The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 13, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    ' f
If the Woocl Dealer
Sold Service
Wn tin nut sell cm rent ro sell service. Hint sounds odd
dftOMl't It?
Witll, suppose Ihn wood denier sold servlro Instead of wood, ho
Mould lend In your fiii-tinee nnd your rsiitte, tnUn mviny tlio ndirs
nml rlouii tlin flues, You would huy mi much lit'nt.
Now )(iu tiny to much Huht, nllhiiiiRli you pay nrrordlnR to Ihn
rurivnt )ou roiiauine. Hut tlin scrvlm In iierfnrtm'd fur you by Oil
iniiipnuy nt tint diilmliitlonn nnd miwit plant.
Tli nt Is wluit lie want In glvn you efficient arrvlrn, It In Km
nlm of till nimjinny to liavn nonn hut satisfied rimtomer. No
lutiltrr wlnit It l, If )ou liimi n Krlf'Tnm, or nrn tllii.utlsfled nlmiit
jour hill or do not iiudrtidiiiiit our nilm, pli'iuo tonio In mid
un or Mrllo un 'nlMiut It.
If jou Inn n liny uNuueidloii lo riuike, ui will Kindly nvnll our-
M'ltt-ft of thriii iw our nlm In ronidnully to Improve our Mvvlro to
Snot it III b ilcvi'lopmcitt-ef-wflciiro iiinriiuiimu utrtllt
California-Oregon Power
riw 1 1 rurVKtB
E, Wf""" IF-
Tliol'i ui every
time. We ticat your
battery jutt m If It
was our own nml we
were hound to nuke
ue of eveiy tait ctnt't
worth of value In It.
Of course we re
cliAfcc Italterlet and
always have on hand
the 6(111 Detttr WII
lard with Threaded
Rubber Imulatlon
the kind (elected by
136 inanufactuicii of
passenger cars nnd
saotur trucks.
Link River Battery Sution
7th Md KhunaUl
I'boae 171
WASHINGTON. Oct. 13, Jo do
volop neclocted mitirccii of public nml
private profit throuKli thif nptillcif
lion of now processes discovered IiJJ
ilopnrtiiiunt of iiKrlctilturo exports, hii
ulflcu of ilovulppmeut work him heen
created by Hocretnry Meredith In tlio
liurcau of chemistry. Tlio ntnff will
ho ninilo iii(of ihikIik.i'm hended by
Dm Id J, l'rlco, chief engineer In thu
iliintHixplimlon """liivestljjntlons con-
duclml by tlio department, who will
fiirnlxli for Ihn couvenlencu o'f man
ufacturers ilntii upon raw nuiturliil
supply, cost of production, nnd tlio
u pirn to which tlio product Is adapt
ed. Dr. t'nrl I-. Aleahcric, clilof of tlio
hurcnti of chemistry, sponsor of tlio
now plnn, said such n service was
"urgently needed to translnto tho
work of tlio bureau Into terms that
rould lin undcnitnod nnd applied by
tho innnufucturur and Investor."
Ktcry yrnr, tin said, vnluabla discov
eries urn ninilo concnrnlRii utltlxatlon
of' manufacturing wasta; a new food
Is found, or n now dye, slue or pro
scrvntlva. It will bo tho business of
tho now offlco, to rIvo such dlscov
erlos practical application.
Do you want to save on shoes 16
off on all men's and boy's shoos.
K. K. K. storo's Harvest sates. 11-1C
Tho cowblrd, like tho cuckoo, lays
Its exits In nmts of other,blrds.
I m, -si aJ ! l
Like Good Coffee
Like good coffee, a good oil
heater makes a breakfast.
Filled with Pearl Oil its ready
heat chases away the chill of
the morning and cheers up the .
whole room. Pbarl Oil is
clean-burning, without smoke
or odor. Economical. Sold in
bulk by dealers everywhere
and by our stations. Order by
name-PsARL Oil.
, ."
' ..
Tho Amorlcnn mon nnd womnn
must KUiird cnpntnntly ncnlnst Kid
nny trouhlo Iiociiubo wo ont too much
and nil our food Is rich. Our blood
Is tilled with urlo ncld which tho kfd
noyn'strlvu to flltor out, tluiy wonkon
from ovarwork, hecomn kIurrIsIi;
tho cllmliiallvo tlHHiion clot; nnd tho
roHtilt Is kldnoy troublo, hladdor
and o ccnoral decllnn In
lumps of
your kidneys fool like
lundi1 your linck hurts or
tho urltiu Is cloudy, full of smllmont
or you nro tibllRod to ncrk rellnf two
or thrco tltnoi p nlKht: It you suffer
with sick hoadnrlio or dlzry, norroui.
dimiiin, miu oiiiiuacn, or you navo
w uutiior
I a sourco of. Irritation, thus oud
InK bladder disorders.
Jad Bnlts la Incxponslvn; cannot
Injure, makus a delightful efforron
cent llthln-wntor hovorarto, and bo-
Ion its In ovnry homo, hecauso no
body can mako a mlstako by hnvlng
a noon kldnoy oushlng any time.
