The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1920, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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    1'AtlK KLKVH.V
FRIDAY, ooioflim at. 1M
n sms
HVDNBY, N. H. W., Oct. 20. (lly
Mill) "Abysmal" Ignormiru about
Australia was found In llm (In Hod
bimm by Professor It. I), Watt of
inn Hydnoy university who recently
rouirnou rrnm An eight monthit' tour
or I Imi United Htntn, Canada and
"They usually spoke of Autrntln
In tho UnlUtd Htatn m a "llttlo In
land" and worn nmatod when told
(hat tho ama of Australia wan grimi
er than that of tho United Htatm,"
l'rofoMor said.
"A wrong Impression of Austrulln
It conveyed by the newspaper of
Canada and America, Onn would Im
agine from thenamppr that thin
l. "
w.ih ti liiiiil of Mi-Ikon and droitKlilii,
Amurlr .n Citniiilii both Imvn tlicmi
IhlnKM Ini' do not ndvnrtlso IIkimi
throughput I 'id world n wn do."
tuicjiui- wau nm no round n
labor idiortngo In Cnnnds nnd Amur
tlnilly uniirncurnhlo. "Thin hn drlv
I'd, with dommitlo servant prno
mi ninny peoplo who would profor to
Imvn tlmlr own homo Into Hats and
hotoln," hn added. "A fnnturn of tho
lata Ik tho great number of labor
saving device to nvnrcomo tlm prob
lem of domimtlc help.
"High wage rulo but (hn cost of
living In very much In execs of that
In AuMrnlln," hn continued. "A dou
bln room In any good hotel In Amer
ica could two pound nnd upward
per day without meal nnd one can
not Ret much of a meal nndor 12.
They do know how to run hotel,
nownviir, unit my Impression I that
Hydnty could "land a really flrit
clan hotel on American Unci."
NP.W VOUK, Oct. 2ft, -Tho total
receipt of tho democratic national
commit tea to October 25 nmountod
to IH7H,X3I, according to tho report
of Wilbur W. March, treasurer, to
tllo Ri-nuto Investigating committee
The um consisted aim out entirely of
contriDution to tho catnpalcn fund.
wcopt 1150,000, which wa borrow
"IT "--
Ml Margaret V. Landmann, of
Prospocl Plain, N. J. hn mot with
marked succos In tho operation of
on espurlniontnl eed farm.
WWW i . JLI1.I.-
Friday and Saturday
SUGAR, 7 pound for $1.00.
Limit, $1.00 to a customer.
M. J. B. COFFEE, 50c pound.
Remember, these two specials are
just for two days. It will pay you to
watch for these two-day specials.
CHICAGO, Oct. 28. The roptibll
can committee' national campaign
will cot $3,442,892. Fred W. Ho-
ham, national treasurer, today noti
fied tho senate coramlltco. Tho total
exceed tho budget or $3,079,037,
presented to tho committee In Aug
ust, but Upham explained that tho
disbursement covered a period from
Juno 14, loit, rwhlle tho budget In
cluded receipt from July 1, only.
There wero approximately 50.000
contributor to, lha Jimall-
est being Hated at 25 cent.
aSTT V.A ' 3MiA '
mm mn&&: vft
msT77':i tfJf i
wwmmymc i
iHsM y(
'j irviWe- 1 j
"2mMWmm&tiROcrrJ ;
Rexall Straw Ballot
Noto.--Tlie figure below will be
changed from day to day or a often
a the now return are recelvod, un
til election day.
National Ballot Harding
Popular vote 729,6
Kloctoral rote 361
Oregon ballot
Popular rote 7,291
Kloctoral veto .... t
Klamath Kails
Popular vote ...... 71
In the matter of the eatate of 8.
II. (Urdner. Deceased.
Notice of aettlcmcnt of final ac
Notice I hereby given that the
undorlgned riled hi final account
on the xth day of October. 1920 and
mat Halurdky tho 1 3th day or No
vember 1920, nt 4 o'clock p. m. In
the court room of tho above entitled
court In tho county courthouse of
Klamath Palls, Klamath County.
Oregon, ha boon fixed by tho court
a tho time and placo at which tho
court will hear and ettlo the same.
All person having objections to said
account will file tho same with the
clerk of the aald court or appear per
sonally and object thereto, om or 'be
fore the data menuaned.
1atd nt Klamath Palls, Oregon
October 11, 120.
Administrator of tha Estate of S. D.
(lardner. Deceased.
Oct. 11-18-JC Nov. 1.
Um brilliant young Badgtr State
leader, baa Jut beta renominated,
for the second term ia the Senate.
