AMU THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON VaaasnBbhBaVagaBBal lUER HOT ACCEPT LME Two Dollars a Week U7E are offering as a spec " lul the Old Standard Make Columbia Grafonola with triple motor, eighty record niing system and tone control leaven. Make a reasonable first navment. then onlv two dollars a woek until $120 Is paid. Hear its clear tone and smooth running, powerful motor. ' EARL SHEPHERD CO. Exclusive Music House 507 Main St Phone 282-J Rexall Straw Ballot Note. Tho figures below will he changed from day lo day or as oftsa mr thn new returns arc mcelved, na til election day. National liallot Herding I'opular voto &8,oi Klectoral Ttiln .... 34 S Oregon ballot-- I'oular voto B.B29 Kleetoral voto ..'.". I Klamath Kails l'opualr voto 7 Cos 1,707 11 3.604 37 "CORNS" Lift Right Off Without Pain f n5f LU Doesn't hurt bit! Drop a little "Freesone" on an aching sore, la ataatly that corn stops hartlng, taea aaortly you lift It right off with fla gtrs. Trulyl Your dragglst aells a tlay bottla of "Freeiooo" for a few cents, aafflcteat to roraovo ovory hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal luses, without soreness or Irritation. (NOTI4 This Is anotlior Install mont of tho story by Captain "Kddlo" Itlckonbackor. Anwirlcan Aon t Aeoa, In bis drlvo agnlnst tho Wil son loaguo pk nntlons.) ( My OapUln KtMIn lUckKnlmcker) Chapter Flvo What docs tho Amnrlean soldier think of his country T Hi thinks It Is thn best country on oarth, That Is whnt lie thought before lio wont to Kuropu, That Is whnt ha thinks today. Why did tho American soldier fight with recklttis coursgo In KrnncoT Ilocauso ho folt sure ho wss fight ing for the greatest country In tho world, wanted to provo by his con duct that the Amurlcan people woro the licit people In tho world, was de termined to show an American sol dier was the quickest to defend hi government of all tha soldiers In tho world. Itlght or wrong, that Is how ha folt. A soldlar s Ufa Is as precious to him as any other man's ll dot not wish to low t. Ho risks It willing ly, only for a precious purpose. In (his caso, liu glndy looked death In tbo eye Just because tho purposo was so precious tho daefnio of tho land ho loved and revored to bo boyond any otbor. Yet a soldier who thus staked all In battle comes homo to find what! That, while ho had been fighting victoriously for America as first and best of all, It had been pro posed here, at home, by thoo who never faced a foe, or heard a shot, to put America In a lower place among tho nations than sho over had been before. To' put on her tho stamp of Inferiority just as she had finish ed a triumphant war. To mako her merely one nation In a great as sembly of 30 or 40 nations, and to glva to her just one vote In tho as semble, to thn nritlsh Kmplre's six. Tha United Rtates, only ono-sUth as Important as another In tho gov- eminent of tbo world, went Into the Var as an equal, won In the field, come out triumphant by tbo blood of Its soldiers, and thon was writ ten down as an Inferior by the hands of Its statesmen. Thst Is how a soldlrr looks at n covenant which gives the United Mates one vote In the league of na tions, gives to thn llrltlsh ttmplrn the votes of the Kmplro Itself and Canada, South Africa, Australln, Naw Zsaland and India. The United States put on a level with New Zea land after winning a great war, put on a level with a colony one-half as populous aa Chicago, one-quarter as populous as New York city. lowered to tha position of land that Is leas than tho 13 colonies before tho Revolutionary. Ifow do you suppose this looks to a soldier who fought to keep "Amor lea First." How do you suppose It Impresses a soldlor who loves Amer ica beatT A soldier thlnka straight. When ho aaaaasBBBBBBaKBaassBBC9aBSB9Es roads tho list of six llrltlsh votes In tho covenant of tha loaguo of na tions, and tha Amarlcsn list of one, ho doos not caro to road morn, All tho diplomats and philosophers In tho world cannot roconclln him to thosa two little figures. Ho brought uncK wiw mm rrom Kuropo no hntrod or lovo for othor nations. Ho brought back only lore1 for his own. Just that and nothing more. What then do thoy Imagine ho thinks of tho proposod to reduce this country to thn International Influ ence of India and tho diplomatic also of South Africa? ' Ask any fighting man these ques tions and In his answor you will got an opinion of tho league of nations hlch nobody can fall to under stand. I MI I HMONG PORTUND PAYS COST OF PORT 1'OHThAND, Oct. 21. Soon aftor tbo I'ort of I'ortland was organised mora than 30 years ago It was at tacked In tbo circuit court of Multno mah county and tho case finally found Its way to the supremo court of Oregon. In a decision written by Judge Kobort S. Dean, who was on the supremo boncb of Oregon and Is tho United States district court Judge, the distinguished Jurist gave a lucid and convincing reason why all of tho peoplo of Oregon ara In terested In aeelng that the Port of Portland maintains a channel of suf ficient Beptb from Portland to the sea and provides adequate port fa cilities In Its harbor. In tha follow ing language Judge Dean sets forth a perfectly clear Justification for having all tho people of tho state voto on measures affecting tha one great port of the state: The people of tha pert of Port land, therefore, will reap the prin cipal benefit from tha proposed ex penditure, and It is not unconstitu tional that they ahould bear tha bur den. The legislature haa the un doubted power to apportion a public burden among all the tax payera of tbo state, or among those to appor tion a public burden among all tha tax payors or the state, or among those of a particular section If, In Its Judgment, those of a single aectlon may reap the principal benefit from a proposed exnodlluro, as from tho construction of a road, a bridge, an almshnuso or a