I'AOH t'i i THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON hatijiumy, fHrnmun wt, inao Letters From The People 8AYH lltl;ilTi: INV()l,Vi;i IN UM'IITIIOI'HI", I'KJIIT llonanui, Oru Oct, 20, 1U20 To tho ICdltor of tho KviiiiIiik llnruld: lJonr sir! A 11 subscriber to your Vapor, a voter nnil b tnx payor, I should llku to bo himnl through your columiiN on this courthouio question. I hellevu In a fair (I nil ovorywhero and nil tho Unto, to everybody. I bo llovo In representative government, In innjorlty rulu. Tim majority may not tilwa bo right, but If our gov eminent In to ntand, tho expressed will of tho majority of tho pooplg nuit bo our law, A "nowcomor" reading your paper recently would get thn Impression that wo nro n pack of foolit, devoid of clvlo prldu or common seriso. I hardly think Hint li fair. Year ago wo recognized tho nood or n now courlhouso. Wo Totod thn fundi; wn selocteil tho alie: our em Ployeo began a building. Then wo thought It ndvliabla to change employees. Tho now man wai pledged, both publicly nnd pri vately, to carry out our will. Had bo done no that bulldlnc would liavo have boon completed and occupied long ago, an ornament to our city, and a aourca of prldo and satisfaction to us all. Why didn't ho do 10T Who author lied him to abandon that building,- to throw away our money? Who told him to if led different lite, and to erect a different building? Illi building wm half done before wo know anything about It, and ha managed to complete It In nplta of all wo could do. Who then li reipomlble for the present dligracoful muddlo? It U the men who are trying today to carry out tho exproMtd will of the people who have to pay the bllti, to uphold tho fundamental principle of ma jority rulo; or thn man or men whoi by trying to thwart our will brought thin condition upon usT l.et ui be fair. I do not raise tho question of tho relatlvo merit of the two location!, nor of the relatlvo merit of tho men advocating each, ,That li not thn question. It la: Shall wo have representative government, or shall wo not? No man hates litigation more than It M.i n. mm will .......1,1,. II a .... ,,,..( TM, fmilllllU IIIIIIU llinil I to iivpM ttrlfu, Hut thuru'n ono thliiK I won't micrlflcn, nnd that In n vital prlii' , lo, I will Klmly spaml my part ol .lint $25,001), and that much iiicru. If iiucnmnry, lo main. tnln tho tiovurolgnty of tlm iicuulo mid to show our cIiohuii officials, from iiriiNldunt to poumltiiimtur, that thuy uro not tho inuilont of tho poo plu, but tliolr urvaiitH, hired nnd pnld lo oxueuto our oxprosiod will. If I should order u suit front n tailor, select mtitnrlnl nnd pattern, and dopor.lt (if) on It, and thnn whim I callnd for my suit ho should Inform me thai wbon he had It halt Mulsh ed a friend of his happened In nnd that It was not what I needed, and ha would select other material and h stylo bettor suited to my ago and complexion; that ha would gunranteo hi icluctlon to plomo mo, What would I do? Would f tako tho suit of his friend's solectlon; pay for It; loxo tho fCO deposited on my choice, nnd tako It homo for my wlfo to uso for mop rugsT I WONDKIl IK I WOULD? WOULD YOU? Youra respectfully, II. M. DANIEL. MAKK OKFI.lt KOH llOAII HKTTLKMKNT Klnmnth Kails, Ore., Oct. IK, 1920 To Wliom It May Cencern: We, the undersigned fnrmurs, would makn the following offer to tho County Court of Klamath Ceun: ty! If tho County Court will build thn Klamath Kails Merrill highway along tho Modoc Northern railroad aurvey from thn Khohall I'lnee Into Kln mnth Kails Instead of building It past the bouses of llurrtll W. Hhort, l.um Abort, thn John A. Short tato place and by Judgn Bunnell's place and Mr. Kordyce-a place, we will give tho county court rights of way through our tanda free of charge, Wo do not wish to Impede highway building but wo do object to tho county commissioners using tho peo ple's money to build roads past tholr places In order to feafticr their own nests. Knough of this his