ftftMumm THE EVENING HiHALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TnimsnAY, ootorkk m, jmm X POLITICAL STUDY IN BLACK AND WHITE: EYE PROOF THAT HARDING rt4rt4's WILL CARRY OHIO Big Reduction Sale My Entire Stock of Fall Hats to be Sold at 50 per cent Reduction I J' BaLsl I i -j j I , f ms y HAKDIMOB ktRCNOTH Htra b the answer In black ami whIU to the meeUon which the presidential miiljai has brought forth as to tha' relative strength In Ohio of Renatar IWnlliiy ami of (Jovernor Cox. The answer Ti thnt Hanllne l strong while Cnx It weak. It la found In the election returns of the campaign of 1IM4, when each sought Uio favor of tha people, but for a different oftlce. m JB 'S14" ''",!n m candidal for tha United Btatea Henate. Ilardlnir swept tha Htatc. At tha una time. Cox waa up for re-election a Governor. m" wciiiti ueieaieu. Thla eontrait between tha tote.rettlnr; strength " Tg .?!S presidential nominees is revealed In moat atrtkln war by mare of Ohio, allowing tha rounUaa carried by each In 114. V, Tmp..1 ! ,!ft ,how ' Mk wontlaa carried b Harding for Senator. Tha map at tha right howa. alio fn bUck, tha counties carried by toi for Governor. ' Hardlrx for Senator carried 71 of tlio 88 countlea coxa wcAKNua won. Cox for Governor carried only 20 d 'I'm Jn "Jf?." rdlnic'B plurality , while Cox tell Zlj.270 votes below the of Ohio and won. 1 counties and was 102,373, line. That Is the difference hetwean Harding, the win ner. and Cox a loier. i JSSr ' "T1 f JL1- ! Jo7. Tho Republican party n Ohio waa In J9U, a In 1912, atlll divided, Hard, inir had not only his Democratic opponent to take caro of, but he also had to stand (ha loss of Pro pesilto Republican votes which went to lion. Arthur L. Oarford. Protresslva candidate for tha Benate. Mr. Oarford, who la splendid nan and a vote ratter, polled 67,109 votes. Had Harding received tha votes which went to Oarford, his total of coun tlea carried would have boen Increased from 71 to 79. The additional countlea are ahadad In tha Hardin map. Thla irlvea a true Una on tha great nersenal ularfty and voting strength of Senator Harding etc I mm (a own staVi of Ohio. w NT H ArlKKMt IIKADTIKUI.t.T AM) It. MTOHKH ITU .VATUIlAli OOIXIK AM I.UHTIUC AT ONOK kalr become dark, gloaar, aett, a ad ImurUat, and you appear yaare younger. "" ' Cntnmnn garden six brewed Into heavy tes, with sulphur and alcohol tilled, will turn itrny, streakod and drd hair beautifully dark end lui rlans. Mixing the Haro Tea and But leeome. An railrr way l to get the our reclpa at home, though, It trmi. indjr tn usa preparation Improved by le addition of nlber Ingredients, gating about SO cents a large bottle, I drug store, known as "Wrath's Me and Kulphur Compound," thus voiding a lot or mui , WhIU cray, faded hair Is not sin i. we all dnlre to retain our youth il appearanre and ottrartlveneaa. Ily srkenlng your hair with Wyeth's go and Hulphur Compound, no one n tall, becauto II Is done no natur Ily, so evenly You Just dampen a wnca or soft brush with It and draw ds through your hair, inking one nail strand at a time; by morning I gray balra have disappeared. Af r another application or two your j-j' . r Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water ays a glees of hot water and phosphate prevents lllneaa and keep us fit. Mr aa Just aa coal, wham It bursa, laavea hehlnii Incombustible ashes, aa tha food and drink taken day aflar day leaves In the alimentary canal In digestible material, which It not completely eliminated from tha ays tern each day, baeomra food for tha millions of bacteria which Infest tha bowels. Prom this mass of left ovar waste, toxins and ptamalnellka polsens ara foraaad aid sucked Into the blood. Man and weaiea whs can't gat frellng right must begin to take la side bsths. Defora braakfaat each morning drink a glaaa of hot water with a teaspaonfnl of limestone phosphate In It to wash aut of tha bowels tba previous day'a poisons and totlas, and to keep lb entire i ' " eeaseavasBBiaBjaeMeaawBBa IKSelgagegegegegeHgCSVagV ,, gaaV ,.1 11 M I T Stoves Once Were- Nailed to the Floor Kink an TrlA mnrfflfTl flfl heatef. (Filled with Pearl Oil it gives instant heat anywhere, at any time. It sees a continuous round of service-bedroom-dining; room kitchen-parlor-and bedroom again in the evening. Pkarl Oil burns without odor or smoke. Economical Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our stations. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Csliferala) 9 allmsatery aaadl alaaji, traah. Thoaa wka ara sabjeet ta sick haadaatia, ealda, bUlaaaBaaa, caastl paUoa, athan wka wafca op with bad taata, goal braaAb, baafcaobe. rheu- tatlo aUtaaaaa, ar bara a boot, sjaaiy steasaeai aflar ataaJb. ara urged to gat a quarter aauad af llataataaa phosphate fraat tba drag store, and bagla praaUatac saUraal aaaltaMoa. Thla will aaat varr IIIUa bej la awaV ataat ta asake aayaaa aa aatbuslaat aa aba eabfatt. Nothing reserved in my immense stock. Everything will be sold at a remarkable discount. This is your opportunity to get the latest styles in Fall Millinery at less than wholesale price. Fine Egyptian Tur bans, regular price $16; sale price $8.00. Latest Picture Hats in Duvetyn, regular price $30; sale price $15. A few. Paris Models, regular price $22; sale price $11. 100 Hat of Various Styles, regular price $20 to $11; sale price $7.50. Fifty Children's Hats, regular prices $8 to $6, sale, $3.50. Hanging, Novelty and Work Baskets, regular prices $12 to $4, sale price $8.00 to $2.00. SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, and continues for One Week Only. The Parisian Shop 609 Main Street 3MfraaX":"""Mfr HWf yfmM agggaf bbbbbbbbDH i 1 Vv c t "7 Jijj- ''esTe pfaAaiLmaMB gggM SgBaBBBaaCllBVlulflBBB BUCKHECHT Dress Shoes ?-, No shoe is a DucUxcht unless stamped BucKHEctrr W jWMe HATEVER the occasion, shoes should be right for the purpose, and must express proper style. BUCKINGHAM dc HECHT began building their reputation for value, dependability and shoe contentment in the early fifties when grandfather wore a high hat and long legged boots. Now in 1920, styles have changed, but the same old idea of value and service remains. The accompanying illustrations of Buckhecht styles of 1920 express con cretely what the 1926 man demands. Styles shown are made in Rich Dark Mahogany shades, Black Vclour Calf and Vici Kid. Prices are $8.50 to $14.00, according to weight of soles and styles. Tell us when your dealer doesn't show them and we will endeavor to have you supplied. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT MANUFACTURERS' Shcc tit turfy fflitt SAN FRANCISCO ' For, Salm By Vv M! li fi BRADLEY-EVANS SHOE CO. 227 MAIN STREET 1 's ri