The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 28, 1920, Image 1

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    Mr r
1&v iEuritutg lUrralii
Fourteenth Yer N0.''4Ool.
PrieS Five CmU
J KiiAMATH qotnrnc I
A survey by a Herald represen
tative toduy of (tin local situation
with micarit to trado conditions,
And particularly tho matter of local
sales that havn boon In progress tho
pant fow witiki, dlacloaoa a unan
imous opinion union merchants
on onn point, and that U that tho
no I on that havo been In ovldoncp
about town havo not proven to bo a
forarunmir of lower urlcos. That
fact la iwtnhlliihod boyond any doubt.
Whlln It In admitted- by somo that
sales havo been put on In antlclpa
, tlou of u crnnh In tho wholesale
market and with tho Idea of Rot
tints their atacka reduced In llmo, It
now Ih apparent that nothing of
tho kind la KolriK to huppnn. and
tho rental! I thnt thousands of dol
lara' worth of Kocda Imvu boon aold
tho pnnt fow weeka at nil appro
rlnlilo Inns unit with no prosperl
now of replncliiK Ihn aamu at much
fallow tho old prlixm. Ill other
words, tho peoplo of Klamath Knlls
ham benefited by what haa turned
out to bo a "false alarm."
Take, for Inatancn, thn esiio of
tho IC. IC. K atom, Tlioy hnvn been
aollliiK overalls that coat $.10 pur
iloicn for 118. Now, to replace
Unit nlock tlmy hnvo to pay 120.
Whlln It la truo thut tho market
did drop In thla particular Item
from 3C o 126 par dozen, thn
drop win not neurly what had been
"Wo pul on our sole," aald Man
i oner Kreil I,, Houston of tho K. K'.
t' K. atara, "with thn Idea of roduclnic
our atock and getting ready for the
fclump. Wo find now that the man
1 ufaclurer havo changed their
, mlnda about belnR able to nccom
'pllah what tbny alarted put ,to do,
and they art) not RolnR to ael'llhelr
product at much loss than former
ly. They rnn'l do It, they any, and
continue In htialnea. Consequently,
prlcea will probably romaln atout
un Ihey havn been."
In tlui raae of thn HiiRarman aale,
thn Herald man found that up to laat
nlRht Mr, HtiRarmun had been aell
InR hala thnt coat him $73 por
'. doieu for f i 76 each, Aa thn
wholeanln market now stands, Mr
KiiRarmau will have to roplnco thin
atock at practically thn old prlcea.
"Our aaln haa been thn blRReat
In our history." aald Mr. HtiRarmnn.
"Wo havo had an onormoua ei
chango of Rooda and money. I
'havo decided to continue thn ante
until Saturday night, but It will
positively cloan on that date."
At Hector' atom tho aamn opin
ion of tho market la held. Mr.
Hector haa boon buay aolllng off a
lot of merchandise at reduced
prlcea, flRurlnR, llkn all thn real, on
replacing It at reduced prlcea, and
now flnda that ho cannot do It.
"Of courao, on some artlclea thn
prlcea are going to boa llttln low
or," aald O. M. Hector, proprlojor of
thla store. "Thla appllaa particu
larly to cotton goods, auch aa hosl
ery, knit underwear and a fow oth
er Items. Hut take tho en no ot silk,
for Inatanco. .There was a drop In
silk a few weeks ago, and everyone
thought It was tho nlgnal for a
craah In that commodity. The latest
report Is that silk has advanced
$1.60 per pound. Tho manufactur
ers have trlod to force prlcea down
by cutting, hut they find themselves
unable to continue and stay In busi
ness. There dooa not appear
any prospect of labor coming down,
and of course that puts an end to
the prlco cutting. That Is tho key
to tho wholo situation. Tho labor
Ing people do not feel that they can
live on less wages than thoy aro
netting, and If they can't, then
prlcon aro not going to como down
vnrsi fast."
Ed Vannlco, manager of the Gold
en nolo, was found to hold opinions
along the same lines, and sees no
Immediate prospect of lew or prices,
','Qolng outside of my line for the
saxo ot illustration.-' said Mr. van
nice, "I am told that quite a num
ber ot articles In the plumbing line
havo ndvancod In price qulto re
cently. While that Is not tho case
In our lino to any extent worth
mentioning, still I cannot for, tho
llfo of mo see how prices are going
to do nny tumbling. Undoubtedly
there will bo small reductions hero
and thoro, but on the general run
prices will not fall for the reason
that wo must soil. as. wo buy, and
, our wholesalers do not bold out
much hopo."