hospital. It Is not unjust, therefore that they ahould alone bear the burden. This subject has so often been discussed, and the principles we have asserted so thor oughly vindicated, that It secraa to be needless to say more or even re- for at large to tbo decision. FRIDAY, OCTOBKH M, II s by the addition of other Ingrodlenta. strand at a tine. By moralag tha all ready to use, for about 60 cents.! gray hair disappears; after another Thls'slmplo mixture can be depended J application or two, It Is restored to It i natural coior ana looks Hoes-, BVft nnd beautiful. NOIIODY CAN TKLIi WHKN YO0 DAIIKKN OKAY, FADKD IIAIR WTn HAQH TKA MI CAUSE IF N TBI E OF COURSE I HAVE IN A SHIPMENT OF: Cheap Bod Springs :.. $6.75 and $5.75 45-lb. Cotton Mattress w $17.00 50-lb. Cotton with Wool Centers $18.50 Special in Heating Stoves $22.50 Another special k $18.50 I also carry a full line of Certainteed Paints and Kalsomine. Just cali and look them over. No trouble to show the goods. W. H. ROSS PHONE 459 906 MAIN STREET Goodyear Truck TIRE SERVICE Solid Tires for all site trucks, Fords included. United States, Federal and Goodyear Pneniarirs Tires for all awakes of cars. Acme Motor Co. 400-416 SOUTH SIXTH STREET Taka Salta ae sv ara K Back It yoa asast have your aaaat avery day, eat It, but flush your kidneys with, aalta occasionally, aaya a noted authority who tells us that meat forma Brio acid which almost paral yses tha kldneya In their aforta to expel It rrosa the Mood. They be come aluggiah and weaken, then yoa suffer with a dall misery la the kid ney region, aharp pains la the back or sick headache, dlnlaess, roar stomach sours, tongue la coated and when the weather la bad yoa have rhoumatlo twinges. Tha urine geta cloudy, full of sediment, the eaaa aols often get sore and Irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To aentrallie these. Irritating aelda, to cleanse the kldneya and flush off the body'a nriaona vaate St four onneea of Jad Salta from anr Bkarauor kerer take a table- spoonful la a glaaa of water before breakfast fer a few dava and your moneys win inea act one. this te nons aalta la made from the add of grapes and lemoa Juice, combined wltb lltnla, and haa been used for generations to flush and stimulate slogglsH kidneys, also to neutralise the adds la urine, ao It no loager Irritates, taua ending bladder weak ness. Jid Salta la Inexpensive; cannot Injure, and nakea a delightful ef fervescent Utaia-water drtak. s Fifty years ago Cincinnati, with a population of over 300,000 and an area of only seven square miles, was the most densely-crowded city InAjBurlea, ANNOUNCEMENT OUR NEW HOT SPRINGS BATH HOUSE Is now open for business. ALL HOURS HOT SPRINGS BATH HOUSE M. A. MANN Proprietor Grandmother kept W hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive wltb a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur, Wbonevor her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mlxturo was applied with won derful effect. Dy asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Ssgo and Sulphur Compound,' you wilt get a largo bot tle of this old-time recipe, Improved FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FRED PETERSON upon to rontoro natural color and boauty to tho hair. A welt known downtown druggist snys everybody uses Wyeths Sago and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and avenly that nobody can tell It lies been applied It's o easy to uso, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one A dross composed entirely of dia monds, numbering 2G0,00Q In all, and worn recently on tho stsgo, wss so heavy that two peoplo were ro nulrcd to lift It over the actress's hend. . t PEACE AND PROGRESS No Monuments to Build No Political Debt to Pay Spend County Funds for Improvements, Not for Legal Squabbling THE HOOSIER DEMONSTRATION CONTINUES e AT Johnstone Furniture Company 50 LB. SACK OF CRATER LAKE FLOUR .FREE WITH EACH HOOSIER CABINET SOLD DURING DEMONSTRATION. VTVVVVV PJIi V '3 OREGON Must Have a PORT Equal to Any Port on THE PACIFIC COAST Iniative measure No. 310 on the ballot gives to the Port ef Port land means to create such a port. The primary object of this bill is to furnish the means to insure the opening and maintaining of a 30-foot channel from Portland to the sea and of building and establishing port facilities at the City of Portland sufficient to handle the foreign and coastwise shipping of that port The cost of this improvement will be met by the people living within the boundaries of the Port of Portland. When you go to the polls November second, vote 310 YES and give to the Port of Portland the power to maintain its 30-foot channel to the sea and to build adequate port facilities to handle all of the great products of the interior of the state. The passage of this bill means lower freight rates fer the pro ducts of Oregon in reaching the markets of the world and a ceMssequ ent greater profit to the producers. This is the most important and the most valuable measure that has ever been put up to the voters of the interior portion of the state. VM) U ' VOTE 310 YES. OREGON PORT DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE G. S. O'NEAL, Secretary. Palace Market For Service and Quality ' PHONE 68 Cool, Clean and Sanitary aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa These words fully describe what the condition of every meat market should be, and it describes ours to a nicety. Our cold storage and other equipment, and our ambition to maintain per fect sanitary conditions in our market, blend perfectly. Conse- quently, we can sell you meats of all kinds that retain their fresh- . ness and wholesomeness long after they leave our shop. All our meats are handled under glass and with extreme care. We over look nothing which will assist us to carry out our sanitation policies. Palace Market 524 Main Street V .