The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1920, Image 1

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ta)IMMWMMWMMiMMAMA 4ranBBBBBBw aaW tPaananVgaWBaaBnamW .asw
I OHI'lfJIAIJ I'AI'KK Of yT 1 -m aaff - . Bfif ' aaf "-
wgv icugnmg itmam
I '
I OfTiciAii rAvr.n or
Fourteenth Year No. 4062.
mot o n
Willi a hutttlyliiK of frlenly Jost and
n spirit ii f kowI fellowship ntul co
operation (list prraa'ago beller and
bigger thing fur thla community tlm
Klamath county chamber of e out
inttrrn linlil It flrt community liar
vest dinner lit"! night lit lint Whlttt
l'nllcatl hotel.
Tlili event, an lift born advertised
In thn newn rnliimiii of Tbn llerulil
tlm past few daya, waa tbn occasion
or a got-lo-gethor meeting of tlm rlly
aiemiMir or inn chamber of com
merce and nn equal number of farm
er guest from different parts or tlm
county. Tlm Idea, as originally con
ceived ,by Secretary Stanley, waa to
have ctafty too city member enter.
lain 100 farmer members from thn
i oulalde. Thn illtinrr nrerriih Ihla
umber allglilly and upward of 2SU
people sal down at tlm banquet table.
Thn dining room of thn hotel wm
wy prettily decorated (or thn orca
lion nml thn long tables wern loadod
with a rNil of elegance and taste.
- "Ilert!' Hall, aa prealdent of the
chamber nr roirimnrrii iirM...l mi
the banquet ami b It ssld Hint Ilert I
It aomo "prealdsr." In typical weal-
era atyin Ilert aprung one new Jnktt
after another and tbn large audience
Ml rlht In I fan with all of bta
"bunk." Ho gave them everything In
1he bonk and then aomo The only
thing lacking waa "Powder Hirer"'
and that could very easily have
been aupplled aa there were several
Montana roughnecka In the gather
ing. Taking up thn serious aide of tbe
occasion and before Introducing the
first Hat of speaker. Mr, Hall (poke
briefly of thweaona and local clr-
eautatanrea that prompted Ihla event,
"Klamath Kail, realliea," aald Mr.
Mall, "that ahn la In thn midst of a
ao-rallsd' 'boom," The principal rea
son (or our pmenl alate of prosper
My la our ma moth timber operation.
Namarou large mill ore now en
aged lu converting the splendid lim
ber on theen mountain klnpea Into
a rinltbcMl product. Our limber can
to I laat fomer; In fact, I have es
timated that after ten yeara time we
rill have paaeoit the" peak In lumber
production In Ihla locality. After
Ikat time the Industry will commencn
to decline. That la why we are gath
ered hern tonight In a community
hirveil dinner with our fanner
frlcnde of Klamath county It la with
tbn Idea of coining together In a
Common dlculon of tbe economic
welfare of the farmcra In the future.
We meat begin now to plan for Im
mediate development of thla Induatry,
tad which will be our main alandby
hen the laal.lren from theao foreeta
aa been cut down and the hum of
toe aawmltl la beard no more."
Mr. Hall then Introduced ai tint
aeaker of evening. A. J. Voye secre-
Wry ot l.umbermen'a aaaoclatlon. II.
D. Mortenaon.t prealdent of Lumber
Ben' aaaoclatlon, had been Hated on
Ue program to apeak briefly on the
tablect of the lumber innuairy in
Klamath roimty. but aa lllneaa pre
vented hla preaence, Mr. A. J. oye
kindly ronaented to fill In. Mr. Ilall'a
rtmark to the effect that ten yeara
would ee thn peak of the lumber in-
aatry paaend In Klamath county
era rather ael In thn aliann uy air
Vovo'a atalomnnl that from an eatl-
nate made by himself and other ium-
Wrmnn here It would take upward
Ut US yeara to ethauat tho reaourrea
that Industry lu tm comny.
