The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Now, John, you've alwaya put off
buying (bt llaby Grand (hat you
promised me tomo day, because you
Mid w didn't nam room, and aa I
foand out that Karl Hhepherd keep
paper patterns of bit Orande which
can be placed upon tha floor and
hows tha eiact apaco occupied, I
aecurrd on, and there, now, you
caa ee 1 waa right.
Karl Hhepherd Co, baa three die
tlnct aires of Oranda In atock, tha
smallest of which la only four feat
right Inch long by four faat all
lachta for width.
Why postpone purchasing whan
price ara ao raaaonabla and Urau
ao convenient
Upright piano taktn aa part
Earl Shepherd Co.
rUana, ItrrunU, VlrtroU.
507 Main W. ilwa
We caa fit you, whether your alxe be
10 or S
Style Shop
Corner Main and 7th
707'Main St
Only Two Days More
of our 20 Discount Selling. Have you selected your Winter
Coat or Wrap ?
Remember, EVERY GARMENT in our shop is till on sale and NOW U YOUR OPPOR
, 4
o u
Vance llutehln and U Hulllvan
left thli morning tor Medford In
attend the Iteed'HItchlo boslng eon
let, which will Ihi held there to
night. Mr. Clarence Harris was In from
her ranch at I'lne tlrovn yeiterday.
C. 0, Merrill la a Klamath Kail,
visitor today from Merrill.
Mr. Oettruile Mooro of the
Klamath Btato bank I enjoying n from her father, A, K. llodg
Urn of Hprlngfleld, Mo.
Mr. and Mr. Money Abbott left
thla morning for Itoteburg, where
they were called by the death of
Mra. Abbott' father, Mr. duett.
Claud Klopton wa In town lait
evening from Yaluai, attending to
bualnoa affair.
Joe Hall la In the city today from
hi plare at Modoc I'olnt.
Dr. Fred Wraterfold and Cecil
Jay left tbl morning for eaatorn
Klamath county, In aearch of good
duck on (I gooao hunting.
(1. K. Van Itlper and Clarence
Underwood made up another hunt
ing parly that went out for ducka
thla morning.
Mr. and Mr. K. Loosloy ara
county vat visitor today from
their ranch In the Port country.
Mr. and Mr. Jay Mitchell are
pending a few day la town look
ing after bualneaa matter.
Mr. Vie Olbaon, who haa been
hero visiting Mr. Amanda Mara-
aker and other friend and rela
tive, left thla morning for her
home In Montagu. Mra. Olbaon
made her home here at one time,
and I well known to Klamath Kalla
Lloyd Low left yesterday for Illy,
where he will attend to butlnou
for the next few day.
Don't Fail to Take
Advantage of It
Andross-Glover Style Shop
w wt Fjrr7 w v w r W W
Our Glove Hllk Underwear laelaeVd la X
' Hale Trice 7
t . i
i x
( t
Mr. C. T. Weedon la a Klamath
Fall visitor from Merrill today.
Dave Campbell I a city vliltor
from hi ranch at Lorella.
Frank P. (Iron la In town today
from hla ranch In Langcll Valley,
attending to bualneaa.
N. Fraaler and J. 0. Ferguaon are
In Klamath Falla fmm Dunsmulr.
They are gueiU at tho While
Pelican hotel.
Harry Klepper la a bualneaa vl
Itor hero today from Cblloquln.
O. B. Hobba aad J. P. Reld of
Algoma came down laat night and
are attending to bualneaa matter
In town today.
J. W. Fader la a Klamath Fall
vlaltor today from Modoc Point.
P. B. Puckatt la (pending a few
day her from Recreation.
D. D. Campbell, accompanied by
hla nelce, Mr. Jack Elliott and
huaband, left thla morning by car
for Ban Francisco.
A. P. Peck la her" for a brief
bualneaa vlalt from Bacramanto.
Nothing Succeeds
Like Success
The American who boast of his Americanism and his God's
country on-every fitting and unfitting occasion is not to be
laughed at for that reason. His national faith, which has the
good qualities of the faith which moves mountains, is only to be
admired, for it is an honest faith. We have an honest faith in
Klamath Falls. We are going to succeed. You will find our
every-day prices lower than special sale prices. Underbuying
and underselling is our business.
