f p. w mmmV Ti 5W t, II iU "I- 'jt ' THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS be, ,i i 'saac g nBHBnHMMHkV r""""i vHflgflgflBffBJHBjl r ISGgwY6jMg)vgsQ6 r lJRBSBBnlsSBlBxfll f f BBssgMgsSBSHSHBiir AtC KEKLEI HERSELF IN KLAMATH FALLS Th faaaoua operatic soprano whose finished artistry luuechanned several continents, is coating by special arrangement to Klamath' Falls. Her personal appearance makes this the musical eYenfof the season. NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER 2S At 8:15 P.M. ELKS' TEMPLE Assisting her will be Victor Young, pianist; Robert Velten, violinist, N and Mr. Thomas A .Edison's Three Million Dollar Phonograph. COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS Call, write or telephone us for complimen tary tickets of admittance. They will be is sued in order of application. KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE George A. Wirtz, Proprietor 122 South Sixth St Telephone 125 KLAMATH FALLS m rAOHTWO m mmmjLM Lasysppetkessk right up when you yet a dish of Da. twkfa TMMtO BftOC oo the tabic They're tba Idad that make yon hungry and aatiafy your hunger, too. B9I MwhiBwm II Letters From The People. ubgsw urr-cr ox HIRIXa ATTORNEYS KlSJtalh Falls, On. Od. 20, 1120 Editor of ttao Hrmld: Bfnco the expose by the Herald f the large amount being iptit by the county court for hire of nuzaer- ooa attorneys la the litigation la the courthouse cue It baa occurred, to many to Inquire whether or not the large fee already paid out and the till larger one promised are to be uied to recompense tome of the nu merous attorney making speeches over the county, under the auplce of the io-called good government league for Judgo Ilunnell and Com mlsxlonor Short. Knowing the char acter and habits of somu of the attor ney speech-makers for Messrs Bun nell and Short, one cannot but be lieve that they are being well paid for their tlmo and trouble Judgo Bunnell employed seven at torneys nn tho courtliouso case slnco be has been Judgo and paid them 125,000 or thereabouts. Including expenses, and one wonders If the tax- DID YOU EVER STOP Tq THINK ABOUT WOOD? Maybe you do not realise that SLAB WOOD IS BODV-WOOD The only difference being that the slab-wood comes al , ready split. There is more bark in the slab) that is true, but there Is as much heai In the bark as there s In the weed, ao la a cord of slab you buy aa much heat as in a cord of body or limbs for much less money. BUY GREEN BLAB NOW AND CUT YOUK FUEL BILL IN HALF O. Peyton & Co. 41t MAIN "WOOD TO BURN" PHONE 843 payera win have to pay aa equal amount when the speech-making tour Is completed br some of these samo attorneys nnd their hangers- on, The large amount of money paid out for lawyer by Judgo Bunnell and Commissioner Short In wo years of courthouse litigation would load one to bellove that another very Urge amount will bo loaded upon the al ready overburdened tax payor of Kla math county. Bhould Mr. Elliott receive IJOOO for doing three dars work on the courthouse case, how many dollars should be paid by the county court for making 30 speeches under the good government league for Mr. Bunnell and Mr. Bhort. It Is a sim ple problem In proportion and it might be well for soma of the tax payera and voters to get their arithmetic down and figure It out for awhile. Anyhow, 'Judge' El liott or Mr. Marx do not care for the expense, the reason being quite ap parent. Tbo other fellow bears It. In parting might it not bo well to advise Judge Bunnell and Mr. Bhort that It la not In keeping with the proprieties to have most of his silver-tongued orators from the law- v BMfMtlnn. Thar sri ilka the small boy at tho circus, they try) to spend an tneir money in one place; with the lawyers. For good ness sake let the farmers have a slice of the county graft melon. Why shouldn't they since they pay Die Mill M. J. BARNES. FORMER COUNTY JUDGE ATTACKH' CANDIDATES Portland, Ore., Editor Herald:. Oct, 7, 19Z0 I have Just read your Issue of Oct. 4 what Mr. Chastaln has to say aa to his position relative to his can didacy for couny Judge. Jow that I have. read It I will place hint where he belongs and al ways