Tho County Court will not dea
rmul to thn level of thn Kvonlnc
llurald mid buiidy words ovor tho
crudn, aolf-contrndlctory mls-htato
menu of fact that havo appeared
dully, Tho bettor tomont of the
county cannot bo hoard, for Tho
Kvenlng llurald, at present, monopo
llzos tho dally flold. Kxtract from
tho statement of JudRo llunnull and
llurroll Hhort, which wan printed lu
Tho Herald of yesterday.
W. A. Dolioll returned yesterday
aftor a day spent at Recreation on
i uslnesn, ,, ......
When you placed your name under that statement
und by your act cave it your approval, you knew that you
were fathering an absolute falsehood. You knew that the
editor of this paper, six weeks ago told you personally
that you could nave the unrestricted use of the columns of
The Herald and that there would be absolutely no charge
for it. You knew this same offer was made two or three
weeks later, again about ten days ago and again on Tues
day of this week. You knew that your right to use this
paper for the presentation of your side of the case to the
people of Klamath county was just the same as that of
the editor.
Yet you come before the people of the county and be
gin your statement with the werds:
"All that the present county court demands of its
enemies and critics is that they TELL THE
You ask for a square deal, yet deny it to the one person
in the county who gave you your only opportunity to go
to the people on the same footing with himself. Is that
honest Is that telling the truth? Or were you counting
upon the patience this paper has exercised in handling
your legal spellbinders, who have gone throughout the
county and by misrepresentation and misstatements
nought to lead the people of Klamath county to believe as
you do in the paragraph above, that this paper was clos
ed iu your biuu oi me question; mat, it was iiuea wun
falsehoods and that we were thereby trying to mislead
the people in this fight for Jthe protection of their pro
perty, for the development of their county and for the
destruction of the political heirarchy that you are trying
to ouua up in mis community.
You say the better element cannot be heard
When were you denied a Jiearing? The only hearing eyjef
uenieu anyone in mis campaign was wnen it was aeniea
the editor.of this paper when he arose in a local theatre
to contradict one of your spellbinders who was misrepre
senting facts to the people who were there for pleasure
and not for political propaganda.
Not being satisfied with your statement that the
"decent element of the county could not be heard, for
The The Evening Herald, at present, monopolizes the
daily field," you insisted upon paying for the space you
used. You were not satisfied with the .customary indica
tion mark, "Paid Advertisement," but demanded that the
words "Above advertisement paid in full," should be
placed below the article. Your evident purpose in this
was to convey to the readers of this paper that you had
to pay to get a hearing, when you knew that you could
get the use of the paper free and that we offered to pub
lish this article without cost to you. is .that denvmcr you
a hearing, or do you class yourself among the people of
the county who arpnot decent
Never 'in thejiistory of The Evening Herald, so far
as our knowledge extends, has anyone been denied the
use of its columns, when the matter offered was not an
insult to the sensibilities of the people. That will always
oe we poucy ot mis paper just us long as it remains un
der our control. We offered you a square deal, why are
you not manly enough, big enough, fair enough, truth
ful enough to do the same thing?
Tho present Count) Court offers
no defense for Its courae. It has
done its duty. It has used the knife
on all usolesa expenditures, and
created dissatisfaction thereby. But.
by so doing, It reduced tho tax levy
for 1920, In splto of the high coat
of everything. It rebuilt and repair
ed the ruined and neglected county
roads. It serurod for Klamath Coun
ty 72 miles of Market Roads, vis:
from Klamath Falls to Midland:
Olcno to Bonanxa (up Poe Valley;)
Bonanza up south side to head ot
. iangell's yalley and back on north
i side to Bonanza. The expenditure
for tbeao roada Is undor the ex
clusive direction ot the ' County
1 Court, but tho State of Oregon pays
over SO por coat of the cost. Ex
tract from the statement ot Judge
Dunnoll and llurrell Short, which
was printed In The Herald ot yes
terday. T
way; that it was C. T. Darley who induced Commissioner
Booth to come here to attend the big public meeting that
was planned by The Herald. If your memory is hazy on
these points, refer to the files of The Evening Herald of
those days, it may help you to recall other things that you
seem to have forgotten, when you fail to give credit
where credit is due to G. T. Darley, the little wizard
who would have saved the county tens of thousands of
dollars if you had kept your promise to put him in charge
of all of the road work in the county.
