' iJSs&aimZix bwAi THE IVH ttEHAUl J 11X1 6t HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!-Now Coities v i THE FINISH I -&"" i ' v t- !. AND BELIEVE ME, WE ARE GOING TO MAKE THE LAST FEW DAYS GREATER THAN EVER. WE HAVE GONE THRU THE ENTIRE STOCK LIKE A CYCLONE THRU A KANSAS CORNFIELD, RIPPING AND SLASHING PRICES SO LOW THAT IT WILL MAKE EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD. SIT UP WITH ASTONISHMENT. WE WANT YOU TO BE SURE TO ' h See Tomorrow's Paper We Promise Yon the Greatest Sensation in Years V.V. ')'. lL.Ji:i Urn. .... .. ...... 'MmqCw.M. wim A ft,.., ...-. A MISE TO SET THE ENTIRE POPULATION IN AN UFROAR.. . p REMEMBER THIS WILL BE AN OPPORTIMY OF A LIFETIME "I AINT MAD AT NOBODY" ONLY FIVE MORE GREAT SALE D AYS m l bit . HAVE YOU NOTICED THE CROWD DURING THIS GREAT SALS'?, THE STORE HAS BEEN PACKED AND JAMMED DURING THE ENTIRE SALE AND SATURDAY NIGHT WE WERE ALMOST' COMPELLED TO LOCK THE DOORS, AS THE CROWDS BECAME SO DENSE. THE PEOPLE KNOW AND REALIZE THAT WHEN SUGARM AN PUTS ON A SALE IT IS A SALE IN EVERY RESPECT, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS IN THE ENTIRE STORE,,YOU WILL FIND IT ON SALE HERE NOW fAt. A SENSATIONAL H II (hShaannM 1 - & - - - t RUWUprKKE... .rrr?A- "" . 1,.-, . irca t 1 1 17 ,---.. 'irwr.i'i:i, v. Jljy-Tt-V..-:sagWsi I" PAPER fc. -T .'JC of! I Tf' I v :iv 7. SEE ' "TOMORROW'S 7 .,, PAPER ' sr r The frreoing Herald . 9. MDBBAt Fill BOfLB mh Inter, to Pmatlaalac OiuiiT at Fate, st US FoarU Knot. sjiara 1 at sfca jMMiw 1 Daav aft fMta. ra ta.tMmalmlm tkn UjMli m waHHi smattar. - 1 ' 1 Fim to nltttolr aatltlea" to taa ana. far raauaUeatlaa TSiMwa tmn araattod to u. ar. aot otherwise credit lm tale aaar.. and also the local un pub fife horela. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1020. DETOUR LENGTHENS MERRILL HIGHWAY (Continued from pace one) seemed to throw every obstacle in the Way of Cheyne, Curtln, Mrs. ' ' Heater and the others that It could, la the first place, because these peo ple reaaoastrated, agalas having their ranches rulnediby the--highway the county court cut off thjir'wateir for orer a month during the Irri gation season; they would not give them a crossing for irrigation w ter, for their roads, or anything else until they were cited before' the. cir cuit court for contempt. Judge Bun aell Is reported to hare said to Bob Cheyne, whan Cheyne aska.him-for a crossing over Ufa highway "You will take any damn thlBg-lJjbotu; Mi. cash and flO a month to giro you." I think that such eP, Interest at 6 per cent. These duct on the part of a county Judge . 7" " """ ;' ' ":, mlltftf 'wlirhp,d6ubt prore tobe Is not to be tolerated la an Americas)1 r KjfiT inteitmentJ Some day you community, jusi necauw a mmu -.m In official position does not warrant him In running rough-shod orer-tae helpless citizens who support them with tbelr tax money. I trust that your readers.wlll care fully study the map submittal here with (the map is pnntea!Vaipve; and beconte familiar with toe blgU-, way. If they do they wllf'probably fel a I An ahnut this matter. 'J was on the highway as it was routed before the county court changed It LIBERTY THEATRE VAlwayg the Best for the Liberty Guet" , VMrtfeaaaaiajaansiMMtanaaa1WjAaBa J U. W. I'OOLE. Ohvct ROGER D. TORREY, Musical Director. MloMMijjMMarsairfjaja v-l TODAY MONDAY TODAY The Eminent English Actor MR. H. B. WARNER appears in "UNCHARTED CHANNELS" TOMORROW A-r- TUESDAY TOMORROW Do you want another strong sea story? Then come Today and see "THE HELLSHIP" ' A tale of ocean pirates. This is rough one, with' . thrills eyery moment. You'll like "The Hellship;" WEDNESDAY . . A BigSpecial, "The Blue Pearl." ; Now I aaa left a mile and a halt away and I do Aot consider It just. Sincerely youss, (Signed JOHN H) MATNK.Y. CI bare , read Mr. Matney's letter, believe that It sets 'forth facts and draws justifiable conclusions' there from, and I am entirely In accord with Mr. Matyne. (Signed) EDGAR HALLER. , ' MILXH ADDITION LOTH - -. j WahArasome of the very best lots IB mym-mna iarrow Aooiiioas a prices, ranting from $150 to 1360 on Mnwu-ot ' 3 are close ;W :0f box factories and will want ta'hulld a home. Why not buy the lot'6wr. .' . CHIUDOTEHMITH , . . 9M Mala Ht. f V ' ' 18-1 STATE LEGION WILL SEND ENVOY HERE PORTLAND, Oct. 18. The cpn tfoyerey1 ad tp whether certain lands In' the Klamath lake district shall be' j-eclulmed for theebcncflt of ox- service 'men or'shull be turned over to A power company will be Investi gated thoroughly by the state regu lar monthly commlttco for tha de partment of Oregon. Ben S. Morrow of Portland,, an en gineer und a member of the commit tee, was Instructed to mako a trip to Klamath Knfln for a thorough Inves tigation of the situation. Mr, Morrow will consult with the Klamath Fulls post and other Inter ested parties, and will go over the lands Involved in the controversy. He will make his recommendations to the executive committee of the de partment on his return. I'REHnVTKIUAV BROTHERHOOD .OFFICER ARK SELECTED V ' t The men of the Presbyterian church held a meeting yesterday to organize the Brotherhood and start the men's Bible class. Officers elected were E. S. Henry, president; A. M. Collier, vico-presldent, and F. A. Baker, secretary and treasurer. , The Bible clana will hold its first meeting next Sunday mornjng at the church. F. A. uaker will teach. Oth er teachers will bo selected' for fol lowing Sundays, os that the work l" will rotate an dbe easier for; all.' Ik Big 0 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Tuesday , i riff Q,i i 4 TO BE SOLD. TUESDAY ONLY AT HALF PRICE NOTHING RESERVED. EVERY BOYS' SUIT IN THE STOCK TO BE SOLD AT JUST HALF PRICE, INCLUDING SUCH FAMOUS MAKES AS DOUBLE-BUILT- LE ATHERIZEI? JACK (y LEATHER.-X1 , "':w AND OTHER HIGH GRADE MAKES. SIZES RUN AS HIGH AS 18 YEARS AND THEY ALL ON &ALE TUESDAY AT HALF PRICE- . $8.50 BOYS' SUITS $4.25 ;t $15.00 , BOYS' SUITS Al $7.50 i! $10.00 c ' BOYS' suiis $5.00 $17.50 ' BOYS' SUITS. $8.75 , '',$12;f0. BOYS' SUITS $6.25 y $20.00 BOYS' SUITS $10.00 'ihw ! X t -A