been prac ticed In tho past and we feel that It Is now tlmo to call n halt to this form of squandering tho people's money. Had tho highway followed tho Mo doe survey Into Klamath Kails every man and woman coming Into Kla math Kails from Merrill and Matin If the Wood Dealer Sold Service W da aot asM carresrti we sell sat lie. aaVtatT That taw) wood del or aoM saiiluu as stead of wo alt, aa WalL m ' weald lead lo pear faiaaia aad roar laasjr, take away the , aad esoaa um naaa.. z -fail aanr ao New row kayeo BBacn afea,' aahiiafa yew toy aces ran yoa ecsssaassv Bat aw wnlw is nmfeisaud far at um MinaMi asM war ataasa. roa ajrsals Tfea Is was m -alaa of thla inagaa . aaattor what It to, If yea haw a "yoar iiu oras aot aa or writ as ahoat It. errvtee. It to um Ho ear rata, ilea esoae la ail see w If jroa have aa? saggwtloavs to snake, we wM gladly avail oar selves of Chew aa oar aim to coaataatlr to Improve oar ami Its to yon aa faat aa toe developsneat of acieaea aaw hasuw aMIItjr aenelt. wwwwwwwww California-Oregon Power Company would snvo Just three mile on each round trip to tho KiiIIh. TIiii distance from tho Klmhalt pluco to Klnmnth Knlls Is Nhortnr by tho Modoa North nrn survoy roulo tlinn It In by tho places of tho county JuiIko and com mlsMlonorri, Tho county court could linvii snvi'd Justono mllo In rond building if thuy hnd mado tho high way follow tha Modoo nurvey so as to connect with tho Hlnughtur House rond near the old Btllu place. In oth er words, tho dlstanco from Khe halt's place to tho connection with tha Hlnughtor House rond would have boon one mllo shorter than frAm Khohnlt's place to the connec tion wltb the i.akcvlow highway at tho old John A. Bhort plnco. Header of this will kindly refer lo tho map published In tha Kvenlng Herald on Octobor 18, 1090. All wo ask of tho county court Is a. square ileal, Wo know that they have not given us ono. If they had to go straight with tha highway, why did they turn off when thoy reached ho Merrill ranch Just north of Merrill Instead of going strnlght through It tho sumo as thoy have dono with our places. Wo havo been Informed that tho county court allowed tho John A. Bhort nutate, ownod by a relatlvo of ono of tho commissioners, f 1400 for three acros of lands covering right of way for tha highway through tho threa ucrns of land covering right fared us lost then ono third of this sum per sera' for our lands. Tha Short estato lands am dry lands. Our lands. aro fully Irrigated and seeded to alfalfa and other crops. OEOUOK KHKHAUT BOI'HIA HKNL.KY CON CUIITIN nOIlBftT CHEYNK. homo of Mrs. Heohorn 111,1 Mnln Kt. at 10 a, m, Kvenlng services at tho Unptlst church nro being conducted by tho YounK I'coplo. Tho pnotor glvoi an add ross cvory Hundny evening under tho general subject, "luhlng lo iho Front," tho subject for Hundny even ing Is "Money." Methodist Episcopal Church Tenth and High, He v. 8. J. Chaner. pasior, iuub jiiKh ot, I'bono C37-W. Kmmanuel Daptlit, Eleventh and High streets. Dlble school, 10 a. a. Prayer meeting Thursday, t p. m. Womoa'a Home and Foreign Mission ary society meoti first Thursday of each month. AT THE THEATERS BIB EATERS CET HEIf TROUBLE Thoro's mnny a husband who thinks his wlfo wns "cusy to got." They never know how cIojo they enmo lots of them to losing out entirely! That was tho caso with Mllly Morehouso's husband. And she hap pened to hear him make a remark once that mado her sore. Bhe deter mined to make him get her all over again, so that bo could never again say she was easy to getl Did sho succeed? Well, she suro 'did. The poor chap hnd the hard est Job In his life. Come and sa It all done! It's a delight from start to finish; Marg uerite Clark Is the star, "Easy to Got" la the title tonight only at the Star. llunry II. Wnlthnll's splnnuiu uli Ing has never been more strongly om phnslzed thun in tlm characteriza tion of thn mnn who tobk tho great est sporting chance In 'A Splondld Hazard," which will bo t,hown at tho Star theater. ANNOUNCEMENT OUR NEW HOT SPRINGS 1 BATH HOUSE ' is now open for business. ALL HOURS HOT SPRINGS BATH HOUSE M. A. MANN Proprietor 1 AT THE CHURCHES No change will be mado In this column unlcws tho copy Is at The Kvenlng Herald office by & o'clock Krlday evening. Sacred Heart church, corner of Highlit and High, Rev. HughyJ. Mar shall, Hev. J. V. Molloy. I a. m., children's service. Adnlta are requested aot to attend tbli service. 