The Herald claims no particular credit for its part in
this work. It was its plain duty to do as it has done
help build up the county. It had one ambition then as it
has one ambition now to see Klamath county the first
county in the state in the matter of roads. But your ac
tion last spring convinced us then and your administra
tion since, makes us know-now that if you are re-elected
the road system of this county will cost twice what it will
if a competent, practical, experienced engineer has free
and unrestricted control of the operations.
' The best evidence of mis lies in the piece of "per
manent' road you built from the city limits toward Alta
rnont. This you did after The Herald pleaded with you
not to do it; after you were told it would be a waste of
money; that the character of pavement was impracticable.
Yet you refused to profit by the experience of other cities
and counties and wasted approximately $20,000 in build
ing a road that you now admit is a failure. A detailed ex
amination of other work done under the direct control o?
your court would be productive of uncovering a like
waste throughout the county, a waste that has not es
caped the attention of the people 'who have used the roads
and who'have secured first hand evdience of exact condi
tions. You will get their opinion at the ballot boxes ne.t
Tuesday. .
All The Evening Herald's talk ot
secretive methods, either in Insur
ing the county's Interest In a. build
ing In which $41,141 of the finds
ot tho tax payers were n
former administration, or In relative
to this matter of the location of a
highway. Is food far eemtemptuous
laughter. -Extract -from, the state
ment oX.Judge Bunnell and Burrell
Short, which 'was- printed In.- The
Herald of yesterday. , ,
.". ..,
,j rvj4
Below are the polling places for
next Tuesday's general election
within the city limits of Klamath
Falls. These polling places will
serve for voters at both the state
and city elections .the same election,
boards handling both state nnd city
These aro the polling places:
Precinct No. 1. Building at ear
ner of Center and Main streets.
No. 2. Old postofflce, Main near
No. 3. Court house, upstairs.
Main near Fourth street.
No. 4. Chamber of Commerce
rooms on Fifth street, between Mala
and Klamath.
No. C. R. R. R. garage, between
Eighth and Ninth, on Klamath
No, 8. Fred Buealng's office,
between Ninth and Tenth, on Main.
No. 7. Hauger building, three
doors cast of White Pelican garage,
.on Main street.
No. 8. Charles DeLap's house.
No. 1205, corner Upham and Word
en avenue.
No. 9. Mills Addition hall.
No. 10. Building next to store
In south Shlppington.
i t.
Did you do all of the things you have claimed for
your administration, so far as Highways are concerned?
Why don't you refresh your memory a little and go back
to January, 1919, and recall that it was The Herald that
iaid out the road program for your court; that it was The
Herald that conceived and was. mainly instrumental ,in
getting through the legislature the constitutional amend
ment, raising the bond limit of the county to six per cent
of the assessed valuation of the county; that in the carry
ing forward of the plans then mapped out you promised
to put all of the, road work in charge of the county sur
veyor, C. T. Darley; that it was C. T. Darley who really
changed .the decisions of the highway commission and
laid the foundation for the road campaign now undei;-
Don't you think that this is'-a rather flippant and
brief manner in which to dismiss one of the most im
portant acts of your administration? You and your legal
spellbinders have been telling the people of this county
for the past year that acceptance of the Main street
courthouse meant that the taxpayers would have to pay
for it Yet you accepted the Keys to that building and
technically have taken possession of it Not being satis
fied with taking over the keys you have insured the struc
ture in the name of Klamath county for $112,000. You
directed that this insurance be placed upon this building
last July, but with the understanding that neither the
policies nor the bills be presented until after election.
Vou say in the above paragraph that the county's interest
in the building is $41,548. Then why did you insure it
for $112,000? Why did you exercise secrecy about the
placing of this insurance? Were you afraid to take the
people into your confdience? Did you not by this act be
tray the confidence of your friends and your constitu
ents? If you have double crossed them once is it unrea
sonable to expect that you may have done it in other in
stances and that you may do it again?