C. J. Breier is in the eastern market. Mr. Breier does not make
buying a side line. ' With thirty stores to buy merchandise for, he
makes a business of it, and he knows how! You don't have to
pay $50 to $75 for an ordinary good suit .of clothes you can
buy an extraordinary value here from $25 to $40. Look at our
Governor Fur Hats at $5.85, genuine Velour at $7.50. We have
an assortment of Gloves and Mittens that is not duplicated in
Klamath Falls.
Men's black sox, 10c per pair and no special xsale, and no
limit. We buy for less and sell for less.
JOHN VALE, Manager.
William Zumbrunn waa In town
yenterday from Fort Klamath, trans
acting builneia with Klamath Fall
Morrl Lotchea wa,a vliltor In
Klamath Falls ycaterday transact
ing builneaa. '
Qeorgo Welsa came Into town
from hla ranch near Itccreatlon yes
terday afternoon for tho purpose of
looking after matter of business.
Judge and Mra. D. V. Kuyken
dall apent on day this week In
the Merrill country, where the
Judge hunted ducks.
If. N. Mo I acting host today
for a party' of frlenda on a sight
seeing trip Into the wonderful
Malln country.
Marlon Taylor, who taught music
In the high achool here for several
years, waa back on a visit the tint
of the week.
Mrs. W. H. Oaddea and two small
aona left tnla morning for Van
couver, 0. C, where they will spend
the winter. Dr. (laddie will leave
WANTED Chambermaid. Apply at
White 1'ellcan hotel. ZB-Z9
The teachers of Henley achool have
planned a Hallowe'en party and box
aoclal to be given Saturday evening
at Henley achool. proceed to be used
to parchaae equipment for the high
school. Everybody wekesae; be sura
to come, and briag yonr hex. A good
time la promised thoae who attend.
e 99tG9SB3BS9B9l
A collision v occurred yesterday
morning between two cars at tho
corner of Main and Ninth streets that
resulted In tho almost complete de
molishing of a trailer on one of the
cars, while the other car wan unin
jured, so oo witnesses sold, (lien
Nylin rt was driving west of Ninth
and tho driver of tho star mall roul'i
to Merrill was going south on Main,
with tho trailer behind loaded with
mall, Nyhart drove Htralght lnf the
traitor, It U paid, and ono wheel was
broken oft, Tho mall man avuroil
a new car at tho City Transfer .uid
mudo his trip to Merrill n few min
utes later. No report was mudo to
tho pollen of tho accident
Dion Nyhart Is n son of M, J,
Nyhart who runs tbo 0. K. llvory
FOR RENT Nlcoly furnished front
room tor gontloman. use of phone
and b.ith, 1159 Lincoln St. Phone
217-R. 27-2
nished 3 room house; easy terms.
449 Michigan Ave. 28-30
FOR Ill-INT Two room furnished
apartment. Hamel Apts, 6th and
Pine. 2S-29
PIANO LESSONS Mrs. Osborn ha
opened a studio In No, 9 llelms
Apt. Cell afternoon for appoint-
menu. s-s
Friday and Saturday
SUGAR, 7 pound for $1.00.
Limit, $1.00 to a customer.
M. J. B. COFFEE, 50c pound.
Remember, these two specials are
just for two days. It will pay you to
watch for these two-day specials.
FOR SALE 1 Bulck, 8250;. 1 Stude-
biifcor, $200, Clood condition, see
1008 Main St. 28-30
The people of Lower Poe valley ara
holding a pie aoclal at their icbool
lion ., October 30, They are asking
that all candidate possible be pre
sent roady to speak and inform the
farmora of that district regarding the
coming ejection, SI
Winsome Mary Miles Minter in
From Henry Albert Phillips' charming
story, "The Mate of the Sally Ann."
You will love adorable Peggy in this pic
hire, and the beautiful settings, taken at
Santa Barbara and San Francisco Bay, will
surely delight you.
A special feature of our program tonight
two rollicking reels of comedy,