'1 paoh THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Monday; oomrkr is," its-. flv tsMBjBhw teal ""vice Miff I (-07 MAIN VL STREET EX-tlDWPUNCHER SING SOULS IIUKNqH AIIU:H, Hopl. 17. (Ily Mall) On a street In Huono Aire which nilnlit lin called Ilia backwash of Itui world Juilxlnic from tlio liu man dorullcta emit up from every stream mid aviiry land. n. North American cow puncher of tho old wot In comluclltiK a roscuo mission whom hungry children are fed and tired iouU ara comforted. Ha I John Calvert do llohun, who aaya he "was born on I ho hurrlcana deck of a cajruso" In Now Mexico. Cowboy, Jockey, wanderer, and fi nally ordalnod mlnUter, Ilohun'a life hat been uch aa to make, him ono wit lithe dead wood that drlftn Into hi mission, a ho telU history, and hi redemption to bodily and spirit unt health a parallel to that of some of hla pedplo. Thero waa a time, he aay, when 'American whisky wa no longer strnnK enough for him o that ho satisfied hla appatlto with Chlncnn whisky, which In llku drlnltlnic mix iid turpr ,:in and bnnnnn oil. Hut Hi'tiirIi thn yimrH enmo Klliupxm In 'in of neiimtliliu: liultor, A touch of lomorsa In AiiNtrnlln, n Kiioil uxuiiiplii In Kuropn, thu sight of it wo in ii ii who romlmlmt him of ono "hii lined to know," tho liifluuncn of lii Hi i) r Dnmluii, who rovo IiIm Ufa to I lift Iminm nt tfnumlf nnit wlin whh mn loved that thero was scarcely a dry nyn In Kroit shop or ship's ciililn from ! Mfinllfi In Mnllifilirmt whim lin fllfwl. such things miiilo him wonder. And finally, worn and world-knowlnc when hn drifted back to Hint New Mnxlco from which hu hnd started mid found "Tom thn Davll" prcuch ItiK liiMti'itd of riinnltu: thn old iKimhlliiK Kamn, and later saw oth- lira follow In hla stops, llohun say that tho light enmo to him. lin bo canto a milliliter. Ilohun'a mission la located In a building something In appoaranco llkn Han Antonio' Alamo, imd with a history a avontful on thoio who re pair It, Ilullt for a Masonic lodge many year ago, It haa been various ly dance hall, gambling homo, head quartern of tho Illanck Hand In Ar gentina and l now a combination church, school, orphan' homo and first aid to morally Injured. In thn rorfm whore once women and nmn drank and danced, now thoro are rcllglou aervlce In Span lh, and botween flmca children, sal dam lea than 100 of them, at lunch or aupper. Children of every rnco and relig ion are fed thero. Other work of tho intMlon I with loper, and with oh mon and women. Tho mlulon of which llohun took charge about four year ago, I not maintained by any organization, but I hold togothor fcy freo will subscriptions. When llohun talk with a visitor, particularly with an American who knows tho wast, his roforoncos to his work nrn mingled with spontaneous talon of "hard riding mid hard shoot lite men." of John Wusloy IIiirdliiK, for Instance, the frock-couleil gainlc lor of Kl 1'iiko, who, llohun says hnd killed 14 men, hut "was ovary Inch n gontlemnti mid always killed with rogrotj" of C'nldmily Jane, whoso story wim bound up with tho fight between law mid things as they wore that dosohitcd Tombstone, Arizona; of Mnrosrn, klm; of cnttle thluvcs; of Wild mil llikok, who mot his and at lliwlfn i'.ilv: nnit nf mniiv inoro who mado thu west a placo (if romance Minister though ho Is, ho Is still a cowboy, bant on getting his herd safe Into thn final round-up. Illankets, comforturn, bedding on aato at K. K. K. stpro's IDirvcst sulos. 1G less than regular price 11-10 0 Rexall Straw Ballot BUSINESS CARDS NntiV .Tim fltmrn tiritnttr urltl hn clmriKod from day to day or tin often' fit. lll timu Jill.nj. n mt Bn.filHi.il a...-' wn r,..u iiurr vu,,in ,1,11 lubUlTUU, Ull til election day. National llnllot Harding Popular voto C2!l,218 Klectoral volo .... 34 G Oregon ballot Popular voto 0,10(5 Kloctflral voto .... G Klamath Falls Popular vota GC Cox 17.1,410 180 3,348 0 27 OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION See L. E. EMERY 208 Withrow-Nelhase Bldg. Rock of Ages Granite n-jm.. .Hii ttt.i nlnmnnlM fAfl SO morn change tho ruggad cenotaph of nnetr nf Anita nrtANITK than It can change tho rock-bound hill from which It I quarried. . Mght gray In color and fine In tx ,.... nnetr nc AflKH tlRANITB adds distinctive beauty to any mem orial puDiic or private a uoamy which makes the monument a strong hold of tender memories and a shrine for generations yet unborn. Your task of selecting a suitable tribute to ths departed will be mada easier by visiting my placo of bus iness at 10 0 Main strral and looking ovor tno oeauuiui aispiay i n. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 1040 Main St G. D. Grizzle, Proprietor EtWnBmfli ' IltHsUa 'GiBaal HaBBaavtai 00000000W0W0m000& 0w0m0wwwwwwwwmww J the Kitchen Cabinet that saves miles of steps "WorkaUdone-FLl join ' yo'ii atonce" iriJSflBii VC lit- I) J Jp&( B KlKfi it.. 0iKyJira4i itlllit I ' I yy 1 yH JLlrny f" ,N 'r'Pm gggggggggsiBSgggga BBfeggggBgggggggggiBrBgggggggggT Jll rgy'aBslKZj Hggl BaBgmfr t nBBSMlBVBllTri jv f. dlkHgvSL llgtiv gtiiii 11111111111111111111 I " II miM I M LBte b .otiH i. : . Pi r Save at Least 7 Hours Each Week by Using, a Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet ISN'T it a fact that kitchen work deprives you of time you would like to and should give over to rest and recreation? Isn't it a fact that kitchen tasks tire you more than other work? That is because you walk miles of unnecessary steps to and fro in preparing meals' because you are kept on your feet "when you should be sitting down. With the Hoosier to help, meals are prepared with less effort and in Jess time. Steps are saved. You reach instead of walk. You sit instead' of stand. All needed utensils and supplies are within arm's reach. 'Everything is centralized. Kitchen work becomes a pleasure. And you add to your hours for outside pleasures. One Dollar Will Banish Drudgery ACME LUNCH Home Cooked Meals SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS Mn. E. M. Bcchdoldt 323 Main St. Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo handle now and rebuilt motor cycles and bicycles, also parts and accessories. Goodyear, Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes aro our lino, and Harley-Uavldson Horv Ico, which spalls Honest, Dependable Service. , Phone 372 C. K. IIIMMAIIX 115 S. Oth Ht. Klamath Fail PROFESSIONAL CARDS FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 34W. X-Rajr Laboratory LooasU llMf., Kteautt aaf MMMAMWArAArVIV4MIiakiWM DR. O. A. fUMBO Dentist I. O. O. If. RatMlu PHONE 61 AAA0nmv&ww04 fffttt TJhna MVWWWWWM Offlce Phone 177W Re 77R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Pbycldan and Hargcoa White Dulldlng Klamath Fall Oragoa l W0WW0WWWWWl0WWAA0 PHONE 30 327'MAIN STREET Opea 10 a. m. to S . m. 8 flay aad Holldar DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wbccarrc PBONal SM Dr. P. M. Nocl raoim Ov Ci KLAMATH AUTO . SPRING WORKS pHSSSS1 Am KXA H ivica ,SbbbV TIm ratmlw gtfygSM of Kluutk Pa Wo. VJr Aaorieu UHn, wOl br kola at o'clock a. ai at tho City Han at Baamatt Falk. aa tba aocoaS aaS fomrtk Taaaiaja 4 HMk Boatk. AU Coavaicat ara t rltad. Taoaa iirlrlar to lota tto Post roar curo aaslleatlB klaaks (roai (1. K. Vaa Rlaar. Prod Nlekotooa, or T H. Caraaaaa. all ot tuasaau raua. rRn NICHOLSON, soerourr WESTERN LABOR BUREAU The only placo whero you can got-help and tho only placo whore you can got m lob. 1034 MAIN ST. Phono 477-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" " PHONE 154 Corner cVfain and Congor Hooiier'i benefit! are within reach of every woman. Xnormoui production reiutid in low prices. And we are permitted to sell this celebrated kitchen helper on easy terms ONE DOLLAR deposit and the balance In con venient amounts each week. Decide NOW and you will save at least one hour each day for the pleasures that are your right. Decide NOW that you will conserve your energy t your strength your health. Decide NOW that you, too, will have a Hoosier. , Visit our store TODAY. Select your Hoosier from tba many models on display. Pay the dollar that enables you to banish drudgery. Don't put off this Important visit. A 50-lb. Sack Crater Lake Flour FREE with Every Hoosier Bought During this Demonstration Johnstone Furniture Co. FAIRVIEW TRANSFER Prompt Serftee aad Reaaoaaklo Rate, also Special Rates oa Oat ot Tevra TMaa ' Phono 260-R VtAA0t00t00000l0to0A0A00lA0AAA W. E. J. E. , - PATTERSON Ooatractias Palatrr Res. Phoao Stl-R ISSN. ttkSt. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office'and Residence Phones 821 L O. O. F. Temple ED. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND SVROBO 17W Roesas 1 aad I 17R Watte DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND BCROHOH LO.O.V.I Raatdoaee Waits PeHaaa Hatal Rcatdoaeo Pkoaa I. . DR. L. L. TRUAX ' WARREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Pkoaa, 47 Nigh SAW MILL KNOIH IIIO OONSTRDCTKHI OO. a. P. 1 aa aaw proaaraa to aato Saad trast tko Ha aad aad aiaral att. ta aar v taat aujlta aatfiat ay seat ALP. r Let Your GLASS troublf be Mine ' CE.STUCKEY RGIazutg and Cabinot Makinff Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine Oi Leaaja Haw lit LQ.Q.F. MeeU Friday alght ot each week at I. O. O. F. kail. 6th aad Mala ttraeta. H. H. Ogle. N. O.; W. O. WeJU. 8oo retary; W. D. Cofer, Treasurer. Ewauna Encashment No. it. I. O. O. F., meets Tneeday night ot each weea at i. o. a. f. ball. Harry Loucka, C. P.; W. P. Cofer, Bert bo; Fred Buealat. Traaaaror. WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY (SlTaUta ARTHUR R. WILSOR THE ARCADE HOTEL leaa-M main st. PHONH AT7-J Tko aiaea-itsaa RverytklBaT aaw fraai top ta aottea aad rates to MMNMAMAMMMMMMMMMMW F FOR SALE Three stores, all paying. Location Al. Must sell owing to other business. Sea 1008 Main St ROBERT S. FRY aoaeral Iaaaraace, IaTeotataata T.L 501-J .,. 13t7 Esplanade ' e kLAMATH PALLS, .ORB, DR. a A. MASSEY la Wanes Haat HasaRal Ott. Pkoaa 417 Res. Phoao Slat . C. OLROHORN OlrU aawjamear aa OttawflT Rata St it OSJea ISO, Res. ISM . v J