waa and that Is along with the elemen which has been continuously obstructing the county court In its effort to build a courthouse, I will put Mr. Peterson In the same class since that Is where he belongs also. They are both of tho ram" ttrlpe and color aa Marlon Hank Ho lied to the people. They are seeking to cloud the.'issue and fool them. There Is only one thing for them to' say and "that without aqulvoca tlon. . "No matter what the supremo court m'ay do wo wltl move Into tho Main streot courtliouso nnd abnndu't and sacrifice tho price of tho Hot Bprlng building." Then people would know whero they stand and what t'i oxpect. All this talk about groups of property owners and politicians Is not apropos at this tlmo., Tho truth la that lha only group of property owners who have made any trouble or caused any litigation are tho obstruction ists whom, Messrs. Chastaln and Peterson represent. 8o, also Inappropriate Is this aensotcM talk about lawyers, lltl' gallon and expense. Their owa baakers were the oaas to Initiate and keep going the liti gation that haa resulted. The county court Itself has al ways been defendant and has never sought It. The county court haa each time been forced to defend It self, and haa la every particular, ex cept, In' the one instance where It sought to recover the I i 1,000 of the people's money most shamfulty and unlawfully paid out by a former court. There Is little doubt that Judge Hamilton will be sustained, and' In my mlad Is but ono thing to do, and that Is return Judge Bunnell and Commissioner Short to office. You know they will keep their word. Don't switch horses In the middle of the stream. The courthouse fight will soon be over If you put them back. Tho litigation will soon be ended, notwithstanding that Mr. Chastaln says It will continue. Tho decision of the supreme court will absolutely settle this controv ersy and then remains only, to make Messrs Hanks, McCormack, Do Lap and Dougan pay back the money they unlawfully took from the treas ury. Their only hope la to win this election. It waa a part, of their plans to lire the people out and force the Main street building upon them. They thought the newcomer would grow disgusted and accept their plan because they were tired of the fight. To the newcomer I would say, "stay with the present court. Don't T live the Hot Springs bulldlai away," That building and site will soma time be worth a million dollars. Tho people own tho Main street building anyway nnd proper disposition cau bo mado later. Klamath Tails Is deatlned to bo come n city and the Hot Springs loca tion la tho most advantageous snd valuable. I was once the- servant' of the peo ple. I knew both Chastaln and Peter son about the courthouse. ,1 know their trails and ramifications and they all' lead, and' alwaya did lead, to the council chanmber of the num erous individuals who put up M&, 000 In cash to finish the Main street courthouse. If you hsd 145,000 In that build ing who would you support, and to what lengths would you go to get i j ; 1 7 your mea tfcfsd and bur! moaey baekt ' I'wrote tho above and assume full responsibility for It. Itespnctfully, WM, B. WOHDHN 1'IK WICIAL AT PINE GROVE OCTOBER 1M) Tho I'lno Grove school I plannlnK a Hallowe'en pie social to bo held on the night of Friday, October 29. A parilcualr , Invitation la being ex tended to candidate In lht coming election to be there with speeches, & well as any other county people wishing to attend. In tho British Isea women are not allowed to vote at parliamentary lections until they have reached lha ags of SO. BSBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSUBBBSBBBBBBBlM SBSBBBBBBBBBpPaBSBBBSSn SmSa AfSSBSPgagl gmH'gmmmmmmmT? msmmssmmrM k iSi' $gmmmmmmaflmmm gmmmmsHm rJrftfei - " II Always Delicious Besides tho regular use of salted crack ers for soups, there are InnunwiMa delicious dknea enhanced by Snow, Flakes. Anchovy pasta, nut pasts, and ether snoist sandwiches toasted cheiss how good when Soow Flakes are SOMKMOM r.cB.rooucTS Don't ask for crackers ly SNOW FLAKES Sisahsssflsbt uotntwifm gGrKaLaawtatfwfca Pacific Dust Bison Co. YYTTTTTTYT ttftWmt'lltfUWt WWV'tVtlYIVt't'f