Mr. Lenroot woo hi campaign on"
the iasue of the justification of his
own record in voting for the Etch--Cummins
Railway Organixatlon
Mw and denouncing the efforts of
the red radical elements to promote
the hair-brain Plumb Plan of fed
eral ownership. Senator Lenroot,
during hit Jong service in the House
of Representative, waa a leader of
the progressiva element His elec
tion to the speakership in the C6th
Congress was concord in advance
of hla nomination to the Senate In
the spring of 1912, when he suc
ceeded the late Honorable Paul
Hutting, Democrat
Snipe Hunters
Have Poor Luck
Checking Accotmts
Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
- Telegraphic Transfers
How many of those facilities of commercial baahmg
have you need for In your business, Mr. Baataeea afaaT
Doubtless the occasion often arise whaa the Jrirst
National Bask could so servo yoa.
Of course, the Checking Account la iadlsfeaalble
to good businea ALL the time.
She First National Bank
to the
Voters of Oregon
The Port of Portland Dock Commission Consolidation Bill on the etate
ballot ahould be defeated. While It no doubt affects the whole atate
In some degree, the enormous expense which It will create must bo borne
by the taxpayer of the Port of Portland, which contalna 209 square
miles, or lets than one-quarter of one per cent of the area of the state.
The 'Chamber of Commorce, tho Taxpayers' LoagM and other Portland
organixatlon and many representative buslnoss men have Joined banda
to acquaint tho voter of Oregon with the facta and to enlist their oppo
sition to the measure
The acheme of Improvement proposed by the bill will cost $40,000,000.
As a starfer. lie, 600. 000 of bond aro authorised. In 'violation of the
home rule provision or tho Conxtltuilon or Oregon, tho voter of tho Port
of Portland .are denied the right to lay how largo a debt thoy aro will
ing to onsumn. Nor aro thoy given a voire In tho selection of tho com
mlRxloner who aro to vote bonded debt upon them, levy taxes for them
to puy and manage, their bulniit.
Thn.tilcrtnr of Ihu territory within tho Port of Portland nru bettor
qualified than anyone ela to Judgu or tho amount ot bonded debt they
should iiuthorlxo or thu tiuen they uhnud pay. Their llburullty In assum
ing burden ol public Improvement, not only for thoiimolwH, but for tho
Ntatn at lurgu. will not bo ifUctloiiud by any ono who will Bran tho record
ol tho lingo total or bond they urn now carrying, amounting. In round
figure's, to 134,000,000. It cannot bo thought thut tho statu will ba tho
gulnur by Imponlng upon Its chief city tho Insupportable load of addi
tional debt contemplated by tho pending bill.
Tha HponsorH of tho Port of Portland bill have, openly appealed to
tho eloctora of tho Htnto nt largo to vote for It on tho ground that It
will cost thorn nothing. This la log-rolling of tho most dangerous typo.
If such mothod aro to provail In bohalf of direct legislation, no county,
city, port or othor municipal corporation In tha stato will bo safe from
having Intolerable dobta nnd tuxoa foisted upon It by Indifferent votera '
from othor parte of the stato. Ulll like thla must be rejected by tho
voter If homo rule la to retain Its vital forco. Home rulo and auch bill
cannot survive together. Ono or tho othor must fall.
Tho voter of tho Pdrt of Portland are not aaklng to bo relieved of
their responsibility to create and maintain tho necessary facilities for
ocean commorce. They desire only that they be given a voice in tha
managomnnt of tholr affairs, and that, through the established procaaaaa
of law, thoy be permitted to adopt a plan of port development which ,
will not load million of dollar of debt upon them.
c Voters, are Requested to
;-f VOTE 311 NO
Joseph N. Teal, Henry E. Read, A. J. Oleay, Heart Labbe, I. L. Qllaan,
r.W . Mulkoy, A. II. Dover, Leo Frieda, L.J. aoldsralth Executive
Committee. ' .
t n . r
' v Paid Advertisement by
Taxpayers League of Portland
' J. N. Toal, Executive Chairman; L. J. Qoldsmlth, Secretary. Corbett building,
Snipe are notoriously shy birds,
as many "hunters" have found In
tho pan. Despite tho luck of oth.
cr, however, every once In a while
some penon tries to bag tho limit of
wary waders, alwaya at the behest
of solicitous Mends.
Wednesday night a snipe hunting
party was arranged by several local
boys, amont, others Glen Inman,
Ralph Wilbur, Elmer Lawrence.
Lawrence 8tewart, John Oho, J. L.
