:"v- x THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pagr Mam lUMMAX, OOTOAKR M, IMf). ' I' . ' ' w Big Reduction Sale My Entire Stock of Fall Hats to be Sold at 50 per cent Reduction V K Vv t v V Sfl ' fN' wm vi- i .-:.rA MVf. A lni i " J v SfV . v, V C7SI sw mm Nothing reserved in my immense stock. 7 Everything will be sold X at a remarkable discount. J This is your opportunity 5 to get the latest styles in Fall Millinery at less V than wholesale price. Fine Egyptian Tur- X bans, regular price $16: ! 1 nrir SA.fMi. www aavw r W sr Latest Picture Hats in Duvetyn, regular price $30; sale price $15. A few Paris Models, regular price $22; sale price $11. 100 Hats of Various KODAK FINISHING AT Btlnson'a l'hoto Studio, 1311 Main Bt. 10 FOR SALE Now Edison mnhoguny cult I not nntl Victor ntlachmont, CO rocords. Hood am now. 303 l'lno Ht. Phono on. so-ao FOR HAIJi A nlco homo of flvo rooms nml bath, nun porch nml sawlng.room. plastered, furnnro, on corner lot, nico lawn, full bnaomonl, stono foundation nml gnrago. 001 Lincoln. 26-18 FOR BAJ.K 1(10 head ot stock cattlo Including CO fat cow. Inqulrn at Donk ranch 35 miles north ot Kla- ninth Falls. 362 FOR SAUK One practically -How 1 14 h. p. Fnlrltnnkn Morso Rait engine. Beo Uob Curtis, 133 N. !tth St. 36-31 A IUUH IIA1MIAIN Wo ottor tor aulck sulo TS ft. on south nlilo or Klnmnth Avo., 110 (I. uvop along railroad spur, near Hoi land house, at apodal prlco or $1300. Only $400 cunh and Imlnnco In ono year at 8. If you hao inlonoy to Invent, you cannot afford to ovurlnok thtx buy. Chltcoto & Smith. 033 Main St. 36-27 Styles, regular price $20 V to $11; sale price $7.50. ? MKtf3 Fifty Children's Hats, regular prices $8 to $6, sale, $3.50. Hanging, Novelty and Work Baskets, regular prices $12 to $ 0A . 0 AA . 0 V A. ?s sate price fo.uu to .w. SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, and continues for One Week Only. The Parisian Shop 609 Main Street :C''MxM.:Mt44M:4 VERLET CONCERT GREAT SUCCESS t NEW TODAY FOR SALE Dig level lots la MUU Addltlon'aear new school, box fac tories and mills, at prices of $150 and up., Only 125 to f 50 cash. Seme day you may wast to build home. Better buy the lot bow while prices are low. CHlcoto ft Smith, 633 Main 8t. , 26-1 FOR'SALK-Ait, a bargain, threshing outflt.-Case 60 h. p. steam engine. 28-S0 Ueel separator; 2-12 barrel steel tanks, mad 4 wheel'tender, first class condition. Prank C. High. Dor- rls. Cal. . 2C-28 IP YOU WANT A-l CARPENTER WORK DONE, call C37 J. Let me estimate your building. Do It now. 26-l FOR SALE 6 room house. Will take used car, or racant lot and some cash as first payment; good terms on baalnce. S2S00. Rest buy in town. ,.9 room modern home. Pull basement, large Hot, very close In, one half cash. See this quick It you want a reil up to date home. .1 CRATER LAKE SCENES for Christ rrfas presents. Stlnson l'hoto Stu dio. 26 FOR RENT Furnished-room. 1109 Pine street. 26-28 $1000 and $2250. Two good little houses on Washington St., be tween Cth and 7th on very easy terms. A. A. Bellman c Co., 406 Main St. 26-28 CARPENTER WITH LOT In splen did location, will sell and build bouse to suit purchaser. Easy terms. A. IL Herald office. 