Was not a claim for premiums, calling for $444.47,
filed wtih the clerk'of your court on September 23, 1920,
and was that bill not before your court when it met on
September 25 and again on September 27? Did not you
allow a large number of 'bills on September 27, 1920? Is
it reasonable to suppose that a bill for so large a sum and
for such an unusual claim could have escaped your atten
tion, when it was among the other claims., examined,
passed upon md allowed by your court-on September 27,
You demand at the beginning that your critics tell
the truth. We will try and, accommodate you to the limit
Have you done so in every instance? Did you tell the
truthinme-aiftdatryoTiTnde-on the 12th day of Oc
tober, 1920, about the placing of this insurance on the
Main street courthouse? In that affidavit, a certified
copy of which is in our possession, you state:
"That no poUcsee-.of Uanraace wer ever delivered to Mr,
or- to my Knowledge to any other pet-son; that I never author
ised the delivery of nnjr policies of Insurance, nor have I ever
seen nny nollciee et tnsnranee on said building nnd do not
know whether the anane was written along the linen I .talked '
oven nnd. when I received n Telegram from Jay llowrrmnn on
laat flntnnlnT saying that Mr. Dongan had made an affidavit
that VT-mn'u county had. insured the hnlldlng, I wnnt to Dris
1 onU and. Besudng and asked them what they had done.
Ihey aald that, they had written policies on the building, hut
thnt the sane were stlU in their possession. I further nay thnt
no clalnsihas ever been presented to the county court for any
presntam of Innurmiai on any policy oa tho building on Illock
suit that mid Rruts did present claim for other luMirance
written upon otlter county property at thn time when I talked
, to them. Mniltli policies were delivered to regular form. I '
farther) suy that the question of lnsnring Block SB was never
taken up' at tiny meeting of the county runrf and no authority
yi mmitYil by me .from tho rounty couit before talking with
wild iHRUnuaoiM
t1 tmnata-asn-aiannn,
MatHee'Nateet Bunuet!, widow eC
thelate -Albert. C.s Tl and
aaotMr ot.-Jl., H. mil, ffnnty
Oat:, aces fining to a tetegnu re
ceived today. Death followed an
illness of several,' weeks, and -was
not unexpected.
Besides .the sens'L. named, .three
daughters survive .the decedent:
Mrs. Evelyn Turner of Portland.
Ore.; Mrs. Lottie Triplett and Mrs.
Ella Reed ot Oakland. Cal.
Mrs. Bunnell was ? years of age,
a daughter ot the Argonauts. Her
parents were among the first ot the
California pioneers. Her father,
from I860 to 1854, ran n store nt
Scott's Bar. 8lakiyon county. When
he retired he turned the baslnesa
over to his nephews and It waa dis
continued only n few years ago.
Twenty-fire yearn ago Mr. nnd
Mrs. Albert C. Bunnell moved t
Klamath county, and resided until
the death of the former about ten
(years age. Soon afterwards the
widow moved to Oakland te live
with her daughters. She died at
the home ot ker daugkter, Mrs.
Ella Reed.
While n member of the Methodist
'faith, her religion waa ot the broad
typo that embraces all mankind.
During the last IS years of her
life she was especially active' In
doing good nnd spreading the
teachings ot her Master and doing
Hla works among all with whom
she came in contact. The cause of
Christianity lost a loyal servant in
her death, and her family and
friends feel the weight ot a deep
I it is poesinie tnat me body will
be brought here for burial beside
her husband.. Judge Bunnell stated
today that he waa awaiting word
from Oakland as to funeral if-
Irangements. f it Is decided to hold
ine lunerai in vaurornia ae .will
attend, the arrangements depend
ing entirely upon the last wish ex
pressed by his mother.
WmtW Union Civ
Hallowe'en Dance
The culinary workers' union No.
431 will give" their first annual Hal
loween 'dance tomorrow night (Fri
day) nt Moose hall. This danoe Is
going to the something of an event
and is being prepared for on nn
elaborate scale. Buddie's Jats orches
tra has been engaged for the occasion
and will be there with plenty ot'pep.
The local union Is a strong one and
haa a fast membership. This dance
will be the first good get-to-together
meeting they have had this year.
UUiVnyW yiJuVrefnnisrsrsrafVVVirnrrr - "V" a . aaaaaaaaaaaae,ae.aaaiaanaa
(Continued on page Four)
v t mATuvTjrm. v ciftkiTjaa. I
The funeral of the late John Dav
enpbrt,Merryan will be he held at
Waltleck'aehepel tomorrow (Fri
day) 'morning at 10:30 a. m. The
friends otUhf family ate invited te
attend.' .'JM i