Schmidt and Cornelius Jansen. The
last named hunter volunteered to
drive the blrda and his friends he'.d
sacks and lantern, sort ot reverse
English on the usual method of snipe
The bag holders tired en-1- ti I'.tc
evening and came home, but 't I' re
ported that Jaasea Taialy sought to
round np the elusive birds until
after midalght-
The, International Ladles' Garment
Workers' union la raising 1500,000
with which to establish factories and
shops for the manufacture and sale
of women's wearing apparel. The
sponsors for the movement antici
pate that the enterprise will bring
down the cost of .women's clothing
and afford an opportunity to work
er to take a part In the manage
ment ot their Industry.
In the matter ot the estate of AR
THUR. B. LONG, Deceased.
In tho County Court of Klamath
County, Oregon.
Notice la hereby given that W. A.
Wlest, the administrator with tho
will annexed ot the estate ot Arthur
B. Long, Deceased, haa rendered hla
final account and tiled horcln his pe
tition for final settlement and dis
charge; and that Wodnesday, the
10th day of November, 1920, at 10
o'clock a. m., nt the County Court
Chambers In the courthouse In Kla
math Fnll. Oregon, hn been duly
appointed by said court for hearing
or said rinal account and objection,
II any. thereto, nnd for hearing said
petition for settlement of said estate
nml .1lrhnrr nf until nilinlnlstrator
I with the will annexed, nt which time
nnd plnco nny poron tnterestea in
said estate may appear nnd file hi
oxceittlons In writing and show causo
ir any why said final account should
not bo approved nnd allowed and tho
lostnto settled and. tho administrator
Administrator with tho, Will An
nexed. Oct. 11-1 8-2C "Nov. 1-8.
In the County Court of tho Stato
ot Oregon In 'the County of Klamath.
In the Matter ot the Estate and
Guardianship of WlUon Sbarpleu
Wiley, a Minor.
State ot Oregon, County of
Klamath, aa.
Pursuant to an order, made by the
Honorable County Judge of Klamath
County. State of Oregon, dated 25th
day ot September, 1920, notice i
hereby given that the undersigned
will sell, at private sale for caah or
credit, at Odd Fellows' Building,
Klamath Falls, Oregon, on or after
first day of November. 1920. the fol
lowing' deicrlbod real property of
Wilson Sharpies Wiley, a miner:
Lot 8, and 10. In Block 38,
Hot Spring Addition, and Lot 25,
Block 17, Second Railroad Addi
tion, all in the City ot Klamath
Falls, Klamath County, State ot
Oregon. -
Dated thla 2nd day of October,
1920, at Klamath Falls. Oregon.
O. 4-11-18-ai-l
I will sell at public sale at my place, one-
half mile north of Stukel bridges on .hfll i
road, at 10 o clock A. iyi., on November 4,
the following preperty:
Six head work horses, weighing from
1250 to 1600 pounds; 2 sets of fiarness 1
wagon, some good dairy cows. 4 calres. 3
1 1 U-l-a I 11 .,1
yearling, i nouicui mui iruiu reaicicu
stock; 1 new mower, 1 gang plow, 14-inch ;
bottom, 2 walking plows one with riding
attachment, 1 two-section harrow, 1 shovel
plow and cultivator; blacksmith outfit, ::
some carpenter tools; 1 cable derrick for ;;
100-foot stacking outfit; 2 big brood sows, : j
2 incubators, 1 five-piece solid nssbegany ;j
parlor set and other household getds; 1 ;;
Empire cream separator, 1 1. H. C. gasoline :
engine 2i horsepower; many other Ittngs : :
too numerous to mention.
Free lunch ot noon. Feed for lis.
TERMS All sums under $20, cask; and
on sums over $20 one year's tiaae will be
given on approved security, bearing 8 in
terest. 5 discount for cash.
f fcJyviinrvvyhruvvvvxrxivtAru
Hotel Furniture tor Sale
In furnishing our hotel we bought more fur
niture than we used. We are now offering
the surplus at just what it cost us, plus the
freight. As it was bought in carload lots,
the freight is at rock bottom. We have
for sale:
10 Simmons 2-inch tubular steel beds
10 Simmons double coil, reinforced springs
10 40-pound silk floss mattresses
9 yards 36-iach rubber matting
1 dozen earthen half-gallon pitchers
Water tumblers
Small cuspidors
These goods are all. new, having been
just unpacked, and may be seen in the
lobby of the hotel. They aro offered at
prices that make them real bargains.' S
..jiftfLrjmuwwnru-ijinrtt'a-ri mmmmaamaaaatmmaaall
..,. linn fti