The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 22, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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"Tho mnn Hint luld nut Klnmnth
I'nllrt laid It out for tho purposo of
selling tutu," mild W. II. Masou lit
Woilni'Rttiiy'M weekly forum of tho
Klnmnth county chumlmr of coin
morcu," unit did not flguru on tho
convenience or tho recreational feu
til Iti a or oven tho nnfuty of Investing
In tlic city. Now wo hnvo to bear
wltlftho nilntnkos of thin mnttor of
iIoIiik things nnd carefully luvnsll
unto tho innttiim In thin city nnd thn
needs of Iti puoplu und tho safety
of Investment. Tho chamber of com
indrco should son Hint thli In done
und soimi city iilnti adopted no Hint
tlimo mistakes can hn rectified nnd
tint icM)il(i from now on nnnurcil of
u plain In which to llvo. When thin
plan In iidopti'd tho chamber of com
merce nhould son thul tho plnnn nro
well protected nnd cnrrlcd out nn
noon li possible."
Thoao words of Mr. Mnn on, chair
man of thn civic coimnlttcu of tin1
county chamber Vtrnro thn ctonlnK
wo nit of u splendid talk on tho Idea
of n city plnn. Mr. Mmon told of
tho difficulties tho city was en
countering nt tho present tlmo dur
ing Itn rnpld growth nnd of tho illf
flciflty of keeping thn population nt
Inflod, especially tho women. Ho
snld Itn need nhould be taken charge
of by tho comiiiurclu! organization,
properly worked out nnd properly
protected In order to Ret thn beit
ruti ng's progressive elty.
The regular weekly luncheon wai
welt attended and an an entertain
ment feature, after the doting re
marks by Mr. Mnnon, noma of the
nembern were called upon to tell
tbe beat ntory that they bad heanl
during- thn pait week. Many of tbe
members aroao to the occasion with
nornn nplendld responses.
Tho guest at tho luncheon In
eluded R. I,. Dawson, lumberman of
Louisville, Kentucky and R. K.
Wright, local real estate man.
There will be no forum nest week
at the regular hour. The meeting
next week will be the Community
Harreat dinner at Ike White Peli
can, Thursday evening. Commlttte
have been appointed to handle the
affair and It la ex pec tod to be one
of the beat affaire erer he'd la Kla
math Kail.
(Continued from Page 1)
about a year before the recent
conflagration occurred. This
survey wan made to determine
the serious fire hazards In tho
city and to suggest mtthoda for
elimination of such hazards. I
have no disposition nt this time
to crltlclso yourself or your city
council In connection with the
serious flrea which have occured
In your city since that time. My
deputies who have been In
touch with the matter have re
ported that yourself and other
city officials expressed an Inter
est In Fire Prevention work and
tbe elimination of the serious
bnxards confronting your city
but that there waa an Indiffer
ence and, In tome Instances, de
cided opposition to the carrying
out of nuch work. Tho facts re
main that there was ilttlo pro
gress mndo In Klnmnth Kails be
tween tho time of our nurvey and
thut of the last conflugrntlon.
Inquiry Wiut Fair
The Investigation of tho Hous
ton flro In which a mimbar of
liven wura lost vnis mndo by rep
resentative of thin department
In tho name, manner us nro nil
other similar InycntlicntlonH.
Tho dopnrtmont bus no Intercut
' In tho matter other thnn to dn
city mil
ra sirs
"Always the Beat for the Liberty Guest"
If. W. POOLK, Owner J ROGER D. TORKEV, Hwlcal Director
OneNof those verile, vital Western stories is
and HARRY CAREY, '"The Ace of the Saddle,"
yfi '.;
Starring ETHELBARRYMORE. A story of Monte
. . "v J ft
' A ft "' ,
,. V ' ..SUNDAY ,
TOM MIX, the Man Who Never Fakes, in
toriiilim tho ciiiiho of thn flro
nnd tho criiiioii for such serious
lonn of .no. Under thn provisions
of Hoctli; I 12, Chapter 2H2, laws
of 11)17 a anting this dupiri
ni;nl It lief mvn thn duty of tho
district Lt.iinioy of any county
to assist this department of nuch
Invi'iitlKntlniiH In n Icgul capa
city. Hueli Investigations nro nl
wnyn taken up through tho of
fice or thn district lAiornuy und
conducted by himself or IiIh dop-
uty nnd tho doputlnn roprononl
Ing this deportment, Hlncn our
reports of nuch Investigations
urn reduced to writing no Indi
vidual nru culled for uxiunln
nllon other thnn those who nro
believed to have Information of
value In connection with the In
vestigation. In thl cnsit I am
advised that nn muni tho exam
ination was conducted In the 'of
fice of tho District Attorney of
Klamath county nnd that Mr,
Duncan actively cooperated In
cenductlni: thn Investigation.
