THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AMK TF.N I l t f t t Y (political ai)Vhhtimi:mi:nt) ! T Stnrl faithfullv bv our A friend and elect them. Op- . . f pose our enemies and defeat X them vnmAr, otmfwt w, ttm r . , , IT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING SI. y: taJPB ' :' Af .EaaNBg7 Po. h7u B- -r- JL Candidate Has Good Record (Coatlaaed frem Page 1) I 'attempt! to cat the. beat lawyer la Oregon I coald for the money that was allowed we to try the Hyde-Benson caaea. "With that end la view. I In vited John O. ilaller to become one ot my assistants. Ho had no political pull with mo, to far a I was concerned, and waa ae lected simply for hla own qual-. IflcatloBs, and when he came Into (he office In fact, before ho camn In he waa advised that he waa selected particular ly for hla fltneaa to try three caaea, and he waa Inatructed to puih theat with all the rim and vigor posalblo." Upon bis appointment aa assistant attorney-general In the latter part of May IMS. Mr. Bailey did "push" the land traad cases, which had been lying dorasaal for a long time, "with all the vim aad vigor poailblo" and la the Hydo-Bcasoa caaea succeed ed In recovering for the school fund approximately 14.000 acres ot land valaed at aereral hand red thousands of dollars, aad was, at the time lot Mr. Browa's resignation as attorney general, actively engaged la nego tiations with tho Interior department aad the selectors, for the recovery of more thaa 10,000 acres ot lind. In addition to the 14,000 already re-covcrcd-and tbc-rpaymeat of approxl- PORTRAITS STINSON'S STUDIO 1311 Main St. Good Portrait at Reasonable Prices A P taBSBsaaBI Weight Accurate quality superlatively fine, prices consistent with quality and service that is what' you can expect at our meat market. You cannot be disap pointed here, for we will not sell you a poor piece of meat. People's mately 140,000 to tho stato of Ore gon. Aa attorney-gcnoralr aln Hal ley will be In a better position than anyone else In the state to carry this matter through. The Pacific livestock case, alio handled by Mr. Bailey, resulted In the state recovering $1:5.000, nud tho opening up of approximately 10. 000 acres of land In Harney valley to settlement and cultivation. The terms of the agreement between the state land board and tho Pacific livestock company provided that the laada should be sold at price to be agreed by the company and the' board. At the time ot Mr. llrown's resignation thla had not yet been accomplished, and as Mr. Ualley has had this matter In charge and Is fa miliar with tho lands, his service In fixing tho value ot the lands will be Invaluable to the state. ' Tho work assigned to Mr. Bailey as assistant attorney-general has b)i oo means been limited to the landj fraud salts, lie has, during the Isst five years, conducted or participated In most of the Important litigations handled by the etlorney-generaVa of fice, a few or the more Important caaea being those involving the con stitutionality of the workmen's com pensation act and (he ten hour fac tory act, and a number of matters before the interstate commerce com mission. During the time which be has been assistant attorney-general, Mr. Bailey has probably handled j more caws In tho supreme court than any other attorney In the state, with tho exception of Attorney-General Brown, and has the record of win ning all but one case argued In tho supremo court. During the 1919 session of the leg islature, Mr. nalley, due to the illness of Mr. Brown, had charge ot the attorney-general's office and In addition to the drafting and pass ing upon proposed legislation by the memfcera of tho legislature, Mr. Bailey prepared and had enacted Into law much Important legislation, Including chapter 145, laws of 1919, which baa made It possible for the state land board to better protect the lands which the state owns, and to establish title to swamp lands and r Market ' tho beds ot navigable lake nnil T stream. Mr. Bailor's namo will hare to bo written In aa Mr B.rown's resigna tion occurred too Isto to have tho printed names of the candidates ap pear on tho ballot. LAltORKn LfMKH WATCH, roilMI IIV ItH.U'K t'lllKI' Thomas Stann, a laborer who lias been employed at tho Pelican log ging camp, reported to Chief ot Police Wilson yesterday that some one bad stolen his (watch. Chief Wll son found tho watch a few mlntitci later at a I oca J Jcwelory store where the man who had stolen the watch had loft It for repair Sunn Identi fied the watch and It was returned to him after he had paid X2 repair charge. Tho man who left tho watch at the