.Asl T? wKnxwTOAr, oCTcmwt ay, n THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 1 HHAMTA VIKW JVOTMi Ml Cssper, our prlmsry teacher, THE. wu a business visitor at Klamath Kails Saturday. Hen Daniel, wife and two daugh ters Uladya and Manor were guests at Mr. Ilarwoods ot Merrill Hun day. Joe Mlchka and wife are the proud parents or a daughter born Monday, Oct. 11. , At a meeting held Haturday the 1 rj 'fgammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmva-'ggBml ' gaamm F rr f tS J WIatf tamWJl XHlfrW ummmmmmmmmw - aw BWn) Ba assskxsar s I HHI gsgsLmv l I BnaamaamBamam! - -1. ff " ' a anaanlsai irtnt MtftrmMsl tutiMn Iris fir a s-f untitle ajasuy SUJHyuraws llixi wilHIIMbM ni,n IIIV IMVBV JWUVM , I flMMlhlch-the music thai sets the youth of If Irresistibly a-tbnce the living beauty of of ull timet and all places makes a nd of your home thru the magic of the Musical Instrument - t '' mmMmpsh -OIRADIVAR kug5?d 0 Abuts View school district voted to Join with Malln. Dryanl Mountain, fsngell Valley and part of l.lbby districts for a Union blab school which will be located at Mslln. 'There will be an ontertalnment and pie social at the Hbasta View school bouse Friday evening Oct. 2vlb, Each lady la requested to bring a pie- which will bo sold br weight of the lady at one cent per pound, sandwiches and coffee free with each pie. Candidates will ' be specially Invited so bo sure and come, have a good tlmo and hear whst the above named gentlemen have to say to us. Mrs. A. Turner, Mrs. Maud Cbrls tenson, Mrs. Etta Bewel snd the Misses Blanche and Francis abort were visitors at C. M. Klrkpatrlck's Bundsy. Hundreds of acres of grsln snd bsy am under snow on the Tule lake lands, a large portion of it not having been cut. Amos Dock wbo has been spending about two months in California points hss returned to his home here, lie drove from Han Francisco to Straw In 19 hours and found some of the rosds over the mountain snowy and muddy. It was a "Dort" Instead of a "Ford." LITTLK UITH OF INFORMATION HOOSIER DEMONSTRATION CONTINUES A AT I Johnstone Furniture Company I 50 LB. SACK OF CRATER LAKE FLOUR FREE WITH EACH HOOSIER CABINET SOLD DURING DEMONSTRATION. Ml OH HECIPIE II UBKEN 1 SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR TURN CHAT, FADED HAIR DARK AND GLOSSY. "KNOWN FOR TONE' The Hue Sound Uoaril inci!r, with which Antonio Stradivari mxlr hit wilmi upirmc, givci to all muiicat imtrumtnti tl iwtfrction of thtir tonal qualities. lift tht Sitadivtta Ifttdmtand how thit um Sound Hoard pftnoplt hat pcrfectrd the Stradivara and made It capable of rtprododng all musk flaarkaly Jj&kSL PECTICLEFOR ' SUMMER FOLK FRANK M. UPP Jeweler SU Main Street v . aOOKPORT, Miikk , Ort 20 The of moving targets nt artillery t ruin on tlm ch of thai llnnton nnd furnished tho Ntiiiimur MsMnchusnttn North novut Kimctnclu nnd during the first dn)n 1 tMswUMI. lgaVaPaPf un awai; ' Military oipurts worn especially Intorostcd In tho ilomonntratlon as It was dpslgnod to show the feasi bility of ropolllng an attack ot wiir vesln by means of railroad srlll lory. At a dlstanco of 13 mites from shorn targets towod by a tug were n mark for tho heavy guns of the 42nd United HtuteH count urtlllery. The lino towing the forgot was a mile or mora In length and tho batteries cunslalod of ulKbt'lnch kuiih, four to a battory mounted on specially con strurled railroad cars. Tho guns which woIrIi 87 tons oach carried projectiles weighing 200 pounds. Tho cntlro artillery trains consist MftL)v gsKv: ' bMjbjbjbjbjbjbH vfSfcr Ssage Ar rBaMW Pi ja' -jgMjMMMjT liiiliL r Til ilwHT ' ' 1YOU RECEIVE WHAT YOU ORDER restaurant. Our service is equal in everv (fJwK to the high quality of food we serve. At jwijiub yuu atre assurea 01 ouiaining an appe- meal In an environment that is extremely int. Let us serve vour next meal. Everv- ; in season at popular prices. Jewel Cafe mmmmmmmmtmmmmmj cd ot 34 cars. It was moved from Camp Dcvcns In two sectlocs and Included cars for tools and ammuni tions, a machlno shop, a hospital, fire control, u kitchen, an office, mess, wireless and cars tor the per sonnol. Tho 42nd regiment, which Is part of tho 13th artlllory brlga.do (rail road) lias had a long and honorable record, dating back to revolutionary times and tho Florida nnd Mexican wan. laVltWaBBal SAGE TED KEEPS As an article ot commerce sugar waa sot known among the ancient Oreeks, and It Is not mentioned In the Bible. The seeds of the tobacco plant are so minute than a thimbleful will furnish enough plants for nearly an acre of ground. In 1'etrograd the fare for half an hour's ride In a taxlcab Is 3000 rou bles, which is the equivalent of early $1000 la American money. Bueh a valrety ot races are rep resented among the Inhabitants of the Philippines that they speak a ! total of more than 30 languages. I Peruvian balsam, known the .world over for Its excellent proper- lies, does not come from Peru at all, but grows along the coast of Salva dor. The city of Cork Is one ot the greatest butter centros In the world. It is estimated that ono ear's ex port of butter amounta to 750,000 tons. Two hundred boys from he Naga Hill tribes of Assam went to tbe war In France, and all were bap tised Into the Christian church while la the army. Upon returning home, every one donated a month'a pay to mission work as a thank-offering for their preservation. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea aad Sulphur, prop"' com po.tr.ded, brings back the natural color and lustra to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago tbe only way to get this mixture waa to aaake It at home, wolcn Is tnussy and troublesome Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compaund." Ton will get a large bottle of this bldtlme recipe Improved by tbe addition of other In gredient, at rery little cost. Every, body uses this preparation now, be cause no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It doea It eo naturally and evenly. Ted dampen a sponge or soft brash with It aid draw this thru your hair, tak ing one small strand at ft time; by morning the gray hair dleaepeere, end after another application, or twe your hair beeoaea beautifully stork, thick and glossy aed yosx leek yean yn.tager. Adf..' In China tbe newspapers are sold two and three times over. Collectors go about the city gathering up the newspapers ot the previous day's Issue, redistributing thorn among the lower clsls population. They are then further distributed by being sent out to tho villages and country sections, .whero they are sold at a fraction of tholr original price. We SHINE SHOES For both Ladies and Gent lemen, and shine them well. Shining and Dying Shoes is all we do. THE EXCLUSIVE SHINING PARLOR CetrmlHoUlBwWla NOTICE TO BIDDERS . U MM WHEN MIXKD WITH SULPHUR TO niUNGH I1ACK ITS BEAUTIFUL LURTRB AT ONCB Gray hair, however handsome, de- notes advancing age. We all know tbe advantages ot a youthful appearance. Your hair Is your charm. It make or mara the face. When It fades, turns gray snd looks streaked, just a few applications ot Sage Tea tad Sulphur enhances Ita appearance a hundred fold. Don't stay gray! Look- young! Either prepare tho recipe at novae or get from any drug store a 50-cent hot. tie ot "Wyeth'a Rage and Sulphur Compound',' which Is merely the old time recipe Improved by the addlUon ot other ingredients. .Thousands of folks recommend tbla ready-to-use prepsratlon, because It darksa- the balr beautifully, besides no one ca.n possibly tell, aa It darkens to nstur ally and evenly. You' asoiatea a sponge or loft brush with It. drawtat this tbrnuth tbe hair, Uklaf e mall strand at a time. Br asoraiag tbe gray hair disappears; after an othar application or two, Ita natnral color Is restored and It beoomea thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger, Sealed Droeoaata will be received at tbe office o fthe County Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m.. October 26. 1920, for the construction or a steel nrtage at Olene, Oregon. Length of spans 76 ft.; roadway 16 tt. wide. Live load capacity, MOO lbs. per lineal foot. Dead load ca pacity, too lbs. per lineal foot. Steel joists 1 lines, 7 men ay is inea. la. Tbe contractor Is to furnish all the ateel for the superstructure, also the necessary graphite paint lor one field coat. All of the steel shall be painted before being anippea. The County will haul al the mate rials furnished by the contractor from the railroad at Olene station to the bridge alte at Olene. The County will construct all abutments and furnish all the lumber for the floor and railing and the necessary hard ware tor tbe placing tne same, ail at the bridge alte at Olene. Bridge to be finished on or before January 16, 121. Five per cent of tbe amount et oia to accompany. County reserves the right io reject any and an bias. For particulars address C. R. De Lap, County Clerk, Klamath Falls, Oregon. O. 13-1C-20-IS FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FRED PETERSON PEACE AND PROGRESS v No MowumdU to Build No Political DwfcU to Pay Spond County Fund for Impravwsssants, Not for Ual 3q,lMli 1 THOSE WHO DINE HERE once always come again, especially when they de sire something extra fine in the way of food, service and surroundings. We only have to induce people to come here once. They come again of their own accord. Suppose you test our service today and learn why this restaurant is so popular. Jewel Cafe , . 610 Main St v''t'Af0m If the Wood Dealer Sold Service We 40 not seU current; we seU service. That eesusele eM doeeatkr Well, suppose the wood dealer sold service Instead of weed, he woeM send to yeur furnace and your range, take away the ashes and clean the fines. Yon would buy so much heat. New yon bay so Much Ught, although you pay accordlac to the current you oonaunse. But the service fa perrorsned for Jrou by this company at the aubstaUoas and power plants. Bust la what we want to give jma-ettlctast service. It la the aim al this rtmspany to have none hut satisfied custssners. No Mmssa what it ! it mi have a grievance, or are dissatisfied about ynsn .nt luderstaad our rates, please couse In and see e or write us about-it. U ye bjw nay suggestions to make, we will gladly avail ear telvea of these as our aim is constantly to Improve our s silks te j..,.lmMaMl t sulamaaA sat at Luimuh aaaaJIftva uauMsammnY. gfOH M IsTasH w UOfWWWvie w. awwweway euwau wear. en e suv4nnawvanVhsnseei California-Oregon Power Company u I I A ' I v 4