wp lEugtttttg Herald SAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAArfMWWWM OFFICIAL PAPER OF KIjAMATII FALLS WWWIXWWX'iiyWWMWl1' OFFtCIALPAn'W i "If Kf.AIMT.OWnjTTr.J S Fourteenth Year No. 4056 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1820 Price Fire Cent PROPOSED TAX NEEDED SAY PROPONENTS Whlln follower of onn enmp or Ihn other In (hit municipal campaign havo been morn or lea loud In, catl ing public atlnntlon lo tlio merits of their various candidate, llttlo etten lion baa been paid to tba various measures on tbn ballot. Believing that meaaurca In tho city campaign am equally Important with man, Tba Herald Intunda to make tome Inves tigation of them, and If apace and tlmo permit, give tho public tho re aulta of Ita Inquiry. There am candidate for all of tho ofllrea In tho field. Nothing can prevent the election of one or the other of them. Tha meaiurea, however, may or may not carry and tho defeat of aume of them at tlila time would bo a aerloua misfortune, both from the standpoint of community welfare and progress, and from tho view- point of fairness lo tho new city ad nilnUtrutlon thut will bo eloctod, Kor tho fourteen measures on tho ballot nro there by sotectlon of tho outgoing .admlnlitratlon. Tim pres tint officer have fiiuml tholr way hampered by rriitrlctlnns that Ihcso measures nro deslgnm! to overcome, or hav been unable to lako cortaln proKriiMlvo lo, bncatMa of the I'b kmic of uilo'iuiito legislation. There forii tlm mi'nxuri'R nm presented to Km -.um of $92,100 In any event th bond Intoront in lint hi! met by a tax of 7 mill oil the dollar, sp that In the first In- atanre tbn voter lanctbniii .1 tax of 13 plua 7 tnllU, or 20 mil), lo rae 152,465 plua 37,00, cr I81.3IS In the second cae the lax would k 23 plua 7 mllla, or 192,100 plut 137,100, a total of $120,000, The reason for separating the queatlone on the ballot ,la that. In tha flrit budget only necessary gov raaaeutal expense were taken loto consideration, 1: -t In the second budget the est, of the peoplo for approval or duapprov al by men who have had at Itaat two year a of experience In city govern ment, and It la to bo aaaumed they deem them noreaaary or they would not have placed them on the ballot. It la generally conceded by all with whom tho wrltvr haa dlacuaaed tho meaaurca that the two moat Im portant am the laat meaauro on tho ballot, regarding tho need of an In creased tax levy, and trio charter amnndmont, appearing on tho ballot aa No, 312, Yea, and 313, No, relat ing to tho Incroaan of tho clty'a bond ing powers, Tho argument agalnat tho Increas od tax levy la, briefly, that higher taxes are u hnrdshlp upon tho prop erty owner and diHcoiirago Immigra tion to tho city. Analysis of tho mcasuro shows thut It proposes, In one subdivision, to rot asldo far this year tho consti tutional six per cent limit and lovy a tax of 13 mills, rulilng 52,46S, axcluslvo of tho (27.900 thut must be railed to moot tha Interest en bonded Indebtedness und In another subdivision proposov to raise, by making tho rato 23 mills, exclusive of tho bonded Indebtedness Interest, CHARGE DIABOLICAL ASSASSINATION PLOT ATHENS, Greece, Oct. 22. -Ho. porta of tlio condition of King Alex ander of (Irooco urn not satisfactory. Ills tomporatura shows disquieting fluctuations, tlio latest physicians' re. porta said. IIOMB, Oct. 22. Tho Injuries In fl let txl upon King Alexander by a irtonkoy rocontly, and from which ho remains critically III, were the result of a plot to aaaosalnote the 'ruler, aald Dr. Wldsl, of I'arla who haa been attending the King. He made tho statement laat night while passing through Home, aaylng that the monkey had beon Inoculated with rabies germs. STATE OFFICERS BRAND AS ABSURD MAYOR'S CHARGE OF POLITICAL MEDDLING FOOTBALL TEAM OFF FOR MEDFORD GAME mm m TO FRUSTRATE COURTS ER "This Is the first tlmo since the fire marshal law was enacted that an official or citizen haa charged politics aa the basis of or for the In vestigation of a flro where human Uvea were loat and I hope It wilt bo the laat," aays II. II. Pomeroy In a statement to A. C. Harbor, atate fire marahal, In which he declarea that hla report of tho Houston hotel fire waa careful and Just Mr. Ilarber sfn declined to reopen the Investigation aa requested by Mayor St ruble. Made