MVNMY. OOrOMCR , IMS THE EVPONG HBAU), lOAMATH FALLS, OREGON rAoarovn n The Evening Herald JL . MVMBAT VRIB " aw IOVLI PafcUaaed dally, eieept Bandar, 7 ; Herald Publishing company 01 Falls, at IIS Foarth strast. atatwd at Ua postoaV at Kka atfe Palbi.Ore., far transmission tara Sao Malls aa aacoad-claaa aiattar. mEmbkr op tub associated - rniKtt The Attocied Press I exclusively titled to the dm for republication f all new dispatches credited to if.' e not otherwise, credited la .. tale payer, and alio the local newa pub Mawed herein. - . ViT - - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1020 AN UNSOUND I.AW Constitutional Atncndment fixing legal rate ptjntervst In Oregon. , 314 Yes. ' 315 No. , t Vote NO. Tho voters of Oregon are to pas Judgment on this mcuuro next No Tember 2nd. Wo havo bad attempts la various war to lessen tbe load on tbe borrower br legislation but It aba always bit back and bit back kard. There wu tbe mortgage tax law In Oregon year ago and the bor rower always paid the tax by higher Utereti rates. Tbe proposed limita tion of Interest rates by contract to 8 and the legal rate to 4 aa pro vided for rn this bill will rect aa all former attempt to legislate what the borrower shall pay, bare re-act-d. There aro 13 separate states Is. th TJalon-with 48 separate laws on'inter-' at rates, 47 which Oregon baa to compete with tor money for develop asent purposes as welt aa torenejr xlttlng Indebtedness and Oregon needs development more than any of them. Do you want to stop this, de velopment? Do you want to return to the Jackrabblt and coyotes what farms we bare developed? Then vote NO on this measure. If one of the other 47 states wants to experiment on a law of this sort let them do It, but Oregon needs the money and our soil will produce It! Oar government cannot borrow. asoney at 5 with tbe beat security la the world, so bow 'do you expect to borrow at that rate? i Do yea waat to pat the brake oa ska development of year stata and i Good Taste in t FOOTWEAR TO the woman who cares to be shod well but' not. extravagantly the JOHN KELLY fall models which we are now showing will make a strong appeal. Graceful, pleasing lines, a smart appear- , ance and the look of quiet elegance that is ' achieved when fashionable leathers -of the first, quality are wrought by expert craftsmen. Our sales people will take pleasure in showtfV ing you the styles of your preference. Whether it's a smart walking boot, a fall oxford or a dainty, graceful tie, we have it and the style is right , , ft . Priced 'as low ah ahopi. at refinement and superlative quality can bei the consequent Increase In the value of your property? Then Vote NO. GENEROUS DONATION TO ARMENIAN RELIEF Word has Juit been received from Mr. J. J. Handsakcr, state mana ger of the Armenian Relief, that clothing has poured Into their head quarters to such an extent from all over tho state that their boat -which Is to carry It from Pprlland will be loaded to capacity. Following this call for clothlrg, pUns are being laid for a big Sunday school offering for this some cause. to fes gathered at or near Christmas tlmo. Word has Jutt been received alio from Rev. and Mrs. Itamito, for merly In charge of the Christian church here, but who havo had chargo of an orphanage In Armenia where they havo undergone tnnum erable hardships and be?n driven out once, aro going to Datoun -to help fight the piaguo which haa broken out among 16.000 Greek refugees. Let us plan to. back up these heroic peoplo when the call comes for funds to help. E. P. LAWRENCE ARTHUR WILSON Committee. LIVELY CONTEST AT CLUB HMOKKR; ALL END IN DRAWS The matches at the Athletic club smoker last night were clever exhi bitions, not overly exciting perhaps, but fast and full of Interest. All three went to draw decisions. 