store had given the name of Miller. HII.I.IH HMDKi AND LKCTVIIK, Nov. 4TII The llllIlE "Better American" Il lustrated lectures that were to have been shown at the Presbyterian church under tho auspices of the American legion a few weeks ago, will be shown next Thursday even ing. Nov. 4th, Thero has been a mix up in the shipment of these slides and that has accounted for tho de lay. KIIIH DKHTHOYH HAY AND IIARX ON IIKKBir It AM II The barn, granary and two large stacka of hay on tho ranch of Mrs. M. J. Ileebe, about 15 miles south ot Klamath Falls, were destroyed by firs Wednesday night. The property was covered with In surance with the DeLap A Hayden agency. SMALL BUT A SURE WINNER He's only live (vet tall but "he's all wool and a yard wide." Hi name is Louis L. Collins and be was nominated at the Juno pri maries as the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Min nesota. Hs Is known all ovsr the Gopher Slats as -The Lltt'i Cor poral,' a title earned from months of service In Francs with the French Foreign Legion and lsUr with thu 161st Field ArtllWry of Minnesota In all the major ttijrage ments la which that orgsnlxatlon took part ., tJ aW 3 'm.Tm oa' saaaFBlgsal v"" 'laaaB 'vgWgBTsaTsaTsaTsaTsaTsgBTsaTsaTsaTsV isH sBBjI ( wgaHjaVIIS, t aBagBgBgBgMaCJM nLW aB iiigHRH&4Bfl f Watch This Space for the Next Three Days Jmm$i s CM$MweIeliMtt gBgB ' kiJgBSBBaV TT' Issaasal aglagsaL'"V caMsasal BBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW' Sr aBBBBBBW aaaaaaaaaaaaaV' M'ggl bbbbbbbbbbbbbw'JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI gBBBBBBBBBBBB ISaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ngSaHgsVlBVsBVHgl i- It. K. RRADBURY Deasocratlc Candidate for Itepnv aeataUve 21st DUtrlrt. Stands for Good Roads; Belter Rural Schools; nutter Korest Pro tection; Conservation and priority use of Water to extension of Agrl ulture and Stock Raising; and tho re-aportlonment or representation in 21st District. Advertisement. In 1800 ThomaM Jefferson and Aaron Burr each rocelvcd 173 elec toral votes for tho prosldoncy. Tho choice then devolved upon the homo of representatives, whoro Jefferson reeclved the rotes of ton states, Burr, four, and two voted blanks. snwsaavBasssaK99Bsss99: G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Construction Work of any kind, No Job too Isrge or too small. Estimates furnished freo of charge. PHONE 980-R UNION TAXI CO. AND TRANSFER Baggage called for and delivered. We have open and closed cars for our patrons. We go any place any time. Phone 424-3 pQr jtrw J ' iJaamai u 'MHaasaH aae tii lat (ajggCMBaBBB aaV it )?Mtf' ' Sbw rBaBaVawMS Fishermen Attention! Ot Your I.l Mlaaowa at 126 Conger Avenue For NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE BOB CURTIS 123 North Eighth St. CHIROPRACTOR lyt. Lois C Bridges Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Ill 5th St., Suite 105 Over First B(ate Savings Bask I'MONK IOII-J MINERAL BATHS Dr. Mas lagersoU Haws Cfclroaractle Pajstdaa e First National Bank Building Entrance, Room ASHLAND, ORJCGON For Paper Hanging and Painting Call F. It LAUGHTON Telephone 473-W. 204 South Riverside FURNACES WK IIAVB . THE WESTERN A IHIHT-PltOOP FVIWACH In both piped and plpeless. It has an oblong firs box. Best for burn ing wood. Let us show you other good points about It. L. N. HAINES lOftS Mala St. FfcOM 8M 000l0000j0jm0W0WWf0 FRANK SEXTON Independent Candi date for COUNTY CLERK Respectfully solicits the support of Kla math county voters at the coming elec tion. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWWW(Wft SOOTHING QUinUDE FOR ITS PATENTS U oas ot any hospital's biggest assets and the location of this hospital makes It especially desirable tress that viewpoint. Only abundantly capable graduated nurses are Ss ployed, and thla fsct. added to Mr unequalled staff of physicians aad excellent hospltsl equipment laasrse our patients unsurpassed servlos. STAFF DR. B. D. JOHNSON DR. O. II. MBRRYMAN DR. T. O. CAMPBELL DR. GEOROB I. WRIOHT DR. B. D. LAMB DR. II. D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital Klamath Dye Works Phone 40t OUR CLEANING, PKaWSINO AND ItKPAIIUNO WILL MAKE YOUR CLOTMJM LOOK LIKE NEW HATS HKDLOCKED Goods Called for and Delivered Ml Mala Street KlaawUi Valla KUmath-lSend Auto Stage A dally auto stag service U aow oDeratlna between Klamath Falls and Band. Oraces Rax oafs and MsU ropoiltan Oarage, u. i. nseaaro. Phone I7-W. STtf ATTKNTH)N O. M. H. MHMBH1W litmu havln hadsaa. DlsSSO TO- turn, them to tha ohautar on or be- fors Tuesday, October, Mth. jojrriw m, taasiam, "r'. IS-SB T 7 7 r r 7 T T ? T