Garaful Inquiry I waa never more careful in the Inveatlgatlon of a case" says Mr. I'onveroy," and I nm willing to aUnd buck of our official report to the min utes In detail." adding further. "I 1 do not know the politics of, a single An affidavit charging that anl(llvldual In Klamath Palls and In agreement vxlsts botwvon tha Kla-j'" opinion tho sumo can bo said math county court and state highway t Deputy Allen." commission, by which tho state Is lot Mayor Mu-ublo's Clutrgrrt pay morn than Its lawful sham of lno rojoinacr oi ir. romeroy, construction of tho Klamath Kails- hl h chargo of the Jocal Inquiry. Merrill strotch of Tho Dalles-Call- ltod by 0. W. Allen, Is based on fornln highway, thus circumventing tuo following statement of Mayor an existing Injunction of tho circuit 8,ruul0' following tho publication of court against spending any of thoi1"0 deputies report, to Governor Ol- county road bond fund, has been filed cett: by Mrs, Hopbla K. Henley, who so- Tno nenrmg was in tho offices or cured tho original Injunction. 8ho "". wuncan ami wiioy, prosccu- asks that the hhrhway commission ting attorney and doputy prosecuting nn.i nii.,.r .i.i. ninn i. ..ntnin.,1 attorney, respectively of Klamath from carrying through this alleged scheme. Hearing of thu matter has been set for tomorrow, Following tho order of Injunction of October 5. last, restraining the county court from spending the road bond fund on tho Merrill section of nlghway. affiant alleges that the hlghwsyiomro!silon .secretary of stale, board of control and "atate treasurer' entered Into n erraage- meat with the Klamath county court whereby the atate waa to pay fifty per cent of the construction coat; whereaa, tho law provldea that the elate aball bear only 20 per cent at the construction cost. The arrangement provides, It la alleged, that the atato aball be re imbursed at aome later date for the oxtra amount expended. Affiant allegci that legal authori ties cited In the original Injunction suit sustain tho claim that the ststo's shsro of cost Is 25 per cent and that It Is unauthorized und unlawful for It to pay a larger share. . Such an arrangement Is a plan to circumvent tho court'a Injunction ordor and affiant asks, that alt the county, both of said attorneys having free access to alt the proceedings and knowing at hit times what was going on. Schemed for'tt'lley "And right here Is the point, gov ernor, that I wish yon would careful ly nete: The hearing waa conducted by Pomeroy and Allen In the office Of Wiley and Duncan. Mr. Duncan ably assisting tha fire marshals. Pom' eroy and Allen submitted their re port to Mr. Barber and the latter la turn signed it It nttarly eeademned the present city administration and attempted lo ruin the future of the mayor and council. No copy of this was sent me, bat copies were sent to other parties, notably to the Even ing Herald which la deadly opposed to the present administration. The ICerald published It In fnll In the Issue of October 8, About the samo time Mr. Wiley announced himself as a cnndldato for major. (Tho last sentence is emphaslted In capitals.) Objects to Publicity "I do not know what consideration moved your officers to thus nfjx (nttfo In capitals) and In an unfriend ly and unfair way In local politic. I respectfully suggest that you havo a full and Impartial Investigation "tlMKora BASELESS," HAY MKf INVOLVED Bf MAYOR In interview! today with local parties to the alleged political plot charged by Mayor Btruble la hla letter to the governor, a Herald representative aecured tho following statements: Wilson B. Wiley, asslaUnt district atterney: "The charge that there waa any1 'plot' to die- credit the city administration la absurd, aa far aa I am con- earned. Tho Inquiry, was con- ducted In Mr. Duncan's office, which Is separate from me, and I took no part In It. I waa not In the room at any time that It was being held, nor In any way connected with It by advice or suggestion to any of the parties conducting it." District Attornoy Duncan: "My capacity In tho Inquiry waa Jtobort Oootz, principal and coach for the Klamath County high school, left thla morning with 16 boys for Medford whom tho local team and Medford will again meet in combat on the football field tomorrow. Al though tbo dispute over tho last gamo has