,'J a'AOU TRUKH THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, IBM. ac f B1T.L1 "V mk w JBf Two DolluiH n Week WE are offering as a spec ial the Old Standard Make Columbia Grafonola with triple motor, eighty record filing system and tone control leave;;. Make a reasonable first payment, then only two dollars a week until $120 is paid. Hear its clear tone and smooth running, powerful motor. EARL SHEPHERD CO. Exclusive Music House G07MainSt. Phone 282 -J HAS CONFIDENCE III REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRAT ON NKW I.ONION, Conn,, Oct. 19, Dr. Nlcliolii" Murray flutter, Prnsl itant of Columbia University, Now York, In mi address hero Saturday pointed out what lio railed defects In tliii prus'tnt Lohkiki of Nations jcovmuint and rucoiiirnendod adjust jiiiimt of International difficultly . through a trllitinnl patterned ntter, mi uiiii'ihhik, nun or inn iiiikuii. A ropuMlrau ndnilnliitrntlon head- id tiy Mr, IlnrdttiK. lia mild, would .not In any rsptct uhlrk in duly ns . on ii of thu family of nations, though It would not liocumo a mouther of the oxlstlng league. "Tlmy ara mistaken who think that tha mpuhllcan party when again Intrusted with tho responsibility for thn administration of thn govern FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FRED PETERSON Thn Chrlatlnn nlmrlKlnrii of Yun nan llkn lengthy church nervier. A Sunday morning service In Hapushan, Yuntmi Province, linn hiin known to compromise! 1 hymni, ulght pray era, throo sermons, and tha Sacra ment of tha lord's Hupprr. Chlldrnn nro not allotted out In thn street of Norway after dark. PEACE AND PROGRESS No Monuments to Build No Political Debts to Pay Spend County Funds for Improvements, Not for Legal Squabbling Tfou may be Sure" says the Good Judge That you are getting full value for your money when you use this class of tobacco. Tht good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long, you don't need fresh -r"4hstr nearly as ofteri nor do you need so big a chew as you did with the ordi- i nary kind. Any man who has used the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. rtfaftfeftMJfrfW W-B GUT is a long 6ntcut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco asBBW mont will mitdr upon an backward path," ho decided. "Thu spirit of of iiui;rt'Mi, nt iiiiililtlun to Horvo, of I xoal to solvo thu gruut'mid vnxatlouii problem which confront tho pooplo, uru In full possession of thu tyupuli llran party of 1D20, "Kor onu, I am confident that whon tho ruins of government shall puss Into Itopubllcuii hands ou March 4 uoit, tho rlpcit wisdom, thu widest experience und tho best talent which thu country afford will ho called upon to iiMnlnt In xhuplng those pol icies which shall hasten it solution of thu piioplo'd jirohtoiiin and a moot ing of thu puoplo'a noodii. "No party, no government, can ac complish thu Impossible, hut tho re pulillcau party may confidently ho truMi'il to open In 1021 a now ora In tho lilntory of our country, and to make powerful and pormnnont contribution to tho causo of Inter national pcaco and concord and to tho advancomonl of tha world'i sat isfaction and happiness, without In any way losscnlng tho control of tha American pooplo over tliolr own pol- Idea and nets, and without In any way bending or breaking the Consti tution of tho United State, tho ihcot anchor of our ship of stato." Mr. Ilutlor asserted that much dls cunnlon of campaign attain baa no rofcron'ce to great present Issues, which, ho Mid, ara only two In n tim ber, an follew: "Tho relation which thn peoplo of tho United State aro t obcar' to othor nation and to those move ments of pylltlcul and economic opinion that aro common to clvlllaed people throughoat tho world, and "Tho relatlro fitness of the Demo cratic and Itopubllcan parties to up hold and defend tha American form of government, and to deal In truly constructive and courageous fashion with thu problem of taxation, or coit of living, of transportation, of labor, of housing, of public health, and of admlalttratlTo ability and efficiency which Immediately confront tha Am erican people." 1'olntlng out Jhe record of the United State a a leader In world movement for International settle ment under codllfed law, ho review ed the country's correspondence with foreign nations under President Mc Klnley, Roosevelt and Taft relative to tho series of Hague conferences, We SHINE SHOES For both Ladies and Gent lemen, and shine them well. Shining and Dying Shoes is all we do. THE EXCLUSIVE SHINING PARLOR CftBtral Hetel Building GREETINGS. PETEI a rL &wr i-ci-u ; lclu l".-S'f.l c, irj" CAT"'' i .