10:30, high mass and sermon. 7 p. m., rosary and benediction. The Christian Science society of Klamath Kalla holda services la tha lower room of tko Library bnlldlag, corner of Third and Main atraate. every Saadoy BMrntag at 11 o'eteek. aad evory Wadaeaday aveaiag at o'clock. Tko subject laaaoa for Baaday: "I'robatlon Attar Death." The lanftar aaaaol aaaaaa to Ml to 1:4I ovary anaay Tha frao raadtag.rooan toadhuj library to oaaa traaa !: to :! aa Taoaaaya, raaya. rirst Baytlat Ckarea. Bandar aaaoe I at U a. m. at 11 a. an. Prayer aarriea Wadaaaday at I P. U. Bvary aeooad aad foarta.wa ovealac will be devotad to mlaati LIBERTY THEATRE "Always the Best for the Liberty Guest" TONIGHT The Celebrated Actress, Miss Ethel Barrymore, in THE DIVORCEE"- From' the great' stagcauccess, "Lady. Frederick" , SUNDAY , " We will run a continuous show, starting at 1:80 p. m., and the program is most excellent. The big fea ture is THREE GOLD COINS" and the celebrated TOM MIX the man who never fakes is the star. An excellent comedy and late news-reel are also features. , NOTE Remember that election night, Nov ember 2nd, we will have, a special Western Union k ( wire in the Theatre, giving lis national election news. The Theatre will be open all night and local election news will also be announced. . T. I, u. Baaday araaias at T:S0 p. m. A cordial tavltatloa to extended to all to attaad tbaao aarvloaa. t Lutheran aervlcta will be held Sun day at 2:30 p. m. In the Kirst Baa list church, corner 8th and Wash ington. Service by the pastor. Thome: What Is Truth? Sunday school at IMS p. m. Kirst Presbyterian Church, corner Sixth and Pine streets. Rev. B. P. Lawrence, minister, 437 Third itreot. I'bona 2B. 11 a. in. Subject "Tha Value of Temptation." Spcclnl music by a chorus choir under tho direction ot 'Mrs. K. S. Veatch. At S and 7:30 p. m. moving pic tures entitles "Thomas Jefferson Morgan" will bo shown for tho bon 'cflt of tho school children of all 'crudes and also parents. Thoso four reels aro furnished by tho vocation' al dapartmont ot Ladles Home Jour mil freo nnd aro sent out to encour ago ovory child to complete tholr Vubllc school course nnd look for vard to soma vocational or life work Thoy are very highly commended by leading educators over the country, Members ot other churches will' have a chance to attend with tholr 'children at the 5 p. m. hour and so not mlsa their own sorvlces. Como phomptly at & p. m. Christian church, corner tb and Pine streets, C. P. Trimble, pastor, 3107 Wantland Ave. Phone 339-R. Services are now being held at the llnptlit church on Uth street, Sunday school 10 a, m. Sermon 11 a. m, Christian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m. Sermpnj 7;30 p, ntj . We Mayo torganliod a mea'a Bi ble class which meets at the Star theatre at 10 a.'m. The attendance and Interest aro growing rapidly. The Udy'a otaat vrtU aMt at the i no American men and women must guard constantly against Kid noy trouble because we cat too much and all our food Is rich. Our blood la filled wltb uric acid which the kid noya strive to filter out, they weaken rrom overwork, become sluMlsh: the cllmlnsttve tissues clog and the result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakners and a eeneral docl na In health. When rour kldneva feel Ilka lumps of lead; your back hurts or tha nrlne la cloudy, full of aedlment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times night; If you auffer wun sick neaaacne or duty, nervous spells, acid stomach, or you have rheumatism when the weather Is bad, get from your pharmacist about four ouncea of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful In a glass ot water be fore brvakfoat for a few daya and your kidneys will then act fin. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapee and lemon Juice, combin ed wltb lltbia, and has been need for generations to flush and stimu late clogged kidney; to neutralise the adds In the urine so It no longer Is a sourco ot irritation, thus end ing bladder disorders, not Injure; makes a delightful offer Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent lltbla-water beverage, and be longs in evory homo, because no body can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. A classified Ad wi; sell It. HAVK YOU A KAinnANKH MOIWK KMU.N'K? It will be of interest to the mnny local users of Fairbanks Morrn ten- i Ines that a factory expert will be In thla locality In a rtrr short time. It baa always been a policy of the FAIRBANKS MORSE CO. to keep In close touch wltb the products of their factory, to observe them In tholr home surroundings. If there la anything about your engine you do not understand, any Questions you would like to aik. In fact, If yon have an engine problem ot any kind, be will consider It a favor to hear from you. Write, phone or call at the of fice ot G. C. LORE.NZ, 123 N. 6th St. Local Dealer. 0-23-26-28-30. VOTE X 65 LLOYD L. LOW Republican Candidate for SHERIFF Regular Election Novem ber 2, 1920 J 1' For Sale at a Bargain One flivver car with piston ring, Two rear wheels, ono front spring, Has no fenders, seat or plan, Burns lots of gas, hard to crank. Carburetor busted, halt way through;,. Knglno missing, hits on two, Two years old, three In the spring, Han shock absorbers and everytnmg, Radiator busted, sura does leak; Differential dry, yoa caa hear It saaesk, Ten spokes missing, front all bent; Tires blowed out, ain't worth a rent. Oot lots ot speed, will na Ilk tha dense, Burns either gas or tobacco Juice, ' Tires all off, been run on the rim; But a darn good flivver for the shape it's in. MALLORY GARAGE Phone 378-J 127 S. ft esfsaet ! HI Ml HIM I'll Ml 7 : Rock of Ages Granite Time and the elements can no more change the rugged cenotaph ot ROCK OK AGES ORAN1TE than it can change the rock-bound hills from which It is quarried. Light gray In color and fine In tex ture, ROCK OK AQES GRANITE adds distinctive beauty to any mem orial public or private a beauty which makea the monument a strong hold of tender memories and a shrine for generations yet unborn. Your tsak of selecting a suitable tribute to the departed will be made easier by visiting my place of bus iness at 1040 Main street and looking over the beautiful- display I have. Klawth Falls Marble and Grade Worb 1040 Maim SL G. D. Grizzle, rVoprietor BBnBBBnflannftH Hl MB XOC EVER 0TOT TO THINK ABOUT WOOBT Maybe yoa do aot realise that SLAB WOOD 18 B6OT-W00D ' The only difference being that tha slab-wood eosses al ready aplit. There la more hark la the slab, that la tree, bat'there la as much heat la tha bark, aa then la la .the wood, ao In a cord of slab yoa hay as much heat aa la a cord of body or limbs for much lees' money. BUT GREEN BLAB NOW AND CwT YOUR FUEL BILL IN HALF O. Peyton & Co. d!9 MAIN WOOD TO BURN" PHONE B3S CHAS. J. CIZEK MERCHANT TAILOR BJii l w v aaaaan .amasBBSBBV L F J BbbbV ' HARD TO GET GOOD FABRICS THESE DAYS but the cloths we show are the pro ducts of the best mills and are ex clusive with us. Come In and see them. You'll be impressed wjth their quiet good taste and the char acter ot our tailoring fully equals that of the fabrics ad every good dresser knows. fhomng at the. 41LC e v PHOTOPiBJ yu TO-HOT MARGUERITE CLARK IN "EASY TO GET" t The tale of a bride who Baid: "I do;" then suddenly vowed she wouldn't After she heard Hubby boast that r the proper ' "system" would win any woman. WH it? l Come and see! A rapid,-fire romance, loaded with laughs. SUNDAYHenry B. Splendid Hazard." Walthall in, ''The