"The lumbar mllla and attendant
Mduatrle now pay out annually in
tala county bout $0,000,000 In pay
tolla" aald Mr. Voyn. They produco
Hbout S50.000.000 foot of limber an-
HMlly, If the houalng problem in
K amath Ft I ran be aoivea inn
lumber of mllla that will be oh
Ubllahed In thla city will Incrcaao to
the client tliat Ihla annual payroll
III bn doubled and noaslbly Irotileil
It depend nlmoal i-ntlroly on thn
fcattor of getting hoiiao built In thla
etv In Bcromoilalo tlm men nnu
their fnmllloa who work In the
mllla. I am prepared to any that tnM
Matter la now being Riven aerloiia
'tonaldnrullon nml I mn hnnelul tlmt
H will bn antlafartnrlly aoiveu in mu
:: ' - . ... .,
Ury near future."
Tho next apoaker on the program'
aa Alox flparorw, auperlntcmtent
f tlm Crutur l.nko natlomit pnrk,
Mr. Bimrrow ilwolt nt length on tho
matter of building nforo ronda to and
from thla national tilayground In Dr
ier that Klnmnth Fall may ho. nblo
wo avail hnrao f of t in iiimenno lour
WH trnfflo now going thoro annually.
Mr. HnaVrnw atntnd tlmt during Dm
t auminnr. nrlor to HoMombor '
U.13R noraona vlalted tho park.
inooaora n, uaao, preaiueni 01
lamath county farm bureau, an-
Pvered a ahort review nf the hlatnry
( farm bureaua and of the very vl-
Rced Knocks Out
Ritchie in Ninth
Round at Med ford
MIJDKOIII), Oct 20 (Hpeclal In
Jim iiiiraiui -Tin, tinaneal, f.i.nt
fig lit over alnRinl on thn I'nclflo
eoaat, ilrnwlng n reront r,. ,..
tli la vicinity, einlml hern luit night
when Wild Hill ,.IMi knocked out
l-rl llltchln, of Klnmnlh Talla, in
lint ninth round of a ten round heavy-
wmgiu roillnal.
Hllcliln' left wn. crippled In Ihn
fifth round and bothered hi ,, b I r
Uinmaflnr In tl... .iV.i .... ...i
Itllrliln . i,.t..i ..... . ... . "'
Itong aaved him when i(, refcrrn'a
count had r..ach,.,l aevn, "
wekc,, ao badly however thne ho
could not rally and lurly It o
ninth went down for thn ,,,', . ,.
Iteeif. firrn .m.u i -
linlh men four lit wnll n.i w...
both flnn mamplea of tho ndnntaga
of thorough training, Idml pUni to
icavn ai onro for I'ortland to meet
aomo of tho hoavywelghla llinrj,
poaalbly lo Andoraon
"Tuffy" Anderaon and "lluldy"
lllehn, Klamath Kail, buhblrwlghi
wern a popular feature of tin nhl
billon, They alaged a fil prelim
inary. Jainea Wlnalow. awalllnr trial In
the city Jail alnce Heptvmber 28th
for robbery of allverware at the
homo of Mr. K. J, BchulU, ou
Walnut atroet, aawed hi way to
freedom early thlt morning In the
city Jail and made good hi e
cape. He had evidently been In
poaaeaalon of, ateel backaaw and a
monkey wronch. Ilo unacrewed tbe
bolta from tbn bottom binge of tbe
outald door of the) lobby of tbe
Jail, and being unable to Mae hla
Wrench on the top binge. oaed a
aaw to mw the ateel awlhg bok .in
the hinge. t , i- ,
The feature of the efcabe waa the
notification bf fir Chief Aatbroee
by Gilbert T. Ingeroll. at present
awaiting trial In the a mo Jail for
the murder of Henry Sloebaler at
Dairy laat July. Ingeraoll aald he
awoko at 4 a.m., and at once mlaaed
Wlnalow. When he ottentbted to
get oul of hla coll Into llie prlaon
era' lobby, he dlacovered'lhat a rung
nf a chair had been dropped Into
thn padlock on hla door, evidently
placed thoro by Wlnalow to prevent
Ingeraoll'a getting nut to apread the
alarm. Ingeraoll had little trouble
In ahaklng tbe atlck out of the lock
and at once ran upatalra and awoke
riro Chief Ambroae.