'The main event between Battling Mont gomery and Kid Lewis gave both boxer opportunity to display their talents and apparently pleased the fan. A big crowd witnessed the bouts. . m. PRINTING 'Have opened a Job Printing Shop at. Fourth and Elne streets, opposite Hunt Hospital, and am prepared to 'do all kinds of com mercial printing business 'static cry a specialty. New material Uroaghancfc-. r i ' .CM andfet my prices ion airy prwiaar youvavsaire. , DRUMSIOND, 33-91 PbonsJ 3S3-J. V. ', I I PERSONAL MENTION I o o Ieoa O. Wise ha returned from a month's leave and resumed his place aa ticket clerk at the Southern Pacific station. He, spent his vacation In Chicago and other pari of tho cast. During his absence the posi tion was tilled by C, M. Howard, re lief clerk. Sirs, llert E. Hawkins, In com pany with her sister, Mrs. a. W. Dewey, who hat been hero frora Nebraska visiting for the past to' weeks with Mr. and Mr. Hawkins and family, left on the train thls'(rom Kirk morning lor nan rrancisco. Mrs.Whlto Pelican hotel. L. 0. Bland, who has been here for y, 0. Lane and family aro hero tho summer with her son. M. F. Ar- for tew days from their homo nett, also accompanied Mr. Hawk- Ins and Mr. Dewey. Mis Helen Caldwell, who I at- tending the high schcol, leftfor i nd who was at ono tlmo water week-end visit with her people at' commissioner for Klamath, Is In Warden. itown this week. W. C Thompson of Chlloquln ar- rived yesterday afternoon and Is tending to business matter here, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 8utton arc county seat visitors hero from thelripanc,i by F. 11. Nash, Portland ranch at Dairy. ' i representative of the firm. Mr. Illand and Mr. Stewart, bank examiners, aro paying Klamath Falls Institutions a visit this wcck.l.Medtord, have been discontinued, It Thoy plan on going to Lakevlcw'was announced by Postmaster W. from here. I A. DeUll today. This chanan Is Mr. J. A. Chastaln. who haa been! visiting her son, George Chastaln and family, left for her homo In j Donsnia this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Denttey are business visitor In tho city to day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Qrlffln, of Slsson, California, haw arrived In Klamath Falls to make their future home. They purchased the Arnold place at the corner of Upham and Falrvlew streets, this wek. Marvin Cross purchased supplies from Klamath Falls merchants this morning for ksl ranch near Dly. aMVlNUBLB -1 i 5 3 l a ''fil CIAKD J F-i 'JUWi'lh ' Mr. Henry Lemalne, lster of Ocorge and Oliver Watt, who has been visiting 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Watt for the' past two weeks, lett yesterday morning for hur homo In liattlo Mountain, Nevada. Mrs. Isabella Watt, .moth er of Mr. Lemalne, who ante hore with her, will remain on for' somo tlmo before taking her departure for Honolulu, where she will spend the winter. C. Ferguson and II. Arnold are horo from San Francisco on business. T. It. Kolly Is a wcok-snd visitor He Is stopping at tho i silver Lake. j. h. chlnnook, attorney for tho Callfornla-Orcgon Power company, Lewis Roesch. rOBresontlng At- at-Jicrt,ury Stewart and Volll trucks, u hero from Seattlo to look over lho Klamath field. Ho Is accom- stages carrying tho mall between Klamath Kails and Ashland and made every year when bad weathsr 'and bad roads set In. Mrs. A. W. Long of Silver Lake Is a county seat wook-end visitor. She Is registered at tho While P11 can hotel. ' , If there aro any doubt as' 10 whether Oregon-grown apples'- art not tho finest In the world, the beauties displayed In tbe window of the Klamath County Abstact com pany will give final proof. Thoy were received by Don Zumwalt from Oeorge Alten, who worked hero with Mr. Zumwalt for several year, from Wilbur, Oregon. The fruit rv- aU. itwl "I- MS? r r-. - .