.98 to'8.85 Our Wool Blanketo will stand a comparison-"with any you' can .purchase anywhere. They stand on their merits. In 'various weights, prices from $15.00 to $22.85. BEDSPREADS mmmmmmmmmmimammmmmm - - " - -T JT T .. . j MHilMMmV ! Mlt AT THE u Army Goods Store 1136 Main Street HERE ARE SOME ITEMS THAT MIGHT INTEREST YOU J U. S. Army O. D. Blankets $6.50 O. D. BREECHES $3.00 UP Leather Jerkins, specially made for U. S. Government $8.50 U. S. Army hob-nailed Trench Shoes $8.00 O. D. Shirts, Sizes 13, 13J, 14,, 14i, while they last $2.50 Brand new British Army Hip ' Boots $7.50 WwVWWwVwwVwvwvvVvVwVVWMAAMMMwMVVw Heavy Gray Blankets $5.00 New Army Raincoats $10.00 WwWWMwVwVMVMMWWMwVWwVMWMSVwwWVS O. D. Macanaws $12.50 Army Dress and Field. Shoes $8.00 Larger size Shirts $3.00, up to $6.00. PILLOWS We have ejrery reason vt be proud of our stock. of. pillows. They are real-feather fDksd, and are the kind every woasap really wishes to have in her heme. Our. lowest priced pillows, as well as the' higher priced ones, are full value 'for every cent paidy and vinll onvAl arvttiiaA ahiMi4iAn Comet Spreads, 66x80 ea. $2.98 $1.60 to $7.50. ' Triumph Spreads, 72x84 ..$3.69 SHEETS AND SHEETING. Schiller Spread, 72x84 ....$4.35 WearwelISheeUr80x91....$2.35 - Riverside Spreads, 88x98..$7.85 Wearwell Pillow Slips, 45x36, Bridesmaid Spreads, 88x98, ;y:i5Si. IT IZl each S9.98 ""T" r"'uw " '"o- eacn ..i wc PUlow Slips, second cralky..43c Warwl QO-inrk BlaWa-SMad It is only necessary to give the .-. Sheetiamg, yard ..... . i. .$1.00 prices on (wo of .our standard 'Wearwe :814nch Bliasfcsd f lyjfX of . 5.m&: yowbuying Wearwell - 72wch " Bleached' - HERE and NOW: - , Sheeiing, yard tUli&B Hope Muslin, 36-inch, 29c yard Wearwell 63-inch Bliachsd Daisy Muslin, 36-inch, 25c yard - Sheeting, yard ZZlZMc JAP CREPE LUNCH AND BREAKFAST CLOTHS In our windows you will see samples of our new assortment of Lunch and Breakfast Cloths. They are well worth m second glance, and their prices make them almost a gift! One lot is in twoolor effects, either a solid color or white for the center, and a hemstitched border of contrasting-oelor. They are -priced, for a complet set of cover and 6 napkins, at $5.00 set. The others are of white, with a blue printed Sap design, and are in two sizes; 60x60 are $2.85 for cover, 72x72 are $3.65; The napkins in these designs come separate, and are $1.49 for I dozen. Spreads, 88x98, $9.98 MUSLINS . BOYS, ATTENTION! Saturday afternoon, between 2 and 4 o'clock, we are going to giveaway '' 100 JUNIOR SCOUT MONOPLANES They are dandy fliers, and you surely want one! They will not last long, so, first come first served! Be here at 2 o'clock. i Other Articles at Reasonable : Prices cash. It's good right now and gottlng bettor nil tho Unto. .Wat nml modern four room bunga low on ItooBuvolt St. with bath. nliuniliiiiro of cabinet work, lawn, trcen, gnriigp nnd big lot. Price $1000. Only ?650 cash. Modern four room bungalow, ful ly furnished, nicely located, big level lot, Uurgaln prlco of 92400. Some terms. .. fnnr rnnm mnitatn hlininl- ln nnrih ii f Main nnd nanr Snvnnlh. Just blgh enough on the hill to com mand rino view or laao ana vauoy. Prlco Ih only $2750. Somo tortus. Now jinu modern seven room house In Hot Springs Addn. at bargain prlco of ,4500. only 91200 cash. Drand new and strictly modern hrlck home on Crescent Ave. It has five big rooms on ground floor and several good rooms can be finished on second floor.. It's a fine big lot aad an excellent location at a special price of 97800. Some terms. 638 Mate M. 29-30 MIW. 1UNKKURHT IN J.Mh LONDON. Oct. 29. Sylvia Pank- hurst was sentenced to six months imDHsonment on a chnreo of pub lishing an alleged seditious Issuo of the newspaper, The Dreadnaught, In LIBERTY THEATRE TONIGHT ( Four race horses lost at cards a duel in which one antagonist fires before the signal, ' and a wild race in which thousands rush for homesteads. These are some of the thrills in "HITCHIN' POSTS" Starring that regular man, FRANK MAYO , TOMORROW . Popular BERT LYTELL in "The Speader" r 1 1 SUNDAY'S BIG PICTURE IS "THE DEEP PURPLE" ' ' mi October, 1916, m ',' jsmmt&Zzi