kvtflK THIMM MHE HAVEPOWER trail muios I'OltTliANI). Opt. 2H -tHimrUn Tliomun II, ToriKUii, Jr, rlinlriiiuii of ttiM rniulillrnn statu rmilrat rom mlllee, lamina i ho following state ment on llin Oregon campaign! "Tlio day of tlm aoloiiin mferen. jum l drawing near, and I confi dently prtnllrt Hint (tin people or One Hun will go to Ihn pulls on November 2 mill accomplish dm follnwItiKI "I Oregon's five votes will no for Hardline and Conlldicn. This will mean tin nd of one-men ruin, of .autocracy In Km federal government, (tin realisation of tli" cotulltutlon and Ihn Inauguration of economy Mnd retrenchment In national niprndl lures im dlatlngulahmt from Ihn waste, Incompetence nml eitrnvs. iranra of Ihn demucrMtla admlulatra. lion, "2 Oregon "will vtn for Hotter! N. Htanfleld, Ihn repulillran nominee for Untied Mates unnator, and for W. 0. Ilnwley, N J. Hlnnnll, and 0 N, McArlhur, Ilia republican nomi nees for reureanntallvea In riimri-ti. "Thla will mnan thai (hn people pavo arisen to Ihn appreciation of Ihn natraaltr of electing a reputtll. run annaln and liouan lo carry nut tlm policies of Harding and Coolldge. when elected president and vice, resident, "It will iiirau lhal Ihn people reallin lhal during llin neit four Tears Mr llnrrilnc Ma tireeldent will ad loyal aupport III Ihn senate lo inn mil nisi mi ntiminiairaiwn may hn harmonium and successful and that rnpubtlran protective, tariff " rcraiary to reatore Ihn prosperity Of our ferment and our lahorrri, re puldlran economies, tlm national budget ayalnm, rrfurma In taxation and admlnlatratlon may not Im balk ed by dnmocrallc control of cither senate or home, 'To republicans 1 wlah to aay thla final werd: Tlm repulillran randl dldnlra for president, for aoniitor, for coiixri'M nre tnon of tlm )ilKliiiat iwrnrinr, mill liliimy, ()Ur ciltldl dnlii for lleimlor, Unhurt N, HIhii. ,1111111, la worthy of nil aupport of nniry republican. If hua ihn ahll lly, tho iMiraoimllty, tlm clmrnctor and Ihn energy to mnko ono of tlm Itest senators Oregon ha ever hnd. No man'liita a bettor uniteratmuiitiv of tho neods of Orogou for develop tnnnt, of Ihn nld that nood to Im glv on lo innkii our farmer-, livestock pnroua, no man will alnmi lil.ir hack of irurdlng whon oloctnd presl onni ami on anin to present Pro gona n win to tho. republican na tional admlnUtrntlon, Therefore I urge, na do tlm national leader. iiarmng mid Coolldgo, Roosevelt, Tafl, I'olndMtnr, Will II, Hnya, nnd many oilier, that In tIow of tho na. Ilonal crlala nnd Ihn danger of loalng control of Ihn seuntn to tho demo crat, that Oregon rnpuhllcana cast thnlr ballots for Harding and Coot Idgn and for Htanfleld aa woll, lliua Inaurlng thn loyal and ahlo support THE EVENINP. KERALK KLAMATH FALLS. OHEttON THCRHDAV, OOTOBKK M1MI I NEVER GET CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR GoliLEeet aaaaaaaalMagl (WHEN I START A THING ' $ KVmJVfcwaaaaL UaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHJ iHlB H mWTitm "K f I FINISH IT NOW I AM GOING TO LEAVE IT TO YOU IF I AM NOT iAKSNG ALL RECORDS in Price-Cutting Il.tlUI TO OhT OOOD PAIIIUCH TIIMK DAVM but thn clotbi wn ibow are tho pro ducla of Ihn brat mllla and are clualro with ua. Coma In and ana thnm. You'll ba linprmaad with thnlr fjulet good taatn and the char actor of our tailoring fully squall that of thn fabrlca aa ovary good