Thla la tho third Jatl delivery
from thla Jail In the pat few
montha, and the aecond time that
a ateel hack aaw ho been need to
effect the earn. The wrench and
aw in laat night a c'wt prob
ably handed tbroigh" the "ateel
acreen Juat onUlde ot 'the-window
bn the weat aide ot the Jail. The
opealnga In thla acrovn aro large
enough to permit the paaalng cf a
quart bottle, aa waa tlcno a ahort
time ago.
Up to tho time of going to pre
the cicaped prlaoner had not been
apprehended. There la only one
policeman on duly at night, and bo
waa up town at thn tlmn of (ho
OltKCON Tonight nnd Haturduy,
J, O. Itallcy, nlm lint iinnmmcoil
hi cundlducy for Ilio offlro ot at-torney-Ki'iiorul,
to fill tho vnenncy
cuuaed by tho realgimtlnn nl At-torney-Oeneriil
llrown, ha been nn
nUtunt nttorney-gcnoral for tho past
five yeara, nml waa appointed by Oco.
M, llrfn liecutiao or his qualifica
tion and fltncH for handling tho
land fnuul hiiIIh. In tvKtlfyliiR In. tho
ilo-lli'HHOii raai'ii
Drown atatot
"I aw, If I tried theao runes
powmally. II wn Kolng to tnkp
all of my tlnm. In tho piean
. tlmo I av It wn poaolblo to ob
tain a an uaalaiant nn attorney
that I hellovod to ho' ontlroly
qualified to try theao rates, and
Salient Points In the
County Court Contest
VVllIll f vVU
u, "' ""' ' imnncil find Mr.
? "'" "' "."""I ,.",mi?1 capltnl oul of
"" . r,m'' Injunction, now thn
Peopin hovo had a cliunco to think
I ?"' ""I,"",'l;r1 'eaclln,.' agalmt
, ''V" mf flclnla. Tho peoplo aeo
.".' , ,,;i" ,,,M ,'V "f'" ,0, " ,"'"'
,J ' U, ,nJ.unc,lon '" on ""
',,,,rnrr """ '""' ' n"r uo '"'"
, and that thn cry ubout
thn loaa of tho highway work Ii Juat
pinin, clienp, political bunk. It doea
Lnot bi-comn a candldaln to undcrtako
to fool the peonlo by auch ooltr no-
lltlrul method, and tho peoplo re
aent It. Judge llunnell knowa for
hla attorney told htm ao, that thla
Injunction will not hold water. He
alio know Hint hn expect It to be
knocked out and tbn work to pro
ceed. Then why doe hn not aay ao?
It I Juat another raae of Inaurlng
tho Main atreet courtbotiau ho
wanta to fool aomeonc.
Many of the property ownera In
Oie vicinity of tho Hot Kprluga court
hoiiao are out fighting for It com
pletion, becauio thoy believe it will
Incrcaao the taluo of their property.
Wn don't 'blamo tbem for doing ao,
other. Hut have they ever (topped
to think how much better it would
bo for their property and their neigh;
borhood to have a ichsol there, fill
ed with children, than to hovo a
building that will domicile the crook
and criminal of the county and we
don't Include county official In thl
category? If we have a city here we
will have our ahtre ot law-breaker.
Do you want them for neighbor;
Have you ever aeen m Jail aurrouaded
by a fine residence dlitrtet? If you
think a achool wont benefit your
neighborhood, Jntt Inveitlgate what
happened In the Mill addition and
In Kalrvlew when they g?l a ttchool.
In the big poater gotten out In the
Intereata of Mr. Daanell and Mr.
Bbort. ahowlng their tecord la hand
ling tbe finance of the county, one
very Important piece of Information
I mlailng. It tella yen about thn tex.
Reclamation Record of
Sen: Chamberlain Exposed
lOIlTT.AN1. Ore., Ojt. 29. The
Kvenlng Telegram thla afternooil
prlnta a powerful expose or Senator
Oeorge Chamberlain, aaylnc that "he
voted against a republican Oregon
and with a democratic south, on
Senator Mc.Nary'a 130,000,000
amendment to the food control bill.
