r-V' 1 fUTVRMkV blOMaK f, INI THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON r1 "' il i hi'i'ii .....i. - !! nTmWZmmmTmmZn PAOMMI I)II YOU UVKIl STOP TO THINK A1IOUT WOOD? Maybe you do not rcallto that 8i.An wood is nonv-woou The only difference being that the slab-wood comes al ready split. There la more bark lit the s'ib, that Is true, but there Is as much heat In the bark as there la In the wood, ao In a cord o( slab you buy ns much heat as In a cord of body or limbs for much less money. mil ORKKN HI.All NOW AM) CUT YOU It FUKL llll.Ii IN HALF O. Peyton & Co. 419 MAIN "WOOD TO BURN" TMONH BSS tor. The Loutsana Male lopor hos pital at Cnrvlllo has boon bought by the government and the public health sorvlco plans to enlarge It ao n In provide facilities for tho treatment of GOO patients. Dr. O. H. Donnoy, who Is expected to bo placod In charge of tho now hospital, plans to build tho "beat laboratory In tho world" tor tho ntudy of leprosy. Treatment llko that given at Kallhl will bo followed at tho Ioulana hos pital, and research also will ho con ducted with a vlow of discovering a now "cure" and for Improving tho now mothod. iin E rants mmi SUCCFSSfU i .WASHINGTON. Oct. 15. (By the 'Associated " Press) Leprosy, a course of huntaatty since early his- tary, apparently has been conquered fry officers of tke United Stater pub lic health aerrtoe ta tho leper colony at Kallhl, Hawaii. Forty-eight suf ferers of the dread malady, who havo keen subjected to a new method of treatment, bavo recovered to such stent as ta warrant their release em parole and, after a year, not one has shown a symptom of recurrence. ' s yet," ao guarantee of a "care" as been made officially for some of the government medical experts are frankly skeptical of the results. It May be years before an official and final opinion la given. The limit of the official claim Is net forth I na Joint report to the pub lic health service made by Dr. J. T. McDonald, director of tke leprosy In vestigation station aad superintend tuc physician to Kallhl hospital, and by President A. L. Deaa. of the Uni versity of Hawaii, as follews: "It has bee sufficiently estab lished that Chautmfiogra oil contains me or more agents which exert a ked therapeutic netloa In many of leprosy. Wo can aot as yet that the disease is cured, since we have bo" test adequate to establish Nth a verdict. Waether or aot the apparent cures are. real and perman ent. It, Is evident-last are have a valuable asjeat s oar disposal la the eoatrol of taa disease." Chaulmoogra oil in Its crude state b no new drug for the treatment of leprosy, but In its raw form It proved ao nauseating nnd painful to patients that it had to lie temporarily discon tinued. Science turned toward Its derivatives and Drs. McDonald and Cmd repot t "It found, that tho thyl of tbc fatty acids wen th'tn fluid oils lending themselves read ily to Intramuscular injections and were readily absorbed." Injection of the oll.derivitivi by a syringe has brought a new hope to the leper, for at Kallhl hospital "in jection day" Is described by the doc tors' report as an occasion for merry making though of painful exporlencn tor tho sufferers. , "The standard trealcien'," tho port says, "now conMits la weekly Injections of a preparation , which consists of the mixed ethyl alien of the acids of chaulmoogra nil with two per cent of Iodine In chemical combination. The amount used starts at one cnblc centimeter and Is grad ually Increased to a maximum of four or five cubic centimeters for adults." Accessory treatments of Iodine lin iment, ointments and sun baths aro employed as measures U Improvo tho general health and mental attitude of the patients. Drs. McDonald adn Dean are of the opinion tnat leprosy or the nerve typo aa well as the nodular cases should receive the new treatment. They report astonishing results with the aerve.eases. "Wo believe our remedies arrost the disease," they asy regarding the nerve cases, "and prevent farther destruction of hands and fingers, even when, as In long-standing cases, normal function can not be fully re stored. "During the past year we have done better than simply arrest the destructive process; we have had tho great satisfaction of seeing marked Improvement in a considerable num ber of these purely nerual cases, and apparently a complete recovery in others. One young man who came In with a decidely ataxic gait, un able to raise his body on bis toes an dwith one hand so weak and de formed that he had been .compelled to abandon the use of the type writer a year before entering, so far Improved before his parole that his disability la walking had not only disappeared but he became one of the leadjag teanis players aad oas of the swiftest ranaers la tke compound. "A woaaaa wit sll fingers ab sorbed to less than halt their orig inal length, after a year's treatment, became able to write, to sew and knit, and to execute many move ments and functions of which she bad for years been deprived." Regarding the virulent form of leprosy, the doctors report that "in many cases the lesions disappear, ex cept for scars and permanent Injur ies, and the leprosy bacillus can ao longer be demonstrated." In the continental United States, there are 200 known uufferers of leprosy, but public health officials believe that 10 times that numbers elsts known only to the family doc- Rock of Ages Granite Time and the elements 'can no ROCK OF AOKS OUANITB than it. can change the rock-bound hills from which It is