drraaar knowa. I lll VOU KVKIt HTOI TO THINK AttOCT WOOUT MajtMi you do not rnallia that Hlwltl WOOD M HOIlV-WOOtl The only dlffrrrnrn bolng that the alab-wood cornea ! ready aplll. Thnrn la more bark In the alab, that la truo, but thnrn la aa much hrat In the bark aa there la In the wood, ao In a rord of alab you buy aa much beat aa In a cord of bqdy or llmbe for much loaa niouoy. II Vr tlrlKKN MIJIH NOW AND CUT YOUIt KlIKL HILL VI HALF O. Peyton & Co. 41 MAIN WOOII TO HUIIV' I'llONH Give These Prices the Once-Over WATCH THE WINDOWS V IPS YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A SWEATER CHIROPRACTOR Dr. LoU C. Bridget Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. in. Ill 5th St, Suite 105 Oror Klrat State Satlage Hank I'HONK IOt-J MINERAL BATHS Dr. MMaal iagewoU cUwIey Cklroaactle FkjratelM rirat National Bask Batldlag Bfraaee, Roota I .ABHLAND, OWCOON For Paper Hanging aad Painting Call F. R. LAUCHTON Telephone 473-W 204 South Riveraide FURNACES WK HAVR THE WESTERN A miHT-l'llOOI.' KUIINACK In Imlli plpod nd plpelaia. It hai an obli)i Are hox llatt for burn Inw wend, IM ua ahow you other oud 'iiilnta about It, JL N. HAINES' IOM Utala UL FfcAM at S00THING2QU1ETUDE FOR ITS PATIENTS li one of any koipltal'a blggeit aaaeta and the location of tkli boepttal taakaa It eaperlalty dealrable (roaa that vlawpot'nt. Only abaadaatly capable graduated aaraea arc aea ployed, aad tbti fact, added to oar unequalled, itaff of payilclaaa aad excellent hoapltal eqalpment Inturei our pallenta aniurpaaied aerrlee. STAFF DR. B. D. JOHNSON DR. 0. H. MBRRYMAN DR. T. C. CAMPBELL DR. OEOROB I. WRIOHT DR. E. D. LAMB DR. II. D. LLOYD STEWART Klamath General Hospital Klaraatk Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLKANINO, I'lUCHSINQ AND RKl-AIIUNO WILL MAKK YOCR -CLOTHKS LOOK LIKE NEW HATH HKDLOCXBD (looda Called for aad Detlraod 481 Mate Htteol Klamatb PalU Klaroath'Bend Auto Stage A 'dally auto itage aerrlee la now operating, between Klamath ValU and Bend. Offlcee Rex cafe und Met ropolitan Oarage. 0. I. Ilockard. Phone 276.W. BT-tt .iui I Any $5.00 Jersey $3.75 Plain and Stripes Coats and Slip-Ons $9.00 Values $6.00 A Bif Line at $12.00 Sale Price $9.00 Sr BIG ONE One ON ALL Third JERSEYS and Off Sweaters Jazz Stripes Slip-on ' Sweaters. $15 Reg ular, On Sale $10.00 Shaker Knits, Extra Quality, $18.00. SalePriccr $12.00 A Fine Sweater Vast, Reg. Price $110. Now .65 I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY Saturday WT UttDay IVi aUUAKMAIN EK that the)' n III licedmt every turn of tho road. "Tho Imupi are clour. A vote for tho republican party mcana a rote to protect our constitution and the pollclua that have mnde thla nation great. It Inaurea the prosperity of tho people. "Nerer waa there greater need for the people to go to the polla and to exorclae their francbliet "A great republican victory la aa aured If every republican valea for republican principles on election day, November 2." i A Claeslflea Ad will sell It. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Cibc ATTENTION O. K. H. MKMI1KKO invnn. tiavlnv hailKaa. nlsaaa re. turn tketa to the ehapter on or be fore Tueeday, oowner, aein. fcVFlU S. CHA8TA1N. W. M. fll&J(l..t...4rtV" ,l Let3 Ao filr xThiriW4yto JabondsjlrjoVy btogetintod FISH ' MilTa .rz2 v' p v aVt.k "?am Rflex Slicker TfreisnSH UrWAarmant x fir tverv Kind of TannAorawi fJWOfct AJLTOWERCa IIIASMiSHte wt BOSTON MAS. 1 BEQDf HOT WATER DiuNinwirTOo DOrTTFEELRICHT Say flaoa ef bet water with Beeakate before kraakfaot waekee oat pileewa. If you wake up with a bad taste, bad breath and tongue la coated; It your head la acklng; It what you eat sours and forma acid In stomach, or ou are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get' feeling Just right, begin Inside bathing. Drink before breakfast, a glaaa of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone pnos phate In It. Thla will flush the pokv ons and toxina irom stomaca, liver, kidneys 'and bowels , and. cleanse, aweeten and purify the entire alim entary tract. Do your Inside bathing immediately upon arising la the morning to wash out of the ayatem all the previous day's polsoneus waste, gases and sour bile before eating more food, To feel llko young folks feel; like you felt before your blood and mus cles became loaded with body Impari ties, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound ot limestone phot- pnate, whicn it inexpensive and al moat taatolea. Men and women who are usually consttpated, bilious, neadachy or have any stomach disorder should be gin this inside bathing before break' fast. IF KIDNEYS MID W MA Take Balta to ftusb Kldaeya aad neutralise irritating aclde. Kidney and HUdder woakaeta re sult from mle uctd, aa- a noted authority, The kidneys MUr tilt acid from the blood aad pas It on to the bladder, where It often re mains to Irritate and Inflame, eua Ing a burning sensation, or letting np an Irritation at the neck ot the bladder, obliging you to aeek relief two or three tlmea during the night. The aufferer la in constant dread. m water passea sometime with I eealdlnc sensation and I very pro faaa; again, there la dlBculty ,ia TOIBSIBV II. Bladder weakness, moat folks call it, Mcauae, ther can't control aria! tlon. White It la extremely annoy ing and sometimes painful, this la really ono of the moat simple ail ments to overcome. Get about four ouneea of Jad Baits from your phar- ntacUt aad take a taMespoonfal In a glass ot water before graakfast. contiane thla for two or three days. This will neutralise the adds te tho nrlne so It no longer la a searea of Irritation to the bladder and nrlnary organs' which than act normally again. - Jad Salts, Is laupeasire. harm leu, aad is made from tho aetd ot grapes aad lemon Jaloo. comhejnod with llthla. and m nsod by Uonaaads of folks who are anhjoot to nrinry disorders eanaad hy vrto MM Ir rltation. 3U BaHa te aptendM tor kidneys and eamssa no had aCecta whate'ver. Hera yon have a pleasant. oSer- veecent llthU-water drink, which quickly roHovaa Madisr tronhte. eTftafraaaaS0eJaAeftjAaA4 X " w wwwwwwwwww-wwwwwwwwvw'ww w wTRSaeBVrBBafBf Just Like Clock Work Except that you never lose any time when you eat in this cafe. We try to make every second count from the time you give your dinner or' lunch order until it is placed before you. Long waits in cafes sometimes ruin the very best appetites makes people out-of-sorts, and places them in anything but an eating humor. Nothing like that in this cafe! Quick service and excellent 'meals that's the combination! You'll get it at,the - WAAAAAAm00WI0A0imA0l0Wl0i0WWWW REX CAFE 00i000i0A0m0iAA0AA0i000iii0m0m0i0im00t0ti00i lMMIMMI,MMUMMMIMMMMMMIMMiflWI vm in ii i Ijlt 01 ?K j i III -9