tTt TTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTVVVVVVVV VVTVTTTT !' H n I a ' i i i i i i i i r it i t i'i l -i it i i n ii it RUBBER GLOVM CORONA TYPEWRITERS OFFICE SOPPLIM HAIR BRUSHBB IVORY PYRALIN REXALL WsMEDaK STAR DRUG CO It. E. DEWEKHE P. H. POPE YOUR DOCTOR KNOWS and has confidence in this store. Whether for service in emergencies of sickness or for everyday needs you will find us prepared to give you the best BONNIE "II" VEILH VKXIDA HAIR NETS LADIES' HAND flAGH VANITY CAMEM THKRMOty BOTTLEM HWEET'fc) CHOCOLATHrt SPECIAL Toilet susd ataab Soa Elder Flower, Freaeh Bath and Alasond Toilette. Regular price "2 cake 26c. - S cakes SOc IVORY PY-RA-LIN In oar store yew will ftecTsM eUhor- mtm aaeortateeu of tbU faaswaa toMet ware. We T-uvMly muss id It to yo Hair Brushes .. Cloth Brushes ... Mirrors ,. Combs Powdor Boxes ... Nail Files Picture Frames . Dresser Trays ... ,...H "3 to S9.0O ....S8.75 to S8.no ....85.00 to SI 4.00 ...SI .3.1 to 2.00 ...Sl.00 to S8.S3, 60c to SI -SO ,..41.00 to SH.OO SOc to S3JM) Perfumo Bottles 91.00 to S4.O0 Soap Boxes ..., .f 1.00 to 2.00 Jowel Boxes J f4.art to SH.OO PURE DRUGS Puro Castor OH, 3 ox , S5c Tasteless Castor Oil, 3 ox 88c Camphorated Oil, 3 ot v 80c ' Spirits 'Camphor, 3 ox SOc Cocoanut Oil, 2 oz 85c Epsom Salts, pound 85c 'Piiretent Kpsom Sails, 8 oz 85c ! Powdorod Alum, 3 oz 10c Oil Eucalyptus, 3 oz 85c Rocholle Salts, 3 oz 85e ' Turpentlno', 4 oz 85c Pure Goose Oil, 3 oz 500 Lysol, 3 ox 85c Borlo Acid, t oz - 85c Witch Hazel, 8 ox 40o SPECIAL ; t tu Rubber 0 loves, to protect the bands when doing housework, 76c values, 55c pair EXTRA SPECIAL CrameOUSeap 5Cakea,40c I awwsjsaAaakaWssVhavwsaaasVaaeawvBBsa t0HWi00WQ00WW0i0WWW SOAPS 25c 35c 35c 30c 30c 30c 30c 25c 25c 25c 5C .$1.35 25c 25c $1.00 vJwWWWWWWWWmm0W00WV Jonteel Soap, cake Cashmere Boqu2t Soap, cake... Klenzo Soap, 3 cakes Woodbury's Facial Soap Cuticura Soap, cake Resinol Soap, cake Packer's Tar Soap, cake Rexall Medicated Skin Soap... Lifebuoy Soap, 2 cakes... , Castile Soap, cake .'. , Olivo Spanish Castile Soap Violet's Cold "Cream Soap Creme Oil Soap, 2 cakes Palmplive Soap, 2 cakes Mavis Soap, 3 cakes... LINIMENTS Sloan's Liniment. St. Jacob's Oil Ward's Liniment Absorbine Jr. Rexall Rubbing Oil.... , 70c and 35c , 65c and 40c i' 80c $1.50 and $2.50 .35c and 75c SPECIAL Strong baad sawed wblafc breeta. Mada of toed quality broom corn. SSc 'Jayne's Nerve and Bone Liniment....75c Hamlin's Wizard Oil 70c and $1.25 Balsam Myrrh. Voldanic Oil Rexall While 'Liniment... Japanese Oil : H. H. H. Liniment Porter's Healing Oil Revelation Oil Snow Liniment.. ..40c and 75c 65c ...75c and 35c 65c $1.25 and 65c ...30c and 60c 60c ...35c and 65c FOR THE TEETH Colgate's Tooth Feats Se Pepsodent Tooth Paste 55c Pebocco Tooth Psste -....,.. ..e)Oc Ktenio Tooth Paste ......85c Colgate's Tooth Powder. ...40o Kuvclatlou Tooth Powder 85c Pyorrhoeldo Tooth Powder S 1.80 Lyon'a Tooth Powdor 85o Pttrcdlxo Tonth Panto.- UOc Knlynos Tooth Paste 85c Korhan's Tooth Paste- soo Hiker's Tooth Powder 50c and 83c Chlorox Tooth Panto 55c Klenzo Liquid Antlseptlc..50c and 85c Strong's Arnica Tooth Sonp 40c HOME REMEDIES Eucalyptus Cough Hyrup R5c Syrup Whlto Pine and Tar S5o Foloy'a Honey and Tar....05o and 85e Hill's Cascara quinine 30 Laxative Bromo Quinine 80c axatlvo Aspirin Cold Tablet 85o Iker's Orlppo Pills 85c Rexall Cold Tablets 85c Pope's Cold Compound 85c nexall Bronchial Salvo 85c Mnntholatunv VIck's Vapo Rub Musterole , Bins Broncbllyptu Asplrn Tablets Week's Cold Tablets.., .....50c mad 85c .L.uOc and 80c SOc and SOc 60c and 8O0 8 do. H5c 85c SPECIAL .Tissue Toilet, Paper, 1000 sheets In each .roll. Rugular prlc'o la 30o roll. 7 rolls $1.00 ' ' II i a) i V ' f i ' i tt tt tt i ) l i i i i i i l i i i i i I i i ll FOUNTAIN PENS TEMPOINT WATERMAN CONKLIN'Fi $2.50 to $12.00 Fountala Pens-Repaired EVKRHHARP PENCILS PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE REVENUE TAX The JcSsss Store Mail Orders Filled .Promptly 5TH AND MAIN BTREHT KODAKS AND FILMS Developing, Printing and Kulurglng. Everything for the Amatour Photographer) ur fTTWWWT?WTT?T?TTTTTyT????T?TTTTTTTif?TTSSSSa llmlm