The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 09, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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a, in
TbaEreomg Herald
ftshta4.tsilrf sanest Baaday, ky
AfltanM Pahltailac Coaspaay of
sTIigafls falls, at 111 Fourth Street.
aatsre saYtks pestoflce at Kla
AH FaUa, Ota., far transmission tarn
Ik aaaUs aa aseond-oieea natter.
The Associated Preaa la exclusively
titled to the um (or republication
t all news dispatches credited to It.
r not otherwlte credited In tbli,
taper, and alio the local newt pub
Naked herein.
Letters From
The People
Mr. Kdtter: Through tho medium
ot jour paper and In tho Interests of
100 of our seed tltlieasi raonanJ-
of the difficulty la obtaining la all
precincts, what might be termed
Ideal quarters, but an extra effort
certainly should be put forth by the
officials In charge ot such matters
to procure nt least comfortable quar
ters for tho several election boards
with reasonably accessible toilet con
Vontoncles, even It It should entail
oztra expense to secure them. i
It Is not contemplated by tho
great commonwealth ot Oregon thai
tho health or Its cltltons Is to bo
Jeopardised In performance of such
duties, or that they should bo obllRcd
to suffer while performing them, Ict
tho matter bo attended to far en
ough In ndvanco ot tho election to
Insure better conditions than lisvo
hnve been obtained In tho past. Tho
tact that It Is common knowledge
that Nov. 2nd at this altitude can
bo counted on as blng sort-o-cotd
ot nights' should prompt a llttlo ex
tra effort in correcting tho matters
referred to.
Who served and suffered
last election.
KlojnalhEalls..OrcOcL JL .
women, who, have been dratted to
serve on the 'ten election precinct
boards In this city, November 2nd,
tho attention, ot the county officials
Is raspectfally.called to the Implied
slaty, at least, ot procuring and pro-
Tiding comfortable quarters for poll-
sBC places. It la an all-day and an
aU-alght Job 'In the Interest ot the
tody politic, at an extremely moder
ate wage, aa wages go aow-a-days;
ad In a great many Instances cltl
seas serving oa tho day boards will,
wing to absentees oa the regular
sight boards, feel obligated to serve
through tha night. Tho writer's wife
along with one or. two other.ladles
lit gantlemea served oaTone ofjtae
ragalar election boards In November.
1918 Id dilapidated and very col
quarters, without toilet conveniences
through the day nearer than , two!
Mocks, and with none at all after
10 or .11 o'clock at night., One or-fbrf
ouer ladies caught a very Myers
cold from which she did aot' recover.
tor several weeks. "s-xl'j
The writer understands something
Editor Evening Herald:
Dear sir: I heard "Nick" Slnnott
speak heie last ulftht. us did many
others, the subject matter ot his ad
dress being In subetanco "Shall tho
U..8. 8enste Ratify Woodrow Wil
son's Peace Treaty, and League of
Nations?" Well, all who heard the
speech delivered a'ro willing to bet
he killed, treaty, league, Woodrow
Wilson, and "all slch" with one
mighty wallop ot a brick-bat borrow
ed for the occasion from the very
foundation of our government's sta
blllty, namely Geo. Washington's
solemn warning to all patriots, not
to allow themaelves to be hampered,
In anyway, with any European polit
ical affairs. Furthermore, tho nu
merous favorable-comments, both
jlurlng and after the delivery of bis
speech, are a merited tribute to
Nick's common sense elucidation
et tha final outcome of such a league.
Mia; timely talk on tho subject has
made votes forSenator Harding, the
republican party and for "Nick."
And now Mr. Editor. It It Is pos
sible tor you so to do, I hope-yon
will publish SInnott's speech, la full,
for the benefit ot those of your read
er's who from ono cause and au
other, did not hear It delivered first
haad.v.KnowIng "Nick" aa 1 do, from
his eatly manhood, to present mart,
never has he been found, "want
ing" In any tlno that pertains to man
hood, good-fellowship, or good states
manship. My acquaintance with him
Is of 30 years standing, therefore I
know "whoreof I speak' when I say,
ho is an unflinching friend, to all
liberty-loving men, women, .and
Now, Mr. Editor, 1 have partially,
relloved tho political strain under
which I am laboring, namely tho
endeavor to get beforo all tho Amer
ican people, beforo November 2 of
this year, tho bald headed facts, of
tho rotten proposition called '"the i
league ot nations,"
Mr. Editor, I do not ask, nor ex
pect, you to publish this lengthy
harranguo but I could not speak my
"pleco" In shorter space.
With best wishes for tho "I re raid"
I am respectfully yours,
524 High St., City.
bor 5 and 6.
Nete: Mr. SInnott's speech was pub
lished In full In Tuesday's and Wed-
nidayJssui!s.ofaholleraldqctoa--aa-ortH5-lkl5th-5j,1l!t cnurch WM hct
Ono ot tho biggest society events
for tho week waa tho card party
given Thursday afternoon r by Bt.