Ills partner, I am udvlnud, wnn
not at nuy time concorhnd In
thetu examination und wan not
1'hnnn Not Alarm H) strut
'I note your opinion Hint thn
Telephone company and corpor
ation, furnishing tho water for
fire protection of your city were,
In n inensuru, rcnponHllilo for
tho unfortunate features of your
Inst serious flro. In this con
nection I would cull attention to
tho fact thai tlio telephone, as u
flro alarm system. Is not re
garded as an ndi"unto one nnd
Is not recommended by this de
partment nt any time or for nny
place, Thn luck of water for
flro protection In your city I
very serious but no-one othor
than tho city Itself can lie held
respond I bio for such condition.
A city make tho enntrnr'. fv
service with tho water company
and must be rcspomlbln If such
sorvlcn Is not' satisfactory.
Mcnnrm HUH KxNt
There nro still serious men
aces to Urn nnd property exist
ing In your city which could ho
remedied by proper flro preven
tion methods and tho elimina
tion of euch haurdj. TnU de
partment Is not con let-nod In
your politics In any manner, our
only Interest being In having tho
proper cooperation from your
rltlxena and tbe city officials In
Fire Prevention work. The re
rent conflagration certainly
brought the need of better regu
lations very pointedly to thn at
tention of your cltlxenn and your
City Council.
(VnoKil Htlll Hju. Chaare
Poltowtng the Investigation
of such fire and thn recommen
dation made to yeur City Coun
cil this department furnished
copies of ordinance which It I
necessary for your city to have
to enable Ita officers to regulate
tbe 'fire haxard. Your present
council atlU haa the opportun
ity to place Itself on record be:
fore Its cltlxena aa actively fa
voring Fire Prevention work by
enacting these ordinances and
following auck ennctnsMta by
condemnation of deagreua
risks and 'giving InetractloM to
your Police and Fire department
to require your cltltena to place
tholr premises In safe condi
tion. If the present council doea
this with your approval and aa
slstnnco you will certainly mer
it our commendation and wo
will be glad to see your reelec
tion. This Is the only Interest
we can possibly have In the
municipal affairs of your city.
I most nlnreroly regret that It
sometimes becomes necessary In
the performance of official duty
to take action which I know full
well will not meet with the ap
proval of some of our cltliens
Republican Candidate for
Regular Election Novem
ber 2, 1920
hut thin I it matter Incldont to
all official work nnd pnrt of tho
rvKpoiiHlhlllty wo must asuuino,
1 trust that you ittlll appro
elate tho Importance of tho work
wo nro iititimjitlni: to do n you
have heretofore usntinid tho dep
uties niprcnotitlnR thin offlco nnd
that you will sco that thn need
ed ordinances I hnvo mention
od nbovo nro enacted during
your administration.
Very respectfully yours,
a. a iiariikr
Htuto Flro Marshal,
Challenge to n public debate with
Mrs. i. I), lluguo on tho question
tin to whether or not "tho courthouse
controversy Is nn Issue vltnl to tho
people of .Klnmnth county In thin
campaign" lias been rcfusod by
Ocorgo Chastaln, candidate for coun
ty Judge, '
Mrs. Ilngtio, In n letter to Mr.
Uhustaln, stated that sho wan In
formed that Mr. Ohastalu In his cam
pilgn talks had stated thut tho
courthouse controversy wan not an
Issue, and Indicated a willingness to
take tho opposing side In debate, any
'where nnd nny tlmo that tho can
didate wished.