Tbe bill would have appropriated
SfO.OOMOO for Irrigation and recla
nntlen' development for arid landa In
the weat. McNary in advocating the
bill referred to specific territories
In eastern Oregon whero development
la vitally needed.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 80. Presi
dent Wilson has wrlttei Governor
Cox, It waa announced from tho
White Ifouie today, ox.xvsMn;; hh
confldenco In the democratic tinm'
nee. Ho aald ho had followed tho
governor's course throughout the
campaign with "admiration" nnd ex-
presaed tho belief that tho governor
would receive tno voxcr.i ompnniic1
ondoraemlont next Tuesday.
"You hnvo Hpokcn truly nnd fear-,.
leaaly about the great Issue nt
Rtnko" declared tho proaldent, und
In concluding naked lo bo permitted
to algn himself, "your gratified and
loyal nupporter."
Ilu oxpreaaod tho hopo that tho
democratic party, under tho louder-
ahlp of Cox would "carry tho policy
ot national government forward
along thn path of liberal legislation
and moro humuno reform, until tho
whole world nuoa again tho ybolo
some streneGi or democracy." "
NBW YORK, Oct, 2!,-nemocrntlc
National Chairman Whlto today Is
sued a forecast ot victory for hla
party candldato for proaldent, de
claring that "the last week of the
campaign la full Qt slgna that point
anmilatakably to democratic success."
Will H. Hay, republican chair-
inry lining reduced, nut it did not
toil about the valuation of proppity
being Increaaed nor tho mnourit of
money tho tax lovy raised. That la
roally what thn peoplo would llko to
know. Then why didn't they put It
on their circular? Tho lb-raid gavo
tho .figure In It aniwor to Mr.
Marx. If tboao figure wero not truo,
why haven't they" been dlaproven?
The Herald bellovea In laying all
carda on tho table nnd letting tho
pooplo hovo a iquare dbal. Tbla deal
ing from the bottom of thn deck
looka like aomoone waa playing the
voter (or a aucker.
you win near it aald on trtry
hand! "Why Tho Herald fought for
the Hot Hprlng courthouao bofore."
Hufe we did and .wo would do ro
ngaln under tho amo clrcumatancc.
We did It because wo believed It waa
beat for the county. Wo are fighting
for tho Mnln atrcot courthouao to
day for thn tamo reason. If Judge
llunnell had done a he ahould, thero
would bo no Main atreet courthouao
to tight over. Ho ahould havo pro
tented Ita erection. Now, however,
thnt It la thoro, that It I ready to
move Into, that It will coat the county
nothing, and It occupancy will tave
thn hundred of thouaanda of dollar
that It will take to finish the Hot
Bprlhg building and that It will
mean a million dollara for road, The
Herald can ee no other course open
buf'to rapport Chattaln and Peter
eon Jand do what It baa always con
aldered It plain dnty advocate that
which la .for tbe beat Intercut or the
They can figure ap one aide and
down the other, but when they get
all through they are up agalnat thl
one fact: If the Maiu rtreet court-.houaaV-'U.
Accasieel kXlaaaath ,coaaty
will Have a million dollar for road;
If the ollt. Spring building If tin
labed. It wMI loae a million dollar
for road. Which do you want. Mr,
Voter, another courthouse, or the
Nevertheless. Chamberlain, the
Telegram declare, ot all western
senators stood alone ra voting against
tho bltl.
Southern democratic senators
spoke against It becaase It did not
Include the swamp landa In the south
Chamberlain said the reason, he
opposed tho bltl waa becaase he had
a bill that took ears of tbe arid
land of the west and the swamp
lands of the eonth Jointly;
Nothing, had ever been heard of
thl bltl iTnce he introduced it. The
Telegram atory aaaerta.
nun, aald that tho republican survey
ot the altuatlon ahowed that Hard
ing and Coolldge would receive "the
largest majority ever cait lor presi
dent and vice prealdent."
An Invitation la cordially extend
ed to all Elks and their ladles to at
tend the Elks Informal. Haloween
dance tonight, at Klks Tempp.?
