fr&XI '?, " wwmATi borowt ', Jtt THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLl OREGON . j ' :.uu . "J. , , .- .. , -L paom rouit ii A PERSONAL MENTION II. ir. Calp, assistant superintend at tor Ibe Southern Pacific railroad eempany, left thlt morning after a krlof business visit here. A. T. Millar has purchased 133 feet at 72 Main street upon which he plans on building; a two story apartment houso In the spring. A musical quartte has been form ed by four ladle of this city who are Interested In better music. They am Mrs. Melby first soprano, Miss J, Hontl, second soprano, Miss Clara Caluklns first alto and Mrs. Lin Testy second alto. Mrs. Frod Cofor wilt act as accompanist and Miss Evelyn Applegate will .direct the quartotte. j Tho St. Paul's Episcopal Oulld will meet this week, on Thursday after noon, with Mrs. Mrs. K. W. Gowcn, at hor. homo on Pine street. Mrs. J. H. Wise Is a visitor hen fmm hl- hnmn Prt U'lamnlh Mrs. R. C. Dalton, Ilermon and Klmcr Knttcnhorn, Otto Kattcnhorn and Mrs. Hunter, children of Mrs. Anna F. Kattenhorn, who died at Merrill, October 3, left wlththo body this morning 'for Oakland. California, where burial wilt take place. W. C. Dalton Is a city business vis itor hefe today from his ranch home sear Malln. James Blair, of tho Klamath Gun store, has Bono to the Klamath marsh tor a three days' trip. - Oladya Klmsey, accompanied by . her grandmother, Mrs. .Francis Ed wards, left this morning for a vaca tlon trip of several month to Port; land, Seattle and Uolllniham. Frank Ward left this morning tor Portland, whore he will spend sav- crat days. Mrs. L. Walters and her daughter, Miss Julia Waters, who havro been vlsitlnr hero with Mrs. K. 0. Cum mlnga and family for tho past throe months, returned to their homo In Vandalla, Missouri, this morning. Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Mortenson left this morning for a week's v visit In San Francisco. Judgo D. V. Kuykendalt left for Portland this morning, wbcro ho was called by tho serious Illness, of his mother, .who Is in n hospital there. Mas Wless wns a passenger on tho morning train for San Francisco, whero ho will attend to business af fairs. W. L. Edwards and wife nro in the city from ,San Ftranclsco 'and are guests at tho Whjto Polican hotel. Krnoit I.. R, Wlloy Is a Klamath Klamath Falls Finest Ladies ReadytcWear Shop, LaVogue Odd Fellows' Bldg., S. W. Cor. 5th Main Leaders of Fashion for Ladies' Wearing Apparel SPECIAL Falls visitor from tho - Klamath agency this week. -" Dan Driscoll Is In town today from ?: . . II. ,11. Kyde of San Francisco ar rived last night and Is registered at tho Whtto PallcaU hotel, i - W. A. Demon came down from Chlloquln yesterday, afternoon. and Is looking after business here tosy. The Sewing club of Sacre .Heart church, will be entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Emit Dreher, at the homo of Mrs. John Dreher, 1134 Grant street. SQUARE DEAL -DRUG STORE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY , silk tricolette overblouses IN PLAIN, "DROP-STITCH" AND BASKET WEAVES m THE BEST YET AT THE PRICE Mere words will not do them justice. They're absolutely out of the 'ordinary. We only wish we could impress you with the importance of this event and how wonderful the blouses are. $3.95 Safety m V.b Satisfaction BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH PRICES iUi V -y - 'rWWi . '. . V, brvsswickjpsq: v : cti''- v iv have alvayaibeesr konesUy'prieelJ m r r mhtxswick pHOirasmAPisB ' kv always glvr ktiM vala. ioHar for dollar. ' BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS have never been nndaly over priced) but price have always been governed by the cost of production. Therefor BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS cannot come down la price until the cost of labor and material are substantially; reduced. A read justment to 'accomplish this must necessarily consume time. 4 Ii !-. r $c r - T BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS will remain the skate, 'as they are now until January ist, 1I1. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS are STANDARD PRICED, the same price In alt part .of the United States. a Model 107 . $125 Model 110 .. ..U60 Model 112 ,. f J00. Model 117 3S0 Model ISO 1215 Model 122 , $310 Da Luxe and Period models -up to 13500. We sell all model on easy term.' t i- " They come in all the latest shades jade, coral, orange, fu chow, flesh navy, black and white California Eight Store Oregon LaV ogue Ui Odd Fellows' Building, S. W. Corner 5th and Main Streets $g..,t.i.fnfrft 7, ., I AT THE THEATERS 1 A new comedy picture starring Robert Warwick. "Jack Straw," will be the attraction at the Btsr.thcaUv tonight. Jt was adapted from W. Somerset Maugham's, well-known stage play of the same name. Rexall Straw Ballot T The central figure Is Jack Straw,! popular vote Note. The figures below will bo changed from day to day or as often as thb new returns are received, un til election day. . J- Harding National Ballot Harding mini ;,.!:. v.- Ttlillllllflll MIMMMIIUIIIIII '""I STEAKS CHOPS 1 BAKRITE BREAD - - -nnJrg--ri-B-g-M-rririr-inj-u- asaaaaaaaaaaaasiaaa .-.-r- ttrvnnniyjyjjJnJ. i' ' THE REX CAFE IS NOW READY TO -RETAIL .BREAD, PIES, FRENCH PASTRY AND ALL OTHER HIGH CLASS PASTRIES TO THE PUBLIC.. ON SALE AT THE MAZE CONPECTION- , ERY STORE, THE REX CAFE. . i THE REX CAFE i fish OYSTERS i an iceman, In love wun btnei Jen nings, daughter of a hard-working clerk. The Jennings suddenly be come rich and move to California. Jack Straw follows and shows tip there as a waiter. Mrs. Jennings, the mother, has a weakened royalty. To revenge an alleged slight, an ac quaintance of her palms off Jack Straw ton her at a big reception , as tho Archduke of Pomeranla. Later. JackStraw turns the tables by prov ing to be the real duke. The leading feminine role I play ed by the former musical comedy favorite and late entertainer of the A. E. F., Carroll McComas. It la her Sylvia Dumont are also In the cast. William De MUe directed the picture. It Is a Paramount. i Electoral vote .... Oregon ballot Popular vote .. Electoral vote .... Klamath Falls--Popular vote ,390,300-353 Coi Cox 124,540 178 549 5 58 28C3 0 27 I Zmv j- Visit the lloosler demonstration at Johnstone Furniture Store. 12 .first motion, picture venture. Sj fAshton.i Charles Ogle, .and J. - duid sacs oi uraier imne nour wun each lloosler sold during demonstra atlon. Johnsotne Furniture Co. 12 Get yeur n.w fall hat at K. K. K. store' Harvest sales. 15 less than regular prices. 11-16 DANCING , "c 3v .VWM T t- tJ'' TONIGHT ..' AT MOOSE HALL New Music By BUDDIE'S ORCHESTRA The Jazz Artists Supreme" X Straight AdanlMMHi Everyone Welcomo Z DAY BOARD Family Style 60 Cents per Meal MRS. McDANIELS 301 High' St Phone 455 For Paper Hanging and Painting Call F.'R. LAUGHTON c Telephone 473-W 204 South Riverside Gc't th&'thriji of yoqr life In the big fights fin .whfch'willlsm Russell, briwny' Amit)qin, rencues- a kid napped girl from city gangsters In "Eastward Ho!" a gripping photo play of red-blooded American man- I hood battling for right and love. At the Liberty tonight. Quality Shoes FOR lilHCOVKRKIfH HOLIDAY 1H DIKCOVKRY TO MANY OF VH ', :: Closed banks and public buildings today led to the dlscvoery of the fact'! ', that it is Discovery day, an unwel come discovery to many people who had forgotten that this was the an niversary of Columbus' achievement when they ran up against barred bank entrances. Stores and shops transacted business as usual. (let a good bath at the Colonial Rooms, lltb and Main streets. 82 gals, of hot water constantly wait ing. 35 cents. Free to roomers. 12-13 Oet a good batb at the Colonial Rooms, lltb and Main street. 82 gals, of hot water constantly wait Ing.' 35 cents. Free to roomer. 12-13 A good bed and a rood bath, at the Colonial Room, lltb and Main I' Sts, 12-13 ' A good bed and a good, bath, at the Colonial Rooms, 11th add Main fits'. 12-13 15 off on all men's suits and coat, K, KK. store's Harvest sales. iff isHstJL salBasalllB Wt '" (VN! k We ha ve all-leather Dress Shoes from $7.00 to $15.00. Not only are the $15.00 Shoes (, . . leather but also the $7.00 ones. The man that needs ' , A ' . m ol. i, mm j "-A it -ii i a pair ui ouuea caiuiuv tuiuru Mi.ovenuuK uie values - we are offering. ' 'J ! i mmmTmW .kt BlW mW mmW M M , 41 , , ,-i . i . ,,'. , . H-IC hi; X Vs. .. ' Jj ,t iii t.I ui.U 1. --,- -. m, -1y r - f V J . t . ' V i. ' j It' ..i. 4 , ih .;,' , '' , ' ft ' 4