not boen settled. Klamath wilt carry out the achedulo as ar ranged the first of the year, but be fore Mr. Oootz returns he will go on to Salem and testify at the hear ing before the High School Athletic association of Oregon, in regard to tha matter. In spite of the fact that two of Klamath's beat men were not able to accompany their team thla morning, there waa a great deal of confidence that the local bora would have no trouble walking away with a victory. Captain Ted Montgomery la laid un with his foot In a plaster caat as a result of Injuries received In the; game with Ashland last week. Ernest Miller Is acting aa captain during his absence. Frank Peyton, fullback I out 'of the game because of a bad ly cut hand, received when ho Jam med a cork Into a bottle In the chem istry laboratory. Tho bottle broke and Peyton's hand was cut to the bone. BUSINESS DOS T WEED DOT ALL OF PROFITEERS (Continued to 1'ugu 2) BUSINESS ASSERTS Off NEW YOHK, Oct. 22. Business proepecta aro unusually bright In the United 'Stat ea and abroad, Elbort Oary. bead of tho United States Steel corporation told tho convon ' tlon of the Amorlcun Iron and Stool Institute bore today. Tho business skies aro practically without clouds, aald Mr. Oary. POHTOFFICK ROBBERS , MAKH 910,000 HAUL ROSEDUHO; 06t. 22. The safe In the poitofflce aad.atore of John Hedden, ,'a $ -lower Uzipiju' nil- wrc etolea. The, robber weaned, Imlntf ao clews as to thalr Ideality. parties thereto bo Immediately ro stralnod from carrying the alleged I'mado of the, flro marshals doings In schomo further. , and about this Investigation, such In Tint defendants Involved aro tho, realisation to devolop tho sources of Klamath county court members, i Inspiration resorted to by Mr. Pom Oskar liubur, contractor, tha sub-'eroy nnd Mr. Allen, and the motives contractor, county treasurer, the i that they had for nuking such nn members of tho statu highway com- unfair rupdrt as that thoy bo- gen- mission, board of control, governor, ernusly published." socretury of state, treasurer, and any In another paragraph Mor Stru others who In their official capacity bio aays: "Mr. Pomoroy and Mr, f part of It. U abmrdly fata." might bo connected with tho hand ling of tho construction or paymont therefor. This Is tho latest development In tho strenuous fight being mado by Mrs. Henley, Robert Cheyno and other valluy ranchers to pfovent the building of tho statu highway through their property. ANNEX LAVA BEDS TO MODOC FOREST In reply to Inquiry on the sub ject by tho Klamath Wool Orowors' association, W. O. Durbln, forest su pervisor, aays that tho Lava Bed country will bo Includod In the Mo doc National forest, No formal notlco of the fact had been sent before, he said, because tho proclamation of tho president, haa not yot been received at Portland. The papers were drafted and aent to the president several weeks ago and there la every reason to believe the matter will be settled In abort time, hut no definite atatament can ho made until. they are returned Hth, .the teoldeit;aL.atgsiaUra, gay Mr Durhlg,, although" It, 'It Brae tlcally assured tho area wfll ho In. elteed.-, Allen, also Mr. Harbor, may havo nn Interest In electing Mr. Wilson 8. Wlloy as mayor of this city, but I respectfully submit to you, gover nor, that tholr Infalr and biased med dling In local politics should bo checked up by your otflo." "I request that you glvo thin mat ter your attention and that you ad vlso mo It you approve this schomo resorted to by your officials to qlnct a candidate who aulta them." lllantca Public VtUlilea In a postscript Mayor Strublo adds: "The parties directly; respon sible for this holocaust, that Is, the Pacific Tolephone ft Tolegraph com pany and the California-Oregon Pow er company, wore barely mentlonod In Mr. Barber's report. Why? It Is a known fact that. it took is minu ted to get central and there was no water to fight the fire., Why were not these facta enlarged upon?" Governor's Reply Following Is the reply of Qovernor Olcott to Mayor Btruble'a letter: Hon. I. R. Btruble, Mayor, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dear Slrf . In acknowledgment of your t letter -U 0 o he. SthW leave t ad via -that lander the law Mr. Barber, State laearaace, ComsUesloaer, In reaaoBetMe, f or carrying- oat tho