& W0 rVVVTl m WU ' CAMEL CITY U. S. A. (or, Winston-Salem, N, C. according to the nap) Here I im tonight in Winston - Salem where more tobacco it manufactured than in any other place on the face of the earth I When I knocked off for the day, I -bussed around like a hungry bee in a buckwheat field up and down long streets of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, factories I As the Reynolds enterprise proved out more and more gigantic and I talked with more men about it. I got, the real and true answsr as to why Camels are so good and so entirely different from any other cigarette! I'll spin it for you, old top listen: ' ' Every man I talked with made the one big point that the officials' and the more - than 350 Reynolds foremen have an inborn Knowledge ot tne tobacco business; that (putting it into a North Carolina expres sion) they y were virtually "born and raised in a tobacco patch"; that they know to- scco; now to grade-itrPlenu-it. and liuw to manufacture and sell it I And, what'a most important of all, Pete, these Reynolds folks sure give men what they want the best that can be produced I Why Peter, it took months to perfect Camels Turkish and Domestic blend and that refreshing flavor and wonderful mild, mellow body I Tomorrow, I'm going to meet tome of the Reynolds folks. Got to see inside of those factories! . , And, you know met T L-a- Vsl W AntVa .a -ans-. -. - Mp SfofciT aj I jJSbbbbbbbMI1 aEsm tawwwwttWSaw 3k ami laSP" Ji a'assW ammLammt.awlMVaaw Kaw9C SjS aaaaaWawawamauw bsjsiiv g.1 RtYNou K (gBf&AMETm and crltlclzod thoso who rotor din pnragltiKly to thu lingua tribunal on tho cround that It fnllod to provont tho Kurnponn war, I lo said that In 1014, "though tha fact I not gbiiuratly known," u def Inlta plan to Htrnngthon tho tribunal with tho establishment ot an Inter national High Court of Justice was "under consideration by the govern mutilH of tiurupo and tho United States, with ovory proipoct of agree ment." At tho end of tho wnfjjio declared, I'riisldcnt Wilson "made a capital orror of Judgement" In going In per son to conduct pcaco negotiation In Purls. This, ha xald, mado necessary tho like attendance of heads of othor nation Involved, with tha result that they "lost contact with their Imme diate advisor, with tholr parlia ment and with their peoples." Thu pcaco settlement, ho said, coming under tho prosaure of the times, and In settlement of tho Issues of war, was a mistake, "This procedure, far from being a triumph of atalesmanshlp," he ad ded, " wo a blunder of the first magnltudo and I chiefly responsible for tho unhappy events o'f the past two years, for the outbreak of a dox on minor wars, for tbo delay In eco nomic reconstruction, and for the feeling of despair and despondency that havo settled down over much of the world. "Ho anxlos was. the world for peace, however, that nation after na tion approved the covenant for a Icague ot Nations without hesitation and without serloua debate." Mr. nutter suggested that the Republican national platform offers policy; alternative to tne League, to "accomplish the name ends In what Is believed to bo a far better and far wiser way." "It Is not true that Republican objection to tho covenant a sub mitted ore merely partisan, narrow- minded and selfish," he asserted, policy contemplates dcsortlng oar Allies and associates In the war and bearing no part. In the task, of re building the broken world. "It Is not true that Republican policy would make' no sacrltlco for liberty and justice, and would recuse cooperation to make the world a better and happier place In which to live-." A J'lt Is not true that Republican policy would take the Incredibly stupid and reactionary course ot at- SaipUng to play an Isolated part in Ijtfworld and look with Indiffer ence on suffering or wrongdoing or on Infraction of International law unleaa these should directly affect our national pride or our national pocket book. "The established policy of the Re publican party points the way to such remodeling of .the covenant for a League ot NaUeaa aa will bring It Into accord with American principles, with established American practice, and with the highest and finest Am erican Interests, without doing dam age or Injustice to any other nation. "The people ot the United States should anderstaad that la opposing tha covenant lo the form submitted by tke president, the Republican par ty la sustaining" and not abandoning traditional American policy la res pect ot International cooperation and peace, aad that It is ateadfastty clinging to the high Ideals and pur poses which the American people have i so often revealed In their In ternational sympathy and their in ternational rotations; "The Republican parly, however, Intends to walk toward the goal In a wise and sate, Instead ot unwise and unsafe, path. "No permanent progress 0vor bo sulta from attempting too much or from getting out of step with the sobor,ond judicious opinion ot the