TO KUIWatlllKltM
When you were a kid and the
gang wn outildo waiting tor
4 ,ol nnil .. were ln tho hoHg0
AonK )0Ur chores washing
Mthv, or aweeplng the tloor
0r cleaning tho ruga or win-
O dows how did you feel
when you mother or your dud
said: "All right. Jack, I'll tin-
Ish that. You can go out with
the boys. "Well, that Is Just
tho way your carrier feela when
he knock at your door and you
4) havo your subscription money
roady. Ho wants to get thorugh 0
and get out with tho boya. If
)nu will put 66 cont on sheU
4 right now where your wife can
a- find It handily tomorrow morn-
4 Ing, you will make that boy
4 feel like you did when you woro
a kid. and Just Imagine now
happy the lad will be after that
4 happen a hundred and fifty
times. Don't forget, he will be 4
there'tomorrow morning, go get oj
e ready for hint nam
Rancher Sues Car,
Driver, Pattenaer
for Hurt to Horset
Oeorgo W. Courtwrlght, through
II. M. Manning, hi attorney, Ima
filed ault against 11. I). Newell and
uarunco Vochatzor for lleged crim
inal caruleaanoaa In driving tbelr au
tomobllo nnd auc for dam.igea In
tho amount of I127C. Courtwrlght al
logon In the complaint that on Oc
tober 4th he wa driving a herd of'
norao niong tho road north of Kla
math Kulla when N'owell and Vochat
xor ran Into them with an automo-
aor ran mio mem with an automo-
mllo. killing .eroral of tbe horaea
and Bearing other In to barbed wire
fence with tho rcaulj that they woro
oaaiy cui ana made uncle for life
MKDFOIID, Oct. 20. It, D. Hint,
vice prealdent or the bank of Jack
sonville, wa yesterday indicted In
connection with the recent failure
of the bank on charge of receiving
money In an incolvent bank and mak
ing falao atatomenu of tbe bank' fi
nancial condition.
Mlaa Myrtle Dlakoly, treasurer of
Jackson county, waa Indicted on
charges ot malfeasance In office and
aiding a bank In making falao atate
meats. '
W. II. Johnson, prealdent of the
bank who baa been In Jail alnce the
failure of the Institution, was Indict.
ed on a charge ot receiving money
in a bang Known to be insolvent.
Hlnes. who I Jobhson'a half
brother waa arrested yeterdy and
Mlaa Dlakely waa arraigned and
pleaded not guilty. She was leased
on her own recognisance.-
The new Winter Jewelry block
on the corner of Main and Sev
enth street, building at an eatlraat
ed coat ot 150,000, la wrogreaelng
rapiaiy. ana i expected to be in a
itate of completion prior to January
lit. Thla block la to be three
storlea high and I 41x10 feet la
dimension. The brick wall la It
inches In thickness, and la being
built with the idea of being atroag
enough to carry four more stories!
Mr. Winters expects to ocenpy tho
ground floor with his Jewelry and
music stocks. Tho other two storlea
aro to bo occnpled by offices and
apartments. Then will be IS of
fices and 10 apartments.
ine winters- oiock win be one
of tho biggest and best la Ktam
ath rails, and will bo a credit to
the appearance of the city. It ia
located -aboat aa near as can be the
center of the city, and It Is rumored
that some other big buildings will
be built near there In the near
future. G. R. Smith Is the archi
tect for the building, and' the con
tracting has been let out to differ-
ert parties. '
Epitcopal Bishop
Coming Tonight
The nt. Uev. Robert E. Taddock,
bUhop of tho dloceae ot Eastern Ore
ton, which embraces Klamath coun
ty, will arrivo hero tonight on one
ot hla regular visits to the local con
gregation. Ho will be here over
Saturday and Sunday.
Ilo will hold services Sunday In
the weat hall of the I. O. O. F. build
Ing, Sunday morning at 11. o'clock,
and Sunday evening will deliver ono
ot hla Interesting lectures In the
same hall.
Tonight a meeting ot the mem
ber of the guild, their husband and
frlonds wll Ibe hold at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Martin. G41 High
tsreot, at which tho bishop and con
gregation will discuss plan tor the
now church. All Interested persons
have a cordial Invitation from Mrs.
