The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    mnMMT, October as, iee
-''' r ' - . -r
(Continued from nacre One)
' i i rnnaruuij xuignjujiji-ii-i .'.n-'iri i ------
, u. umi is uie irutn, men have'tne managers 01 we in
urance companies committed perjury when they made
and the policies accepted from the county court? That
uch affidavits have been filed the information con
tained in the following telegram:
1 PORTLAND, On., Oct. 7, 1M
"C P. NTOXK. ,
" 1 1
"I aava ta mt nmwlai affldavlta of wiwii of Detroit
aa4 Marian Co.. OoaarcUrat Fire, Aaerrtcaa Iaarac,
Hmu'! Faa, North Rinr, Haaovtr Fire, ehowiag that
ollctea wera tataed to Klamath coaaty a Jaljr twentieth
tweaty oa aew court hoaae oa Block thlrty-rive, ta
ralla, Orrgua. .trrwavHa alao ahom amoanta of
charted and paMs that aoMcfca were acorafU rroai
eoart aad writtra by local aerate of the compaaka at
FalU. I will flip the afftdavha la nuprnne coart
taJa wee, la mr optakra thea are afflrieat to how that
aaaaca faktfled ta hU affidavit aavde. before the aai
4:48 a.
Is this "food for contemptuous laughter," or is it de
serving of the serious consideration of the voters of this
The Bif rest, Brig htest, Moat Festive Social
Function of the Year
Friday Night, October 29
Will dispense its customary joyous jazz
music, and the good time will continue until
the "dawn o' day." You are invited to
1 .."TT,
Leaders of
Fashion for
Ladies' Wearlmg
O-Jd Fellows' BUf ., S. W. Cor. 5th Main
Visit our store and be convinced that our every day prices are less
than so-called
Our purchasing power is far greater than the average merchant, as
we buy for eight stores and buy direct from the best makers, and in
many instances we go as far as buying the materials and have them
made specially for us. In this case we save all the middle
profits, and our customers get the benefit.
On the class of goods we are handling we are not only underselling
home competition, but also the large centers, as our overhead is much
smaller. Remember that we carry the popular-priced goods as well as
the finest that the market affords.
So again we say, visit our store if you want a Suit, Coat, Dress,
Blouse, Hat, Fur, Petticoat or Silk Underwear, and you will find that
our statement is correct.
Klamath FalU'
Finest Ladles'
Showing, at tkeA fc
4aT A C20 I
Adapted from George Ade'a maalcal comedy tncceu M
J ait flu the adorable
Don't mlH this Harem Scarem picture, the funnleat B
of all Mable Normind plcturei. Bsmj
- William 8. Hart In "SAND" BH
Calif onus
Eight Stores
Shorn X
t ftfe
Odd Fellows'
Building, S. W. T
"OTsI slaft ' Corner 5th aad X
I Hotel Furniture tor Sale
In furnishing our hotel we bought more fur
niture than we used. We are now offering
the surplus at just what it cost us, plus the
freight. As it was bought in carload lots,
the freight is at rock bottom. We have
for sale:
10 Simmons 2-inch tubular steel beds
10 Simmons double coil, reinforced springs
10 40-pound silk floss mattresses
9 yards 36-inch rubber matting .
1 dozen earthen half-gallon pitchers 'i
Water tumblers
Small cuspidors
These goods are all new, having been
just unpacked, and may be seen in Uie
lobby ef the hotel. They are offered at
prices that make them real bargains.
county, who cannot but view with amazement and appre
hension such questionable tranactions on the part of the
officials they had trusted to administer their affairs hon
estly and openly?
If the supreme court finds that this act of yours con
stitutes an acceptance of the Main street building what
are you going to do? You and your attorneys claim that
if the building is accepted before the supreme court pass
es upon its legaltiy, the county will have to pay for it. It
is the concensus of oninion of several attorneys whom wo
have consulted on this point that this final act of yours of
insuring the building clinches the acceptance of the keys.
If that is so are you still going to spend $200,000 more of
the people's money finishing a building you will never
occudv? That may be laughable to you, but the people
are looking at it from a different view point
The plain facta are that a few
property owner, who have atwajra
oppoted the preeent county court,
and were willing to go to any ex
treme to ombarraai It In the court
homo conlroveriy. reported to the
moit ropreheoilble obstructive tac
tic. All but five land owners ac
cepted a reaionablo compensation
for rljchti df way, and the Countr
Court challenge ttio itateroent
that nnyono received any preferenco
In the matter of comicnnatlon.
Kxtruct from the itatnmcnt ol Judge
llunnull am Ilurrall Hhort, which
wan printed In The Ili-rald of y--terday.
You know that these property owners did not ob
struct the highway work because of the courthouse ques
tion nor for nolitical reasons. You know when you try
to make the people of this county believe that, that you
are doing an injustice to them. The real reason back of
their attitude was the methods you adopted. You admit
in your article that the highway was located over your
nrote&t and oniv after vou exnausteu every resource at
vour command. If that was your judgment, and this
property uiu not oeiong to you, uw iut muic juouuuu
jnust these people have been whose property was dam
aged and who felt that their rights were being destroyed?
Were you jutsif ied in telling them that they would "have
to take any damned thing" you saw fit to offer them? If
the case were reversed, would you fight or show yellow
and lie down? ' . .
The trouble here is with your contempt or the rights
of others. You have become so swelled up with your own
authority that it has runaway with your judgment, until
you will brook no interference and tolerate1 nothing
but abject submission. You have taken on the habits of
the pompous autocrat and it is this assumption of imagin
ed importance that has brought down upon the county the
odium resulting from the injunction proceedings now be
fore the courts.
This is our answer to the statement that was prepar-1
ed for you to sign. You have asked for the truth and we
have given it to you. Much of this would have been left
'unsaid if you had not questioned the integrity of this
paper and misrepresented .to our readers the open door
policy of The Herald. We know that if we had made one
single misstatement of an essential fact, your legal spell
binders would have seized upon it and incorporated it in
the statement you signed; they would have howled it
from the platform in every precinct in the county. But
you know and they know that we have published the
truth ; that we have published both sides of the issues in
volved and that there has been no misrepresentation of
you and what you stand for.
1BM ' III .II 1111 Hill
In 1I3C no candidate for ylce
president received a majority of'lbe
vote of the electoral college, the
election devolving upon the annate,
which elected Richard M. Johnaon
by a vote of 33 to 16,
ia i i ani ii r wi-n
Aa nearly every atate bar con
vict from voting and there are up
ward of 100,000 convict In fhe prl
on of the United Bute, election
day will mean nothing lo a whole
army of tbem.
t'TrMaaWiiiii liar
b2!awaaw I
More Than a Spat
You'll never go back to the old
style spat once you have worn
Tweedie Boot Tops. They more
than just "cover the ankle" their
grace and shapeliness reflect the
wearer's good taste.
We carry the guaranteed genuine
with the Tweedie label sewed inside
each pair.
6th & Main