26-1 FOR BALE Very neat and modern four room house three blocks from Main aod Seventh Just high enough on'the slope to command a good xlew of the lako and valley, A protected home that you are sure to like. Price $2750. Some terms. Chllcote Smith,, 633 Main St. 26-37 FURNISHED ROOM TO .RENT. $3.50 per week. 59 Washington St. I6-27 Every sent was filled and the rear ot tho hall at the Elks Temple was well sprinkled with persons who ar rlcd lata for tho Vvrlot concert Inst night. Tho program was well select ed. Mllo. Vurlot. Victor Young, pian ist and Robert Volton, violinist, prov ed accomplished artists and the tono tests with tho Edison phonograph were startling In tholr proof of tho J Inventor's claims Mint tin has nt last . mtulf a machine that recreates both t vocal anil Instrumental tones cinct JLi b' s they are sung or pluod In tho f orlglnul. If thoro was nny shmla of differ ence In tha performance, the com parison bctmrcen the pianist's own el ocution and tho recreated perform ance of tho phonograph showed to best advantage tho wonderful exact itude of' tho machine Hut t lie re was' llttlo to chooso In north from tho! program. Mile. Vcrlct won loudest applause ' In the lattor part ot her program In' old bnllads "Coming thro" thel Ryo" and other of tho hehrt-ntlrrlnt: typo. So clamorous were the audi ence for further entertainment that she was forced to respond to soicral eneores. At one point In the program the lights were turned out .while singer and phonograph were In the midst 6f their performance.' The song 'tM' tlnucd In tho darkness, but when' thft lights were turned on It was found thit tho singer had left tho stage Rowing at tfie. QILV mmPmjjkY Bryant Washburn Wanda HawUy and Walter Hiers in "MRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM" Tho play thut has been fnmous for years ns ono of tho funniest farces over staged. llrynut Washburn makes It funnier still. WEDNESDAY Olive Thomas in "Darling Mine" srertavsou nm alk.a.m;H i I'MH'.lt CONSIDERATION ATHENS. Oct. 26. Tho throno of Oroore. uyiilo vacant by tho death of j King Alexander, win no oueren io I'rlnce I'.iul, third son nt Conslnn tine, tho deposed ruler, It wns of ficially announced today hi , .t to Fishermen Attention! ict Ymir l.lvc .Mlnmi at 126 Conger Avenue PORTRAITS at STINSON'S STUDIO 1311 Main St. Good Portraits at Reasonable Prices WANTED Middle aged woman , "iMJwllh hou'w"k and carol nml tho machlno alono was responsl- for Children. Phone 265. 26-1 Mo'fnr Ihn mr1n.lv. A renoral taurh WANTED Household furniture. In cluding stoves. Box F-9 Herald. 26-30 ATTKXTIOV ELKS Roll call meeting postponed until Nov. 4. All Elks expected to come. O. W. HOUSTON, E. R. 26-27 SBs. SV .LV B-ssaaW LaV .Lwjl. j-.jy &m.j&j&.j&.j9L-jMM A - 1V -- Jf Sa jpa m. b. t1. jW. jSV . &. & S1. &.&. 1 SsBrrxsrFFF tFfr W9 r4rwTr BrBxi, x 4kr0UrgJrsyerrr 1. Slight cublaxattons at this point will $ cause so-called headaches, cyo diseases, deaf- JL nesa, epilepsy, rertlgo, insomlna, wry neck, f facial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, etc S 2. A alight subluxation ot a vertebra in JL this part of tha spina Is tho cause of so-called Z throat trouble, neuralgia, pain in the shoulders 2 and arms, goitre, nervous prostration, la JL srippe, dizziness, bleeding from nose, disorder I of gums, catarrh, etc i S. Tha arrow bead marked No. 3 locates A tho part of tha spino wherein subluxations will f causa so-called bronchilis, felons, pain between V the shoulder blades, rheumatism of tho anna f and shoulders, bay ferer, writers' cramp, etc 1 4. A vertebral subluxation at this point V causes so-called nervousneu, heart disease, A asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, difficult Z Drcauung, other lung troubles, etc. V Rtomach and liver troubles, enlarre- tnent of the spleen, pleurisy and a I other troubles, so-called, are caused by sublux ations in uus part oz tne spine, sometimes so light as to remain unnoticed by others except the trained Chiropractor. 