Paul's Episcopal guild, at' tho White
Pelican hotel. Tables for 160 guests
woro arranged In tho main dining
room ot tho hotel. Xivo hundred was
played during tho afternoon and
punch wiis served by tho committee
In charge.
Tim reception given by tho Metho
dist Kplncopal church for tho tench
era of Klamath Kails and county last
night mi g decided success as n
Iiuko attendance of teachors ns well
as towns poopto was noted.
Miss Clara Calkins, who studied
music nt tho University of Oregon
lust year, sang two fine, selections,
Miss Conslanca Fisher played, as did
Mrs. Fred Cofer, and Mrs. Melby
sang. An address was given tho
teachers by Itov. 8. J .Chnney and
punch and wafers wcro served during
tho evening.
The regular meeting of tho l.stll
Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. Stein-
mots. Tho following officers.
Great picture of Uio Northland
A picture that shows all tho trials and hardships of tho
OH EAT NORTH whera men and womon tmeomo
Lions of Uravory or Wolves of Treachery.
r- iSjJHP", Jgg iTV1ssmsbbbbh3' '
.sadsBBanH Hes I In Ibbsckssss IsbsbSbmL' i I
5 ""jp" 1 sasaaaa J I I EBV IMH'sT ' i
EARNERS do sot get aa f ar ajoag Use path toward proa
ferity as the savers do. We kaow of lota of big
earners whose baak accosutta are topped by small earners
who areflSAVERS.
It la aelther profitable nor practical to do withoat a
baak aocoaat, aad we believe thcFfcwt .National Basic
will stt'yo -ha every respect.
Liberal Interest on Savings, of course
p-" " " ! nasal II d
rnsne First National Bank!
The Rex Cafe
Special Sunday Dinner $1.25
Communicable disease can bo con
trolled. Public health Is therefore
purchasable. Have you paid the
price T No! !lamatb Falls has never
had a health fund. Sco that sho
bsa next year.,
There Is ono thing that Is com
municable and doesn't cost a cent; a
friendly smile. A laugh doeth good
like medicine.
Every physician Is a guardian of
public health and it will be necessary
that physlciana In the futuro itako
mora and. more interest in P'iMte
health affairs.
The local physicians form tha first
line of defense against the ravages
'of dlsesse and sickness. Tb effi
ciency of a health officer ft" a health
program depends primarily on tho
willingness and alertness ot doctors
to co-operate. This was well Illus
trated In our last Influenxa epidemic
wherein the health department could
have done but little without the sup
port of the doctors. ,
Every doctor Is a health officer
under Oregon law. He Is empowered
to place.a quarantine himself what)-'
evar be. finds a communicable dis
ease. He can put up the placard and.
establish a quarantine; but only tV
health officer can remove It. It Is
the recognized duty of the physician
to advise the family regarding proper
measures of preventing disease.
The state health offioe of Oregon
will furnish laboratory supplies foV
diagnosis and treatment to any phy
sician In matters ot health. Doctors
are also health officers In collecting
vital statlstlca and they are requested
to report all births and to certify tho
cause of death. Next to the physi
cian la the public health nurse, which
about IS countlea of Oregon are sup
plied with one, and 'Klamath Is high
oa the list for same. Of her work we
will1 speak later. We' will conclude
'with s thought or twe:
Physicians mend or end us
Secundum Artem; but although we
In health When 111 we call them to
attend us
Wftbout the least propensity to
Jeer. ' ,
He mnkcth tho earth cover 'all his
Health to the art, whose glory Is to
The crowning boon, that makes It
life to live.
A. A. SOULE, M. D.
Olympla Oyster Cocktail
Sweet GherklnB
Ripe Olives
Apple and Celery Salad
Cream ot Chicken Royal
Boiled Salmon Egg Sauce
(Parislenne Potatoes)
Choice et:
V Fried Spring Chicken Maryland
Baked Sugar Cured Ham Londonderry
Chicken Fricassee Rex Style
Cream Whipped Potatoes String Beans Lyonnalse
Pisco Punch
Choice ef:
7!S Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream
iW f'drango Sherbet
' yta!-.
i - '
"" I.jj.l i r i-i
Cafe Nolr
While doughnuts are the outstand
ing edible and confer the name upon
the new eating place, tho "Doughnut
Shop" which opened at 11 o'clock to
day in the Brett-Ward building, cor
ner of Seventh and Main streets, does
not confine ita menu to this particu
lar delicacy. Ham and eggs and
other short orders will be served.
Coffee with real cream will 'be a
feature of the Doughnut Shop, which
Is under the management of L. Vale.'
Mr. Vale 'claims tha distinction of
having opened the first doughnut,
vendory on the coast at the Bremer
ton navy yard. ' Associated with Mr.,
Vale are Hart brothers of Sacra
mento, whose chain of eating hdusea
throughout California and Nevada
are familiar to all travelers. 'The
Hart brothers buy n quantities and
their buying facilities are expected to
enable the new shop to serve a high
grade meal at a, reasonable price..