dutlea of, the State Fire Marshal's office. While Mr. Barber happened to be absent from the state at the time you made request of thla office tor assistance In Klamath Falls and deputies from the Fire Marshal's office were Instructed to proceed to Klamath Falls and make a thorough Investigation, nevertheless Mr. Barber, as State Fire Marshal, (has entire control of this situation. I hare complete confidence In the in tegrity of Mr. Barber and his devotion to the work of the Fire Marshal's department and I feel certain that be would counten ance no proceeding such aa you . charge In your communication. I may personally aay that I have no knowledge or Interest whatever In Mr. Wilson S. Wi ley's candidacies bo they what iney may. wnatever was done by this offlco was done at tho request of yourself and your Ifoalth Officer and wo havo no Interest whatsoever in local pol itics In Kotmath Falls or any other community. Inasmuch as this Is a matter coming solely under the Jurisdic tion of tho Stuto Flro Marshal und you have made charges re flecting on such department, as a matter of Justice to It I am taking tho liberty of referring your comknunlcatlon to Mr. Harbor for such attention aa he may deem same to warrant. Very truly youra, HEN W. OLCOTT . Oqvernor Upon rocelpt from the governor of Mayor Struble's letter. Mr. Barber directed to the mayor tho following answer to the accusation made therein: Hon. I. R. Struble. Mayor, Klamath FallH, Oregon. Dear Sir: Your communication of the 9th Instant addressed to the governor haa been referred by him to thla deoartment. for at tention. Since you have made a , direct attack upon the Fife Marahal department It seems only proper that we should re Ply to your communication al though It la at all tlmea dtstate ful to me to take, up anything outside of auch matter aa come, to ua In the. course of our. of ficial duties. I, therefore, as nro you that, there is nothing personal la m reply. Since-your attack la directed to the Flro Marahal department mr reply la , addressed to you In yonr offi cial capacity.' huMffeiwoen CJuuved - 'Thtidepartoicat aadVa.flra 1 gglSSnSHtffg-nK Us-. '. $f- Htw Pravaatfoa? worth? RINKS' CRITIC CETS F Fl 11 BANKER entirely by virtue of my posl- tlon as state attornoy. The fire marshal's deputies conducted tho examination of wltnessos, formulated tho questions, and their report was prepared with- out any suggestion from me." E. J. Murray, editor and pub- llsber of Tho Herald: "Tho charge that Tho Harold was a party to any political conspiracy to discredit tho administration and advance Mr. Wiley's can- dldacy for mayor by such meth- dds Is ridiculous. As a matter of Information to which the public waa entitled The Herald did Ua duty and published the Inqalry report. Any Intimation that. I. or any member of The w iieraiassiaa. anew in aatance w h. - -oe-ch f0i0wln- th xlnntln. daa lha jlMak tf tins slmiet ms ' . .. ' .... . vw. . .. ....; u ., -i0r lne nun taaceoatrsuer oritur-. WASHINGTON, Oct. '12 Amorl- can business must purge Itself of Ita own "misdemeanors" before It can hopo to exert the fullest Influence la the atfalra of the nation, Joseph H. DeFrees, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United State, declared la aa addrese laat night be fore the American Bankers' associa tion. "One of the most fruitful source of the unrest In thla country at tho present time," aald Mr. DeFrees, "la the belief on the part of a groat number that business In many In stances la aecnrlng aa Inordinate pro fit. It U the theme of the agitator, and la used aa Justification for var ious unfair exactions which are put upon business. We are quite ready to complain In the pubtlc Interest, about excess profit taxea an dlnade quato production for a fair wage. Let us do all we can to correct our owa misdemeanors and then our voice of protest will have a larger in fluence In correcting those of others." Mr. DeFrees said he saw hope'ln the growing ability of American bus iness men to organize In the mood of helpfulness as well aa In sympa thy with tbo public Interest. He be lieved, that thla development might ' In the future provide a solvent for the troubles confronting the nation. . WASHINGTON, Oct. 22. Discus slon by the American Bankers ssso-1 elation teMjsjroffUM .criticism certain New York banks by'ControlVf en of Currency Williams culminated In the adoption of a report by tbo res olutions committee-" cendemning: "dangerous, attach by unnamed .ln-dlviduals-.cs44sjecrdlt structure? of the comtff."