I refused tho chnllcngo for tho
reason that I hnvo sought to mako
my position plain In all my public
statements " said Mr. Chastaln to
day, "and I do not see where tho pro
posed debate could shed further
light upon my attitude. I am buiy
trying to soo all voters I can before
election day, and while It might be
to the advantage of my opponents
to have nor attention distracted In
the preparation of material for a
needless agumtnt, I feel sure It
would not be advantageous for my
own campaign."
"I have never said the courthouse
question Is not an Issue In tho cam
paign. I have said that It should
not bo tbe paramount Issuo, that we
abould consign this wranglo to ob
livion and devote tho energy It take
to keep It alive to harmonious effort
for the general advancement of Kla
math county. If I have not made my
position vlear In aevoral weeka that
I kave been actively campaigning, I
could not hope to make It clear In
the proposed debate."
The ckejafter of ceaaserce la In
receipt of Ike following-, written
from tbe Klamath Fall camp
grounds. No explanation la necei
aary. Klamath Fall Camp Ground,
Oct. lth.
Gentlemen: Many tourists
use your camp ground. For
tbe benoflt of your city, take
on Inspection of the ground
and the dlgraceful, condition of
toilets, etc.
From Several Tourists South
and North Hound. -
FOR LEASE To good practical
farmer 100 acres of Mint land In
high atate cultivation, located on
Caledonia Marsh. We prepare ground
for you and furnlsh'dlstlllery- Work
must start Immediately If thla offer
and terma accepted. Pacific Coast
Mint Company. Jamoa M. Watklns
Jr. 11-13
WANTS D Experienced cashier,
book and timekeeper deilre posi
tion. Has knowlodge of stenography.
Good reference. Phono 3il, Mr. Pat
terson. 22-2S
FOR BALM Small restaurant, good
business, low rent. Call at 1122
Main 8t. 22-24
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room, bath nnd phono. Si: N.
Ninth St. Reforonca required. 22tf
FOR SALE Four room house, well
furnished for housokeoplnR. Nice
burn In rear that ran ho used tor gar-
ago, lot 50x110 foot near now school
houso. Prico 13000. Tonus. Soo own
er nt S12 N. Ninth St. 22-23
FOUND Ono lady'rt groy glovo In
front of Haidwin hotel. Ownor mil
nt Itorald offlco. 22
FOR LEASE nno ncres good piw-
turo plenty of water. K, c. Stnltii.
Poe Valley. 22-28
Mr. W. P. H rooks nlnno tuner
from Palmer's Music Houso. Med-
ford, Oregon will be In Klnmnth
Falls for n few davs. Anyone wishing
to have their piano tuned leave or
der at Klamath Falls Music Mouse.
122 South Sixth atreet. 11-23
FOR SALE Threo Heifers nearly t
years old. one cow with calf 1190.
Phone 195-M. SJ-31
FOR SALE White and Black mln-
area rooster, everyone beauties.
Price $2 each. Write or see them at
Senen Springs Ranch. Mr. Ra
Freuer, box 72, Uonnnia, Ore.
Phono 262-J.
FOR RENT Furnished room for
gentleman, 237 N. Gth St. 22-25
FOR SALE Must sell at. once my
6-room modern house on paved
atreet near new school. Cellar, lawn,
Sarden and garage. Center oi city,
iex B. B, Heralt. SMI
lUSiU, Oct, 22. IMnnB for the
utilization of tho vast Jack Pine and
lodgupolo forests of Contrul Oro
gon nro being mndo, It was learned
hern followlni; tho dupmura of Dr.
IT. U. Coo, who, on a recent visit to
tins city, showed
samples of paper
of vurloun weighs nnd strength, man -
ufnclurcd from tho lowly Jack pine.
I1K.NO, Oct. 21, Aided by a stiff
wind, two homing pigeons from tho
W. J Bpront loft mndo tho almost
unbelievable tlmo of 2H.yft mile In
2C mlnuen recently. The birds wero
released at Ia Pine by Forest Su
pervisor IT. U I'lumb at 8:30 o'clock
and arrived In Dcnd nt 8:f.G o'clock.