The first thing considered by. the
firm faults buying Is quality,
viocieii io sorto (or tho coming year:
Mrs. C. L. Roberts, president; Mrs.
James Watklns, first vleo president;
Mrs. Harry Pelts, second vice presi
dent; Mrs. Stolnmeti, secretary; Mrs.
I.awrence K. Phelps, treasurer, and
Mrs. Holding, corresponding secre
Plans were formed for the making
of mlncemoat to be on sslo for
Thanksgiving and the president wss
Instructed to appoint a committee
to plan for a Christmas salu. Tho
meetings were changed to the fourth
Thursday of each month. At tho
close of tho business mrolln? th:
U,lr served the 12 members who
woro present with a delicious lunch
eon. Mrs. E. M, Chlleote assisted by
Mrs,. Llnfesty and Mrs. 'Holding will
entertain at tho next meeting.
The St. Paul's Episcopal guild will
entertain with a dancing party at the
White Pelican hotel, Friday, October
IS. Buddie's orchestral will furnish
music for the occasion, Invitations
tor tho party will be Issued early in
the week.
The Library club meeting yesterj
uay anernoon was attended oy about
SO ladles of the' cjty. who were'
anxious to have the measures coming
up in me ncxi election, explained io
them. This was ably dona'by T. L,
8tanley. Miss Julia Walters gave
an Interesting address on club -work
In Its varloua phases. Tea was served
during the social hour which fol
lowed the business meeting.
Mesdames Cbarlea Martin and E.
M. Igl were hostesms Tuesday after
noon at a card party honoring Miss
Clara Hass, of llcod River, who Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Igl. 'Tho af
fair was held In the Lorenx, on North
Sixth street. A dainty luncheon waa
served to the guests by the hostesses.
Those present were Mesdames
Charles Moore, a. C, Lorenz, J. H.
Carter, L. .Terwllllger, R. E. Deweese,
Joe Brett. J. H. Carnahao, H. D.
Lloyd Btewart.-J. II. Martin, J. End
ers, Miss Hass and the hostesses.
The A. N. W, club was lavishly
ontertalncd Wednesday afternoon byii
.Mrs. Ueorgo Cliustaln at .tho home I,
of'Mrs. W. C. D.ivenpsrl. Tho lovolyit
homo was artistically arranged In a
pink and while color scheme of swoet
peas and roses. A number of small 'I
tables wore placed In tho living rooin,,T
wun center pieces or hwooi peas anu.j
Ihn massive Inliln In Ihn iftnlnir rrtnm ' X
with a largo bowl of roses, around
which worn seated tho guests and n
lovely tea hour was enjoyed.
Quests of tho club wern: .Mesdames
Tom Wattors, Q. A. Massoy, W, C.
Davenport, C. V. Flshor, C. S. Mooro,
Charles Mooro, It. L. Qoss, Qoorgo T.
Baldwin, John V. Houston, Fred
Murphey, Itrannor, Mario Davenport,
W. P. McMillan, M. 8. West and L. P.
Montgomery. Club mombora were:
Mesdames J. H. Carnahan, R. E.
Wattenburg, R. If. Dumbar, Charles
Martin, J Fred Ooeller, J, E. prat
ton, A, E. Pell, Q. Wlrtz, George
Cbastaln and E. F. Phillips.
Goodyear Truck
Solid Tires for all size, truck Fords included.
tV" . '
United States, Federal and-, Goodyear Pneumatics.
Tires for all makes of cars.
Acme Motor Co.
400-416 SOUTH SltttH STREET
j i
I tr
. -y
Honesty Is the only policy, Is the
guiding policy of Eddie Hlxson, aon
of Edward Hlxson, who lives but
Bnlpplngton way, Eddie was helping
his father start his car at the Throe,
R. garage tbo other night when he
noticed a pocketbook lying on the
pavement. He picked it up and'
found It coptalnod mflney. When C.
Smith, foroman, of the Herald com
posing room, advortlsod for his lost
currency he read the ad. Eddie made
boo line for the Herald pfflce with
the purse, -
Who doesn't like mince Dies? The following
t prices will make you all eat 'mince pies:
10 oz. pkg., Special 19 ct.
1 lb Pails, Special 56'cts.
3 lb Pails,. Special $1.06
Vf.e have just received fifty dozen brooms and will
make special prices on same for one week.
Good Standard Broom, Special 89-cts.
Extra Parlor Broom, Special $1.15
Heavy Warehouse Broom, Special $1.50
MicbcUa Tubes are
fall stxe la cross
sectloB, sad as
therefor sot stretch
ed thlai when hi-
" fisted. This advaa
taca la especially
Important when
bayisg tabes -for
Cord tires, which
are aearly aU "ov
llth sad Klamath
AyWjHi5"sws,"gasT .tu.. .. aBV
. V