The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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'atMDAT, pCTOBCT M, 1M0.
PAfM vom
Marx 9 Mathematical Miracle and Answer
,Mn. MARX:
(Continued from pate 1)
(Continued from Toco 1)
Into roads, wo wilt bo that much
ahead. Tho $92,000 can't bo used
until you know whether It Is to bo
charged or crodlted and when Mr,
Maris, or anyono olio uses, that
$91,000 as a charge against the
county, ho doe ro for the deliberate
purpose of tooling the people, hoping
by this misrepresentation to gain
their support.
Judge llunnetl has accepted tho
keys to the Main street courthouse.
Ho not only accepted them, but he
haa Insured the building for $113,
000. If that la not an acceptance of
the building what Is? Today the Main
treet courthouse haa been accepted
by county by reason of these two
aota of the county court. That In
surance was taken out last July and I
the Insurance agents were asked not
to file their policies and bills, until
later. WhyT Was It because tho coun
ty court was afraid tho peoples mould
know It? Is that taking the people
Into tho confidence of the county
court? Drlng this right homo to your
self, Mr. Veter: Suppose you had n
partner In business who tried to dou
ble croas you this way, what would
you think and what would you do?
cause the sheriff turned oyer tho
key to the county Judge, which the
county Judge dcnlea.
It la the acceptance of the build
teg that will cost us that $91,000,
it you plesse, and'; that la what we
art) fighting. We" will accept It
When they aay we will have to pay
H but It la never going to say that
Aid that la why we Includo tho
I want to aay to you In brief
tkte:. That when Murray attacka
the county court as he aid the other
alght In his editorial, on the ground
that thla county, court was remiss
la Its duty In not asking for an In
junction restraining Dougan from
completing the i court house, and
that It was the county court's fault
that It la built, he has misquoted
the actual facta. In bis own paper,
It you will remember, ho told you
a couple of years ago about tho In
junctions that were Issued against
the county court. Let me refresh
your memory. That was tho -In-
Innetlnn fhaft wa lattfl tir Jndffe
r-ikina ininn thn ponntr court. Here Is another piece of sharp
t-k- i ki. it aa ... -mm m practice upo ntho part of Mr! Man
it In omco on the platform that you When he read that tnjunctlon to his
wanted the Hot Springs court houso hearers he knew he was ralsropre
building, the very mt thing It did, acntlng the facts and that "fHer
was serve notice on Dougan to qultl - n- told ho tru'h- J"1 '"
t-u Mention, nti nwk ss. ninH 'Junction was secured when the
It? Then the next more that our! Main atreet building waa well 'on
Meads oa the other aide did waa aaitowarda completion, not at the he
follows 'ginning. It tho county court had
"Kow, therefore. In consideration ne Into the circuit court and ask-
. - . - ... .... ' mA lt- fn- Bti InlntirtlAfi n- m
uereoi, ana oi ipe particular tnai-.- ..... .,... .
ter. etc. (Reads Injunction) "Writ of ejectment, the Main street
Then be has the effrontery to courthouse would never have been
come out before tne puniie anat-- " - -
m.. ..'flk.h wiiu county court knows. Judge Ham-
the Dougan building , be erected, jltoa aays It when be atates In et-
Waat buffoonery!- What doea Be !" i-B 'u nul "" "
say that we are to swallow thla? contract. It he had no contract
Ha knew thla aa well as you and I "he had no bualness on county prop
aad yet he undertakes in his at-jerty. If he had no business there.
tacks to shift the blame for the at-"H was the duty of the county to
tacks on Burrell Short and Dob 'eject him and when the county
Baanell? Where does he get that 'court failed to do Its plain duty,
from? What was Short and Bob? was responsible for the muddle
Bunnell to do in the face .of the we are In; It la responsible for the
lalaaetion? Were thev to violate instruction of the Main street
It and go to jail fan. contempt of courthouse and all the twisted argu
mart? v ' (aunts of paid attorneys caaaot get
an t am am fn mv frtonita. u! around thla fact nor relieve. Judae
to aak thla question. Having 'shown (Bunnell and 'c6mmIsloner' -Snort of
that thla county court has efficient-. tho responsibility.
ly eoaducted your buslaesa affairs!
roryou si coity 'rials thaaer.rAIl cmrttml'Mm tromrUmlll
have established a tremendous aur-Jwas there for was to tooL.tha.pao1
pMs la ths county treasury, ame, pis, r He would have succeeded. Jead
taey went la omee facing a 'deficit, we not teat a stenographer' to lake
that they have reduced the tax levy, ' down what he aadl. We are aub
aae that they have daae everything jmlttlag It to a bigger audience than
to jet year.gepd road, that It was Mr. Man will ever address. Wo
"poastb'le to do;-that they havw keptlwaat to bo a'bsorntery ' f arf. 'We
their promises la so far as they have ao personal bias or apleen in
thla tight thla time. Wo are only
seeking to help stop a fight that
has apllt this city and county for
a decade, aa4. brought dlagracoupos
one oi law oesi communities
'earth. Wo want to see ths'.fghtl
stopped in a manner that will bring
having tried to do It whea you put 'a constructive policy out of the! Oct. S3
theaa la to 4 Kt iV ,. ruins that have resulted from what I Oct. 84 ..
Mr. Chalrsaaj, I thank Von. has occurred during the past tea Oct. 35
years. That Is why wo suggest tho
election of Chaslaln nnd Peterson,
thnt through their election tho
Main strcot courthouse will bo oc
cupied, the Hot Springs building
converted Into r school nnd tho
monoy on hand and to bo realised
through tho wlo turned Into good
ronds and aid In tho development
of tho county. It Is tho sumo que
tion, Mr. veter: uo you want a
million dollars tor roads or do you
want to put up moro money for
another courthouse?