11UTTI3. Mont.. Oct. 12Oossltl
cnrrlod on by two women In south
ern California on n wlrolcss telo
phono recently wns reported heard
hero by Forest flrny, n Ilutto nmn-
tour wirnlcnn operator. One of tho
women wns nt Cntnllim Island, flrnv
said, nnd tlio other at I.onr; Iluicli,
1 2 to miles from hero,
Tho two women. (Irny nasertcd.
f1lirillafifl rlriflifiaf nlmul ..rltn
had written Inst nnd cxchnnncil bits
of news about their friends. Tho op-
TO w (Junior jirroniior rciuiieu to inuko t io cotivorna
mil, col from your phnrmnclnt nboutltlon imhllc.
inur ounces or jau Hints; ibko n
tahlnxpoonful In a glass of water be
fore breakfast for n few days and
your kidneys will then art fine, This
famous salts Is mndu from tho acid'
of grupes nnd lemon Juice, combln-1
ed with llthla, nnd lias been ueod
for generations to flush and stlmu-l
lto dogged kidney; to neutralise!
tho nclus In tho urine so It no longor
100 pairs. Men's shoes dress npd
littslni-PN styles worth rcgulnr to
$IC the pnlr on sain for $0.8r, K. K.
K. storo's Hnrrest sales. 11-lC;
I'lionocriipliN nt rrdtired prircx.
Don't il.'lny. nirl Klirphcrd Co. I!l-I I
Goodyear Truck
Solid Tire for all size trucks, Fords included.
United States, Federal and Goodyear Pneumatics.
Tires for all makes of cars. '
Acme Motor Co.
B JjBy sKBaaaaaBamPlaaasaaaaasaaaBss WkY 2SL BM saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHsaaaaaaaRJTamaV Ujsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai
Af"0 YBjfm ftmStBtl I t Q 3 J VssPsssBsslslslsss
Klr9"?jHaW kaaaaaaaaai iB sitt'assaaWSSBS H
aVil wA inillll aHIHallllllllBli tv her lid bRh bOT B H H .Hill .1 1 b(h .HH
BvHBCIasadaiBhaHiaaaMaaV HaHixHsflBaallaaallllHaaiaaSh j .i)tCBai WBaaaa JEEESSSSSSESSSSSSSSSSmSmSSBl
J$S times- no difference I
Miss Betsy Lane Shepherd, famous concert
soprano, has made this test 185 times.
185 public audiences, in 185 cities, have
heard her compare her voice with its He
Creation by the New Edison. No one,
out of a total of more than 100,000 lis
teners, has been able to tell when Miss
Shepherd was singing, and when the New
Edison except by watching her lips.
4,000 similar tests of direct comparison,
mnde by over fifty.other celebrated vocal
ists and instrumentalists, have given this
same result.
The New Edison is perfect realism
, achieved I
What kind of music
. "Jets" you?
Tell im and we '11 show you how all its emotional
power ia Re-Created by the New Edison
U it the soulful violin? a mellow con
tralto f the scintillating flute? a sweet,
soothing tenor? tWat draws the quickest
emotional response from you.
Let us play your favorite voice or instru
ment in a new kind of Realism Test. See
whether you are touched by the Re-
Cheated music in the same way that you
are touched by the living music.
We want to 'show you that the New
Edison Re-Creates a7 the vUal power in
all music.
Remember what to ask for "personal
favorites" Realism Test!
I'TLm M..Ai Jtk j. C-1'
mm m .m(f.n wtm uvm
Perfect realism is your one vehicle to the inner
joys of music which you crave,
Mr. Edison spent three million dollars in the re
search work which gave the New Edison perfect
realism. He did this in order that the phooo
ffraph mifht .transcend its former limitations
and (ben we quote Mr. Edison's own words).
"bring Into every American boom, music so real
istic and so perfect in its rendition at to be aa
unending source of bsnsAt and pleasure. " ,
The instruments which proved this perfect real
ism in Miss Shepherd's 185 tests were all exact
duplicates of the original Official Laboratory
Model on which Mr. Edison spent his three raillioa
dollars. You can also have an exact duplicate of
this three million dollar original Webavaitia
oar store, and guarantee it to be capable of sna
Uiaiag the same test of direct ceaafarisoa.
Oa Meet Flaa briefs year Nsw Mbjsa fev liiiEiti
sejoysjasot. wiVa asides; fee hliillati Jpsyaat. Ask
akoml it vaeajree cesse fa ss aeer the "fiiiiiil PSver-Thi"lislliwfss1
Geo. A. Wirtx, Prop.
II tTT 3a flMRBV' I
PsWsiSStaaaJ ffflmmmmmKr!:. IjlltM bIH3' ' '' n$WiZ,i0?
"aa BBBEaaBBnaUPPJQvaBBBBVlaaBil ' saaaaaaaaas SJfJf.
IV5 r