Martin to attend.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 tho
bishop will meet with tho ladloa of
tbe Guild In the un parlor ut the
White Pelican hotel. All jnemner
of the EplMopallan denomination
and friend are requested to bear
these meetings la mind ana co-oper
ate to make tho visit aa helpful as
Price Five Cento
Hare la a prophecy on the outcome
of tho county court, conteat In next
Tuoaday'a election.
cihn ',M ,' "i" Z , """
""rt . w " -elected Judge and
uoDeri ii. iiunnen and Uurrell
commissioner, respectively If:
The voters of Klamath county ap
prove of Invisible government.
Sanction the expenditure ot large
and unauthorized sum for tbe hir
ing of private attorneys and private
Ilellove that tho man elected to a
public office becomes the master of
the people, tnatead of their servant.
Want to wait five years, perhaps
longer, for a courthouse assuming
that the Hot Spring courthouse Is
ever completed and meanwhile tra
vel tbe aame old roads that they
have travelled fronj pioneer days.
uiuciwiNi v.aasiain ana rsisnss
will be the choice of tbe voters for
Judge and conxmtaaloner.
Tbe UiuAhiT been fairly Inves
tigated by The Herald and fairly ex
plained, deaplte protestations ot
Judgo llunnell. Commissioner Short,
their advocates and friends.
Leaving aalde all the Involved ar
guments that have been raised on
both sides and stripping tbe situation
down to Its bare eesentlsts. the ques
tion that Ibe voters will settle neat
Tuesday can be expressed In 'three
werds: Peace or War?
The platform ot Cbaataln and Pet
erson Is a paltform of peace, settle
ment of the courthouse question If a
fair settlement I possible, wlthoat
aay sacrifice of money or ot rights
to Klamath county.
The platform of Baancll and Short
w a policy of war. conttaahag tho
fight with their hired amy at
lawyer and detective aatll thoy oo
eapy tho Hot Springs eoartaosjoa. tto
gardlosa of the hatred sageadsrsd.
ragatwieaa oi iae cost, rraaranea of
reaae'and: Khool an!st. re
gardless or alt the pressing orebleasa
In connty development, thafr one
prlansrr aim Is to ocenpy tho Hot
Springs cenrthoas. It la tie Prns4aa
will to wla.
If'the people of Klamath eemtty
want six years more otbkkortag. ex
pense and blocked progress. Bnaasll
and Short will bo re-elected.
If they want peace, good read's.
better schools, speedier settlement
and development of thn county,
Cbaataln and Peterson wilt be tho
"Well, after all."aaya the voter,
"suppose 115,000 has been spent for
attorney's fees. That's a small sum
In a county aa rleh aa Klamath."
Bnt It the sanction of the people
la given to the unauthorised expendi
ture ot any sum. however trifling.
it establishes a precedent for tho
nnauthorixed expenditure of larger
The hiring ot private detectives,
for f 1000 Is not a' big matter fa It
self. It Is assumed that they wero
to get Information regarding contrib
utor to the guarantee for the Mala
atreet courthouse. The sasve infor
mation could have been gotten by
(umanoning one or two contributors
and questioning tbem on the witness
stsnd In the recent trial. The ex
pense would havo been witness fees.
not exceeding t!0.
It Is not the waste of money that
will appeal to the thinking voter,
however, It is the means aad methods
ot the waste.
If the county court can hire pri
vate detectives today and anv'retely
act them to spy upon one set of rltl
sens, what la to prevent them tumor-
row from setting thorn te spy for
other reasons upon other eltlseni. A
system of private espionage Is a dan
gerous system.
Judge llunnell In hh affidavit In
the auprcmo court swears, In relation
to tho Insurance of tho new Main
atreet routheuae: "That no policies
(Continued to Page 5)
Cal. Labor Backs
Wood s Demands
for Investigation
The California fdernt'on or labor
will support Harry Wood, organiser
ot the International Timberwnrkera
Union, In hi campaign to socuro lull
Investigation ot hi charges that ho
was "run out' ot Rusntivlllo und
threatened with lynching b." a mob,
Monday night, October II, according
to reporta publ labed In the San
clico paper.
Wood wilt carry hla caao to the
Mrs. O. H. WMUIngton, of Ad
mire, Kan., grew a pumpkin this
year that wclitff'l almost 10
L I"
- 4
'li I
(Coiahitiud to 1'aro
(Continued ou I'ago 10)