Both sides are confident of victory
In tho Reed-Rltchle ten round bout
at Medford Thursdany night, ac
cording to communications received
from both camps by tho Herald.
Wild Bill Reed wlrea today that ho
pulled Into Medford yesterday and Is
' In good trim for tho fight. Ho pre
dicts that ho will swing a victorious
mitt on the local champion before
tho tenth round.
"I am In wonderful shape," aays
Reed, "and oftermy victory hero will
mcot I-oe Anderson, who recently got
a decision over Sam Longford."
Frapk Smith, manager of Karl
Ritchie, writes thnt Ritchie will win.
Ho haa everything that makes a
world'a champion, declared Smith,
youth, -weight, quickness and boxing
ability. -After ho wins from Reed,
8mlth asserts that he will challenge
all comers and la willing to meet
Jack Dampsey at ten days' notice.
Medford papera Indicate big Inter
est In the bout In that city and a big
house Is epected. Many Kla'math
Falls fans are expected to be at the
ringside, both fighters having a big
following here.
won permitted to keep them that
ot constructing and finishing the
Mot Springs court bouse, aad If
their baarlal hada't sweat tied, they
weald have, had it up, by thla time.
You electee: them 'on that platform,
Are yoa golag to put them out for
o o
Max. Mia. Maltatloa
45 40 N
1 4
14 "43 '
71 S3
76 87
66 ;4S
. 43 It O
56 30 -r-
60 87
'6 4'
6 43
SI 40 15
41 11
51 14
M St.. IS
15 47 32
4 SS
46 31
40 SO
41 3S 31
5t S
'5 SO . .,
68 85
67 30
66 38
67 38
Oct. 1. .........
Oct. l........
Oct. S
OCt. Imwhh
Oct. 4
Oct. 5
Oct. 4.....
Oct'7 '
Oct. 8
-.-- --. rr--
' . J . .
Oct, (10
Oct.' 11.
Oct. IS
Oct. 13
Oct. 14
Oct. 16.'
Oct. 16
Oct. 17
Oct H .
Oct. 18
Oct. SO .
Oct, 31.1.
The Telephone Situation
In tho engineering of a telephone plant switchboards, conduits,
cables, pole lines and general mechanical equipment we have always
tried to anticipate tho growth of a community and provldo therefor by
advance construction. This course lias ennfilod us to more promptly
comply with requirements forscrrlco with better construction and at an
ultimate expense lees than that Involved In waiting to meet demands us
they arise.
In the war period we were unable to maintain this reserve plant, aa
the very things we needed for telephono purposea were required and
necessarily taken for government purposea. The demand for telephone
service did not decrease and our reserve facilities were practically ab
sorbed In meeting It.
As every business man knows, tho problems of reconstruction fol
lowing the war liavo been acuto and prolonged to an entirely unex
pected degreo. Unusual conditions aro prevalent throughout tho entlro
manufacturing, mercantile nnd social world. Tho telephone Industry
lias had to meet all the difficulties and handicaps of retarded produc
tion, distribution and transportation.
This advertisement Is not meant to be ono of apology, but one of
explanation and even accomplishment. In tho faco ot an unprecedented
demand for telephone service In the last few months, hampered by tho
exhaustion ot our reserve plant and difficulty In securing materials, we
liavo added more telephones thus far this year in the State of Oregon than
. In any similar period of telephone history.
In the State of Oregon, In tho eight months ending August 31, wo
have added 6863 telephones. In tho eight months ending July 31, 1917
before the war we gained 26C6 telephones.
In the State ot Oregon, we have approxlroatley 2600 ununited appli
cations for telephone service. A similar situation exists all over the
United States. We will continue to secure all the equipment possible,
and the desires of the public will be met as soon 'as It is humanely
possible to do so.
.The Telephone Company regreta the inconvenience to prospective
subscribers. It Is aa anxious to give service as the patron la to receive
it. The Combpany is doing all In Its power to remedy conditions and
furnish service in accordance with normal standards.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
v V,
? ' ' it 1 1
.1 .
Since being awarded the highest score for
Tone in 1915 'at the Panama-Pacific Exposition
Sonora has again jumped in the lead by the in
vention of " The All-Wood Tone Arm," which
is the final element of absolute Tone Perfection.
Among the other features of Sonora supre
macy are motors that run forty-five minutes,
twice as long as any other, tone volume con
trol absolutely unique for real results, and a
patent bulge curve cabinet construction similar
to Baby and Concert Grand Pianos.
Sonora does not make a Disc Record in
addition to thejur. Phonograph, contending that
companies manufacturing both do fall short of
the ideal a phonograph that plays all records
better than the machine for which they were
At all times the Earl Shepherd Co. will be
pleased to give you an informal comparison
recital with any other phonograph made. You
may bring your own records.
Sonora Supremacy is best indicated by the
fact that five times as many leading musicians
and citizens of Klamath own Sonoras to one of
any other make.
The Sonora is not the, only good phono
graph, but it is claimed by the manufacturers
as "The Highett Class Talking Machine in the
Earl Shepherd Co
1 In "
Klamath s Only' Exclusive Music House
507 Main Street Phone 282-J
stasis " sitbnki m suttirv
Don't fail to iad the Herald Classified Ads.
We Carry a Full Line of
And a Complete Line of
Peter's Ammunition
if.,.:.;., ,