world. There I no suro mehtod ot abolishing International' war until humun nature bo abolished at the same time. All that can be done is to -labor to remove tho causes ot In ternational war and to put a check upon thoso human tendencies and passions which usually bring wan about, as to mako It Increasingly EAST TO DARKEN I YOU CAN IIHING HACK COLOR AM) MMTRK WITH 8ACJR TEA AMI HUIjFHUR When you darkon your hair rlth Bags Tea and Sulphur, no one can ell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. I'reparlng this mixture, hough, at homo Is mussy and trouble some. For GO cent you c&n buy at any rdug store tho rcady-to-uso prep aration, Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You Just dampen a spongo or soft brush with It and draw, this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened glossy and iuxurlant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, Is a sign of old age, aad aa we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at oaoe with Wyeth's Sage aad Sulphur Compound sad look years younger. wntor wltii n tennpoonftil ot Ifme stono phosphate In It. This will cleanse, pdrlfy, and freshen the en tiro alimentary tract boforo eating moro food. JMWJ Hot a quarter pound ot limestone phosphato trom your pharmacist. It I inexpensive and almost tasteless. Drink phosphatcd hot wntor every morning to rid your system of these vilo poison and toxins; also to pre vent their formation. The wet flat, lands of Ecuador produeo a vine yielding a fruit which when dried, forms a sponge superior to animal sponges. Everyone Should Drink Hot Water . in the Morning Wash away all etemaeh, liver, and bowel seleoM efaro breakfast. difficult for them to operato to tbo disturbance of the world's poaco." To feel yoar best day la aad day out, to feelclean Inside;-no soar bile to coat your tongue end sicken yoar breath or dull your head; no consti pation, bilious attacks, sick beadacDe, colds, rheumatism or gassy, add stomach, you must bathe on the In side like ron bathe outside. This Is vaattyy more Important, becaaae tke skin pores do not absorb Imparities Into tee mood, while tae oowei pores do. '- l To keen these poisons sad toxtas well'tHsked trom the stomach, liver, kldaese aad bowels, drink hefere breakMsUesck day, a glass of. hot T" HARD TO am GOOD FABRICS THESE DAYS but the cloths we show are the pro ducU of the beet mills and are ex elusive with as. Come la aad see there. Yoa'R be Impressed with their quiet good taste aad the char acter ot ear tailoring tally eqtisle that of the fabrles ae every snjoS dreseer knows. CHAS.J.CIZEK MUCHANT TAILOR TOO LATE Death oolya sasstter of short tli Dan's wait sustl Mane and become IsKSarabto dasssaee. Avoei by takia G0U MEDAL fast world ewedard isssidy fsettsaen r, Madder aad ark sets tfeeMee-Hfee cs wenaamsaace ia Kill That Cold With . - r CASCARA E QUININE kHh& AND Celt's, Coigns TQV La Grippe Neglected Colds ere Dangerous Take no chances. Km? this standard nmedy handy for tbe first sdmh. Breaks up cold In 24 hours RUtm . GrlP In 3 days EacelUnt foe Hsaoache Quinine In this form does not aSect the bead Caacara is beat Teeic Laxative No Oplata in HUT. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL If rw VktL sbSHsbsIsbSsbSsbsVsbSV V Ft V P i1aTaWWWW IbbbsIB SHIP YOCR CABM or parcels by oar transfer service. That will Insure that they will be carefelly bandied and that they will always reach boat or train on time. We don't believe irf- any last minute ship ments. We always get there In plenty ot time to make sore the goods we carry win not be left behind. Wsstara Traasfar Co. dlSKafaiSt. An authority on finance, after ex haustive Investigation finds that In America only ono rich man's son Is 17 dies rich. HEADACHE STOPS. NEURALGIA GONE Dr. Jams' Headache Powders fire instant relisf Oosk dime a padcaft. Krvarnckliur, splitting or throbbing headaches yield In just a few momenta to ur. uamoa' ueaaaene raw- ders' which cwtt only 10 cents a peek- age at any arug store, in tae onset- est, surest hradache relief la the whole world. " IWt smTsrl Relieve tke agony and UlitresaV newt Yon sea, Millions of men aad woman 9 bate found iliat beadashe aad niiuraigia DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK ABOUT WOOD? N Maybe you do not realise that BLAB WOOD IS BODYWOQD The only difference being that the, slab-wood cornea al ready split. There Is more bark In the slab, that Is trae, bat there Is as much heat ia the bark aa' there la la the wood, so In a cord ot slab you buy as much heat as la a ' cord of body or limbs tor much less moaey. BUY GREEK SLAB NOW AND CUT YOUR FUBIi BILL IN HALF O. Peyton & Co. f . 419 MAIN "WOOD TO BURN" MKMO.SSS .. un .Kivrsr zrprinF -!- w-r.BB KZ-amWamam1 lar?- Set t'jeM -ask BBBBW SBBSBjaSjajSjajBB V '',1 ' OU244.