6. itera we find the cause of so-called gall t stones, dyspepsia of upper boweU, fevers, shin- . . gles, hiccough, worms, etc 4 ' I. sisngnvs disease, diabetes, floating kid ney, akin disease, boils, eruptions and other diseases, goalled, are caused by nerves being pinched In the spinal openings at this point. 8. Regulations of such troubles as so called appendicitis, peritonitis, lumbsgo, etc., follow Chiropractic adjustments at this point 8. Why have so-called constipation, rectal troubles, sciatica, etc, when Chiropractic ad justments at this part of the spine will removo the cause T 10. A slight slippage of one or both In nominate bones will likewise produce so-called sciatica, together with many "diseases" of pelvis and lower extremities. If you are .ailing, choose the right road to health by having your spine analyzed today. Examination Free. Dr. Lois C. Bridges LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR Over First State and Savings Bank Entrance 111 Fifth Street bio for the melody. A gcnersl laugh proved the genuineness of the de ception. Mr. Rcorgo A. Wlrts was showered with congartulatlons by the depart Ijr audience and grateful apprecia tion ot the entertainment he had made possible. The machine usod for the tono tests was the property of the Elks, purchased several months ago, show ing that rumors that tho nrtlsts tiso a special make of machine for tho tosts Is not true. G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder ConMructlon Work ot any kind, No Job too large or toi small. Estimates 'furnished frvo of j charge. L- PHONE 3M-U MWWWW)WVWMWMiMMxAMAAAAAAAAA FRANK SEXTON Independent Candi date for COUNTY CLERIC Respectfully solicits the support of Kla- math county voters at the coming elec j tion. . &e0wmmw0wi0m0t0ww TWO IHVORCE HUITS ( FILED l. UKWL C'OL'HT I Two divorce cases wuro filed In tho I office of the clerk of tha circuit court I this morning. Ono Is Minnie Hough, I plaintiff vs Hugh Hough. They wore, married, the complaint states, at Ihoj Fort Klamath agency February 22, 1909, and hue lived In Oregon and California slnco that time. Tho plain-' tiff alleges cruelty as ground for divorce. , Tho other case Is that of William 11. Lashua against Mnrlo l.ashua, i married slnco July 1912, Plaintiff alleged desertion as causo for divorce.' Sho says dofendnnt left her In Oc-' toiler, 1912, three months after mar rlago. WEATHER RKI-OHT OREGON Tonight, fair; Wed nesday, fulr, oxcept ruin In northwest. I Suite No. 106 m: m NEW ANd'sECOND HAND FURNITURE See . BOB CURTIS 123 North Eighth St. PRINTING Have oponed a Job Printing Shop at Fourth and Pine streets, opposite Hunt Hospital, and( am prepared to do all kinds of com mercial printing business' station ery a specialty. New material throughout. ' Call and get my prices on any printing you desire. GKO. L. DMnOIOTfD, 23-St Pboae IBI-J. Wind Shields Our stock of windshield glass is complete. We put them in while you wait. For quick service in glass work, call us up. Window glass in all sizes constantly on hand. Lakeside Lumber Co. Phone 128 LIBERTY THEATRE fsJjaMMajittajktArteM H. W. POOLK, Owaer ROGER D. TORRKY, Maslcal Dtreetar l "Always ths BmI for the Liberty Guwt' TONIGHT A peppy, zippy, breezy comedy drama of the West is " SLAM BANG JIM " with William Russell in the leading role. WEDNESDAY , , v , $ " THE HELLION " A sensational drama of Hypnotism and Intrigue. ' n a ,-.: liffffff?fTfff.ffff.fvlT?Tff?V r frt'if" t jrw.ir.M-". ;... .-,-' ,:js