quarried. Light gray In color and fine in tex ture, ROCK OF AOBS (J RAN IT E adds distinctive beauty to any mem orial public or private a beauty which makes the monument a strong hold of tender memories and a shrluo for generations yet unborn. Your task of selecting a suitable tribute to the departed will be made easier by visiting my place of bus iness at 1040 Main street and looking over the beautiful display I have. KlMutli Falls Marble aid Graikc Work 1040 Main St ' G. D. Grizzle, Proprietor 'asaBBBBBsl! -sbbbbbbbbbbbbb! WWMWMMWWWMWmm W WWWMWWWmWWMWWW WW MMMWMMMMMWWWWWWWmMMMMMMMMWwW DANCING TONIGHT AT MOOSE HALL Nw Music by BUDDIE'S ORCHESTRA ' 'Tfc Jan Artist SupraW' ! EfwryMb WsCtM i FOR INDUSTRY NEW YORK NKW YORK, Oct. 15. A course In "management edu cation" to provide a sufficient num ber of properly trained executives for the Industries of tho United 8tates Is to be established In a ma jority of the 610 American colleges, according to an announcement made to The Associated Press here today f by Dr. Holds Godfrey, president of the Drexel Institute. Philadelphia, OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION See L. E. EMERY nnn nr.ii t n nt t I1"' '" ""P PrP,ul Inventory of SUO WlinroW-INeinase Ulflg. the colleges to meet these needs." formerly commissioner of tho ndvls ory commission of tho council of na tional defense. Tho plan, an outgrowth ot a con vention attended by representatives ot Industry nnd colleges In Philadel phia Inst March, Is backed by cor porations roprcsontlng u capitalisa tion' of 120,000,000,000. It Is tho re mit. Dr. Godfrey said, ot theso two factors coming to n doflnlto work ing ngreoment for tho first time through tho establishment of tho council of management education, an organisation formed "to study mu tual problem In order thn't the col leges may render tho greatest possi ble service to Industry." Dr. Godfrey, chairman of tho now body, assisted by Dr. Samuel P. Capon, general director ot,tlio Amer ican council on oducntlon, repre senting the 020 colleges, and Dr. Jl Frederick U, Ferry, president of Hamilton college, aro perfecting tho plan which contemplates establish ing practical courses In tho schools, assisting undergraduates nnd others to chooso their life's work, by plac ing sevoral thousand students and teachers In Industry during tho sum mer months and by Introducing ex tension courses for tnnn now In In dustry. Dy the summer work, stu dents will bo enabled to defray their oxponsea at college obtain an In sight Into American Industry nnd en able to executives to elect future management men. Tho council of management educa tion, which has been formed, It was said, to becomo "a clearing house for all Industrial and educational mat ters In the country, to promoto the mutual understanding ot tho mutual problems ot Industry and the college tvt . ' Dear Public. Have you road Jack London's novol of sea adventures, "The Mutiny of the Elsinore?" If you have you probably realized at tho time what wonderful, material it contained for a great mo tion picti "e. That material has been utilized. "The Mutiny of the Elsinore" is now released and wo have the privilege to announce its com ing'to tho Liberty tomorrow. It is played by an all-star cast, headed by big Mitchell Lewis, and scenically it is one of the great spectacles of the screen. This won derful dramatic .story has universal appeal; it is one of the biggest pictures of the season and I urge you not to miss it Sincerely, H. W. POOLE. has opened temporary offices In tho Droxel -building, Philadelphia, until headquarters are furnished In Washington. Tho nents of South American bor neta are used by the natives as baa kets, being light, strong, and sc closely made ns to be waterproof. igwai II ai I -i-ii. It coats tho government of Italy more than S2M00 a year to keep up tho Coliseum. A large number of masons are kept at work always, re pairing breaks and cracks for fear of endangering tho Uvea ot the tour ists who constantly visit tho place. "Go and Gel II" Is 9(1 thrills nlxod with a llttlo romance, Hoo It at the Hlnr Sunday. 16 JRsfSfassssVssiBaliffsaTBftBM W WW xk:X"M::4"M - FOR A LIMITED TIME FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE PHONOGRAPH BUSINESS YOU MAY PUR CHASE THE BEST PHONOGRAPH IN THE WORLD AND GET $25 Worth of Records t-v .1U . i.. FREE 4 '. 'r SELECT YOUR OWN THE . NEW PATHE '' RECORDS ARE INCLUDED Pathe Costs No More Than the Ordinary PHONOGRAPH Uc $m AND YOU CAN SUGGEST YOUR .OWN TERMS, TOO! Pathe Costs No More Than the Ordinary PHONOGRAPH With Any Pathe Phonograph .u.. (Except Not. 3 and 6) THERE'S no string to this offer; no joker in it. Twenty-five dollars worth of Pathe records free if you buy a Pathe Phonograph that's what we say, and that's exactly what we mean. No matter what you pay for your Phonograph except the small models 8 and 6, which are not included. No matter whether you pay cash or buy it on easy payments, the $25 worth of rec ords will be delivered to you at once, right away, as soon as you select the records and choose the phonograph you want. ' All you people who are thinking of buying a Phonograph before Christmas this is your big opportunity... Buy now, get the advantage pf easy terms, and get your records free. Come in now. Choose your Phonograph. We'll give you immediate delivery on the in strument and the entire outfit of records ready to play. fi i . i SQUARE DEAL DRUG STORE f v v' v- V- "t'"'r t tit, t, vw ,i, eti i fj WmWWWMWWWWMWWWWMlSjSWWW iWM novi a