- "-'-- c . innnn pier urn i -jiuwuLniLL ,-: BV. bb aaaaalBB. aayjaaaafat ssauanl aaaav . aVa aaasv f T wi mmw aW SST BajBBSBBSBB)BpfBftBJP'p BJ , j- " Jiatf; ' ,rr .f Won t and orgaataO reacr reiterated hla chaaaa. that Now York beaks are demaadtag "ex tortloaaU" rate ot lnUrost-and that Instead of criticism, ot hla charge "the plainly Indisputably proper course Is a change ot policy and re formation of the abuses which have come about Imperceptibly. My stand la that the bankers will find and ap ply a cure for the evil that has been shown." The resolutions committee report 'expressed complete approval ot the federal reserve system and condem ned any effort to use tho government funda or force to arbitrarily hold up or to force down prices. SEATS FOR CONCERT ARE GOING FAST Appreciation ot the enterprise of George A. Wlrtz of the Klamath Falls Music house in bringing to this city tho celebrated Belgian singer, Mile. Vcrlet. is shown by the eager ness with which local people axe seizing, invitations to tho -concert, which will be held Monday night at tho Elks' temple. There are about 600 seata In the hall and Mr. Wlrtz reported today that most ot them have been spoken for. At the rata the Invitations havo been grasped the hall will be filled to the laat seat by Monday night. To Insuro against disappointments, those desiring seats should communl-' cate with Mr. Wlrtz before all are distributed. 1 1 ,AClBsMpm H. 'Wood Tieat'swaa or of tho International, Timber Work or mH ,wha waaitwa, of iU afewvdaya a; aad. '.'will perhaps" call upem tha govor- aor here Si connection with tho af fair, Is stated la a teletraoi received at the governor's office yesterday. At the governor's 'office' It waa stated action in 'the matter has been deferred until the Wood party ap-r pears. The telegram la signed by C. Co vert of Seattle, president ot the In ternational Union ot Timber Work ers, and states also that the union baa written to the attnrre general of California.. The telegram foleows: "Our Vice President, H. 8. Wood. and others will perhaps visit you on Important matter ot mob attack upon Mr. Wood at Susaavllle, Cat. "We ask that you give the nutter your earnest consideration In the In terest ot Justice. Wo have written your attorney general and letter, lo you will fol low." It Is claimed at Susanvllle that two Investigations doveloped the fact that Wood carried an I. W. W. cord. raw IN lSWaataMidEltaTsWtK THINGS DOOMING ALONG THE STRAHORX LINE Captain O. C. Applegate, who re turned yesterday from a Inspection trip over the Strahorn railroad line, reported today that everything was looking fine In the country through which the road passes and that tha grading for the road to Sprngue river Is several miles beyond Dale. The captain waa particularly pleas ed with the Bonanza crops, which he says- aro marvelous compared with those of other years and that the finenea of them Is all due to the Irrigation- from the springs out thoro. The - Bonanza people were to start gradlac for the railroad from Dairy to Bonanza. Aa agreement waa made betweeav peoplo of the Bonanza dis trict, aadi -Kr,., Btraham that thor sava road hotwooa'tha t aravMBMM SALEM, Oct. 2. The state hglh way department today announced that $1,500,000 worth ot state high way bonds will be offered for sale at the next meeting of the highway commission In Portland, November 6. This will be the first 'block ot the $10,000,000 highway bond Issue, authorized at the special session ot tho legislature last January, to be marketed. GONE TO THE CITIES TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 22. A movement from rural districts to cities la shown In population statis tics from Washington. Though the, state made a gala of' 214,916 since 1910, there waa a falling off in rural communities. Thirteen farming counties la the atate lost population la the ton year period, aad aa purely (.agricultural aunty auda aajr. considerable gain. Between fo iwoi tbo etas laoreaa r ova to- taa wo'ild make the growth of ottlea of !, ppuUthl Ki.fy'1"-' furateh ' itR.i 'It c'Ms, -v &t ,?-"