"V- "&&' VM9AY, OCIUaWI St, THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAflN MX, Thevning Herald I? W PETTYTHEFT SERIOUS BLOW rattma! dally, saeaat Saader, mViill ribUehla Compear nl 5gJk n. faarta Street. aJTuSron., rerMraatmltslea tarn Ife MM U MMM-OlUi matter. OF TRR AflflOCIATKD MUMS Tht Associated Press It exclusively aa titled to tht ase (or republication ml ml uwi dlSMtehes credltod to It, r aot otherwise credited la Uta Mir, aad also the local news pub Mated hereto. FRIDAY, OCTOItKK t, 1WM 7rae Blue Americans, Wk&p1' .afl tt cV nv. nnnnnnnt fl r BH Bam .aLnuauam SBM LnVmLnunTI Elect Tt. Aoy'&bataHoM' - hftrting and Drill . 1k Msal' bay ' aeon t organisation kali a drill meeting last night Ik to Baaement-Of the hfetbodUt church. eoat Master, Paul O'Cowd, and mi Termer mil sergeant Is tho U.' B. army, vu la charge of tbedrlll., The 'company, 5 ft rone," paraded nrlor to the meeting and marched 4awa Mala, street with the precision 4 ease of veterans. V Af raSaflisa-u'- ! J?mit VilsaSajfUa? :! fmrntmrnJ ' . Ratharford know, that , t , fmna9m tn 'JmUmia Vrekea4ere la her rl whea K "lH: birt'f (7 itfriHHfr her friend's 'Kmn. QCJIaMHmarf Irakis-tocUm Ta. h4r of Terreaee afaeSwlaar, leva atayeraf Cat, was tUaWlrnesV at tamer JUthmore here., this fWlM :fl lltfK re- " TO IE LOSER Probably the nation or persons re- poaalble tor the theft of Mm. Al. Rutherford's chicken jeiterday did aot know how deep an outrage ho, or they, oom.mll ted. The Herald la going to tell the story, In hope that It meeta the eye of tho guilty per son, or persons, that conictence will lead them to reitttlulon. Mr. Ratherford, who la more than 70 yean old, Uvea la the Orlndale district. Her huiband 1 aaUo past 70. She brought a box of chickens, ralue 110, to towa yesterday for a cataomer on Johnson avenue. The iy would hare meant a lot to the U couple, who are getting old for hard work and depend entirely for their living on the predate of their IMUe farm. Ufa tar them la a rather hard struggle. The womaa tor whom the chick- eaa were meant waa aot athome, aad Mrs. Rutherford tied herhoree la front of another trlead'a house aad went Inside to rest aad await her- customer's return. IVhea the cam oat, the brave oM way fond hex, chtcekat aad tht rope with which 'they were tied la the vehicle an beea takvaa away. It only a Utte Imagination to picture her despair the money that the had worked aad waited fer aad counted apea tar weeks aad months gone. U may have beta' the criminal ae tie of setae one old eaengh to know t better, or It might bare beea a thoughtless trick of youngsters, but wont the guilty person, or persons, plaase return tho chickens or send Mrs. Rutherford the money equiva lent that Is so badly needed. V Later A lost ad was Inserted. In the Herald today by the Sunset grocery, stating that . a coop of chickens was picked up In the road near the White Pelican, and la awaiting the owner's claim at the grocery. The 'circumifancea point to the probability that the etaker of the fowls became frightened and aban doned tbem. If It was a Hallowe'en prank; It was In poor taste, the . nfM. IswkadMt ol.tha wfi .Wtfcee to seTVthey jmmuslt. 'ivia fadaw saw were ail ii ' ' JoneV hai.rtVJwemfcn- cay tat araaa council and thou-l dJdatea ter the sUte assembly In the iM the city's laaabttaaisV i. - i 'eevnlar election. uOrP tjt' Rawing at the. 0LW m; TO-DOY e i-y t - WILLIAM S. HART 1 w HU. Latest Production, e "SAND" This picture bad to be substituted at the last min ute for "The Toll Gate," which wo have advertised, but you will find It ono of his jcreatcst pictures. . Do You Know That we have new pool and billiard tables, a new sanitary fountain, and a new line of the best candy you have ever tasted? That we are the Klamath Falls representa tives for the famous Rio Tan cigars? That you are always welcome at t r The Pastime Billiard TTTTTtTTTTV" THE LAST DAY October tat f C 1 1'i.tr asnsnw paj Lbale I j !! ' H, YOUR ATTENTION IS PARTICULARLY CALLED TO THE IMMENSE RE DUCTIONS WE ARE MAKING ON ALL WOMEN'S COATS AND SUITS. ALSO TriE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS MADE ,ON MILLINERY. ( ALL OTHER ITEMS LISTED ARE MONEY SAVERS, AND.JYILL INTEREST MANY. REMEMBER, ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS ARE STATED HERE. : HECTOR'S THE WOMEN'S FASHION CENTER I .t JV- - It '1 U ma : J "u:.l iyna I tltl i . -i (IB If'l A U.l V. . . .. . ....... I... V-MNt'll'l A u.n n I ' "s. V',A0,,,,iL: .ii'" i,T- 3ci ifn ctu: if ..iJvid iiii i a I I J. ill ; n irvj IIUu VwW - V VJTJ - .!. - m kd All I nalc and SiiiIq - mni! ivS'aiB)SvisF vsmeisivsni Bksr vssnsamwsv w, crw ! it T X m nM.. I rianneis, wsuce 35c . tVsasasaahMsaaitMMsaaiSaahlB $2.50 Ribbed Top Pare SUk Hose ' $2.00 AWialVVVVtjsajsaiiaMtajiajaa Chfldren's Heavy. Ribbed Hose 29c 0AAAAAAlAA0000l00000l0000mm00010)0 50-inch Serge, Navy and Red - $1.95 " - ii-ivrvvrvivxaj'u'uvvxA. $7.50 Velours, all col ors, including the new Red $5.95 !" ri-iJVVV-n-a-siVsJtxsvTjvxJ-UTJ- 54-inch Velour Plaids $5.25 Dress Ginghams, fine quality, per yard 33c ----vvviriiiaXrvtx Nainsook Cambric, fine quality ONE THIRD OFF AH Women's Coats, f including Plush and various weaves of Cloth, consisting of Bolivia Velour, Silver- tone, Goldtone, Velvetine, etc., will be offered Saturday for One-Third off regular price. The Suits, including Yallma, Broad cloth, Tricotine, etc.; also will be offered for One-Third off regular price. naaeaavjsalaninisl)sae All Trimmed Hats ONE-HALF OFF Every trimmed Hat in the store will be offered for One-Half price. All Shapes will be offered for One Third off. All Beavers and Plushes will be offered for One-Quarter off. bmm00tk0l0t0l00mm00000A0mtmm0mjm "ft Wa. 'Lanii tU& Towl. ' - ode " ' Table Damask, 70 inches wide $1.25 Women's Fleece Vests $1.35 laaaaasss rrrrVVTnnAJVXru-UT-ajU, Pequot Tubing, 42 and 45 inch widths, , TEN PER CENT OFF New lot of Kid Gloves, also Capes $3.00, $3.50, . $4.50 Kayser Gloves, Cham- osette and Silk lined for winter wear. $2.00 t assaaMMVtMaeai i Women's Night Gowns, Regular $2.75 for $1.98 , Regular $3.50 for $2.95 Ji 'I ssssasssess 'all blankets REDUCED 39c Parlor aeaseatsaa lWaAastsssasasasaaa a a a W 99f9Js