Tho rato wan well over 4 mllo a min
ute. nOSEHUna, Oct. 22. In splto of
a desperate search, carried on un
der the most unfavorable conditions,
no trace has been found of Joacnh
Itohrer, who has beon loit In tho
vicinity of Strnder's burn early last
Monday. Forest Hunger O. (i. Hous-
er phoned in from Wolf crcok this
morning nnd stated thnt mora
searchers have gono In to aid those
already combing the wcods and tho
hunt will not be given up until nil
hope of finding tho aged man alive
has gone.
IIKND, Oct. 22T-Onc of tho re
mnrknble hunting records of tho sea
son was made this woek by II. J.
Power, J. O. Gibson and Louis Den
nett, when they brought down 40
ducks In eight shots on the Jim
Lane ranch In the 8llver Lake coun
try. Ar tho ducks roso, Mr. Gibson
pulled both triggers of hi double
barreled shotgun and Mr. Power and
Mr, Dennett got-Iu ihrre shot each
with their pump gun.
DE.VD, Oct. 22. Initiating a cam
paign having aa Its aim railroad con
struction connecting Bend and Crane,
tbe IJend commercial club, In session
at tbe P'llot Hutte Inn, authorised
the filing of a formal complain and
request for hearing before the state
public service commission.
MED FORD. Oct. 22. Regarding
the Klamath Fall protest on the eli
gibility of members of the kfedford
high school football team. Superin
tendent 8mlth said:
"We have not been Informed of
any official protest on last Satur
day' game and do not believe there
la ground for auch contest.
"Before the ganM with Klnmnth
Falls we knew that they would ques
tion tbe eligibility of some of our
player. We, therefore, took every
precaution to make ure that our
men were eligible under tho rubs of
tbe state athletic league.
We will play a fair and square
game and will do our best to win In
our contests, but will accept defeat
If It come our way, with good grace.
However, we cannot let outsldo
teams pick our players and will not
be bulldozed by opponents who may
hope to win only by disqualifying
our eligible." v
Sidney Olcott ha been directing
'motion picture play for a good many
year and haa been up against some
'difficult problem but never anything
like tho ' one ho encountered in
'"Scratch My Rack," tho now Rupert
Hughes story, a,Goldwyn Eminent
Authors' production, which cones to
the Star theatre tonight. Mr. Olcott
had to get several feet of film show
ing n cat scratching his back. It was
a puzzler. .
A classified Ad will sell It.
Educator SHOES
HI IV) T?".
Ub K '" la V ' vniwn.1mnwuii.HW
JL JL sMetl JL9Ve'X A JL11 A
In a recent primary In Michigan
Miss Allen C. Anderson, candldato
for nomination for register of deeds
of Oscaoln county, received tho larg
est voto over cast for nny cnndldnlo
for public omco In hor county.
Mrs. Helen Gardener, recently, ap
pointed a civil service, commissioner
by President Wilson, had tho dls-
ftlncllon of being tbe only woman on
tbe program of tbe recent annual
convention of the National Associa
tion of Postmasters.
FOR LEASE To good practical
(armor 100 acres of Mint land in
high state cultivation, located on
Caledonia Marsh. Wo orenarn ernnnit
for you and furnish distillery. Work
must start immediately If this offer
and terma accepted. Pacific Coast
Mint Company. Jnmcs M. Watklns
Jfj 21-23
Master Made Shoes
We are looking ahead. There is a tendency for
SHOES' to come down. What about OUR PRES
TO REDUCE THIS we are making, UNTIL
NOVEMBER 1ST, A PRICE OF $12.75 on all
THESE SHOES have been selling for $1600 on
TAN and MAHOGANYS and $15.00 on all. black
MASTER MADE SHOES carry all youwieh in-1
over and remember the mice ' a"
Yours for
Rupert Hughes' Great Comedy
A Scream from First Flash to Final Flicker.
It's Good, Clean Comedy and the kind
you like.
llHlnr,"l Vat " rUACD ma Aj-iiiBr
Life in a burden when the bodjr
is racked with pain. Evcrythtac
worries and tho victim become
despondent und downhearted. le
bring back the- unehine take
The nstional remedy of Hotlaod for o
200 years; Jt la an enemy of all pains raw.
oiling from kidney, liver and uric adot
troublcc All druggists, three Ms.
Iah for Ik. mm CU ftUJal o mrr I
arf hwiI m ImHiImi
- i
713 MAIN SlKttl
I rJ