- " T ' TTr.iZL,"'Z. ".fesTrKil 'm mmssgm was grown on tho ranch of W. L. linker. They are Spllsenberg and llnldwins, Frod Coleman and John Nouliort were city business visitor till morning from Swan Lake, whoro they operate farms. C. V. Drown was In town yester day from Kirk. James Straw Is In town on bus lness"from Odessa. Miss Agnes Leo left this after ijoon to spond the evk-nd tho guest of Mr. and Mr, (luy Merrill u't their home' near Merrill, Oregon, Frank and Charle W. Kester were county leiu visuor irum i-ou Valley this morning. r.ll tl . f II, ..i' ......... .w.w. ... . Mr. Oscar Peyton loft yrstorday for Oakland, California, where lie f .wilt taku ii course In llould' bus- nes college. 1 James flhcoliy, former city editor of the Evening Herald, Is busy spreading democratic propaganda from Portland headquarters of the Ilourbons, and many democratic papers aru using the arguments clicked off Jimmy's typewriter. C. W. Walton, Jr., I spending the week-end In town from Chllo quln. .Mr. ami .Mr. Jay Miicneii are hero on business for a fe daya.f- Mr. Mitchell I one of the big cat- tie buyer, who do business In Klamath county. i a in. inn ,..... a. i.. t..i,....i .... w. ...M... .......V.,, U. . ....... .V,.. has taken a position w(th tho ruinilrl dopartnwnt of tlm nradlcy-Evans Shoo company. Ho ha had 18 ycrs ..n..i.n.. i- hi i. ,"'""" '" "" """" !-.... 11-1111. M. k... ... W. I'VVIKU . IIIIHIIIM. HVIU I. I'lll IUII- land to conduct tho lloosler cabinet salo of tho Johnstone Furniture com pany, has left with tho conclusion of the salo. While here ho made a visit to Chlloquln and Fort Klamath, Placing cabinets In both place. a ... . ... ... - ,.."' - ... ...... . ...... . .. STKf INSTRUMCNrOfCjUALirY. onor .. The Matchless i Phonograph ! t IHEN you tee mark on m phonograph, jem know that it repreaeatt mi instrument which Won highest score for tone , quality at the PanamaPacific Expotition; Playa all makes of dice records fcrftctly without extra attach mento; H&3 a powerful, eilcnt motor which is noted for its strength and loag-running qualities; Is characterized by rctremely graceful linca duo to patented "bulge" cabinet con st ruction; Has a sound box which docs not deteri orate with time; Ccntrob tone volume at tbt sound eeurc: t!:c "proper place without the' slightest blurring or marring of the accuracy of re production; ." Has wonderfully sweet, true, lovely tone, which is beautiful beyond comparison. We have jutt the Sonora you Irani at the price you toUh to pay ' .v i $50 to $1000 EARL SHEPHERD CO. Exclusively Musical Instruments , 507' Main St Phona 2t2-J TheH:ghe$t Oat Talking Machine in the World 1 NEW TODAY o c HTHAYHDOct. Id, 1030, from my plnco, 304 Mlohlgnn Ave. Ono surrell homo with whlto faca, Ihrou year old. Had halter on, J, N. (luth rlo. a327 WANTKI A amall, full-grown dog. Must bo a retriever. (I. L. Ilhrln. Algonm, Oregon. 33-30 WANTED Woman to do washing by tho day at Mr. L. I. Park 914 Urant 8t. 23-2&-26 Wo pay tho highest prices for old automobile tires than can lie repair- 'ml. ITfiltititlli llnhltrtp A Ijnlhnp f'n . 1120 Mnln street, 33 . " rn nuw iTfiwrru in i i. o.pori. t ... H ... ... ... lire repairing, sectional work and ro- treading a.spoclalty. All work guar- anteeu, nianintn Hiiuner ana l.ealh. er Co,, 1130 Malln street, 33 ATTKNTION.O. K. H. M19IIIKRM Anyone having badges, pleasn re turn them t the chapter on or be fore Tuesday, October, JClh. EFFIE U. CIIAHTAIN, W. M. 23-20 FOtt HA1.E Hmnll rook stove. Franklin, Uwls St., Went Hldit. li 51 . 33.26 FOR It ENT I led room for gentln- man, Furnace heat, bath and lihiine. 1003 lllsh Ht. or lihone 38K-M, 23 FOR SALE 9-room house, furnace I "J" 0?,' ? urJ.- ' nono 3'"'r ,1003 High Ht. 13.27 IFOR SALE 2 sutn of A I tires. 8fM 3jx4 B(j j,jxi ((, Bp He 33 iooS Main Ht. K0.H BALE Houses from 11000 up. . furnished or unfurnished. Kasy terma. O. II. Cosard. I 3-36 U'ANTER Room and board for high school girl. Phono 300-M. 23-26 FOR RENT A 3 room apartment, also slnglo bed room. 812 Oak Hi. 33tt classified Ad will Mil It. ; the Sonera trade it J. E. ENDERS & CO. ML' i v v '